• Job Opportunities
Admin person
We are looking for an office based admin person to co-ordinate the Bevis Centre activities. The person will need usual IT skills, and be a good communicator with experience in project management and marketing. He or she will need to show a track record or background of interest in the kinds of things we do. Full or part-time, living locally, starting autumn 2013.

We need a person with a multiplicity of practical skills, leadership qualities and organisational ability. He or she will be good with people and animals and able to motivate and inspire people, as well as working in a team. Yurt accommodation provided, starting early 2014. Could be seasonal or longer term.

We will be able to offer seasonal places for two or three volunteers, with accommodation and food, starting April 2014.  These could include one disabled person with reasonable mobility. Living in the yurt village.

Craftsmen tutors and course leaders
If you or your organisation are looking for a venue in which to run courses, from one day events to several months, contact us to look at bookings and at facilities available.


The Bevis Trust