• Breeding Population Estimates

The table gives an estimate for the number of breeding pairs of Sakers in each of the range countries.

Population Estimate Date of Estimate Data Quality* 15 Year Trend
Austria 15-25 2004 B Slight increase
Bulgaria 0-6 2007 C Declining/Extinct
Croatia 2-5 2007 D Unknown
Czech Republic 15-16 2008 B Stable
Georgia 3-5 2003 D Unknown
Hungary 180-200 2008 B Increasing
Moldova 8-15 2008 D Unknown
Poland 0-2 1998 D Unknown
Romania 2-12 2007 C Stable
Serbia 50-60 2008 C Increasing
Slovakia 31-32 2007 C Increasing
Turkey 5-70 2007 D Unknown
Ukraine 270-345 2005 C Increasing
Iran 10-100 NA E Unknown
Iraq 0-50 NA E Unknown
Kyrgyzstan 100-120 2001 D Declining
Uzbekistan 100-150 2000 D Declining
Russian Federation 1500-3000 2007 C Declining
Turkmenistan 100-150 NA E Unknown
Tajikistan 10-100 NA E Unknown
Afghanistan 10-100 NA E Unknown
Pakistan 0-50 NA E Unknown
Kazakhstan 2000-3000 2008 C/D Stable/Declining
Mongolia 2000-5000 2008 D Stable
China 3000-5000 2008 D Unknown
Total 9411-17613 NA B-E Declining

Table 1. Saker Falcon population estimates by country.

*Data quality scores for the population estimates are based on the following criteria: A = excellent, quantitative data available with precision estimates based on comprehensive survey work; B = good, quantitative data available, based on extensive field work; C = medium, quantitative data available, based on limited field work; D = poor; no quantitative data available and limited field surveys; E = No data, guess.


The above table illustrates that in most countries where the Saker Falcon breeds there are no good, quantitative population estimates. This is particularly true for countries across Central Asia, where the vast majority of the world’s Saker Falcons breed.
A fully referenced version of the article on Saker Falcon breeding population estimates in Asia from Falco #33 (Spring 2009) can be found here


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The Saker Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

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