• New Zealand Falcon Conservation Project



الصقر النيوزيلندي
لا يوجد هذا الصقر سوى في نيوزيلندة وهو نوع الصقر الوحيد الذي يوجد فيها. يصطاد هذا الصقر في المجالات المفتوحة وداخل الغابات على حد سواء. نقوم بدراسة هذا النوع منذ
1974 في البرية وفي الأسر، وقد أسسنا مشروعا لإكثار الصقور في كروم العنب لاستخدامها في إقلال الأضرار التي تسببها الطيور الأخرى للمحصول. لقد كنا أول من أكثر هذا النوع في الأسر ونحتفظ بمجموعة من هذه الطيور الرائعة في المملكة المتحدة منذ 30 عاما. نقوم أيضا بتقديم المنح لطلاب من نيوزيلندة لمعرفة المزيد عن صون الصقور.

Nick Fox started research on the New Zealand falcon in 1974 for his PhD and, as part of the study, surveyed falcons in Marlborough. In 1975 he founded the Raptor Association of New Zealand to encourage people in New Zealand to develop skills in looking after birds of prey. In 1983 Nick imported 6 New Zealand falcons to the UK as founders for a breeding and research programme that still continues today. Following further surveys in 1989/90 and 2004 Nick was concerned that the falcons in Marlborough were continuing to decline. Since the arrival of man, the falcon has lost 60% of its former range. There are now less than 4,000 pairs, whereas the North Island Brown Kiwi alone has 25,000 birds.

Meanwhile, the Wairau Plain has recently been extensively planted in vineyards and the wine industry is losing at least 70 million NZ Dollars per year due to damage by pest birds. Nick thought that the wine industry could benefit by reintroducing falcons back onto the Plain and, at the same time, the falcons would benefit both by the increase in their range and by raising public awareness of their plight. So Nick proposed a Management Plan  and submitted an application to the Sustainable Farming Fund for 3 years to relocate falcons from the Marlborough hills back onto the Plain. The application was successful and International Wildlife Consultants (UK) Ltd co-sponsored resources and funding. The Department of Conservation was very supportive and provided the necessary permits. IWC purchased a staff house in Renwick to house seasonal field assistants, and hired Colin Wynn, who has a 30 year track record in falcon conservation, to manage the project on the ground. Sponsorship was also received from the New Zealand Wine Growers.

With the completion of the project and the handover to the Marlborough Falcon Conservation Trust, Nick and Barbro are now surveying the Sounds area. Back in UK, the New Zealand Falcon breeding programme continues steadily and is each year revealing new developments in falcon management.

Conservation and Research

The Saker Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Animal welfare