- Lakes, Rivers and Ponds
The farm contains one main Lake, one main river, several ponds and a number of streams and springs.
The selection of photos below shows just a few of these water bodies:
The table below lists the species found in this habitat to date:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Mayfly | Ephemera danica |
Azure Damselfly | Coenagrion puella |
Blue-Tailed Damselfly | Ischnura elegans |
Common Blue Damselfly | Enallagma cyathigerum |
Large Red Damselfly | Pyrrhosoma nymphula |
Broad Bodied Libellula | Libellula depressa |
Beautiful Demoiselle | Calopteryx virgo |
Emperor Dragonfly | Anax imperator |
Four-Spotted Libellula | Libellula quadrimaculata |
Golden-Ringed Dragonfly | Cordulegaster boltonii |
Water Stick Insect | Ranatra linearis |
Great Diving Beetle | Dytiscus marginalis |
Pond Skater | Gerris lacustris |
Water Measurer | Hydrometra stagnorum |
Water Boatman | Notonecta Glauca |
Lesser Water Boatman | Corixa punctata |
Whirligig Beetle | Gyrinus natator |
Trumpet Snail | Planorbis planorbis |
Long-Jawed Orb Weaver | Tetragnatha extensa |
Common Frog | Rana temporaria |
Common Toad | Bufo bufo |
Palmate Newt | Trituris helveticus |
Smooth Newt | Trituris vulgaris |
Eel | Anguilla anguilla |
Otter | Lutra lutra |
Eurasian Water Shrew | Neomys fodiens |
Brooklime | Verbascum beccabunga |
Water Crowfoot | Ranunculus aquatilis |
Water Forget-Me-Not | Myosotis scorpoides |
Yellow Iris | Iris pseudacorus |
Unidentified Species