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Home » Bird of Prey Management Series DVD

Behaviour and Learning DVD 
Behaviour and Learning DVD

To successfully train a hawk or falcon, the falconer needs to know why a hawk acts as it does and how it learns to respond to the various stimuli it receives in adolescence and maturity. In this often overlooked side of falconry, Nick Fox explains the key points that will give you a well manned hunting companion.
Running time: 60 mins

Format: DVD PAL English (No Spanish language version).
Region: Global (PAL)
Price: £27.50

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We support the wise and sustainable use of wildlife and habitats. To this end the long-term well-being of habitats and wildlife populations are our first priority, followed by the welfare of individual animals. To achieve these aims we undertake front-line field research, hands-on management of habitats and wildlife, education of biologists, managers, end-users and the public, and consultancies on wildlife law and regulation.