- Sustainable energy
We are interested in developing sustainable energy, both in housing design and on farm applications. We have geothermal heating in nine of the buildings and are investigating the possibilities of a hydro scheme for the lake which has a head of 30 feet. We are interested in both commercial designs and encouraging some simple home-made constructions to provide or use energy better. One of the key aspects is to develop the mental link between energy provision and energy use. Modern urban societies have lost this link, both with energy and food supplies.
Activities at the Bevis Centre
- Woodland Management
- Pond and Lake Management
- River management and habitat restoration
- Wildlife management
- Restoration ecology
- Wildlife filming and photography
- Painting
- Falconry
- Field archery and bow-making
- Horse activities
- Canoeing, boating and fishing
- Bee Keeping
- Blacksmithing, forging and welding
- Medieval and historic activities
- Sustainable energy
- Academic Education
- International participation