• Concept

The concept is important to us. We are not trying to take the moral high ground, or push some kind of religion, nor are we a commercial glamping tourism/ activity centre type operation. Our feet are firmly planted on the ground with years of experience of practical farming as well as decades of international professional experience of conservation at a high academic and practical level.

The Bevis Centre or Country School is planned as a Charitable Trust with access to facilities at 278 acre Penllynin Farm in west Wales. The farm itself is intended to be donated to the Bevis Centre on the deaths of the owners.

It is aimed to help five groups of people:

  • Urban or under-privileged young people 18+ years.
  • The handicapped, focussing on re-habilitating soldiers.
  • The aged, focussing on retired people with heritage knowledge and skills.
  • The tired, who have reached a cross-roads in life and seek a new direction.
  • The privileged, people who are healthy and wish to support others.

It is aimed to help the earth:

  • To manage indigenous biodiversity of habitats and wildlife on the farm.
  • To supply food for humans, and for domestic and wild animal species.
  • To manage energy on a sustainable basis.

It is aimed to educate all those involved in a natural and unstructured way to treat one another, and the earth we all depend on, in a sympathetic and peaceful manner.

The Bevis Trust