- About Us
Dr Nicholas Fox OBE
BSc Hons Zoology (St Andrews)
CEd (Dundee)
PhD 'The Biology of the New Zealand Falcon' (Canterbury NZ,)
Previous posts include:
Part-time Wildlife Inspector for DETR for Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Part-time Registered Farrier.
Senior Lecturer in Wildlife.
Nick Fox is a raptor biologist with research on New Zealand Falcons, Australasian Harriers, Northern Goshawks, Mauritius Kestrels, Red Kites, Sakers and Peregrines.As IWC Director he is involved with all aspects of IWC work including research, breeding, conservation, heritage, event management and education. IWC under his guidance has managed consultancies for the Environment Agency, Abu Dhabi since 1989. He is the founder of the Middle East Falcon Research Group (see here), As a farmer he is interested in rural issues including farmland restoration, re-introductions, animal welfare, access, fieldsports and low impact leisure activities. A falconer all his life, he has run the Northumberland Crow Falcons since 1991. This is the oldest mounted falconry group in UK. He is an Honorary Member of the Raptor Association of New Zealand, the Welsh Hawking Club, the Irish Hawking Club, the Dartmoor Falcons,the Austrian Falconers Club, a Vice-President of the British Falconers’ Club, Vice Chairman of the UK Hawk Board, and Chairman of the Falconry Heritage Trust. He has been Scientific Advisor the to UK All Party Parliamentary Middle Way Group on Hunting with Dogs for several years. His books include the best-selling Understanding the Bird of Prey, A Global Strategy for the Conservation of Falcons and Houbara, Classical Falconry- a Treatise on Crow Hawking and he produced the book Falconry - Celebrating a Living Heritage and a film for the UNESCO submission. He has contributed to many films and documentaries, and produced 17 films on birds of prey and one on animal welfare. He was the primary writer of the Falconry submission to UNESCO, resulting in the Inscription of Falconry on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind in 2010 on behalf of 11 countries. He was the Director of the three big International Festivals of Falconry, in 2007, 2009 and 2011, the last one, in Abu Dhabi, attracting 75 nations. He was awarded an OBE for Services to Falconry and to the Conservation of Raptors. He is married with two sons and farms in West Wales, UK.
Mrs Barbro Fox
Barbro has been interested in the environment all her life and is a keen country person. Originally a specialist teacher, she has for the last twenty years been heavily involved with the field work and research on birds of prey and management. This had led her to participate on teams in Mauritius, New Zealand, Mongolia, Pakistan, China, Kyrghistan and Nepal. As well as hawking on horseback with the Northumberland Crow Falcons she is a keen Endurance rider and breeds Arab horses. Her role in IWC centres on Resource Management and Accounts. She is doing her best to retire, so far unsuccessfully!

PhD Zoology (University of Leicester)
Previous posts include:
Ecological Consultant
Research Assistant (University of Leicester)
Senior Lecturer in Ecology & Conservation (University of Sunderland)
Research Associate (University of Lancaster)
Dr Rahman completed his PhD on modeling of different taxa inhabiting restored landfill sites and their association with local habitats and landscapes in the East Midlands, UK. He has experience of conserving wildlife habitats, how to comply with environmental regulations and developing habitat management plans for best practice. His research interests are in landscape ecology and conservation biology, with a particular interest in restoration issues in ecology and conservation management. He is married with one son and lives in West Wales, UK.

BSc (Tallinn, University, Estonia 1979-84)
CEd (Tallinn 1968-1978)
Previous posts include:
Free-lance consultant, translator, reviewer and bibliographer on the birds of Northern Eurasia.
Aviational ornithologist at Estonian Department of Civil Aviation (1982-1991) and teacher of ornithology at Estonian Central Station of Young Naturalists.
Jevgeni Shergalin is a raptor biologist with research on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Cooperation with Dr.Nick Fox began at the middle of the 1990’s with compilation of bibliographies on large falcons from the territory of the Soviet Union. Archivist of Falconry Heritage Trust (www.falconryheritage.com) since spring 2005. He is the member of the Middle East Falcon Research Group and active member of Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network. During the 1980’s Jevgeni was a regular broadcaster and journalist on wildlife conservation problems in Estonian press. During 1991-2005 consultant and translator of ornithological information from the ex-USSR, which was involved in about 30 books on birds, published in West Europe and North America. Since 1999 co-moderator of RaptorBiology mailing list and since 2003 the founder and moderator of mailing list "Birds in Russia and adjacent countries”. Author of more than 100 articles on birds. Responsible for search of images for the book "Falconry: Celebrating a living Heritage” (Motivate Publishing, Abu Dhabi, 2009). Member of Organizing Committee of three International Festivals of Falconry (2007, 2009, 2011). He is a member of Central Council of Russian Bird Conservation Union and member of Central Council of Menzbier Ornithological Society (Northern Eurasia). Member of IAF Advisory Committee and information advisor of IAF since 2003. He is married with one daughter in Tallinn, Estonia.
Project Manager: Mongolian Artificial Nest Project School Links
Bed Hons (Brighton University, Chelsea College)
Previous posts include:
Headteacher, Head of Expressive Arts, Head of Students with Additional Needs
Nicola Dixon is an experienced teacher and manager with a passion for outreach education. During her 22 years in the teaching profession, Nicola managed staff, parent liaison, emotional and behavioural programs, international school trips, teacher exchange, dance/drama events and art displays. Nicola was initially employed at IWC to organise the erection of 5000 nests on the Mongolian steppe. She has since designed and managed exhibition stands in the UK, Middle East and Asia and worked as a project manager at the International Falconry Festival’s.
Nicola has worked with students, teachers and falconers in UK, USA, Mongolia, UAE and Europe to create educational resources on falconry and falcon projects. The Artificial Nest Project School Links Programme will link schools, teachers and students using the ancient art of falconry as a means of introduction.
BSc Hons Animal Science (Nottingham)
Originally from the Midlands, Katie gained her first experience of Falconry on a work experience placement at the Hagley Falconry Centre whilst still in sixth form at Sutton Coldfield Grammar School. Katie joined the IWC as an intern in 2011, before becoming a member of staff in 2012. In 2013 Katie was given the responsibility of managing the brooder room as well as assisting with the New Zealand falcon section, and helps looking after the horses on the farm. Katie is passionate about all animals, feathered or furred, so long as they have no more than four legs.
Tom manages a large section of natural breeding pairs as well as a handful of imprint falcons. He also aids in the incubation and rearing of the New Zealand Falcons as well as managing the workshop and general maintainance. After filling in for a year for someone on maternity leave, he was given a permanent contract in 2013. Other interests include Scuba diving, majority of sports, wildlife and generally being outside.