- Broad Leaved Woodland (5+yrs)
As defined by DEFRA in their CS2000 report:
‘This form of woodland is dominated by trees that are more than 5m high when mature, which form a distinct, although sometimes open, canopy with a cover of greater than 20%. It includes stands of native broad-leaved trees (oak, ash and beech), non-native broad-leaved trees (sycamore and horse-chestnut), and yew trees, where the percentage cover of these trees in the stand exceeds 20% of the total cover of the trees present.’
Broad-leaved woodland is much more diverse (in terms of the species it plays host to) than coniferous woodland when mature.
The following pictures demonstrate typical broad-leaved woodland habitat on the farm:
Species found in this habitat to date are listed in the table below:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Creeping Buttercup | Ranunculus repens |
Fool's Parsley | Aethusa cynapium cynapioides |
Ground Ivy | Nepeta hederacea |
Herb Robert | Geranium robertianum |
Ragged Robin | Lychnis flos-cuculi |
Red Campion | Melandrium dioicium |
Wood Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis sylvatica |
Common Bent | Agrostis tenuis |
Common Couch | Agropyron repens |
Creeping Bent | Agrostis stolonifera |
Hairy Brome | Bromus ramosus |
Perennial Rye Grass | Lolium perenne |
Sheep's Fescue | Festuca ovina |
Smooth Meadow Grass | Poa pratensis |
Timothy | Phleum pratense |
Wood Meadow Grass | Poa nemoralis |
Unidentified Species