- Bibliography
Here you will find an annotated collection of Russian language material on the Saker Falcon.
Bibliography of the Saker Falcon (1883-1995)
Compliled by: Jevgeni Shergalin
Abdunazarov, B.B. 1990. Vozdeistvie antropogennykh faktorov na redkie vidy khishchnykh ptits v Uzbekistane [Influence of anthropogenic factors on rare species of Birds of Prey in Uzbekistan]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Mater. 3 resp. orn. konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of 3rd Republ. Orn. Conf.] Bukhara. Okt. 1990. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. P.15-18. Separately the negative (illegal shooting, destruction of nests, loss on electric transmission lines, collecting) and positive factors (location on protective areas) are described, regarding many raptor species, including Saker Falcon. Important paper.
Abdunazarov, B.B. 1990. Ekspertnaya otsenka chislennosti redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits v Uzbekistane [The expert estimation of rare raptor numbers in Uzbekistan]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Mater. III Resp. Orn. Konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of III Rep. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara, Oct.1990. P.57-60. Saker on p.59. By quantity of registered nests since 1950 (literatue and own data) in Kyzyl-Kumy (including floods of Amu-Daria and Nuratau ridge) 33 nests were found. On the rest territory trustworthy only 4 nests were studied. Indices of density in breeding places - 0,5-4,4 pairs/100 sq. km. Total in republic, probably, 100-120 pairs are breeding. Saker part - 5.0-5,2% of total raptor numbers.
Abdunazarov, B.B. 1990. Znachenie zapovednikov Uzbekistana v sokhraneniii genofonda khishchnykh ptits [Significance of Nature Reserves of Uzbekistan in conservation of Birds of Prey]. // Zapovedniki SSSR - ikh nastoyashchee i budushchee. Tez. dokl. Vs. konf. [Nature Reserves of the USSR - thier present and future. Abstracts of All-Union Conf.] Part 3. /Novgorod St. Ped. Inst. Novgorod. P.179-181.
Abdunazarov, B.B. 1991. Analiz antropogennykh faktorov, vliyayushchikh na khishchnykh ptits Uzbekistana [Analysis of anthropogenic factors, affecting on raptors of Uzbekistan]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf]. Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 4-5. Tabl.1. During illegal shooting (n=106) mainly are suffering the following species ... Saker Falcon (in 3,8%). The total quantity of Falconiformes, suffering from direct persecution during all kinds of the negative impact, probably, reach 2000 specimens per year.
Abdusalyamov, I.A. 1961. Ptitsy doliny ozera Rang-Kul' na Pamire [Birds of the Rang-Kul' Lake valley in Pamir mountains]. Dushanbe, Publ. House of Ac of Sc of Tadjik SSR. 152 p. Birds of Prey on p.37-45. Mongolian Saker ("lachin") on p.37-38.
Abdusalyamov, I.A. 1971. See title No.5 in Your Bibliography. Vol. XIX. Part 1 - instead of Vol.1. 410 p. Turkestan Saker on p.73-75. Mongolian Saker on p.75-76.
Abdusalyamov, I.A. 1977. Fauna Tadzhikskoi SSR [Fauna of the Tadjik SSR]. Dushanbe, "Donish" Publ. Vol. XIX. Part 3. Saker nesting sites in Pamir are described on p.154, 209.
Abdusalyamov, I.A., Muratov, R.Sh., Luk'yanov, G.N. 1980. K izucheniyu zimnei ornitofauny na yuge Tadzhikistana [On study of winter ornithofauna in the south of Tadjikistan]. // Migratsii ptits v Azii [Bird Migrations in Asia]. Dushanbe. P.307-309. Saker on p.309 in the table. 2 Sakers were sighted per 100 km routine in Dec 1975 and 3 specimens - in Jan 1976.
Abdusalyamov, I.A., Lebedev, Yu.A. 1986. Migratsii ptits v Yuzhnom Tadzhikistane [Bird migrations in Southern Tadjikistan]. Dushanbe, "Donish" Publ. In chapter: Species composition and quantitative ratio of migratory, migratory-breeding birds of Tadjikistan on p.10-31. Saker on p.12 in Table 1. Saker was observed on Stationary Observation Points "Babatag" and "Vakhksh" (2 of 4) in spring only.
Abuladze, A.V. 1986. Novye svedeniya o redkikh khishchnykh ptitsakh Gruzinskoi SSR [New data on rare raptors of the Georgian SSR]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational wise use]. Part 1. L. 17-19. The Saker Falcon - rare vagrant bird.
Adamyan, M.S. (Ed.) 1988. Krasnaya kniga Armyanskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Armenian SSR]. Yerevan. Saker on p.67-68. Endangered species. Saker Falcon is relating to probably resident, breeding birds of Armenia, though its breeding is not confirmed in republic. Typical for Red Data Books headings. Total numbers in nature in Armenia is unknown. Species is under protection in the Khosrov St. NR and "Sevan" National Park. Author is not known exactly. We suggest, that Dr.M.S.Adamyan must be editor of Chapter "Birds" in this book.
Adamyan, M.S. 1990. O redkikh i malochislennykh ptitsakh Armyanskoi SSR [On rare and sparse birds of the Armenian SSR]. //Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, sparse and little-studied birds of the Northern Caucasia]. Mater. Scient.-pract. conf. 213-28.04.1990. Stavropol. P.4-7. Saker on p.5 in the table is mentioned as wintering species, gravitating to the mountain-steppe landscapes.
Afanasova, L.V., Bicherev, A.P., Sukhorukov, N., Skiba, S. 1988. O nekotorykh redkikh i malochislennykh ptitsakh okrestnostei Stavropol'ya [On some rare and sparse birds of the Stvaropol environs]. // Resursy zhivotnogo mira Sev. Kavkaza. Tez. dokl. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Resources of wildlife of Northern Caucasia. Abstracts of scient.-pract. conf.], 19-22 Apr., 1988. 10-11. Observations were conducted in 1979-1987 on western slopes of the Stavropol plateau. Saker Falcon is recorded as rare and sparse species.
Akimushkin, I.A. 1973. Mir zhivotnykh. Rasskazy o ptitsakh [World of Animals. Storeys about Birds]. M., "Molodaya Gvardiya" Publ. 379 p. Saker on p.161 (figure and 1/3 part of text with general information). Scient.-popular book.
Aliskerov, S.V. (Compiler) 1995. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v nevole [Diurnal Birds of Prey and Owls in Captivity]. Annual report. Edited by V.V.Spitsyn. No.4. Moscow: Moscow Zoo. 150 p. Circulation - 200 copies. Total in 17 organizations in 1994 80 Sakers were kept. In 1994 year 16 Sakers were reared in captivity (3 in Barnaul, 2 in the Don Breeding Centre, 9 - in Oka Breeding Centre, 2 in Moscow).Neither from Zoos nor fronm wild nature 16 Sakers were received in 1994.
Ametov, M. 1981. Ptitsy Karakalpakii i ikh okhrana [Birds of Karakalpakia and their conservation]. Nukus, "Karakalpakstan" Publ. 139 p. In Table 1 on p.Saker (common) is mentioned on p.70 as wintering (unconfirmed) and passage bird. The Turkestan Saker is mentioned on the same page in the same table as a resident species. Also mentioned on p.77, 105 in the list of other bird species.
Anon. 1988. Reshenie. II Vsesoyuznoe soveshchanie po ekologii i okhrane khishchnykh ptits [Resolution. II All-Union Meeting on Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey]. Kiev, 3-5.II.1988. Kiev. 8 p. On p.4: Loss of the great quantity of Birds of Prey, including Steppe Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Saker and other rare species is continuing on electric transmission pylons, unprovided by protective equipment.
Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1981. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Chernomorskogo zapovednika i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered bird species of the Black Sea Nature Reserve and their protection]. // Materialy obl. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Materials of the Regional Scient.-Pract. Conf.]. Kherson. P.13-19.
Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1985. Sostoyanie redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Chernomorskogo zapovednika i ikh okhrana [Status of rare and endangered bird species of the Black Sea Nature Reserve]. // Izuchenie i okhrana redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov zhivotnykh fauny SSSR [Study and conservation of rare and endangered animal species of fauna of the USSR]. M., "Nauka" Publ. P.88-92.
Saker is mentioned on p.89 in the list of other rare bird species of Black Sea NR.
Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1991. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Chernomorskogo gosudarstvennogo biosfernogo zapovednika AN USSR i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Rare and endangered birds of the Black Sea State Biosphere Nature Reserve of Ac. of Sc. of the Ukr.SSR and adjoining territories] // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of the Black Sea region]; Kiev-Odessa: Lybid. 54-69. Bibl.12 titl. Saker on p.61. ...Irregularly is sighting on passage and wintering (Ardamatskaya, 1981).
Argandeval, M.E. 1983. Raspredelenie i chislennost' khishchnykh ptits v gornykh landshaftakh tsentral'nogo i vostochnogo Afghanistana [Distribution and numbers of birds of prey in mountain landscapes of the Central and Eastern Afghanistan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 96-98. Saker on p.98 in the table as passage common species in forestless mountain Dashte-Navar region - 2900 m a.s.l. and breeding common species in little-afforested mountain Pamir regiion - 4000 m a.s.l.
Ataev, K., Vasil'yev, V.I., Gorelova, R.I., Karavaev, A.A., Kekilova, A.F., Sopyev, O, Eminov, A. 1978. Materialy po redkim i ischezayushchim vidam ptits fauny Turkmenistana [Materials on rare and endangered bird species of fauna of Turkmenistan]. // Izv. Akad. Nauk Turkm. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk. [Proc. of Ac of Sc of the Turkmen SSR. Ser. Biol. Sc.] Ashkhabad. N4. P.70-80. Bibl.25 titl. Saker on p.75. Saker - rare breeding, passage and wintering bird of Turkmenia. Breeding in N-W of Republic along "chink" of Yuzhnyi (Southern) Ustyurt, Sarykamysh river delta, in Kara-Kumy, on the Karabil plateau and in Kugitang, Badkhyz, Kopetdag, during passage and wintering - on the sea shore. Habitats. General biological information.
Atemasova, T.A. 1995. Perspektivnye ornitologicheskie zakazniki na yuge Khar'kovskoi oblasti [Perspective ornithological reservations in the south of Kharkiv Region. //Praktychni pytannya okhorony ptakhiv [Practical questions of bird preservation]. Chernivtsi. P.146-150. Bibl.7 titl. It is proposed to create two ornithological reservations. .. Extract from p.147: ...In the flooded part two colonies of Grey Heron are attached to aspen-groves and alder-groves. In one of these colonies (120 nests) the Saker nest was discovered (D.Litvinenko, 1987). Before this communication, data about Saker breeding in this region are relating to 1937 (Rudinskiy, Gorlenko, 1937) and 1952 (Lisetskiy, 1952)...
Averin, V.G. 1910 (1909 according to Ivanov (1972)). K ornitologii Har'kovskoi gubernii [On ornithology of the Khar'kov Province]. // Trudy Har'k. o-va ispyt. prirody [Proc. Khar'kov Naturalist's Soc.], vol.43, 243-293.
Averin, V.G. 1928. Ekskursiya on o.Churyuk [Excursion to the Chulyuk Island]. // Materialy ohorony pryrody na Ukraini [Materials on nature conservation in Ukraine]. Vid-vo Narkomzemsprav URSR. Harkiv, p.83. In Ukrainian.
Averin, Yu.V., Ganya, I.M. 1966. Khishchnye ptitsy Moldavii i ikh rol' v prirode i sel'skom khozyaistve [Birds of Prey of Moldavia and their role in nature and agriculture]. Kishinev, "Kartya moldovenyaske" Publ. 164 p. Saker on p.14-16 in the Chapter "Useful Birds of Prey". It is written, that this bird is using as a hunting bird for Falconry in Asia. Scientific-popular book.
Ayupov, A.S. 1978.
Ayupov, A.S. 1983. Izmenenie fauny khishchnykh ptits posle sozdaniya Kuibyshevskogo vodokhranilishcha [Changes of the fauna of birds of prey after forming of the Kuibyshev water reservoir]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 35-36. Saker on p.35 - Saker's breeding was recorded at the last time in 1976, on p.36 in the table - as rare breeding species in 1975-1981.
Ayupov, A.S., Prokhorov, Ye.V., Gorshkov, Yu.A., Ivlev, V.G. 1983. O vstrechakh redkikh ptits v Tatarskoi ASSR [Occurrences of rare birds in Tatar ASSR]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 18. P.163-164. Saker on p.163. In 1966 in territory of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve (NR) 1 pair of Sakers was bred (Ushakova, 1968). Annually in this nest Sakers reared chicks till 1975. The last sighting of this species in territory of NR was 20/VI 1976.
Babenko, V.G., Kuznetsov, A.A. 1986. Ptitsy Krasnoi Knigi SSSR [Birds of the Red Data Book of the USSR]. M., "Pedagogika" Publ. 144 p. Scientific-popular book for Youth with good drawings by S.K.Chernetskiy. Large falcons on p.71-73. Saker mainly on p.71. General well-known information.
Babushkin, G.M., Lobkov, I.V. 1987. Redkie ptitsy Ryazanskoi oblasti [Rare birds of the Ryazan Region]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Problems of conservation of rare animals (Materials for Red Data Book)] M. 116-117. Saker on p.117. The annotated list of bird species, listed in the Red Data Books of the USSR and RSFSR. Among them the Saker Falcon is mentioned as rare breeding species of the Ryazan Region, which breeds in the Spasskiy and Shilovskiy districts of the Ryazan Region.
Bakka, S.V. 1990. Redkie vidy ptits Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Rare bird species of the Gorkiy Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. 30-33. Saker on p.32. Saker is belonged to species, those breeding in Region was not confirmed, but is suggested. Sightings during nesting period are mentioned in literature (Puzanov et al., 1955; Vorontsov, 1967; Zimin, 1974).
Bakka, S.V., Bakka, A.I. 1990. Svedeniya o ptitsakh Krasnoi Knigi SSSR v Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Data on birds of the Red Data Book of the USSR in the Gorkiy Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M., 58-62. Bibl.4. Saker on p.61.
Saker is not registered on breeding in the Gorkiy Region, however it is breeding near southern borders of this Region. There was not any data about its breeding during more than 30 years. In June 1987 huntsman S.V.Kotenkov observed Saker's hunt near Yanovo village.
Bamberg, O. 1902. Uber meine Sammelreisen in Russland und Sibirien. I-III. // Z. Ool. Jg.12, N8, S.115-120; N9, S.131-136; N10, S.148-153. In German.
Bangs, O. 1913. Some birds from the highlands of Siberia. // "Bull. Mus. Compar. Zool. Harvard. 54. N16. P.461-474, ill. In Engl.
Barabash-Nikiforov, I.I., Pavlovskiy, N.K. 1947. Fauna nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the Voronezh Nature Reserve]. // Trudy Voronezh. gos. zap-ka [Proc. of Voronezh State Nature Reserve]. Issue 2. Voronezh. P.7-128. Saker on p.56. Falco cherrug - Saker western (6 ex.). Saker - quite common breeding bird of flooded forests of NR. Arrival in March - beginning of April (17/III-1937; 9/IV-1940). Saker's nest, found 8/V-1936 in alder-tree of the Usmanka river floods.
Baranov, A.A. 1983. Zimniy aspekt avifauny khrebtov Tannu-Ola i Tsagan-Shibetu [Winter aspect of avifauna of the Tannu-Ola and Tsagan-Shibetu mountain ridges]. // Vliyanie antropogennykh faktorov na strukturu i funktsionirovanie biotsenozov [Influence of the anthropogenous factors on structure and functioning of biocoenosises]. M. 43-52. Saker on p.45,50 in tables is mentioned as rare species of the middle-mountain belt.
Baranov, A.A. 1983. Sovremennoe razmeshchenie i sostoyanie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits v Tuvinskoi ASSR [Modern distribution and status of numbers of birds of prey]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey. Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 101-105. Saker on p.102, 103. 9 Saker nests were discovered. Choice of nesting places (rocks, trees). Trophical plasticity of the Saker. Interspecies commensalism with Hobby and Common Kestrel is typical for Saker here.
Baranov, A.A. 1985. Obshchie osobennosti raspredeleniya ptits i faunisticheskoe rajonirovanie Yuzhnoi Tuvy [General peculiarities of bird distribution and faunistical dividing into regions of Southern Tuva]. // Ekologiya i naselenie ptits [Ecology and population of birds]. Irkutsk. 3-18.
Baranov, A.A. 1986. Gornyi Gus' - Eulabeia indica (Latham) v Tuve [Bar-headed Goose in Tuva] // Rasprostranenie i biologiya ptits Altaya i Dalnego Vostoka. Tr. zool. in-tya AN SSSR [Distribution and biology of birds of Altai and Far East. Proc. of Zool. Inst. of the USSR Ac. of Sc.] L. Vol.150. 99-106. Extract from p.105:...Fact, that in such situation the Bar-headed Goose preferrs the B.hemilasius nests, can be explained not only by high number of B.hemilasius (In Thibet closely number of F.cherrug is not lower)...
Baranov, A.A., Gavrilov, I.K. 1987. Materialy po gnezdovoi ekologii khishchnykh ptits Tuvy [Materials on the nesting ecology of birds of prey of Tuva]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i maloizuchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Endangered, rare and insufficient-studied plants and animals of the Altai Territory and problems of their conservation: Abstracts.] Barnaul. 39-41. Saker on p.40-41. A lot of information. Typical raptor of mountain-steppe regions of south-western Tuva. In Khara-Gobi Saker used the Long-legged Buzzard's nest on rock during several years. Dimensions and weight of 3 eggs. On Khuren-Taiga ridge other nest. Dimensions of 3 chicks. Another nest there with dimensions and weight of 5 eggs. Description of nests and sightings of specimens in other places.
Baranov, A.A., Gavrilov, I.K. 1988. Redkie vidy ptits Tuvinskoi ASSR i ikh okhrana [Rare bird species of the Tuva ASSR and their protection]. // Okhrana okruzhayushchei sredy i chelovek. Tez. dokl. Vtoroi resp. nauchno-prakt. konf. [Environment conservation and man. Abstracts of the Second Republ. Scient.-Pract. Conf.]. Kyzyl. 124-125.
Baranov, A.A. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye Krasnoyarskogo kraya. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie. [Rare and endangered animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Birds and mammals]. Krasnoyarsk. 124 p., ill. Saker on p.83-86. Figures, map. Please, see the next title.
Baranov, A.A. 1989. Baloban v gorakh Tannu-Ola i Tsagan-Shibetu [The Saker Falcon in the Tannu-Ola and Tsagan-Shibetu mountains] // Fauna, ekologiya i zoogeografiya pozvonochnykh i chlenistonogikh [Fauna, ecology and zoogeography of vertebrates and Arthropoda]. Novosibirsk. 75-82. Tabl.4. Bibl.13. Saker Falcon - is typical raptor of mountains of the south of the Tuva ASSR. It is distributed unevenly. Breeding is recorded at the height 1200-2300 m above sea level, density is fluctuating from 1,3 to 2,3 exempl./100 sq. km. Observations for nesting of 2 pairs are given. 82-83% population here - specimens of the dark morth.
Baryshnikov, G.F., Cherepanov, G.O. 1985. Ptitsy Bol'shogo Kavkaza epokhi paleolita i mezolita [Birds from Bolshoi Caucasus in paleolithic and mesolithic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 20. P.139-160.
Peregrine or Saker Falcon (Falco ex gr. peregrinus Tunst.-cherrug J.E.Gray) on p.148. In Caucasia the Saker - unnumerous passage and wintering bird. Saker is distributed up to 3300 m a.s.l. The fossile Saker remains are known from Adzha-Koba and Starosel'ya in the Crimea.
Baumgart, W. 1977. Der gegenwartige status des Sakerfalken in Europa. // "Falke", 1977, Bd.24, N5, s.154-158. In German.
Baumgart, W. 1978. Der Sakerfalke. In: Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei, A.Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Luterstadt. 160 s. In German.
Belik, V.P., Kazakov, B.A., Petrov, V.S. 1983. Stepnye iskusstvennye lesonasazhdeniya Severnogo Kavkaza i rasselenie khishchnykh ptits [The steppe artificial forest plantations of the Northern Caucasus and resettlement of Birds of Prey]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 37-41. Saker on p.37. Author consider Saker as sclerophilic raptor, primary connected by breeding with uncovering of the bedrocks and secondarily passed in breeding to nesting on trees.
Belik, V.P. 1992. Redkie ptitsy Rostovskoi oblasti. Materialy k Krasnoi knige [Rare birds of the Rostov Region]. /Kavkazskiy ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin]. N4. Circulation - 10 copies !!!
Belik, V.P. 1995. Redkie ptitsy Rostovskoi oblasti i puti ikh okhrany [Rare birds of Rostov region and ways of their conservation. // Praktychni pytannya okhorony ptakhiv [Practical questions of bird preservation]. Chernivtsi. P.150-159. Bibl.18 titl. Saker on p.152, 156 in the text and p.154 in table. Saker - almost completely is disappeared, now nesting sites in the Rostov Region are unknown. The expern estimation of number: 1-5 pairs. From table: Saker in the Middle Don, Veshenskiy district is recently disappeared; in area of Chir River in Oblivskiy district - records during the breeding season; in Severskiy Donets River in Ust'-Donetskiy district and in Lower Don in Volgodonskiy district - records during the breeding period; the Don river delta in 3 districts - recently disappeared.
Belyankin, A.F. (in press, ? a). Kratkie svedeniya o balobane v Kemerovskoi oblasti [Brief data on the Saker Falcon in the Kemerovo Region]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR. Okskiy zapovednik [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR. Oka Nature Reserve], Issue 2 (in press, a). ???
Belyankin, A.F., Il'yashenko, V.B. 1991. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy doliny Srednei Tomi [Rare Birds of Prey of the Srednyaya Tom' river valley]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 55-56. During summer time, Saker Falcons were sighted regularly in two places in forest-steppe part of the Tom' river valley within limits of Krapivninskiy district of the Kemerovo Region, where their breeding is more probably.
Beme, [Boehme] R.L. 1975. Ptitsy gor Yuzhnoi Palearktiki [Birds of mountains of southern Palearctic]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. 181 p.
Berezovikov, N.N. 1986. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Yuzhnogo Altaya [Rare and endangered birds of Southern Altai]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispolzovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational wise use]. Part 1. L. 71-72. Saker Falcon is breeding in the south-western spurs of the Narym mountain ridge (500 sq. km), where in 1981 6 nests were known. Other details are given on distribution and numbers.
Berezovikov, N.N. 1989. Ptitsy Markakol'skoi kotloviny (Yuzhnyi Altai) [Birds of the Markakol' hollow (Southern Altai)]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka" of KazakhSSR. 200 p. Bibliogr.: 63 titl. Ill.1. Tabl.9. Saker on p.50. Please, see upper and lower.
Berezovikov, N.N., Starikov, S.V. 1991. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i tendetsii izmeneniy ornitofauny Yuzhnogo Altaya [Modern status and trends of changes of ornithofauna of Southern Altai]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 37-38. Numbers of the Saker Falcon is rehabilitating. So, in south-western part of the Narym mountain ridge on the area about 1000 sq. km in 1989 21 pairs of these Falcons were bred, in comparison with 6-8 pairs in 1983-1985.
Bezborodov, V.I. 1983. O zimuyushchikh khishchnykh ptitsakh yuga Krasnoyarskogo kraya [About wintering Birds of Prey of south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 108-110. Saker on p.109. Sometimes Saker winters in Koibal'skaya steppe, where, probably, the Altayan morph is presented. One such skin is keeping in Museum of Sayano-Shushenskoe Nat. Res. Description of Altayan morph.
Blinova, T.K., Blinov, V.N. 1988. Ischezayushchie, redkie, uyazvimye i maloizuchennye ptitsy lesostepnogo Zaural'ya [Endangered, rare and vulnerable birds of the forest-steppe Trans-Uralia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe settl., 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 27-34. Bibl.8. By observations in 1982-84 in the Tobol River valley and area between Tobol and Ishim Rivers a list of birds of the Ishim forest-steppe is compiled. Data about occurrence of 76 among them are given. Saker Falcon is registered during passage.
Bogdanov, A.N. 1956. Ptitsy basseina reki Zerafshan [Birds of the Zerafshan River basin]. Part 1. // Trudy Inst. Zool. i Parasithol. AN UzSSR [Proc. of Inst. of Zool. and Parasithol. of the Ac. of Sc. of the UzSSR]. Vol.5. Tashkent, P.107-163: ill. Siberian Saker (Falco cherrug saceroides Mensb.) on p.144-145. Review of literature. Detailed description of two discovered nests.
Bokotei, A.A. 1994. About the ornithological collection of State Natural History Museum of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in Lvov). // Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine (Lutsk, March 4-6, 1994). Chernovsty. 159-160. In Ukrain. Among 664 clutches of 131 bird species the Saker's clutch is mentioned on p.160.
Borodin, L.P. 1967. Dopolneniya k faune Mordovskogo zapovednika po materialam I.D.Shcherbakova [Appendices to fauna of the Mordov Nature Reserve by I.D.Shcherbakov's materials]. // Trudy Mordovskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Mordov Nature Reserve]. Issue 4. 58-71. Saker Falcon on p.62. It was discovered in Nature Reserve by I.D.Shcherbakov in June 1962 in the root No.386. The Saker's fledgling was catched by him and nest was found on the pine-tree very near to it.
Borodin, O.V. 1994. Konspekt fauny ptits Ul'yanovskoi oblasti. Spravochnik [Conspectus of bird fauna of the Ul'yanovsk Region. Manual]. Ulyanovsk. 94 p. Saker on p.28 -species account and p.87 in the list as very rare breeding and very rare migratory species. M.D.Ruzskiy discovered the Saker's brood near Promzino village (Surskoe settlement). In last several decades nests were discovered trustworthy only twice: 7 June 1974 and in 1985. More often is sightiung during autumn migration - 1-3 records for season are registering. By data of old authors-Saker was rare always. Listed in Red Data Book of Russia - III cathegory.
Borovikov, G.A. 1907. Materialy dlya ornitologii Yekaterinoslalskoi gubernii [Materials for ornithology of the Yekaterinoslavl' Province]. Sbornik studencheskogo biol. kruzhka pri Novoros. un-te [Collection of papers of student's biol. circle (club) at Emp. Novorossiysk Univ.]. Odessa. Typ. former A.Schultze. N2, 1-144. According to Ivanov (1972) - 272 p. with ill.
Bragin, Ye.A. (in press). Baloban v Naurzumskom zapovednike. [Saker Falcon in the Naurzum Nature Reserve] // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR. Okskiy zapovednik [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR. Oka Nature Reserve], issue 2 (in press, ???).
Brauner, A.A., 1923. Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya zoologiya [Agricultural zoology]. Odessa, Gos. izd-vo Ukrainy [State Publ. House of Ukraine]. XII. 436 p. with ill. Birds: p.153-326.
Buchko, V.V., Khlibkevich, V.V. 1996. Materialy do poshirennya sokolopodibnykh baseinu Verkhn'yogo Dnistra (u mezhakh Ivano-Frankivs'koi oblasti) [Materials on the distribution of Falconiformes of the Upper Dniester bassin (within Ivano-Frnakivsk Region)]. // Materialy II konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 2nd Conf. of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. P.16-20. Bibl.10 titl. In Ukrainian. Saker on p.19. 1 specimen was observed 23/IV 1995 near Zalukva settlement.
Bulakhov, V.L. 1968. Formirovanie ornitofauny Dneprodzerdzhinskogo vodokhranilishcha [The forming of ornithofauna of the Dnieprodzerdzhinsk water reservoir]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 9. P.178-187. Saker on p.182 in Table 3. Before regulation of the middle Dnieper before 1959 Saker was breeding and migratory bird, registered on passage, during period of preparing of reservoir-bed in 1959-1962 Saker was only passage bird, and in the first years of the existing of water reservoir in 1963-64 Saker was absent.
Bulakhov, V.L., Gubkin, A.A. 1983. Ekologiya balobana v Pridneprov'ye [Ecology of the Saker Falcon in Areas Adjoining the Dniepr]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 97-98. Very useful and detailed paper. Trend of numbers. Phenology of migrations and breeding. Selection of nests. Location of nests by various parameters. Dimensions of nests. Size of clutches. Breeding efficiency. Food composition. Hunting biotopes.
Bulyuk, V.N. 1990. Izmenenie ornitofauny zapovednika "Les na Vorskle" za poslednie 50 let [Change of ornithofauna of "Les na Vorskle" Nature Reserve for last 50 years]. // Zapovedniki SSSR - ikh nastoyashchee i budushchee: Tez. dokl. Vs. konf. [Nature Reserves of the USSR - their present and future. Abstracts of All-Union Conf.]. Part 3. / Novgorod St. Ped. Inst. Novgorod. P.201-203.
Burzyantsev, A.V. 1989. Vstrechi redkikh sokoloobraznykh v yuzhnykh rajonakh BaSSR v 1986 godu [Sightings of rare Falconiformes in southern districts of the Bashkirian SSR in 1986]. // Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala: Inf. mater. [Distribution and fauna of birds of the Ural] / Inst-t ekologii rasteniy i zhivotnykh i dr. [Inst. of Ecol. of Plants and Animals]. Sverdlovsk. P.28-29. Saker's pair was recorded 22 April 1986 on edge of a birch forest of the mean age at 3 km to S-W of Urnyak village of Khaibullinskiy district..
But'yev, V.T., Mikheev, A.V., Shubin, A.O. 1983. Sezonnyi prolet khishchnykh ptits po zapadnomu poberezh'yu Kaspijskogo morya [Seasonal passage of Birds of Prey along the western shore of the Caspian Sea]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 11-13. Saker on p.11. Saker in a row of 4 species is sighted occasionally, only 1-2 time it was registered for all period of observations in 1964-1982.
Buzun, V.A., Golovach, O.F. 1984. Polozhenie s drofoi v Krymu i organizatsiya zakaznika kak mery okhrany stepnykh vidov ptits [Situation with Great Bustard in the Crimea as conservation measure of steppe bird species]. // Problemy okhrany genofonda i upravlenie ekosistemami v zapovednikakh stepnoi i pustynnoi zon. Tez. dokl. Vs. sov. [Problems of conservation of genofond and management of ecosystems in Nature Reserves of the steppe and desert zones. Abstracts of All-Union Meeting]. Askaniya-Nova, 21-25 May 1984. M. P.72-74. Saker is mentioned on p.73 in the list of other rare species, breeding in this area.
Carruthers, D. 1910 (According to Ivanov (1972) - 1909). On the Birds of the Zarafshan Basin in Russian Turkestan. // "Ibis. Ser.9" Vol.4. P.436-475. Pl.7-8. In English. Author has shot the Siberian Saker in December near Samarkand.
Cheltsov-Bebutov, A.M. 1959. Opyt kolichestvennoi otsenki ptich'ego naseleniya otkrytykh landshaftov [Experience of the quantitative estimation of the bird population of open landscapes]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 2. P.16-27. Saker on p.26 in Table 8 - Total characteristic of bird population of the terrestrial part of wintering quarters of the plain Azerbaijan (556 km of the routine census). Total 3 Sakers were sighted = 0,5 specimens per 100 km - very rare species = 0,03 % of total bird number, the third-degree importance in bird population of winter quarters.
Chel'tsov-Bebutov, A.M. 1982. Ekologiya ptits [Ecology of Birds]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. 127 p. Chapter "Birds of Prey and their significance in ecosystems" on p.72-88. Saker on p.80 - breeding efficiency in dependence on rodent numbers growth.
Chernobai, V.F., Nikitina, N.V. 1990. Ptitsy Shcherbakovskoi izluchiny [Birds of the Shcherbakovskaya bend]. // Fauna i ekologiya pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh v antropogennykh usloviyakh [Fauna and ecology of vertebrates in anthropogenic conditions]. Volgograd. P.58-74.
Chernyshev, V.M., Blinova, T.K., Blinov, V.N. 1983. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika sezonnykh migratsij khishchnykh ptits na yuge Baraby i v Verkhnem Priob'ye [Comparative characteristics of the seasonal migrations of Birds of Prey in the south of Baraba and in upper Priob'ye (Cis-Ob river area)]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 47-49. Saker is mentioned as very rare raptor species on passage on p.47.
Chervona kniga Ukrains'koi RSR - Krasnaya kniga Ukrainskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Ukrainian SSR]. 1980. Kyiv [Kiev]. 499 p. Saker is listed as Rare species. Text in Ukrainian and Russian languages. See title 151 in Your Bibliiography.
Chibilev, A.A. 1989. Orenburgskiy stepnoi zapovednik i ego znachenie dlya okhrany i izucheniya fauny ptits stepnoi zony Urala [The Orenburg steppe Nature Reserve and its isgnificance for conservation and study of bird fauna of the steppe zone of Ural]. //Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala [Distribution abd fauna of birds of the Ural]. Sverdlovsk. P.97-99. Saker on p.98. ...Among Birds of Prey, here, the breeding of the ..., Goshawk, Saker Falcon is determined. Remark of Editor: Breeding of last 2 species is doubtful.
Chibilev, A.A. 1995. Ptitsy Orenburgskoi oblasti i ikh okhrana [Birds of the Orenburg Region and their conservation]. Yekaterinburg. Saker on p.40-41. Bibl.6. Species account includes the following headings: distribution and numbers, limiting factors, conservation measures and information sources. There is a map with nesting sites. In last years nest was found in Ural river valley, in N-W of egion, in groves of Burtinskaya steppe of St. Nat. Res. "Orenburgskiy", in upper Suunduk river in the Kvarkenskiy district. Total number, obviously, does not exceed 15-20 pairs. Considerably more often is sighting during nomadic movements.
Dal', S.K. 1936. Pozvonochnye nizov'yev reki Zerafshan (po nablyudeniyam v oktyabre 1935) [Vertebrate animals of lower Zerafshan River (on observations in October 1935)]. // Tr. Uzb. un-ta [Proc. of the Uzbek State Univ.], vol.VII. Samarkand. 135-161. Saker on p.145 - Genaia saceroides Menzb. Author sighted the Siberian Saker 18 October 1935 in the vicinity of Khodzha-Davlet.
Dal', S.K. 1954. Zhivotnyi mir Armyanskoi SSR [Wildlife of the Armenian SSR]. Vol.1. Vertebrate animals. Yerevan, Publ. House of Ac. of sc. of the Arm.SSR. 415 p.: tabl., 16 sheets ill., 6 sheets maps.
Danilov, N.N. 1969. Ptitsy Srednego i Severnogo Urala [Birds of the Middle and Northern Ural]. // Trudy Ural. otd. MOIP [Proc. of the Ural dept. of Moscow Naturalists' Soc.]. Sverdlovsk. Issue 2. P.3-123. Author did not sight the Saker Falcon in the Shadrinskiy and Kamyshlovskiy districts of the Sverdlovsk [now-Yekaterinburg] Region.
Danilov, O.N. 1976. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Baraby i Severnoi Kulundy [Birds of Prey and Owls of Baraba and Northern Kulunda]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka" Publ. 158 p. Bibliogr.: p.143-156. Chapter 4 - Species composition of Birds of Prey and Owls on p.34-42. Saker is described in the table on p.35 as a bird on passage in Northern and Southern Plots of describing area. Migration of Sakers in spring and autumn on p.37 are shown in a 6-day periods. Very informative book on other raptor species.
Danko, S. 1994a. REGARDING SAKER IN SLOVAKIA !!! Sprava o cinnosti Skupiny pre vyskum a ochranu dravcov a sov v CSFR za rok 1991. // Buteo. 6: 90-120. In Slovakian. See Grishchenko, V.N., 1995.
Danko, S. 1994b. REGARDING SAKER IN SLOVAKIA !!! Sprava o cinnosti Skupiny pre vyskum a ochranu dravcov a sov v CSFR za rok 1992. // Buteo. 6: 121-150. In Slovakian. See Grishchenko, V.N., 1995.
Darkshevich, Ya.N. 1950. Ptitsy i zveri Chkalovskoi oblasti i okhota na nikh [Birds and mammals of the Chkalov Region and hunting on them]. Chkalov: Chkalov Publ. House. 192 p.: ill. This paper is mentioned in the list of references in Saker account in the paper by Chibilev, A.A. (1995). The most interesting, that there is no references with No.7 (Darkshevich, Ya.N. (1950) inside the text on Saker account. It is not understandable, why this paper is mentioned in
the list of references.
Davygora, A.V. 1989. Mnogoletnie izmeneniya populyatsiy khishchnykh ptits stepnogo Predural'ya [Long-term changes of populations of Birds of Prey of the steppe front-Ural area]. // Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala [Distribution and fauna of birds of the Ural]. Sverdlovsk. P.38-40. Saker on p.40. Character of presence of a series of Birds of Prey species, including Saker Falcon was not changed. However
numbers of some of them, undoubtedly was decreased.
Debelo, P.V. 1991. Sovremennaya chislennost redkikh ptits Ural'skoi oblasti [Modern number of rare birds of the Uralskaya Region]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Mater. of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 182-183. Among constantly breeding species, numbers of Saker Falcon is several tens pairs during recent years.
de Livron, A.R. 1938. Ptitsy Naurzumskikh stepei [Birds of the Naurzum steppes]. // Trudy Naurzumskogo zapovednika [Proc. of Naurzum Nat. Res.]. Issue 1. M. P.29-126. Bibliogr.: p.125-126.
Dement'yev, D.P. 1940. Opredelitel' ptits Kirgizskoi SSR. Frunze-Kazan', Kirgosizdat. Issue 1. Diurnal Birds of Prey. 56 p. with ill. (Kirg. State Museum of Local Lore of Comm. of Sciences at Council of Ministers of the Kirgh.SSR). Bibliogr.: p.52-54.
Dement'yev, G.P. 1936. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy [Diurnal Birds of Prey]. // Ptitsy SSSR [Birds of the USSR]. Vol.3. Moscow-Leningrad. P.42-129. There is a reference to this title in paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Dementjew, G.P. 1940. Lin'ka sokolov [Moulting of Falcons]. // Zool. Zhurnal [Zool. Journ.]. Moscow. Vol. 19. Issue 3. P. 479-490. In Russian with French summary.
Dement'yev, G.P. 1945. O sistematicheskom polozhenii turkmenskogo balobana [On systematical status of the Turkmen Saker Falcon]. // Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo Universiteta [Transactions of Mosow University], issue 83. P.92-95. Bibliogr.: p.95.
Dement'yev, G.P. 1948. Novye dannye ob altaiskom krechete [New data about the Altayan Gyrfalcon]. // Trudy Tsentral'nogo byuro kol'tsevaniya [Proc. of Central Ringing Bureau]. M. Issue VII. 74-78.
Dement'yev, G.P. Sokola-krechety [Falcons-Gyrfalcons]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory SSSR. Nov. ser., otd. zool., [Materials on study of fauna and flora of the USSR. New ser., dept. biol.]. Issue 29, M. 141 p. There is a reference to this title in a paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Dementjew, G.P. 1955. Uber die Beizjagd bei den Turkmenen. // Jb. Dtsch. Falkenorden, S.16. In German. From Baumgart, 1978.
Dementjew, G.P., Stresemann, E. 1955. Uber Wanderfalken und Wurgfalken (F. peregrinus und F.cherrug) des Berliner Zoologischen Museums. // J.Ornithol. Bd.96. H.3. S. 344-346. In German.
Dementjew, G.P. 1956. Uber die Bezjagd in der Sowietunion. // Jb. Dtsch. Falkenorden, S.8-11 (in German). From Baumgart, 1978.
Dementjew, G.P. 1960. Quelques notes sur le Faucon Sacre, Falco cherrug Gray. // Oiseau 30: 12-17. In French. From Baumgart, 1994.
Dementjew, G.P. 1960. Etwas uber die Beizjagd bei den Chiwanem. // Jb.Dtsch. Falkenorden, S.9-11. In German. From Baumgart, 1978.
Dement'yev, G.P., Rustamov, A.K., Uspenskiy, S.M. 1967. V stuzhe i znoe: (Zhivotnoe i landshaft) [In severe cold and intensive heat: (Animal and Landscape)]. M., "Mysl'" Publ. 134 p. Scientific-popular book. Saker on p.108. Described the Central-Asian and Middle-Asian subspecies of the Saker Falcon.
Dement'yev, G.P. 1970. O zoologicheskoi ekspeditsii 1959 g. v Gobijskuyu pustynyu, MNR [About Zoological expedition of 1959 y. in the Gobi desert, Mongolian People's Rep.]. //Zhivotnyi mir Turkmenii [Wildlife of Turkmenia]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym" Publ. P.44-57. Saker on p.53. Lesser specialized raptor species - Saker Falco cherrug was sighted in Trans-Altai Gobi (Tsagan-Bogdo), in the Gobian Altai and in Khangai - totally 7 birds for month.
Dement'yev, G.P. 1970. Falconiformes. // Zhizn' zhivotnykh [Life of Animals]. Ptitsy [Birds]. Vol.5. M., "Prosveshchenie" . P.158-196. Saker on p.194. General information.
Dement'yev, G.P., Galushin, V.M. 1986. Falconiformes. // Zhizn' zhivotnykh [Life of Animals]. Ptitsy [Birds]. Vol.6. M., "Prosveshchenie" Publ. P.118-149. Saker on p.145. General information.
Dementjew, G.P. 1983. Systema avium Rossarium Ordo Accipitres. // Oiseau 3: 457-518. From Baumgart, 1978.
Derevshchikov, A.G. 1974. Ptitsy Gorno-Altaiskogo ochaga chumy [Birds of the Gorno-Altai foci of plague]. // Dokl. Irkut. protivochum. in-ta [Reports of the Irkutsk Anti-plague Inst.] Chita. Issue 10. P.192-197.
Derevyagin, P.Ya. 1947. Novye dannye po ptitsam Tengiz-Kurgal'dzhinskoi vpadiny [New data on birds of Tengiz-Kurgal'dzhino depression]. // Izvestiya AN KazSSR. [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the Kazakh SSR]. Ser. Zool. N6, p.100-106. Author has sighted 5 and 9 May 2 migratory Sakers on the northern shore of the Kurgal'dzhino Lake.
Dobrokhotov, B.P. 1963. Sovremennoe sostoyanie zimovki ptits v Kyzyl-Agachskom zapovednike [Modern status of wintering quarters of birds in the Kyzyl-Ahach Nature reserve]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 6. P. 355-359. Map. Saker on p.358.
Dolgushin, I.A. 1948. O faune ptits poluostrova Mangyshlak [On bird fauna of the Mangyshlak peninsula]. // Izvestiya AN KazSSR [Proc. of the Ac. of Sc. of the Kaz.SSR]. Ser. zool. N8. 131-160: map.
Dresser, H.E. 1904. On some rare and unfigured eggs of Palaearctic birds. // Ibis. ser. 8. Vol.4. P.280-283; 7 pl. Falco "altaicus" is described. In Engl.
Drozdov, N.N., Makeev, A.V. 1991. V mire zhivotnykh [In the animals world]. M., "Agropromizdat" Publ. Issue 4. Chapter "Strategy of conservation of Birds of Prey" on p.51-53. Saker is described on p.52.
Dubrovskiy, Yu.A. 1960. Ptitsy postroek v yuzhnykh stepaykh Kazakhstana [Birds of constructions in southern steppes of Kazakhstan] . // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.319-330. Saker on p.324 in Table 2.
Saker is pointed as a bird, using constructions for nest location in left-side area of lower Ural River (Sergeev, 1936).
Dudin, P.I. 1991. K metodike introduktsii v prirodu vyrashchennykh v nevole khishchnykh ptits [On methodic of introduction in nature of reared in captivity Birds of Prey] // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.] Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 204. In Nature Reserve "Galich'ya gora" of Voronezh University in May-July 1990 experiment on releasing in nature of Kestrel juveniles, reared in captivity. This method recommended for rehabilitation of some raptor populations, including Saker Falcon.
Dudin, P.I. 1994. Reintroduktsionnye raboty po vosstanovleniyu populyatsii Sokola-balobana na Verkhnem Donu [Modern works on rehabilitation of Saker Falcon in Upper Don]. // Sovremennoe sostoyanie rastitelnogo i zhivotnogo mira Lipetskoi oblasti i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of the vegetation and wildlife of the Lipetsk Region and problems of their conservation]. Part 2. "Zhivotnyi mir i problemy ego okhrany [Wildlife and problems of its conservation]". Lipetsk. P.22-24. Bibl.3. Works on release of Sakers were begun in "Galich'ya gora" Nat. Res. in 1991. Totally 15 fledglings were released, among which 5 in 1991 and 10 - in 1992. Methodics of rearing and releasing is given. Advices, efficiency.
Dzhabbarov, A., Tikhonov, A.V. 1983. Ispol'zovanie vidovykh pozyvov kishchnykh ptits v kachestve akusticheskikh repellentov [Application of specific calls of raptors as acoustic repellents]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., Nauka. 16-19. In Tabl.1 on p.17 the efficiency of repellent impact (in %) of the Saker's call in vineyard on resting and feeding Mainah, Common Starling (Turkestan subspecies) and Tree Sparrow. In Tabl.2 on p.18 the spectrum-time parameters of species call of Saker (Spectrum borders (kHz), Main frequency belt (kHz), duration of signals (sec.).
Dzhaush, R., Evgen'yeva, T.P., Lebedev, I.G., Il'ichev, V.D. 1990. Mikrostruktury poverkhnosti podoteki ptits (golubeobraznye, rzhankoobraznye, plastinchatoklyuvye, khishchnye) [Microstructures of podotheca surface (Columbiformes, Charadriiformes, Anseriformes, Falconiformes). // Doklady AN SSSR [Reports of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. 314. N1. P.241-244.
Dzhaush, R. 1991. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika podoteki nekotorykh blizkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits [Comparative characteristic of podotheca in some relative Birds of Prey]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.] Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 192-193. 25 raptor species were studied in Zoomuseum of Moscow State University: including Saker Falcon. Totally were checked about 1000 exemplares, including young (about 300) and adult (about 700), males (more 300) and females (more 300). 100 drawings were made.
Dzhaush, R. 1991. Ul'trastrukturnaya kharakteristika poverkhnosti podoteki ptits v sravnitel'nom aspekte [Ultrastructural characteristic of the podotheca's surface of birds in the comparative aspect] . // Ibidem. 193-194. By means of scanning electronis microscope podotheca of some species, including Saker Falcon was studied. Magnification from 300 up to 15000 was used.
Dzieduszycki, W. 1992. Spysok ptakhiv okolits Khrystynopolya i Sokalya nad Bugom [List of birds of the environs of Krystynopol and Sokal upon the Bug]. // Berkut. Chernivtsi. N1. P.98-110. In Ukrainian. Fragmented data about 208 bird species collected probably in 40-50-s of the XIX century are represented. Saker on p.99 under No.13. In spring 1852 young male was killed in Rovyshchi settlement.
Efimenko, N.N. 1988. Chislennost' i raspredelenie sokoloobraznykh ptits v Kopetdagskom zapovednike i ego okrestnostyakh [Numbers and distribution of Falconiformes birds in the Kopetdag Nature Reserve]. // Izv. Ak. nauk Turkm. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the Turkmen SSR. Ser. biol. sc.]. Ashkhabad. N5. P. 77-80. Tabl.2. Saker on p.78 in the text and table 1. It was carried out 4 observations for Saker's nests. Data about quantity of 30 species of breeding Falconiformes birds on the forbidden territory as well as on unprotected area are given. Influence of anthropogenization on birds reproduction index is marked.
Efimenko, N.N. 1989. Redkie malochislennye vidy ptits Kopetdagskogo zapovednika [Rare sparse bird species of the Kopetdag Nature Reserve]. // Ekologicheskie aspekty izucheniya, prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya i okhrany ptits v gornykh ekosistemakh: Tez dokl. Vses. symp. [Ecological aspectes of study, practical use and conservation of birds in mountain ecosystems], Frunze, 24-25 May, 1989. Frunze. P.34-36. Data were collected by observations in 1983-88. Saker is the breeding and resident species. Breeds in rock niches. 2 breeding records. Clutch - 3 eggs, chicks - 2-3. Feeding: 25 exemplares of food remains - birds. Numbers: on territory of Nature Reserve - 1 pair (Mirzadag), unprotected territory - 1 pair (Kurukhaudan).
Efimenko, N.N. 1990. Sovremennoe rasprostranenie i dinamika chislennosti redkikh sokoloobraznykh ptits Tsentral'nogo Kopetdaga [Modern distribution and dynamics of numbers of rare Falconiformes birds of the Central Kopetdag]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Mater. III Resp. Orn. Konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of IIIrd Rep. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara, Oct.1990. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. P.65-67. Saker on p.66 in the table and p.67 in the text. During 1983-1988 in 1 pair was nesting on the Kurukhaudan plot and 1 pair on the Asel'ma plot (total breeding of 2 pairs was known). On the rest 3 plots the Saker was only presented as unbreeeding bird. Total 5 isolated plots with area of each at 100-150 sq. km are considered.
Eminov, A., Saparmuradov, D. 1991. Rol' rybkhozov Turkmenistana v podderzhanii chislennosti redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits [Role of fishing farms of Turkmenistan in support of numbers of some rare and endangered bird species]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Ornitologicheskoi Konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 2. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. P.311. Material collected in 1986-1989 during bird migration period in region of Ashkhabad and Tedjen fishing-farms (foothills of Kopet-dag and Tejen River valley). Saker is registered as a species, listed in Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. Saker is sighting more or less regularly, but in small quantity.
Eversmann, E.A. 1866. Yestestvennya istoriya ptits Orenburgskogo kraya [Natural history of birds of the Orenburg Territory]. // Yestestvennaya istoriya Orenburgskogo kraya [Natural history of the Orenburg Territory]. Kazan. 621 p. Part 3. P.?. Author considers Saker as a common breeding species of the Orenburg Territory.
Filatov, A.K. 1985. Materialy po ekologii khishchnykh ptits zapadnogo Kopetdaga [Materials on ecology of Birds of Prey of western Kopetdag]. // Rastitel'nost' i zhivotnyi mir zapadnogo Kopetdaga [Flora and Fauna of Western Kopetdag]. Ashkhabad, P.154-161. Saker on p.60. Abundance: 0,6 ex. per 10 km routine. Winters, breeds. Is sighting within whole territory of region as well in gorges, as in the front-mountain plain and in "adyr"s. Nesting on rocky and clay precipices, 3-5 eggs are in clutch usually. 7/VI 1981 in the Gezly gorge - nest with well-fledged chicks. Nests were discovered in different time in Khartut place, Yalchi place, Karagidzhak place, one bird with food was observed in Yoldere gorge. Food components. Saker is situated in relatively favourable status.
Filatov, V.A. 1915. Ptitsy Kaluzhskoi gubernii [Birds of the Kaluga Province]. M. 187 p. Saker on p.58-59. May be this paper was published as a separate book, but according to Ivanov (1972), this paper was published as an article in "Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossiyskoi imperii. Otd. Zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of Russian Empire. Dept. Zool.]" Issue 14. P.194-379.
Flint, V.Ye., Golovkin, A.N. 1961. Znachenie khrebta Tannu-Ola kak zoogeograficheskoi pregrady i proiskhozhdenie pustynno-stepnoi fauny Tuvy [The role of the ridge Tannu-Ola as a zoogeographical barrier and some problems of the origin of the Tuva steppe fauna]. // Zool. zhurnal [Zool. journal]. Vol. XL. Issue 4. P.556-567. Bibl. 22 titl. Distribution of birds on p.558. Extract from this page:...Other group of birds, inhabited open areas of Tuva, includes species, those breeding rance covers the South-Eastern Europe or different plots of the Middle-Asian and even Central-Asian steppes, semideserts and deserts. Saker is belonged to this group of birds...
Flint, V.Ye. 1978. Krasnaya kniga SSSR [Red Data Book of USSR]. Vol.II. Birds. Moscow. 460 p. Saker on p.131.
Flint, V.Ye., Grazhdankin, A.V., Kostin, A.B., Pererva, V.I., Dobrov, S.G. 1983. Predotvrashchenie gibeli khishchnykh ptits na liniyakh elektroperedach [Prevention of raptors' death on transmission electric lines]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 21-25. Saker on p.22. Since 1980 experimental works were carried out with different tame Birds of Prey, including Sakers. Sakers sat on shortened pylons of currentless model of electric transmission line with natural heads of various types, as well already used in practice as being at the project stage. Totally 1130 sittings of Birds of Prey were analyzed.
Flint, V.Ye., Sorokin, A.G. 1983. Okhota s lovchimi ptitsami v SSSR, sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy [Falconry in the USSR, present status and prospects]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 25-32. Saker on p.28. In Turkmenia the last "oplot" of Falconry is Central Karakumy, where the interesting hunting with Saker on tolai-hare takes place. Its originality is zaklyuchaetsya in the use of the Middle-Asian borzyh - "tazy", from under which the Saker takes hare. Sakers, becoming very rare on nesting in Turkmenia, are catching by Falconers during autumn migrations or winter. Quantity of Falconers with Saker in Turkmenia reach hardly 20 persons.
Flint, V.Ye., Gabuzov, O.S., Sorokin, A.G., Ponomareva, T.S. 1986. Razvedenie redkikh vidov ptits [Reproduction of rare bird species]. M., "Agropromizdat" Publ. 206 p. Chapter "Birds of Prey" on pp.173-195 is written by A.G.Sorokin and consists of the following titles: Volieras (175-180); Feeding (180-182); Preparing for breeding (182-184); Use of partners, imprinted to man (185-187); Incubation of eggs (187-190); Rearing of chicks (190-193); Feeding of young birds (193-194). 6 drawing and 1 diagramm. A lot of data on Peregrine Falcon and a few on Saker.
Flint, V.Ye. 1995. Recent threats to large falcons Falco sp. in Russia and neighbouring countries. // Acta Ornithologica. Vol.30. No.1. P.23-24. In Engl. We hope that this paper is accessible for You. Paper is published in Proc. of the Int. Symp. "European Peregrine Falcon - its status and future".
Folitarek, S.S., Dement'yev, G.P. 1938. Ptitsy Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Birds of the Altaic State Nature Reserve]. // Trudy Altaiskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Altaic State Nat. Res.]. M., issue 1. 7-91 with ill. Summ,. in Engl.
Formozov, A.N. 1934. Khishchnye ptitsy i gryzuny [Birds of Prey and Rodents]. // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. Journal]. Moscow 13 (4): 664-701.
Formozov, A.N. 1987. Zhivotnyi mir Kazakhstana [Wildlife of Kazakhstan]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 149 p. Ill.40. Bibliogr.: 102 titl. Saker is fragmentary mentioned in some places.
Fotteler, E.R., Mitropol'skiy, O.V. 1983. Rasprostranenie i biologiya nekotorykh redkikh khishchnykh ptits v Kyzylkumakh [Distribution and biology of some rare birds of prey in Kyzyl Kumys]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., Nauka. 140-145. Saker on p.144. Common nesting bird of the Bukantau ridge, even numerous raptor in some places. Nest sites, nesting habitats. 15 nests are discovered. Phenology of nesting. Size of clutch and eggs. weight of eggs. Informative species account.
Gagina, T.N. 1960. Novye dannye o rasprostranenii ptits v Vostochnoi Sibiri [New data on distribution of birds in Eastern Siberia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.219-225. Saker on p.220. Sushkin (1938) wrote that Saker penetrates in Cis-Baikal area to north to Kyakhta. However study of collections of Cis-Baikal birds shown, that Saker is not quite rare in the Selenga river basin and goes to north to Ulan-Use, where Saker is probably, breeding. Description of known exemplares. Resettlement of Saker - one of results of aridification of the Seleng river valley.
Gaidenko, N.P. 1981. K voprosu okhrany khishchnykh ptits lesostepi Kustanaiskoi oblasti [On question of conservation of birds of prey of the forest-steppe of the Kustanai Region]. // Ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i okhrana prirodnykh resursov Severnogo i Tsentral'nogo Kazakhstana [Rational use and conservation of natural resources of the Northern and Central Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata. P.179-180. ?
Galushin, V.M. 1970. Khishchnye ptitsy [Birds of Prey]. M., "Lesnaya Promyshlennost" Publ. 135 p. Gyrfalcon and Saker are described in this scientific-popular brochure on p.15-18. Several phrases about falconry are there too.
Galushin, V.M. 1980. Khishchnye ptitsy lesa. Zhizneopisaniya Problemy Resheniya. [Birds of prey of the forest. Biographies Problems Decisions] M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost" Publ. 160 p. Falconiformes on p.77-119. Saker on p.101-105. Scientific-popular sketch on Saker with beautiful drawing on p.103.
Galushin, V.M., Pererva, V.I. 1982. Sostoyanie redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits i sov v SSSR [Status of rare species of birds of prey and owls in the USSR]. // XVIII mezhdunarodnyi orn. congress [XVIII Intern. Orn. Congress]. M. "Nauka" Publisher. P.261-263. Saker is rare species. The modern borders of range require clarification. Numbers in European part of country is decreasing, in Asian part - relatively stable. Saker population in Moldavia estimated in 20 pairs, in the Crimea - not more 5-6 pairs. High number (about 20 pairs) is saving in Naurzum NR (Kazakhstan). Up to 15 pairs are breeding in the Issyk-Kul depression (Kirghizia). Total number in the USSR does not exceed 1000 pares.
Galushin, V.M. 1983. Baloban [Saker]. // Krasnaya kniga RSFSR Zhivotnye [Red Data Book of the Russian SFSR]. M., "Rossel'khozizdat" Publ. P.226-228. Bibl.28 titles. Species is described under following headings: distribution; numbers; limiting factors; conservation measures; information sources.
Galushin, V.M., Pererva, V.I. 1983. Status of rare raptors in the USSR. // Bull. W.W.G.Birds of Prey, Nr.1: 212-214. In Engl.
Galushin, V.M., Kostin, A.B., Kubareva, N.Yu. 1994. Khishchnye ptitsy urochishcha Plyushchan na Verkhnem Donu [Birds of Prey of the Plyushchan place in Upper Don]. // Sovremennoe sostoyanie rastitelnogo i zhivotnogo mira Lipetskoi oblasti i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of flora and fauna of Lipetsk Region and problems of its conservation]. Part 2. "Zhivotnyi mir i problemy ego okhrany [Wildlife and problems of its conservation]". Lipetzk. P.16-21. Bibl.16. Saker on p.19. Young bird with dark figfure on breast and belly (probably, one and the same specimen) is sighted 18 and 19 June 1992 near edge of a forest. Stress in Raven brood and Rook flock.
Ganya, I.M. 1979. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Moldavii i meropriyatiya po ikh okhrane [Rare and endangered bird species of Moldavia and measures on their conservation]. // Izv. AN TSSR [Proc. of the Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR]. Ser. biol., issue 4. ?
Ganya, I.M., Zubkov, N.I. 1991. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Moldovy i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of rare and endangered bird species of Moldavia and problems of their conservation]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitoilogicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". 60-61. Population of the Saker Falcon is estimated in some nesting pairs throughout whole territory of Moldova.
Garanin, V.I. 1986. Perspektivy sokhraneniya ornitofauny v Tatarii [Prospects of the ornithofauna conservation in Tataria]. // Tez. dokl. 1-go s'yezda VOO i 9-i Vsesoyuz. ornitol. konferentsii [Abstracts of the 1st Meeting of All-
Union Orn. Soc. and 9th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. L., Part 1. P.152-153. The Saker Falcon was sighted as only solitary bird.
Garanin, V.I. 1991. Rol' Zoomuzeya Kazanskogo Universiteta v izuchenii ornitofauny Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya [Role of Zool. Museum of University [Kazan] in study of ornithofauna of the Volga-Kama Territory]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 1. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 139-140. Since 1888 Dr M.D.Ruzskiy during 25 years collected birds including Saker Falcon, which is considering as rare or vanished in Tatarstan at the present time. Since 1909 during 60 years Ya.P.Koksin collected birds for Museum, including Saker Falcon.
Garms, O.Ya., Irisov, E.A. 1987. Nakhozhdenie nekotorykh ptits, vnesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR, na territorii Altaiskogo kraya [Sightings of some birds, listed in the Red Data Books of the USSR in Altai Territory]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i slabo izuvchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altauiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Endangered, rare and insufficient studied plants and animals of the Altai Territory and problems of their conservation]. Abstracts. Barnaul. 53-54. Saker on p.54. 2 birds were observed 8 April 1982 in the M.Bashchelak settlement environs on the slope of the Sivernik mountain.
Gavrilenko, N.I. 1914. Ptitsy nizhnego techeniya r.Kolomak (Poltavskoi gubernii) [Birds of the lower stream of the Kolomak River (Poltava province)]. // Byul. Har'k. o-va lyubitelei prirody [Bull. Khar'kov Soc. Nature Lovers], N1, 18-32.
Gavrilenko, N.I. 1917. Predvaritel'nye svedeniya o ptitsakh Poltavskoi gubernii [Preliminary data on birds of the Poltava province]. // Yezhegodnik Muzeya Poltavskogo gubernskogo zemstva [Annual report of the Museum of the Poltava Provincial Authorities]. Poltava. 55-95.
Gavrilenko, N.I. 1929. Ptitsy Poltavshchiny [Birds of the Poltava region]. Poltava. P.134.
Gavrilov, E.I., Gistsov, A.P. 1985. Sezonnye perelety ptits v predgoryakh Zapadnogo Tien-Shan [Seasonal bird migrations in the Western Tien Shan foothills]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka" Publ. 224 p. Saker on p.45. 0,6-0,7 page with dates, places of sightings.
Gavrilov, I.K. 1990. K rasprostraneniyu redkikh ptits v yugo-zapadnoi Tuve [On distribution of rare birds in the South-Western Tuva] // Zoologicheskie problemy Altaiskogo kraya [Zoological problems of the Altai Territory]. Alt. otd. Orn. ob-va SSSR [Altai Dept. of Orn. Soc.]. Alt. Gos. Un-t [Altai St. Univ.]. Barnaul. P.9-10.
Gebel, G.F. (Goebel, H.) 1870. Die in den Jahren 1867, 1868 und 1869 im Umanschen Kreise (gouvernement Kiew) beobachten Vogel. // J.Ornithol., N105, s.177. In German.
Gebel, G.F. (Goebel, H.) 1879. Die Vogel des Kreiss Uman gouvernement Kiew mit besonderer Ruicksicht auf ihre Zug verhaltnisse des Russischen Reiches. // Zweite Folge, Petersburg. B.2, s.124. In German.
Geide, G.M., Tolin, S.L. 1989. Ornitofauna "Talovskoi stepi" [Ornithofauna of the Talov steppe]. // Rasptostranenie i fauna ptits Urala: inf. mater. [Distribution and fauna of birds of the Ural: Inform. mater.] In-t ekol. rast. i zhivotnykh i dr. [Instit. of Ecol. of Plants and Animals] Sverdlovsk. 35-36. On stationary point "Talovskaya step'" of the projective Orenburg Steppe Nature Reserve since autumn 1987 till autumn 1988 35 bird species were conducted. Territory of stationary point is wafe-plain steppe with gullies and hollows. Among birds, listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR, Saker Falcon was recorded during nomadic movements in postnesting period.
Geptner, V.I. 1956. Fauna pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Badkhyza (Yuzhnyi Turkmenistan) [Fauna of vertebrates of the Badkhyz (Southern Turkmenistan)]. Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of Turkmen SSR. Ashkhabad. 335 p. Saker on p.41-42. Brief literature review of sightings. Author did not sight Saker.
Golovanova, E.N. 1978. S fotoapparatom za sinei ptitsei [With photocamera for the Whistling Thrush]. M., "Prosveshchenie" Publ. 160 p. Scientific-popular book. Chapter "Tersekskiy forest" on p.141-153. Saker on p.145-147. Observations for Saker's nest till the flying out of fledglings from it.
Golovushkin, M.I. 1986. Ornitofauna Kotloviny Bol'shikh Ozer i ee zoogeograficheskiy analiz [Ornithofauna of depression of Bolshie Lakes and its zoogeographical analysis]. / Avtoref. dis. ... kand. biol. nauk [Author's abstracts of thesis]. Kiev. 20 p.
Gorshkov, Yu.A., Ayupov, A.S., Popov, A.V., Yegorov, Yu.E., Prokhorov, Ye.V., Ivlev, V.G. 1983. K rasprostraneniyu i biologii nekotorykh redkikh khishchnykh ptits Tatarii [On distribution and biology of some rare birds of prey of Tataria]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits. Materialy 1-go soveshchaniya po ekologii i okhrane khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey. Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M. "Nauka" Publ., 114-115. Since the 70's years the Saker Falcon is not breeding in the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve.
Grabar, A. 1931. Ptatstvo Podkarpatskoi Rusi (Avifauna Carpathorossica). // Odbitok z chasopisu "Podkarpatskaya Rus'". Uzhgorod, r.VIII, 4-19. In Ukrainian.
Grigor'yev, N.D., Popov, V.L., Popov, Yu.K. 1977. Otryad sokoloobraznye (dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy) [Order Falconiformes (diurnal birds of prey)]. // Ptitsy Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya. Nevorob'inye [Birds of the Volga-Kama Territory. Non-Passeriformes]. M. Falconiformes on p.76-116. Saker on p.84-86. In 1960's years the Saker Falcon was sighted very seldom in Tartar Republic. See title under No.77 in Your Bibliography - Popov, VA (1977).
Grishchenko, V.M., Gabrilyuk, M.N., Loparev, S.V., Yablonovska, E.D. 1994. Materialy po ridkisnykh ta zalitnykh vydakh ptakhiv skhidnoi Cherkashchyny [Materials on the rare and vagrant bird species of the East of Cherkassy Region]. // Berkut. Chernivtsi. Vol.3 Issue 1. P.49-55. In Ukrainian. Saker on p.49. List of 6 sightings of the Saker Falcon in the East of Cherkassy Region during 1975-1994.
Grishchenko, V.N. 1995. Ispol'zovanie biotechnicheskikh meropriyatiy v okhrane redkikh vidov ptits. Obzor mirovoi literatury [Using of the management techniques in the preservation of rare bird species. A review of the world literature]. // Praktychni pytannya okhorony ptakhiv [Practical questions of bird preservation]. Chernivtsi. 10-52. Bibliogr.: 34-52. Saker on p.19. ...In Slovakia even Sakers set up own nests in the artificial nest-boxes (Danko, 1994a, 1994b).
Gureev, S.P. 1988. Baloban [Saker]. Short commun. from Kuznetsk Alatau // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.103. Density. One nest with 3 eggs is described. Sizes of eggs. Sighting of group of 4 Sakers, two among them were young. Essential.
Horak, Petr. 1987. Paper from Czecho-Slovakia !!! Reintrodukce umele odchovanych mladat raroha velkeho (Falco cherrug) do volne prirody. // DRAVCI 1985. Sbornilk z ornitologicke konference. Prerov 14.-16.11.1985. P.239. In Czech.
Horak, Petr. 1987. Paper from Czecho-Slovakia !!! Reintrodukce mladete v prirozenem hnizde raroha velkeho (Falco cherrug). // Ibidem. P.239-240.
Horak, Petr. 1987. Paper from Czecho-Slovakia !!!
Reintrodukce mladete raroha velkeho (Falco cherrug) v hnizde kane lesni (Buteo buteo). // Ibidem. P.241-243.
Isakov, Yu.A., Vorob'yov, K.A. 1940. Obzor zimovok i proleta ptits na Yuzhnom Kaspii [Review of winterings and passage of birds in Southern Caspian Sea]. // Tr. Vsesoyuz. ornitol. zapovednika Gasan-Kuli [Proc. of All-Union Ornithol. Nature reserve Gasan-Kuli]. Issue 1. P.5-159. Bibliogr.: p.156-159.
Saker Falcon was common on wintering quarters in this area.
Ivanov, A.I. 1972. Ptitsy SSSR [Birds of the USSR]. Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel' 1881-1917 [Bibliographical index 1881-1917]. L., "Nauka" Publ. 1-195. Saker is mentioned in 10 titles, which are inserted in this file.
Ivanov, A.I. 1976. Katalog ptits SSSR [Catalogue of birds of the USSR]. L. "Nauka" Publ. 275 p. Saker under No.169 on p.55-56. Distribution of breeding range in the USSR, outside the USSR. Winter areas outside the USSR, within USSR. Without map.
Ivanov, A.I., Shtegman, B.K. 1978. Kratkiy opredelitel' ptits SSSR [Brief Guide on Birds of the USSR]. L., "Nauka" Publ. 558 p. Saker under No.169 is described on p.142. On p.112-113 figures of tail and bill are placed.
Ivanov, A.A., Khakhin, G.V. (in press ?). Kratkie svedeniya o balobane v doline srednego techeniya r.Ural [Brief data about Saker Falcon in the middle stream of the Ural River valley]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR. Okskiy zapovednik [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. Issue 2. (in press) ?
Ivanovskiy, V.V., Belik, V.P. 1991. Baloban v Rostovskoi oblasti [Saker Falcon in the Rostov Region] // Sovremennye svedeniya po sostavu, rasprostraneniyu i ekologii ptits Severnogo Kavkaza. Mat. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Modern data on composition, distribution and ecology of birds of Northern Caucasia]. 23-27 Apr. 1991. Sev-Kavk. otd. VOO AN SSSR [North-Caucasian Dept. of All-Union Orn. Soc. of Ac Sc of the USSR]. Stavropol. P.82-83. Saker Falcon was nested here in recently past, but now is disappweared from the Don River delta, that is connected with intensive practical development of the Rostov Region territory during last decades.
Il'ichev, V.D., Fomin, V.Ye. 1979. Ornitofauna Bashkirii i ee izmeneniya v XX veke [Ornithofauna of Bashkiria and its changes in XXth century]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 14. P.83-96. Saker on p.85. In 1970's in Bashkiria the Saker Falcon was not sighted already.
Il'ichev, V.D., Fomin, V.Ye. 1988. Ornitofauna i izmenenie sredy [Ornithofauna and Environment Changes]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 248 p. Saker on p.106, 214-215. In 1970's in Bashkiria the Saker Falcon was not sighted already.
Il'ichev, V.D. Edit. 1991. Fauna mira. Ptitsy. Spravochnik [Fauna of the World. Birds. Manual]. M., "Agropromizdat" Publ. 298 p. Sketch about Saker with other large Falcons on p.91.
Ioselev, L.G., Kozlova, M.V., Markuze, V.K. et al. 1982. Okhrana prirody Prichwernomor'ya [Nature Conservation in the Black Sea area]. M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost". 152 p. Chapter III - Rare animal species on p.94-114. Saker on p.107. In Region the Saker is sighting either on winter quarters, or as vagrant bird. Is sighted in the south of Moldavia (along Dniester river), in the south of Ukraine, in the Crimea, in the Caucasia. Preferrs deciduous and mixed forests, surrounded by steppes, where hunts for birds and small mammals. Saker's status in different Red Data Books of this region is described.
Irisov, E.A. 1972. Osobennosti rasprostraneniya nekotorykh ptits v Yugo-Vostochnom Altae [Peculiarities of distribution of some birds in the South-Eastern Altai]. // Ornitologiya. [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 10. P.248-251. Saker on p.248.
Irisov, E.A., Irisova, N.L. 1982. Vstrechi nekotorykh ptits, vnesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR, na territorii Altaiskogo kraya [Sightings of some birds, listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR, on territory of the Altaic Territory]. // Ischezayushchie i redkie rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Endangered and rare plants and animals of the Altaic Territory and problems of their conservation]. Abstracts. Barnaul. P.45-47.
Irisov, E.A. 1983. Znachenie Yugo-Vostochnogo Altaya v dele sokhraneniya genofonda khishchnykh ptits [Significance of the South-Eastern Altai in the matter of conservation of genofond of Birds of Prey]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 15-17. Saker on pp.15,16,17. Field observations were carried out since 1962 till 1983. Saker is a nesting species. Saker population is in satisfactory conditions. General changes in anthropogenic activity and press for last century. Necessary to set up Joint Soviet-Mongolian Nature Reserve in Ukok plateau for conservation of Birds of Prey.
Irisov, E.A. 1984. Zimuyushchie ptitsy v vysokogor'ye Altaya [Wintering birds in the Alpine area of Altai]. // Biologicheskie resursy Altaiskogo kraya i perspektivy ikh ispol'zovaniya. [Biol. resources of the Altai Territory and prospects of their use: Abstracts to conf.] Barnaul. P.117-118.
Irisov, E.A., Irisova, N.L. 1984. Redkie ptitsy Altaya [Rare birds of Altai]. Barnaul. Altaic Publ. House. 104 p. Saker on p.53-55. List of publications on past and present status of Saker in Altai territory. The most often at present time Saker is sighting in South-Eastern and Central Altai, sometimes - in North-Western. Probably, Saker breeds in North-Eastern Altai too. Nesting habitats. Main food. Distribution in neighbouring areas.
Irisov, E.A., Stakheev, V.A. 1976. Ornitogeograficheskiy ocherk Kuraiskoi mezhgornoi kotloviny (Altai) [Ornithogeographical sketch of the Kura between-mountains depression (Altai)]. // Geografiya prirodnoochagovykh boleznei Altaiskogo kraya [Geography of natural-foci diseases of the Altai Territory]. L. P.59-63.
Irisova, N.L., Irisov, E.A., Pyatkov, K.M., Luk'yanov, Yu.P. 1988. O rasprostranenii na Altae nekotorykh ptits, vnesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu RSFSR [On distribution of some birds in Altai, listed in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk. 94-97. Observations were conducted in June-July 1982-84 in S-E., Central and N-W Altai. New data on row of species, including Saker Falcon, are given.
Irisova, N.L., Irisov, E.A. 1990. Saker in Altai. In: Results of studies of rare animals. (Ed.Amirkhanov, A.M.), Moscow. 65-74. This title is written in Your Bibliography under No. 24, but see number of pages - 74 instead of 93. !
Ivanchev, V.P., Kotyukov, Yu.V., Priklonskiy, S.G., Sapetina, I.M. 1991. Tendentsiya izmeneniya ornitofauny Okskogo zapovednika [Trends of ornithofauna change in Oka Nature Reserve]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. 76-78. Saker Falcon is mentioned as disappearing species or species almost disappeared on the nesting.
Izmajlov, I.V. 1990. Spisok redkikh gnezdyashchikhsya ptits Vladimirskoi oblasti [List of rare nesting birds of the Vladimir Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. 43-44. Saker on p.44 in the list of little-studied or irregular nesting species.
Kabilov, T.K., Egamberdyev, Z.Yu., Tangirov, Kh., Saidmuratova, M. 1990. Gel'mintofauna nekotorykh redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Tashkentskoi oblasti [Gelmithofauna of some rare and endangered bird species of the Tashkent Region]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Mater. III Resp. Orn. Konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of III Republ. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara, Oct. 1990. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. P.33-35. Saker on p.34. Saker - quite rare species, is sighting in the Ugam river valley. Birds are quite trustful. In Saker 4 species of parasithic nemathodes are discovered. List of all 4 species.
Karamzin, A.N. 1901. Ptitsy Buguruslanskogo i sopredel'nykh s nim chastei Bugul'minskogo, Buzulukskogo uezdov, Samarskoi gubernii i Belebeiskogo uezda, Ufimskoi gubernii [Birds of the Buguruslan and adjoining to it Bugul'ma, Buzuluk uezds of the Samara Province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Ross. Imp. Otd. Zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of the Russian Empire. Zool. Dept.]. M. Issue 5. 203-394. Saker on p.256. Author considers Saker as a common breeding species of the a.m. areas.
Kasybekov, E.Sh. 1990. Naselenie redkikh i nakhodyashchikhsya pod ugrozoi ischeznoveniya vidov ptits Kirgizii i izbrannykh rajonov Tyan-Shanya [Population of rare and endangered bird species of Kirghizia and selcted districts of Tien Shan]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Materialy III respublikanskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of III Republ. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara, Oct. 1990. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. P.24-26. Saker on p.25. Breeding, partly resident species. Listed in Red Data Book of Kirghixzia. During breeding period is very rare in park fir-forests of Sukhoi ridge (0,02 spec./sq.km) and fir-woods of Altyn-Arashan place (0,04). In autumn is sighted by us near upper border of forest in Tyurgen-Ak-Suu place (0,09).
Khakhlov, V.A. 1912. K ornitofaune Tarbagatiskikh gor [On ornithofauna of the Tarbagatai mountains]. // Ornitol. vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin]. N2. P.131. Falco "altaicus" is described.
Khakhlov, V.A. 1928. Zaisanskaya kotlovina i Tarbagatai. Zoogeograficheskiy ocherk. Ptitsy [Zaisan hollow and Tarbagatai. Zoogeographical sketch. Birds] Part 1. General. //Izv. Tomsk. Un-ta [Proc. of Tomsk Univ.], Vol.81. P.1-157. Bibliogr.: p.144 and 157.
Khokhlov, A.N. 1983. K ekologii Falconidae na Stavropol'ye [On Falconidae ecology in Stavropol Territory]. // Vliyanie antropogennykh faktorov na strukturu i funktsionirovanie ekosistem [Influence of anthropogenic factors on structure and functioning of ecosystems]. Kalinin. P.125-133.
Khokhlov, A.N., Vitovich, O.A. 1990. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh vidov ptits Stavropol'skogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of rare bird species of the Stavropol Territory and problems of their conservation]. //Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, sparse and little-studied birds of the Northern Caucasia]. Mater. of scient.-pract. conf. 23-28.04.90. Stavropol. P.102-151. Saker on p.130. ...In summer period Saker was sighted near Stavropol town and in Lower Kuma river near Velichaevskoe settlement (flooded forest) (Volchanetskiy, 1959). Author suggested that these birds were nomadic ones. In autumn Saker was sighted in region of the Novotroitsk water reservoir (Khokhlov, 1983). Here in winter 1984/85 we sighted several times in 1 specimen near rocky revealing, in northern part of water reservoir.
Kholodkovskiy, N.A., Silant'yev, A.A. 1901. Ptitsy Evropy [Birds of Europe]. St.-Petersburg. Publ. house by A.F.Devrien. CLVII. 636 p. with ill. 60 pages tabl., 4 maps. Beautiful drawings. Saker under no.38 on p.72-74. The Russet-headed Saker under no.39 on p.74.
Khrustov, A., Moseikin, V. 1986. Okhrana redkikh ptits v Saratovskoi oblasti [Conservation of rare birds in the Saratov Region]. // Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. N9. 22-25. Ill.6. In 1980 the Saratov Hunting Inspection began work on fixing of protecting species in agrolandscape on the base of one plot of this Inspection and Republican Game Reserve "Saratovskiy". Breeding centre on reintroduction of rare bird species was organized. Detail data on about the past and modern breeding of Saker Falcon in the Saratov Region. Gravitation to Rooks colonies.
Kim, T.A. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Sayan, Prisayan'ya i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered birds of Sayan, Cis-Sayany and their conservation]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 113-119. Bibl.8. By observations during 1955-1974 data on occurrence of 31 bird species are summarized. Separate nests of Saker Falcon are discovered.
Kirikov, S.V. 1952. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie v usloviyakh landshaftov yuzhnoi okonechnosti Urala [Birds and mammals in conditions of landscapes of southern margin of the Urals]. M., Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR. 412 p.: Ill. In 1940's of our century the Saker Falcon was bred in the steppe and forest-steppe parts of Southern Ural.
Kistyakivskiy, O.B. 1926. Pro deyakikh ridkyh gnizdovyh ptahiv Kyivshchyny [About some rare breeding birds of the Kiev Region]. // Zb. prats' Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. Museum of Ac. of Sc. of the UkrSSR], N1, p.53-77. In Ukrainian with German summary.
Kistyakivskiy, O.B., Korneev, O.P., Pashchenko, Yu.I. 1955. Hrebetni tvaryny Polissya [Vertebrate animals of Poless'ye]. // Narysy pro pryrodu i sil'ske gospodarstvo Ukrains'kogo Polissya. Vyd-vo KDU, p.321. In Ukrainian.
Klimov, S.M. 1983. Materialy po faune i ekologii khishchnykh ptits Lipetskoi oblasti [Materials on fauna and ecology of Birds of Prey of the Lipetsk Region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., Nauka. 162-163. Saker on p.163. Saker is a rare nesting species (8-10 pairs).
Klimov, S.M., Sarychev, V.S., Nedosekin, V.Yu. 1990. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh ptits Lipetskoi oblasti [Modern status of rare birds of the Lipetsk Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. 45-47. Saker on p.45 in the list of rare and endangered species. Material was collected in 1973-1988. 8-10 Saker pairs are breeding in Lipetsk Region. There are 2 physic-geographical provinces of forest-steppe zone: Middle-Russian highland and Oka-Don lowland. Saker is breeding in both provinces.
Klimov, S.M., Aleksandrov, V.N. 1992. Redkie zhivotnye Lipetskoi oblasti [Rare animals of the Lipetsk Region]. Lipetsk. 108 p. Bibliogr.: p.103-107. Saker on p.39-40. Please, see other titles of Klimov, S.M. and Sarychev, V.S.
Klimov, S.M., Sarychev, V.S., Nedosekin, V.Yu., Aleksandrov, V.N. 1994. Izmeneniya v faune khishchnykh ptits Verkhnego Dona za 100 let [Changes in fauna of Birds of Prey of Verkhniy (Upper) Don for 100 years]. // Sovremennoe sostoyanie rastitelnogo i zhivotnogo mira Lipetzkoi oblasti i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of flora and fauna of the Lipetsk Region]. Part 2. "Zhivotnyi mir i problemy ego okhrany [Wildlife and problems of its conservation]". Lipetzk. P.54-61. Tabl.1. Bibl.38 titl. At least such rare species as Saker and Booted Eagle have begun, though slowly, to increase own number. Experiments on release in nature. Status of Saker in Upper Don river basin on the Middle-Russian Plain during following periods: 1855-1930; 1930-1960; 1960-1993 and Oka-Don Lowland during 1930-1960 and 1960-1993.
Klitin, O.M. 1956. Do fauny ptahiv girskyh raioniv Chernivetskoi oblasti [On fauna of birds of mountain districts of the Chernovtsy Region]. // Pratsi ekspeditsii po kompleksnomu vivchennyu Karpat i Prikarpattya /Chernivets. derzh. un-t [Proc. of Expedition on Complex Study of the Carpathians and Cis-Carpathian area / Chernovtsy State Univ.], Ser. biol. Vol.2. P.121-144. In Ukrainian.
Kolesnikov, A.D. 1965. O ptitsakh lesov Dnepropetrovshchiny [On birds of forests of the Dniepropetrovsk area]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.67-70. Saker on p.69.
Kolosov, A.M., Lavrov, N.P., Mikheev, A.V. 1983. Biologiya promyslovo-okhotnich'ikh ptits SSSR [Biology of the game-hunting birds of the USSR]. M., "Vysshaya shkola" Publ. Saker on p.135. General information.
Korelov, M.N. 1956. Materialy k avifaune khrebta Ketmen' (Tien-Shan) [Materials on avifauna of the Ketmen mountain ridge (Tien Shan)] // Tr. In-ta zool. /AN KazSSR. [Proc. of Inst. of Zool. / Ac of Sc of KazSSR]. Vol.6. P.109-157: ill.
Korelov, M.N. 1962. Ptitsy Kazakhstana [Birds of Kazakhstan]. Vol.2. Falconiformes. Alma-Ata. See in Your
Bibliography title under Nr.163 - Gavrin, V.F. et al. Author of Saker account in this monograph is Dr.M.N.Korelov.
Korol'kova, G.Ye. 1983. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits Tellermanovskogo lesa za 30 let [Change of number of Birds of Prey of the Tellermanovskiy forest for 30 years]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 50-52. Saker on p.51 in Table. In 1950's 5 breeding pairs took place, in 1960's - 2 pairs, in 1970's - 0 and 1980's - 0 pairs.
Koshelev, A.I., Korzyukov, A.I., Lobkov, V.A., Peresad'ko, L.V. 1991. Analiz chislennosti redkikh vidov ptits v Odesskoi oblasti [Analysis of numbers of rare bird species in the Odessa Region]. // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of Prichernomor'ye]. Kiev-Odessa: Lybid. 9-36. Bibl. 10 titl. Saker on p.20-21. Rare breeding bird of Odessa Region; is rare on passage too. Description of nesting places. At present 5-7 pairs are breeding in the Odessa Region, maximum 10-12 pairs. In Nikolaev Region breeding of 1 pair is known.
Kostin, V.P. 1956. Zametki po ornitofaune levoberezh'ya nizov'yev Amu-Dar'i i Ustyurta [Notes on ornithofauna of the left-side lower Amu Daria River and Ustyurt]. // Tr. In-ta zool. i psarasitol. [Proc. of Inst. Zool. and Parasithol. of the Ac. of Sc. of the UzSSR], issue 8. Tashkent. P.79-127. Saker (Falco cherrug Gray) on p.116. ...16.05.51 we have seen tamed Saker near yurta near Er-Burun well. Host has taken it as chick in 1950 in nest on the Ustyurt chink above Daryalyk canyon. Falcon is trained for hunting for hares. In November 1952 we have seen tamed Falcon in hunters in tugai lower Darganat. Their falcon catches hares and Pheasants...
Kostin, Yu.V., Dulitskiy, A.I., Mal'tsev, I.V., 1981. Redkie zhivotnye Kryma [Rare animals of the Crimea]. Simferopol': "Tavriya" Publ. 161 p. Saker on p.78-79. The Saker numbers in the Crimea dropped considerably only during last 5-6 years. In 1965-1973 at least 12-15 pairs were nested on peninsula, by 1979 they quantity dropped to 5-6.
Kostuyshin, V.A., Miroshnichenko, V.I. 1995. Khishchnye ptitsy nekotorykh zapovednykh ob'yektov Nikolaevskoi oblasti [Birds of Prey of some reservations in Nikolaev Region]. //Praktychni pytaninya okhorony ptakhiv [Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi. P.165-168. 9 reservations were investigated in 1988-1993. Their brief descriptions are adduced. 65 nests were found. 24 from them were empty, 7 were occupied by the Ravens and 34 - by Birds of Prey (58,6%). In the "Ratsinskaya Dacha" reservation 2 nesting pairs of Saker Falcon were registered that gives 5,9% of total Birds of Prey number. Saker on p.167 in Table and p.168 in the text.
Kots, A.F. 1940. Russkiy krecher v svete darvinizma [The Russian Gyrfalcon in the light of Darwinism]. // Okhrana prirody [Nature Conservation]. N6. P.66-79. There is a reference to this title in a paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Kovshar', A.F., Bekenov, A.B. 1985. V mire zhivotnykh [In the World of Animals]. Alma-Ata, "Kainar" Publ. Falconiformes on p.45-58. Saker on p.57-58. Scientific-popular description of this species in comparison with Peregrine Falcon. General information on Saker in Kazakhstan.
Kovshar, A.F. 1988. Mir ptits Kazakhstana [World of Birds of the Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, "Mektep" Publ. 270 p. Scientific-popular book. Saker on p.99. Saker - the most common large falcon of Kazakhstan. General information.
Kovshar', A.F., Levin, A.S. 1993. Ptitsy pustyni Betpak-Dala [Birds of Betpak-Dala desert]. // Fauna i biologiya ptits Kazakhstana [Fauna and biology of birds of the Kazakhstan]. Almaty. 104-132. Bibl.35. Saker on pp. 108-109. Inhabits everywhere Betpak-Dala, but the most common in eastern mountain part, where in May-June 1981 and 1982 7 nests with chicks were discovered (Pfeffer, 1983). Description of exact places and dates of other observations. 2 nests were found on triangulation towers at the centre of desert 13.VI.1984.
Kovshar', A.F., Khrokov, V.V. 1993. K faune ptits Pavlodarskogo Zairtysh'ya [On the bird fauna of Pavlodar's Trans-Irthysh]. // Fauna i biologiya ptits Kazakhstana [Fauna and biology of birds of the Kazakhstan]. Almaty. 133-144. Bibl.3. Saker on p.135-136. Is sighted only in pine-forests near Shoshkaly Lake and near Cheka village. Detailed description of 1 nest with measurements of chicks.
Kozlov, P.S. 1950. Ptitsy lesa [Birds of a Forest]. Saratov, Regional Publ. House. 120 p. Saker on p.39. Saker has turned out of the nest the White-tailed Sea Eagle and has occupied own old nest. Good interrelations with Rooks.
Kozlova, Ye.V. 1930. Ptitsy Yugo-Zapadnogo Zabaikal'ya, Severnoi Mongolii i Tsentralnoi Gobi [Birds of the South-Western Trans-Baikalia, Northern Mongolia and Central Gobi]. L. 396 p. with ill; 1 sheet map. (AN SSSR. Materialy Komis. po issledovaniyu Mong. i Tuvin. Nar. Respublik i Buryat-Mong. ASSR [Ac. of Sc. of the USSR. Materials of Commission on Study of Mongolia and Tuva People's Republics and Buryat-Mongolian ASSR]. Issue 12). Bibliogr.: p.356-360.
Kozlova, Ye.V. 1932. Ptitsy vysokogornogo Khangaya po nablyudeniyam zoologicheskogo otryada Mongol'skoi ekspeditsii 1929 [Birds of the high-elevation Khangai by observations of zoological detachment of Mongolian expedition 1929]. L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. Proc. of Mongolian Commission N3. 93 p. Hierofalco altaicus Menzb. on p.25-26. Several Altayan Gyrfalcons were observed and 1 bird was shot. Description of bagged bird.
Kozlova, Ye.V. 1940. Obshchiy obzor ornitofauny Tsentral'noi Azii [General review of ornithofauna of the Central Asia]. // Izvestiya VGO [Proc. of All-Union Geogr. Soc.]. Vol.72. Issue 4-5. P.679-689.
Krasnaya kniga Gruzii [Red Data Book of the Georgian SSR]. 1982. Tbilisi. 255 p. In Georgian. Saker is listed as rare species with decreasing number. In Georgia Saker is recorded on passage and especially in winter. Description of habitats. Majority of their natural habitats became degraded now. There is not exact data on numbers.
Krasnaya kniga MSSR [Red Data Book of the Moldavian SSR]. 1978. Kishinev. 118 p. Saker is listed as rare species. At the beginning of XX century was widely distributed in Moldavia. At present time is sighting in regions, adjoining to the Dniestter and Prut, and also in Kodry. Before 1960 was the common species. In last time numbers dropped. Presently about 20 pairs are breeding.
Krever, V.G. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. M. 138-155. Saker in Table 1 on p.145-146: in Altai NR - nesting?, solitary vagrant; Astrakhan NR - nesting rare; Baikal NR - solitary passage; Volga-Kama NR - nesting?, solitary passage; Voronezh NR - nesting rare; Sayano-Shushenskiy NR - resident rare, nesting rare; Sokhondinskiy NR - arriving for winter, rare, passage rare; Khoper NR-nesting rare?; Central-Chernozem NR - passage rare.
Krever, T.N., Krever, V.G. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika [Birds of Prey and Owls of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. M. 63-69. Saker on p.66. Till recently one pair nested in Saralovskoe forestry, now here the regular sightings of this species are recording, but nest is unknown. Saker is sighting by solitary pairs during migrations in Raifskiy forestry.
Krivitskiy, I.A. 1965. Materialy po ptitsam Tengiz-Kurgal'dzhinskoi vpadiny [Materials on birds of the Tengiz-Kurgal'dzhino hollow]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.146-152. Saker on p.147. Autumn nomadic movements are beginning at the first half of July, when birds are moving northwards of nesting sites.
Krivitskiy, I.A. 1983. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy stepnykh rajonov Tsentral'nogo Kazakhstana [Diurnal Birds of Prey of steppe regions of the Central Kazakhstan]. Khar'kov, Khar'kov Univ. 58 p. Manuscript dep. in UkrNIINTI 03.10.1983. N10884k-D83.
Krivitskiy, I.A. 1991. Reviziya ornitofauny Khar'kovskoi oblasti [Revision of ornithofauna of the Khar'kov Region]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. Minsk. "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 93-94. Saker Falcon is rare species on the nesting.
Krivitskiy, I.A., Prisada, I.A., Kovalev, V.A. 1983. O nekotorykh redkikh khishchnykh ptitsakh Khar'kovskoi oblasti [On some rare Birds of Prey of the Khar'kov Region]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 128-129. Saker on p.128. Is sighting only in 3 districts of the Khar'kov Region, where massives of old oak groves take place. Saker's occurrence quite often is connected with presence of Grey Heron colonies. Damage from Carrion Crow. 2 such nests in Heron colonies are described. Nesting observations in other places are given too.
Krivitskiy, I.A., Volkov, Ye.N., Zhuliy, V.A. 1983. K biologii redkikh khishchnykh ptits v rajone Kurgal'dzhinskogo zapovednika (Tsentral'nyi Kazakhstan) [On biology of rare Birds of Prey in region of the Kurgal'dzhino Nature Reserve (Central Kazakhstan)]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 129-132. Saker on p.131-132. Within limits of study area this Falcon is not breeding, but regularly is sighting in period of post-nesting nomadic movements and on passage mainly in autumn. Phenology of arrival and departure.
Krivitskiy, I.A., Khrokov, V.V., Volkov, Ye.N., Zhuliy, V.A. 1985. Ptitsy Kurgal'dzhinskogo zapovednika [Birds of the Kurgal'dzhino Nature Reserve]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka" of Kaz.SSR. 195 p. Saker on p.92. In Nature Reserve is sighting in period of postnesting nomadic movements and on passage, mainly in autumn. Phenology of migration.
Kuchin, A.P. 1965. Materialy postembrional'nogo razvitiya ptentsov khishchnykh ptits Verkhnego Priob'ya [Materials of the post-embryonic development of raptor's chicks of the Upper Priob'ye]. // Novosti ornitologii [News of Ornithology: (Materials of IVth All-Union Orn. Conf.)]. Alma-Ata. "Nauka" of Kazakh SSR. 207-208. In 1963 near Bijsk one nest of Siberian Saker was observed. 4 chicks were hatched 8-11 May. 2 youngest were dead (were thrown out by wind from nest). Weight and measurements of various parts of body in chicks (male and female). Ethological observations for chicks.
Kuchin, A.P. 1965. Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits severo-vostochnogo Altaya [Ecology of Birds of Prey of the North-Eastern Altai]. // Novosti ornitologii [News of ornithology: (Materials of IV All-Union Orn. Conf.)]. Alma-Ata. "Nauka" of Kazakh SSR. 205-206. Observations were carried out since 1954 till 1964 in under-mountain plain, Altai foothills (area between Biya and Katun' Rivers) and Cis-Salair area within radius 100-120 km around Bijsk. Sakers arrive at the end of March or beginning of April (to the period of appearing of Red-cheeked Sousliks (Citellus erythrogenys Brandt). In 1963 voles, sousliks and hamsters in Saker's feeding made 95%, birds (Quails, Starlings and Snipes)-10%.
Kuchin, A.P. 1966. K biologii razmnozheniya khishchnykh ptits i sov v Verkhnem Priob'ye [On breeding biology of Birds of Prey and Owls in Upper Cis-Ob' River area]. // Voprosy zoologii. Mat-ly III soveshchaniya zoologov Sibiri [Questions of Zoology. Materials of the 3rd Meeting of Zoologists of Siberia]. Tomsk. P.168-169. There are some data on breeding biology of Saker Falcon this area.
Kuchin, A.P. 1969. Pitanie khishchnykh ptits i sov na Altae [Feeding of Birds of Prey and Owls in Altai]. // Ornitologiya v SSSR. Kniga vtoraya [Ornithology in the USSR. Second Book]. Ashkhabad. Book 2. P.330-333. Feeding was studied during 13 years (1956-1968). In Siberian Saker (1962-1968) in 5 nests 53% of prey were the mouse-looking rodents, 40 - Red-cheeked and Long-tailed sousliks and 7 - birds.
Kuchin, A.P. 1974. Izmenenie fauny ptits Altaya v dvadtsatom stoletii [Changes in bird fauna of Altai in XXth century]. // Materialy VI Vsesoyuznoi ornit. konf. [Materials of the VI All-Union Orn. Conf.]. M., Part 1. P.208-210.
Kuchin, A.P. 1976. Ptitsy Altaya [Birds of Altai]. Barnaul: Altaic Publ. House. 232 p.
Kuchin, A.P. 1981. Rasprostranenie i dinamika chislennosti redkikh khishchnykh ptits Altaya [Distribution and dynamics of numbers of rare Birds of Prey of Altai]. // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits [Ecology and conservation of birds: Abstracts of VIII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Kishinev. P.129. During last 27 years (1954-1980) it was not registered the noticeable dropping of number in Saker and Imperial Eagle. During nesting time these birds are common in Front-Altai forest-steppe plains and between-mountain hollows of the Central and South-Eastern Altai, where landscape was not changed almost, but number of Red-cheeked and Long-tailed sousliks was increased.
Kuchin, A.P. 1982. Nablyudeniya za balobanom i skopoi [Observations for the Saker Falcon and Osprey]. // Tez. dokl. konf.: Ischezayushchie i redkie rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Abstracts: Endangered and rare plants and animals of the Altaic Territory and problems of their conservation]. Barnaul. 55-56. ?
Kuchin, A.P. 1983. Materialy po khishchnym ptitsam Altaya, zanesennym v Krasnuyu Knigu SSSR [Materials on birds of prey of Altai, listed in Red Data Book of the USSR]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey: Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey (Moscow, 16-18 February 1983)]. M. "Nauka" Publ. 134-136. Saker on p.135-136. Saker - common breeding species of Altai, is sighting in winter too. Descriptions of sightings and one nest. Fate of chicks in this nest. More often sakers are sighting in autumn - description of some autumn observations.
Kuchin, A.P. 1995. Ornitologicheskata kollektsiya E.A.Irisova v Bijskom kraevedcheskom muzee [Ornithological collection of E.A.Irisov in the Bijsk Museum of Local Lore]. // Ornitolog E.A.Irisov [Ornithologist E.A.Irisov]. Proc. of Russian Geogr. Soc. Altai Dept. Issue 15. Bijsk. P.44-57. Bird collection, gathered by the late famous Siberian ornithologist E.A.Irisov (21/X 1935-2/IV 1995) is described. Consists of 359 study skins, including Birds of Prey from No.81 to No.148, i.e. 68 study skins. Saker Falcon - Falco cherrug milvipes Gray, 1834 on p.48 = 4 skins: No.119. Female in upper Ak-Kol' river, 27/VIII 1965; No.120. Male in region of Chembak-Kol' Lake, 19/VIII 1964; No.121. Female in region of the Chembak-Kol' Lake, Sailyugem, 16 June 1964; No.122. Male in the middle part of Kolguta River, 28/VIII 1965.
Kuchin, A.P., Kuchina, N.A. 1995. Novye materialy po rasprostraneniyu, chislennosti i ekologii redkikh ptits gornogo Altaya [New materials on distribution, numbers and ecology of rare birds of the mountain Altai]. // Materialy k Krasnoi knige respubliki Altai (zhivotnye) [Materials for Red Data Book of Republic of Altai (animals)]. Gorno-Altaisk. P.40-43. Altayan Gyrfalcon (morph) on p.41. Description of very dark Alt. Gyrfalcon, sighted in Kanskaya steppe, near Ust-Kan 07.09.84. Nest was discovered.
Kurochkin, Ye.N., Mikhailov, K.Ye. 1994. Gnezdovaya avifauna Gobijskoi territorii Mongolii [Breeding avifauna of the Gobi territory of Mongolia]. // Sovremennaya ornitologiya 1992 [Modern Ornithology 1992]. M., "Nauka" Publ. P.50-75. Saker on p.56. More often is sighting in Northern, eastern and south-eastern regions of Mongolian Gobi. As a whole is not numerous (probably, more common on tall ridges of the Gobian Altai). Gravitating to sites with stony hills and near sandy precipices. The greatest quantity of sightings - near precipices Ergiliyn-Dzo (Eastern Gobi). Nests were not discovered. 5/VII 1989 at 70 km to south of Choir adult birds were sighted with 3 young birds, which began to fly.
Kustov, Yu.I. 1976. Gnezdovanie nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits v lesostepnoi zone Minusinskoi kotloviny [Breeding of some Birds of Prey in forest-steppe zone of the Minusinsk hollow]. // Fauna i ekologiya zhivotnykh (Sbornik trudov) [Fauna and ecology of animals (Collection of papers)]. M. P.86-97. Tabl.1. Bibl.24 titl. Saker on p.93 and in Table on p.94. Situation in one Saker's nest is described during 3 years. Tree Sparrows were nested in the Saker's nest simultaneously with Falcon breeding. Phenology of breeding. Ethological notes.
Kustov, Yu.I. 1978. Chislennost i territorial'noe raspredelenie khishchnykh ptits v Minusinskoi kotlovine [Number and territorial distribution of Birds of Prey in the Minusinsk hollow]. // Fauna i ekologiya pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh [Fauna and ecology of vertebrates]. M. P.91-97. Saker on p.93 in the text and on p.94 in the table with data on numbers and population density in various habitats.
Kustov, Yu.I. 1979 or 1980 ? Ekologiya balobana v Minusinskoi kotlovine [The Saker Falcon ecology in the Minusinsk depression]. // Gnezdovaya zhizn' ptits [Nesting life of birds]. Perm. 77-80. ?
Kustov, Yu.I. 1983. Nekotorye aspekty territorializma i konkurentnykh otnosheniy khishchnykh ptits [Some aspects of territorialism and competition in raptors]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 27-29. Saker on p.28. Common Buzzard in region of own nesting plot pursues Kestrel for distance about 200-300 m, Saker - 500-600, Imperial Eagle - to 1000 m and more meters.
Kustov, Yu.I. 1988. Perspektivy razvitiya populyatsiy khishchnykh ptits v Minusinskoi kotlovine [Prospects of development of Birds of Prey populations in Minusinsk hollow]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 130-134. In the Minusinsk depression breeding of 18 raptor species is determined, 3 among which (Golden Eagle, Saker falcon and Merlin) are recorded on wintering too. Saker, Hobby and Red-footed Falcon form in 4-5% of total number. Negative role of Corvidae as territorial and feeding partly competitor is increasing.
Lanovenko, Ye.N., Abdunazarov, B.B. 1983. O vliyanii liniy elektroperedach na chislennost dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v Uzbekistane [Impact of transmission electrical lines on numbers of diurnal raptors in Uzbekistan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 29-30. Saker on p.30. In last years for central part of Kyzyl-Kumy the breeding on electric transmission pylons of such species like Golden Eagle and Saker, became the common phenomena.
Larionov, V.F. 1926. Perechen' ptits Tyumenskogo okruga [The list of birds of the Tyumen District]. // Izvestiya Tomskogo universiteta [Proc. of Tomsk Univ.]. Vol.77. Issue 2. 185-197. Author considers that Saker Falcon is breeding raptor in the Tyumen district.
Lebedeva, M.I., Shevareva, T.P. 1960. K voprosu o migratsiyakh dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits SSSR [On question about migrations of diurnal Birds of Prey of the USSR]. // Migratsii zhivotnykh [Migrations of Animals] 2: 100-127. ...It is possible to say about Saker, that specimens from former Naurzum NR of the Kustanai Region (probably, of subspecies F.cherrug cherrug Gray) can winter not only in eastern parts of the Caucasus (Daghestan, Azerbaijan), as is written by G.P.Dement'yev (1951), but near the Black Sea shore too - in Georgia (see table II, N3). In Table on p.108 3 recoveries oof ringed Sakers are given.
Ledyaikina, M.A. 1985. Faunisticheskiy obzor khishchnykh ptits i sov Mordovskogo zapovednika [Faunistical review of Birds of Prey and Owls of the Mordovian Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. M. 58-63. Saker on p.61. Single finding of nest and bird in Nature Reserve is belonged to I.D.Shcherbakov (by L.P.Borodin, 1967). In the next years Saker was not observed by Nature reserve staff.
Likhatskiy, Yu.P. (in press, a). Kratkie svedeniya o balobane v Voronezhskom zapovednike [Brief data on Saker in the Voronezh Nature Reserve] // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR. Okskiy zapovednik [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR. Oka Nature Reserve], issue 2. ?
Likhatskiy, Yu.P. 1983. Izmeneniya v faune khishchnykh ptits Voronezhskogo zapovednika za 30 let [Changes in fauna of raptors in Voronezh Nature Reserve during 30 years period]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 55-57. Saker on p.55,57. Saker is belonged to cathegory of rare species. The ploughing up of areas, adjoining to protected territory, exterminates feeding base for Saker.
Lipin, S.I., Sonin, V.D. 1986. Redkie vidy v dinamike fauny ptits Priangar'ya [Rare species in bird fauna dynamics of Cis-Angara area]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 26-27. During last 25 years species composition became richer at 22 new species, and 7 among which including Saker Falcon, already have crossed status "rare species", i.e. became almost common species. Very rare and important INFO !
Lisetskiy, A.S. 1952. Ornitofauna Izyumskikh pristepnykh borov i puti eyo obogashcheniya poleznymi ptitsami [Ornithofauna of the Izyum Cis-steppe woods and ways of its enrichment by useful birds]. // Uchenye zapiski Kharkov Un-ta [Transactions of Kharkov Univ.]. 44: 55-72. Description of the Saker breeding in the Kharkov Region at the middle part of the Severskiy Donets River. See Atemasova, T.A. (1995).
Lisovskiy, A.A. 1995. Putevye zametki [Travel notes]. // Materialy k Krasnoi knige respubliki Altai (zhivotnye) [Materials for Red Data Book of Republic of Altai (animals)]. Gorno-Altaisk. P.55-56. On way from Chagan-Uzun village to the Toldurinskiy glacier, on stand against Djelo constantly in the narrow belt of taiga 8-12 August 1994 observed Gyrfalcon (Editor's remark: probably, Altayan form of Saker, N.M.). In Shaltra site, not far from winter site Oimak, 18-21 August observed Gyrfalcon (Saker, N.M.).
Livanov, S.G., Toropov, K.V., Nikitin, V.G. 1990. O ptitsakh tsentral'nogo Altaya, vnesennykh v Krasnuyu Knigu RSFSR [On birds of the Central Altai, listed in Red Data Book of the RSFSR]. // Zoologicheskie problemy Altaiskogo kraya [Zoological problems of the Altai Territory]. Alt. otd. Ornit. ob-va SSSR [Altai Dept. of Orn. Soc. of the USSR]. Alt. Gos. Un-t [Altai St. Univ.]. Barnaul. P.25-27.
Livanov, S.G., Toropov, K.V., Nikitin, V.G., Kostrova, Ye.B. 1991. Khishchnye ptitsy Tsentral'nogo Altaya [Birds of Prey of the Central Altai]. // Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k konferentsii [Ornitholoigical Problems of Siberia. Abstracts for Conf.]. Barnaul. 146-148. Majority of sightings of the Saker Falcon (10: 7-17) in region takes place during the first half of summer. During the second half of summer it was registered more seldom.
Loparev, S.A., Mel'nichuk, V.A. 1983. Antropogennoe vozdeistvie na khishchnykh ptits v Kievskoi i Vinnitskoi oblastyakh [Anthropogenous impact of Birds of Prey in the Kiev and Vinnitsa Regions]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., Nauka. 57-59. Saker on p.57,59. Saker at the beginning of century "probably, bred" in Kiev environs (Sharleman, 1909), and in 1923 A.B.Kistyakovskiy in Koncha-Zaspe (Kiev vicinity) has found its nest. Beginning since 1950's this species spreaded to north along Dnieper river flood in connection with felling of forests and ploughing up of lands and in small quantity regularly is nesting now in the Kiev Region (Zubarovskiy, 1981). ... Saker is sighting in places of wintering Rook concentrations in Kiev and Vinnitsa.
Loparev, S.A., Tsvelykh, A.N. 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy raiona Kanevskogo zapovednika [Birds of Prey of the Kanev Nature Reserve region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M. "Nauka" Publ. 164-166. Saker on p.165. Large Falcons (Peregrine and Saker) - several times were registered on passage, but they were not identified to species.
Loparev, S.A. 1994. Resent state of Falconry in the central part of Ukraine and its ecological aspects. // Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine (Lutsk, March 4-6, 1994). Chernivtsi. P. 139-141. In Rus. Saker on p.139. Saker - sometimes as exclusion is sighting in Kiev, but for Falconry practically this species was not used, though they were trained and birds lived in Falconers for a long time.
Lorenz, Th. 1894. Die Vogel des Moskauer Gouvernements. Mit Vorwod von Prof. M.v.Menzbier. // "Bull. Soc. nat. Moskou N.S." T.7. S. 337-354. In German.
Loskot, V.M. 1986. Materialy po ptitsam okrestnostei Tashanty (Yugo-Vostochnyi Altaiu) [Evidense on birds of Tashanta environs (South-Eastern Altai)]. // Rasprostranenie i biologiya ptits Altaya i Dal'nego Vostoka [Distribution and biology of birds of Altai and Far East]. L. Proc. of Zool. Inst. of Sc of Sc of the USSR. Vol.150. 44-56. Saker on p.46. Pair, bagging numerous sousliks and pikas, was sighted to 4 times per excursion to east of Tashanta. Twice Saker was pursued by Klushitsy, which protected own nesting areas. 15/VI very light specimen with moulting inner primaries sat on slope and has allowed us to approach at 17 m to bird.
Loudon, H. 1909-1910. Meine dritte Reise nach Zentral-Asien und ihre ornithologische Ausbeute. // Journal fur Ornitologie. 1909: Jg.57, S.505-573. 1910: Jg.58, S.1-90. In German. At the end of March author has discovered the Siberian Saker in Kermin and Ziadin.
Lugovoi, A.Ye. 1975. Ptitsy Mordovii [Birds of Mordovia] . Gorkiy. 299 p. Saker on p.76-77.
Lyaister, A.F., Sosnin, G.V. 1942. Materials on ornithofauna of the Armenian SSR (Ornis Armeniaca). Yerevan, Publ. house of Armen. Branch of Ac of Sc of the USSR. Biol. Inst. On cover-page year of publishing is 1944. 402 /XV/ p. Bibliogr.: p.5-10. ?
Lysenko, V.I., Kemenov, V.V. 1983. Fauna sokoloobraznykh v Zaporozhskoi oblasti [Falconiformes fauna in the Zaporozh'ye Region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 126-128. Saker on p.126. Saker bred in 1950's in the Staro-Berdyanskiy forest; now, probaly, is disappeared in territory of Region.
Ma, Yiqing. 1989. Ptitsy iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v Kitae [Birds from the Red Data Book of RSFSR in China]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare animals and animals, needed in protection]. M. P.35-39. Fig.2. Tabl.2.
Saker on p.36 in table. Saker - breeding and migratory bird; modern status - rare; uses all three migratory ways, shown on the map on p.37; belonged to the 2nd category of protection of 3 existing categories.
Maleshin, N.A. 1987. Novye dannye o redkikh ptitsakh v Altaiskom zapovednike i na prilezhashchikh territoriyakh [New data on rare birds in the Altai Nature reserve and on adjoining territories]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i slabo izuchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Endangered, rare and little-studied plants and animals of the Altai Territory and problems of their conservation: Abstracts]. Barnaul. 87-88. Saker on p.88. Description of two Saker nests. Dimensions of nest. Nesting biotop. Preys in the nest. 11 km - distance between nests.
Malkov, N.P. 1979. Zametki po redkim ptitsam Tsentralnogo i pogranichnykh chastei Yugo-Vostochnogo Altaya [Notes on rare birds of Central and bordering parts of the South-eastern Altai]. // Biologicheskie resursy Altaiskogo kraya i puti ikh ratsional'nogo ispol'zovaniya. Tez. dokl. konf. [Biological resources of the Altai Territory and ways of their rational use: Abstracts]. Barnaul. 143-145.
Malkov, N.P., Malkov, Yu.P. 1980. Complexes of vertebrate population in ecosystems of future flooded area of the Katun by Elandinskoe water reservoir. // Natural resources of Mountain (Gornyi) Altai and their practical use. Barnaul. 33-46.
Malkov, N.P., Malkov, V.N. 1982. Nablyudeniya za zhivotnymi Altaya, vnesennymi v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR [Observations for animals of Altai, listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR]. // Ischezayushchie i redkie rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany: Yez.dokl. konf. [Abstracts: Plants and animals of the Altai Territory and problems of their conservation]. Barnaul. 26-29.
Malkov, V.N. 1987. See Your Nr.66. Malakov, VN (1987). Your Author's name is uncorrect. O biologii nekotorykh sokoloobraznykh Altaya [On some Falconiformes biology in Altai]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i slabo izuchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany. You have the rest data already. P.92-94.
Malkov, V.N. 1995. Ornitologicheskaya situatsiya v Gorno-Altaiskom ochage chumy [Ornithological situation in the Groni-Altai hotbed of the plague] // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 26. P.217-219. Bibl.10 titl. Saker on p.217 is relating to bird group 3 - which are contacting with plague microb via trophical links.
Malkov, V.N., Malkov, N.P. 1995. Kratkie soobshcheniya o vstrechakh redkikh vidov ptits [Short communications on sightings of rare bird species]. // Materialy k Krasnoi knige respubliki Altai (zhivotnye) [Materials for Red Data Book of Republic of Altai]. Gorno-Altaisk. P.52-55. In November 1992 and in December 1993 in the Gorno-Altaisk town environs the solitary specimens were recorded on p.54.
Mamatov, A.F. 1988. Baloban [Saker]. Short commun. from Baskiria. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.103. Saker, probably, is breeding near Novo-Otradovka village at 3 km from Sterlitamak town.
Mamatov, A.F., Bayanov, M.G., Guzeev, V.A. 1989. Vstrechi ptits, vklyuchennykh v Krasnye knigi MSOP, SSSR, RSFSR v Bashkirii [Sightings of birds, listed in Red Data Books of IUCN, USSR, RSFSR in Bashkiria]. // Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala. Materialy k regional'noi konferentsii [Distribution and fauna of birds of the Ural. Mater. for Conf.]. Orenburg. P.19. Saker on p.19 - was sighted not far from Sterlitamak.
Mamatov, A.F., Guzeev, V.A. 1991. Novye nakhodki redkikh ptits Bashkirii [New records of rare birds in Bashkiria]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 25. P.163. V.I.Zharkov wrote about breeding of Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) near Novaya Otradovka at 3 km from Sterlitamak town.
Mamatov, A.F., Valuev, V.A., Guzeev, V.A., Edrenkina, L.A. 1991. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie Bashkirii, vklyuchennye v Krasnuyu knigu RSFSR [Birds and mammals of Bashkiria, listed in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR] // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.93-94. Saker on p.94. One specimen is recorded 20.04.90 in the Krasnokamenskiy district.
Mambetzhumaev, A.M. 1962. This title is absent in Bibliography by A.I.Ivanov (1992).
Mambetzhumaev, A.M. 1969. K ekologii Turkestanskogo balobana srednego techeniya Amu-Dar'i [On ecology of the Turkestan Saker Falcon of the middle stream of the Amu-Daria River]. // Ornitologiya v SSSR. Kniga vtoraya [Ornithology in the USSR, book 2]. Materials (abstracts) of the Vth All-Union Orn. Conf. Ashkhabad. 393-396. In May 1968 2 living Saker nests in niches of clay precipice at height of 12 and 18 m were studied. Distance between nests 14 km. 3 chicks in the first nest and 5 chicks in the second. Phenology of breeding. 206 data on pellet and food remains analysis in the first nest, 41 - in the second. Among preys - 27 animal species. Components of food in detail. Nesting habitats. Sakers catch even jerboas in twilights. Require protection everywhere. Very interesting and informative paper.
Mauersberger, G. 1979. Okofaunistische und biologische Beitrage zur Avifauna Mongolica. // Mitt. zool. Museum Berlin, Bd.55, Suppl., Ann. orn. 3, s.99-126. In German.
Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1937. Materialy po faune ptits i mlekopitayushchikh khrebta Nura-tau [Materials on fauna of birds and mammals of the Nura-Tau mountain ridge]. // Proc. of the Middle-Asian State Univ., Ser. VIII-a, Zoology, issue 26. Tashkent. 51 p. Bibliogr.: p.49-51. Summ. in Engl. Author suggests that Siberian Saker is nesting in rocks of the Nura-Tau mountain ridge.
Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1946. Zimuyushchie i proletnye ptitsy Vostochnogo Pamira [Wintering and passage birds of Eastern Pamir]. // Byull. MOIP. Nov. ser. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. New. ser. Dept. biol.]. M. Vol.51. Issue 1. P.87-110.
Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1956. Materialy po pitaniyu nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits Srednei Azii [Materials on feeding of some Birds of Prey of the Middle Asia]. // Tr. In-ta zool. i parasithol. / AN UzSSR. Vol.5. P.165-171. Data from Uzbekistan. In the species account on the Steppe Eagle: ...Avoiding mixture and misunderstanding, we took only whole and the largest pellets. Lesser pellets could be belonged to Upland Buzzards and Sakers, which were bred in this area and very willingly sat on electric transmission pylons.
Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1958. Materialy po nazemnym pozvonochnym basseina reki Kashka-dar'ya: Materialy Kashka-dar'in. ekspeditsii biol.-pochv. fak. Sredneaz. gos. un-ta im. V.I.Lenina. [Materials on terrestrial vertebrates of the Kashka-Daria River basin: Materials of the Kashka-Daria expedition of Biology-Soil Faculty of the Middle-Asian Univ.]. // Tr. SAGU. Nov. ser. [Proc. of Middle-Asian Univ., New ser., issue 130. Biol. sciences, book 30. Publ. House of Middle-Asian Univ.], Tashkent. 142 p. Falco cherrug (coatsi Dem.)? on p.43. Saker trustworthy was observed only once - 16 June 1954. One nest of large Falcon (probably, Saker) was discovered. List of food remains in the nest. Observation of one large Falcon, perhaps, also Saker.
Meklenburtsev, R.N. et al, 1961. ?
Mel'nikov, Yu.I., Mel'nikova, N.I., Pronkevich, V.V., Shcherbakov, I.I., Grechanin, O.N., Rusanova, N.N., Ivanov, V.M., Veselkova, O.A., Tanichev, A.I. 1988. Ptitsy ozerno-bolotnykh biogeocenozov ust'ya reki Irkut i ikh okhrana [Birds of the lake-marsh biogeocoenoses of the Irkut river mouth and their conservation]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 152-156. The Irkut river flood, situated within limits of the Irkutsk city, is characterized by high density of birds. 21 species of rare birds was recorded, including Saker Falcon. Arguments are given for establishing of nature Memorial on the study area.
Mel'nikova, V.I. 1983. Paraziticheskie chlenistonogie v gnezdah khishchnykh ptits na yuge Tuvy [Parasithical Arhthropoda in nests of Birds of Prey in the south of Tuva]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. Moscow, 16-18 February 1983. M., "Nauka" Publ. 36-37. Saker on pp. 36,37. In the south of Tuva in the Ovyurskiy district in period 1975-1977 the parasithic Athropoda, connected with birds and their nests were studied. 24 nests of 8 raptor species (including Saker) were investigated. 152 fleas in stage of imago, a plenty of flea larvae and 5 ex. of parasithic hamazidae ticks were discovered. Flea Ceratophyllus vagabundus was the most numerous in nests of Birds of Prey (85 exempl.), especially Rough-legged Buzzard and Saker Falcon. 54 ex. of Ceratophyllus borealis were found in the Saker nest on the rock.
Menzbier, M.A. 1900. Notes on Hierofalco altaicus. // Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club. Vol.11. N74. P.3. In Engl.
Menzbier, M.A. 1900. Hierofalco lorenzi sp.n. // Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club. Vol.11, N74. P.3-4. In Engl.
Menzbier, M.A. 1916. Falconiformes. Petrograd. Typography of Academy of Sciences. Issue I,II, 344 p., with ill.; 5 sheets tabl. (Fauna Rossii i sopredel'nykh stran, preimushchestven-no po kollektsiyam Zool. muzeya [Ros.] Akad. nauk. Ptitsy (Aves) [Fauna of Russia and adjoining countries, mainly on collections of Zool. Museum of Russian Academy of Sciences. Birds (Aves)], vol.VI). Issue 1. P.165-169. There is a reference to this title in a paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Mikheev, A.V. 1938. K sostavu avifauny Naurzumskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [On composition of avifauna of the Naurzum State Nature Reserve]. // Trudy Naurzumskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Naurzum Nat. Res.]. Issue 1. M. P.127-152. ?
Miller, I.D., Skalon, O.V., Tkachenko, A.A. 1990. Redkie gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Tul'skoi oblasti [Rare nesting birds of the Tula Region]. // Redkie vidsy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the Centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. 48-50. Saker on p.49. Saker was sighted near Mishnevo village of the Suvorovskiy district in summer 1968-1978.
Mishchenko, Yu.V. 1986. Vidovoi sostav i verikal'no-biotopicheskoe daspredelenie ptits Tsentral'nogo Kopetdaga [The species composition of birds of the Central Kopetdag]. // Priroda Tsentral'nogo Kopetdaga [Nature of Central Kopetdag]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym" Publ. P.120-162. Saker in Tabl.1. on p.124. Rare, vertical distribution - up to 2000 m, nesting habitat - rocks.
Mitrofanov, O.B. 1992. Kratkie soobshcheniya o redkikh ptitsakh Altaiskogo zapovednika [Short communications on rare birds of the Altai Nature reserve]. // Okhrana i izuchenie redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov zhivotnykh v zapovednikakh [Conservation and study of rare and endangered animal species in Nature Reserves]. M. P.101-103. Bibl.5 titl. Saker on p.101. In Altai NR Saker is breeding in Julukul' hollow. In 1990 here 2 pairs were sighted. One nest, registered by N.A.Maleshin (1987), is occupied during several years. 2 others are found by N.I.Zolotukhin in July 1990 along the Tutuoyuk river in the insular deciduous forest. In one nest female and 3 chicks were registered, in other - 2 adult specimens and 1 chick. In both cases chicks were fledglings.
Mitropol'skiy, O.V. 1980.
Mitropol'skiy, O.V. 1983. Krasnaya kniga Uzbekskoi SSR [Red Data Book of Uzbek SSR]. Vol.1. Vertebrates. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. 128 p. Saker on p.88-90. Data are given under the following subheadings: Status, Systematical signs; Field signs; Range; Distribution and numbers in Uzbekistan; Character of occurrence; Natural habitats, Daily activity, Breeding;Breeding in captivity; Feeding; Raesons of number changes; Arranged conservation measures. Necessary conservation measures.
Molchanov, L.A. 1912. Letnyaya ornitofauna del'ty Amu-Dar'i [The summer ornithofauna of the Amu Daria river. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin], N4, 261-286. ?
Molodovskiy, A.V. 1983. Materialy po ekologii redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits v srednem i nizhnem techenii r.Ural [Data on ecology of rare raptors of the Middle and Lower Ural]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 145-146. Saker on p.146. Saker was sighted twice: in 1977 (region of Nizhneozernoe settlement) and in 1979 (near Karshi and Kalenyi settlements). Both sightings took place at the middle of August, when their movements southwards could be begun already.
Molodovskiy, A.V., Soshnikova, Ye.A. 1984. Letnee nakhozhdenie redkikh vidov dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v srednem i nizhnem techenii r.Ural [Summer records of rare raptors in the middle and lower Ural River]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 19. P. 183-184. Saker on p.184. We sighted solitary Sakers as well in regions of middle (near Nizhneozernoe settlement, 1977), as in lower Ural (near Karshi and Kalenyi settlements, 1979). In lower part of Ural valley Saker feeds mainly by sousliks. We recorded Saker at middle of August; slight their passage usually goes in the ural valley since August till October.
Moseikin, V.N. 1991. Redkie gnezdyashchiyesya vidy khishchnykh ptits Volgo-Ural'skogo mezhdurech'ya [Rare breeding Birds of Prey of area between the Volga and Ural rivers]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.] Book 2. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. P.93-94. After catastrophical dropping of numbers at the end 70's-beginning of 80's the stabilization is observing. At the present time 7 constant nesting plots are known in territory of Trans-Volga region. In nesting time Saker regularly is sighting in the Ural river flood and in the Urdinskiy forest, however all birds sighted by us were non-breeding.
Mustafaev, G.T. 1974. Obzor ornitologicheskikh issledovaniy v Azerbaidzhane za sovetskoe vremya [Review of ornithological studies in Azerbaijan for the Soviet time]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. No11. P.163-183. Saker on p.166.
Mustafaev, G.T., Gambarov, K.M. 1977. Order Falconiformes. // Ptitsy [Birds] / From series "Fauna of Azerbaijan". Vol.VI, issue 1. Baku, "Elm" Publ. P.132-182 (In Azerb.). Saker numbers is decreasing. Saker arrives in October, departures in March.
Mustafaev, G.T. 1989. Baloban [Saker]. // Gyrmyzy kitaby [Red Data Book of the Azerbaijan SSR]. Baku, "Ishig" Publ. In Azerbaijan and Russian lang. P.90. In Azerbaijan Saker is rare wintering species, those numbers is decreasing.Spends winter in lowland regions of republic. Arrives in October, departures in March. Solitary specimens are sighting. At the
end of XIX century Saker was common wintering bird. Saker is does not breed in Azerbaijan.
Nasimovich, A.A. 1949. Zametki po biologii dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits Zabaikal'ya [Notes on biology of the diurnal birds of prey of the Transbaikalia]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. Biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Dept. biol.]. Vol.54. Issue 3. P.31-38. Most part of observations was carried out in June-July 1945 and in autumn of the same year in the south of Borzinskiy district of the Chita Region and is concerning Falco cherrug progressus, Aquila nipalensis nipalensis and Buteo hemilasius. Paper consists of chapters: Chartacteristic of region; Nests; Chicks; Feeding; Saker; Upland Buzzard; Steppe Eagle; Conclusions. Peper has 7 tables and 1 figure. Very essential.
Nazarenko, L.F. 1959. Ornitologicheskaya fauna nizhnego Pridnestrov'ya i ee khozyaistvennoe znachenie. Kand. diss. [Ornithological fauna of lower Cis-Dniester river area and its practical significance]. Odessa. p.347.
Nazarov, P.S. 1995. Zoologicheskie issledovaniya Kirgizskikh stepei [Zoological investigations of the Kirghiz Steppes]. Orenburg. 54 p. Translation from French into Russian by M.V.Chertkov. Hierofalco sacer, Schl. in the table "Short review of ornithofauna of Territory" on p.22 and p.44. Saker Falcon in region of extensive forests is as nomadic under question, in region of insular forests is breeding, and in the region of feather-grass steppes as nomadic and breeding (both categories are under question).
Nedosekin, V.Yu., Sarychev, V.S., Klimov, S.M. 1988. Baloban [Saker]. Short commun. from the Lipetsk Region. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.102-103. List of signs and findings in 1985-86, confirming the Saker breeding in Voronezh Region. Description of one pair, those breeding was probable on the electric transmission pylons in 1987. 2 pairs were bred since 1976 till 1985 annually in the Plekhanovskiy district on area of about 150 square km. List of other signs, confirmed probable breeding.
Neifeldt, I.A. 1986. Iz resul'tatov ornitologicheskoi ekspeditsii na Yugo-Vostochnyi Altai [From results of ornithological expedition to South-eastern Altai]. // Rasprostranenie i biologiya ptits Altaya i Dal'nego Vostoka [Distribution and biology of birds of Altai and Far East]: Proc. of Zool. Inst. Vol.150. 7-43. Saker on p.10. Sizes of neoplodotvorennogo egg from nest, found 24.VI - 52.5x40.6 mm. Weight: ad. male 10 VI - 900 g.
Neruchev, V.V., Shiryaev, A.f. 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy pustyn Severo-Vostochnogo Prikaspiya [Raptors in deserts to the North-East of the Caspian Sea]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 132-134. Saker on p.132, 133. Observations were carried out in 1963-1982. Saker recorded as a breeding species. 1 Saker in 1960's was counted in spring and summer in the clay deserts on average per 180 and 250 km of routine, in sands - per 2000 and 240 km, in the Emba river valley - per 420 and 300 km.
Neubauer, F. 1951. Beitrage zur Vogelwelt der Sud-Ukraine. // Jb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 89: 46-102. In German. From Baumgart, 1989.
Nikol'skiy, A.M. 1891. Pozvonochnye zhivotnye Kryma: Prilozhenie 4 k 68-mu tomu "Zapisok imp. Akad. nauk." [Vertebrates of the Crimea: Appendix 4 to the 68th volume of "Notes of Empire Academy of Sciences"]. St.Pb., XIX. 484 p.
Novak, O.V., Savchuk, O.V. 1994. Ridkisni khizhi ptakhi Rivnens'koi oblasti [Rare Birds of Prey of the Rovno Region]. // Materialy 1-i konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. P. 29-31. In Ukr. Saker on p.31. Before 1981 Saker was bred in Goshchanskiy district (Prokopenko, 1988). We know sighting of 1 specimen in spring 1991 in Mlynivskiy district (M.O.Novak, pers. commun.)
Novak, V.O. 1994. Yakisnyi analiz ornitofauny Khmel'nytskoi oblasti [Qualitative analysis of ornithofauna of the Khmelnitskiy Region]. // Materialy 1-i konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine (Lutsk, March 4-6 1994)]. Chernivtsi. P.4-5. In Ukr. Saker on p.5. Saker is mentioned as species, either recorded on nesting in Region or sighted during breeding season among other species, listed in Red Data Book of Ukraine.
Novak, V.O. 1996. Do biologii malogo skiglyaka u Khmel'nyts'kiy oblasti [On the biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Khmelnitskiy Region]. // Materialy II konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 2nd Conf. of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. 135-136. In Ukrainian. Saker on p.136. 24/IX 1995 very intensive migration of Birds of Prey was registered. Besides GS Eagles, 1 Saker was recorded on passage.
Novikov, G.A. 1959. Ekologiya zverei i ptits lesostepnykh dubrav [Ecology of animals and birds of the forest-steppe oak-groves]. L., Leningrad Univ. Press. 352 p. Saker on p.27. Saker is distributed very widely, to the oak groves of Tatarian ASSR. Fig.5 on p.28 - Saker Falcon. Saval'skiy forestry. Photo by N.P.Kadochnikov. Saker on p.56 in table -relative occurrence (in %) during nesting period in various plantations. Saker''s nest on oak in the Shipov wood - Author's photo on p.65. Distribution of Saker nests by tree species in table on p.72, by heights in table on p.73. Composition of food in table on p.211.
Ognev, S.I., Vorob'yov, K.A. 1923. Fauna pozvonochnykh Voronezhskoi gubernii [Fauna of vertebrates of the Voronezh Province]. M., "Novaya derevnya" Publ. X1, 255 p.; 8 sheets ill. Bibliogr. in footnote comments.
Orlov, P.P. 1948. Ornitofauna Cherkas'kogo raionu [Ornithofauna of the Cherkassy region]. // Nauk. zap. Cherkas'k. derzh. ped. in-ytu [Scient. Notes of the Cherkassy State Ped. Inst.], issue 2, book 2, p.7-117. In Ukrainian.
Orlova, Ye.A., Il'yashenko, V.Yu. 1978. Materialy po pitaniyu dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits i sov Yugo-Vostochnogo Altaya [Materials on feeding of some Birds of Prey and Owls of the south-eastern Altai]. // Sistematika i biologiya redkikh i maloizuchennykh ptits; Trudy Zool. Inst. AN SSSR. [Systematics and biology of rare and little-studied birds; Proc. of Zool. Inst. of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. Vol. 76. 94-100. On the base of study of contents of 610 pellets, 70 food remains and 20 stomaches of raoptors (...Saker) and owls(...), and also observations for birds during their hunts, analysis of their feeding is goiven in South-Chuiskiy mountain ridge, Chuiskaya steppe and the Sailyugem ridge. Tabl.4.
Ostapenko, V.A., Gavrilov, V.M., Bold, A., Tsevenmyadag, N. 1977. Ekologo-faunisticheskie issledovaniya ptits v Mongolii [Ecology-faunistical studies of birds in Mongolia] // Tezisy dokl. VII Vsesoyuzn. ornitolog. konf. [Abstracts of VII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. Kiev. 92-94. On p.93:...On tops of mountains and rocky isolated little mountains Saker is breeding among other raptor species.
Osterman, A.I. 1912. Zametki o ptitsah Bessarabii, (Materialy po ornitologicheskoi faune Bessarabii) [Notes on birds of Bessarabia (Materials on ornithological fauna of Bessarabia)]. // Trudy Bessarabskogo o-va estestvoispytatelei i lyubitelei yesteztvoznaniya [Proc. of the Bessarabian Naturalist's and Nature-Lovers Soc.]. Kishinev, vol.2, issue 2, p.1-27. According to Ivanov (1972) - P.165-191.
Panchenko, V.A., Balatskiy, K.L. 1991. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy del't Dunaya, Dnestra i prilezhashchih raionov [Rare and endangered birds of deltas of the Danube, Dniester and adjoining regions]. // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of the Cis-Black Sea area]. Kiev-Odessa. "Lybid" Publ. 37-53. Bibl.12 titl. Saker on p.48-49. Detailed description of single nest-former Raven's nest, made on electric transmission pylon. Sizes of nest. Sizes of eggs. Behaviour of disturbed incubated bird. Contents of 5 pellets. Further observations were not conducted.
Panov, Ye.N. 1989. Gibridizatsiya i etologicheskaya izolyatsiya u ptits [Hybridization and ethological isolation in birds]. M. 600 p. There is a reference to this title in a paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Pavlov, Yu.I. 1995. Baloban [Saker Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga Respubliki Tatarstan. Zhivotnye Rasteniya Griby [Red Data Book of the Republic of Tatarstan. Animals Plants Fungi]. Kazan. "Priroda" Publ. House, "Star" Publisher. P.56. Bibl. 5 titles. Not more than 5 pairs are breeding in Republic. Distribution by districts is given. The following subheadings: distribution, number, ecology and biology, limiting factors, conservation measures, information sources.
Pererva, V.I. 1977. Kolichestvennaya i kachestvennaya otsenka roli khishchnykh ptits v biotsenozakh Naurzumjskogo zapovednika (Kazakhstan) [Quantitative and qualitative estimation of role of Birds of Prey in biocoenosises of the Naurzum Nature Reserve. // VII Vsesoyuznaya Ornitologicheskaya Konferentsiya [VIIth All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Abstracts. Kiev, "Naukova dumka" Publ. Part 1. P.297-299. Observations in 1973-74 were carried out for Saker (12 pairs in 1973 and 11 pairs in 1974 were bred in Tersek woods of Naurzum NR. Sousliks were bagged by Sakers in 12,1% of cases.
Pererva, V.I. 1979. Izmeneniya granits arealov khishchnykh ptits v Severnom Kazakhstane [Changes of borders of breeding ranges in some birds of prey in Northern Kazakhstan]. // VII Vsesoyuznaya zoogeogr. konf. [VII All-Union Zoogeogr. Conf.] M.
Pererva, V.I. 1979. Ekologiya sokolov sosnovogo bora Tersek Naurzumskogo zapovednika [Ecology of falcons of the pine-forest Tersek of the Naurzum Nature Reserve]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 14. You have this title under No71 in Your Bibliography. Tersek = not Tursek !!!
Pererva, V.I. 1983. Geograficheskaya izmenchivost' pitaniya i vnutrividovaya differentsiatsiya khishchnykh ptits [Geographical variability of diet and intraspecific Differenciation in Raptors]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 39-42. Saker on p.42. Diet specialization of different Saker races and subspecies is shown. Saker is represented in Palearctic by 5 (Dement'yev, 1951) or 4 subspecies (Stepanyan, 1975). Very interesting !
Pererva, V.I. 1984. Baloban [Saker Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga SSSR [Red Data Book of the USSR]. M., "Lesnaya Promyshelnnost" Publ. Vol.1. P.131. Description under following headings: status, distribution, natural habitats, numbers and trends of its changes, main limiting factors, peculiarities of biology, reintroduction, arranged conservation measures, necessary conservation measures. Bibl.21 titl. See title No.99 in Your Bibliography.
Pererva, V.I. 1984. Otsenka vozdeistviya khishchnykh ptits na ornitofaunu [Estimation of Birds of Prey influence on ornithofauna]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 19. P.68-74. Tabl.4. Bibl.56 titl. Saker is in Table 2 on p.69 in Table 3 on p.70 and in the species account on p.71. On the base of daily observations near Saker nest in Tersek it was cleared up that adults bring every day on average 17 ex. of prey. Period of rearing of chicks is 45 days. For this time in 1973 12 Saker pairs bagged 8,4 thousands, and in 1974 11 pairs - 7,7 thousands vertebrates.
Pererva, V.I. 1985. Osebennosti gnezdovaniya sokolov v Severnom Kazakhstane [Peculiarities of nesting of Falcons in North Kazakhstan]. // Zool. Zhurnal [Zool. Journal]. Vol.LXIV. Issue 10. P.1556-1562. Engl. summ. Saker in table 1 on p.1557: Saker numbers in the Tersekskiy wood per forest-covered area at 4,3 sq. km - 1 pair in 1955 (see Gibet, 1959), 11 pairs in 1972 and 1974, 12 pairs in 1973. Saker in Fig.1 on p.1558: variability of height of nest location in Saker in the same place - comments in the text. Very sufficient. 60% Saker's nests were situated on Pine-tops and were built by Imperial Eagles.
Pererva, V.I. 1988. Sopryazhennost' geograficheskoi izmenchivosti pitaniya i podvidovoi struktury khishchnykh ptits [Correlation between the geographical variability in feeding and subspecies structure of Birds of Prey]. //Ekologiya i povedenie ptits [Ecology and behaviour of birds]. M., "Nauka". P. 54-64. Map 3. Bibl. 59. Saker on p.58-61. On fig.3 on p.60 - Spectrums of Saker feeding in different points of breeding range: A-species Falco cherrug, B-subspecies 1-F.c.cyanopus; II-F.c.cherrug; III-F.c.coatsi; IV-F.c.saceroides & F.c.milvipes. Food components: a-Citellus suslicus, b-Citellus pygmaeus, c-C.undulatus, g-mouse-looking rodents; d-Meriones spp.; e-Ochotona spp.; u-Gallidae birds; k-Columbiformes, l-Corvidae birds, m-other species. Places and proportions are shown. Very important !
Pererva, V.I. 1990. Izmenenie ekologii khishchnykh ptits pod vliyaniem antropogennykh faktorov [Ecological changes of Birds of Prey, influenced by anthropogenic factors]. // Sovremennaya ornitologiya 1990 [Modern Ornithology 1990]. M., "Nauka" Publ. P.151-161. Saker on p.152 in table - Quantity of breeding Saker pairs per 100 sq. km of all habitats in the Tersekskiy stationary points in 1973 - 20,0 and 1974 - 18,3. Saker on p.160 - the whole paragraph describes the dynamics of the Saker population in the Naurzum Nature Reserve during 1938-1983.
Pererva, V.I., Grazhdankin, A.V. 1991. Izmenenie morfometricheskikh priznakov nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits kak rezul'tat kompleksnogo vozdeistviya antropogennykh faktorov [Change of morphometrical features of some Birds of Prey as a result of the complex influence of anthropogenic factors]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 1. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. 119-120. Measurements of main using in systematics signs in the Goshawk, Saker Falcon and Steppe Eagle were conducted with the purpose to determine results of anthropogenic factors pressure during last 150 years. Very interesting and original data.
Petrov, S.Yu., Rudkovskiy, V.P. 1985. Letnyaya ornitofauna prieniseiskoi chasti Zapadnogo Sayana [The summer ornithofauna of Cis-Yenisei part of Western Sayany]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 1985. P.76-83. Saker on p.78 is listed as species with unknown character of presence and rare in the Pine forest on the Yenisei terraces, mountain steppes and rocks and stony placers.
Petrov, V.S. 1983. Baloban [Saker]. // Beregite: ikh ostalos' malo: Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye Donskogo basseina, terbuyushchie okhrany [To Save them: their number is low: Rare and endangered animals of the Don river basin, needed in protection]. Rostov-on-Don. Rostov Publ. House. P.88-90. Scientific-popular book. Breeding range covers the whole Don river basin. At the present time is very little-numbered. General and well-nown information about this falcon. Field signs. Sizes of body, eggs. List of former hosts of their nests.
Pfander, P.V., Pfeffer, R.G. 1986. Dve strategii zashchitnogo povedeniya ptits v zavisimosti ot letnykh kachestv pernatykh khishchnikov [Two strategies of the [rotective behaviour of birds in dependence of flying capabilities of Birds of Prey]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Part 2. L. 180-181. Observations were carried out mainly in Alma-Ata on sites of feeding concentrations of birds. Saker Falcon hunted on Doves, Collared and Loughing Doves. Theoretical considerations. 5645 attacks of raptors were traced.
Pfander, P.V. 1994. Vnov ob "altaiskom krechete" [Once again about Altay gyrfalcon]. // Selevinia. Alma-Ata. N3. P.5-9. Bibl.13 titl. Very informative and essential paper. Already translated.
Pfeffer, R.G. 1983. O gnezdovanii balobanov v Betpak-Dale [On nesting of Sakers in Betpak-Dala]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 153-154. As a result of study of eastern parts of Betpak-Dala (region of Baikara) 05-06.06.81 and 29-31.05.82 it was discoverd correspondingly 4 and 3 active Saker nests with chicks. Foolowing subhaeadings-paragraphs: natural habitats; nest location; chicks; feeding; nesting conservatism.
Pfeffer, R.G. 1984. Nashi druz'ya zhivotnye [Our friends animals]. Alma-Ata, "Kainar" Publ. Chapter "Sakers" on p.13-23. Scientific-popular book about observations in nature of Kazakhstan.
Pfeffer, R.G., Pfander, P.V. 1986. K voprosu ob izbiratel'nosti v pitanii sokolov [On question about selectiveness in the feeding of Falcons]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 181-182. Observations in the Alma-Ata town. Data on 60 Saker Falcons (2245 attacks) were analyzed. Efficiency of hunting and attacks in Saker Falcons. Very important information.
Pfeffer, M.G. (so in original). 1989. Deyatelnost pitomnika khishchnykh ptits zooparka goroda [Activity of Breeding Centre of Birds of Prey at Zoo of City]. // Dostizheniya zooparkov v izuchenii biol. razvedeniya redkikh i ischezayushchikh zhivotnykh [Achievements of Zoological Gardens in study of breeding biology of rare and endangered animals]. Alma-Ata. P.29-30. In 1989 the first experiments on placing of reared in captivity Saker chicks under wild parents took place.
Piechocki, R. 1968. Beitrage zur Avifauna der Mongolei. // Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. B.44. H.2. Vol.I - Non Passeriformes. Berlin, s. 150-292. In German.
Piechocki, R., Stubbe, M., Uhlenhaut, K., Sumjaa, D. 1981. Beitrage zur Avifauna der Mongolei // Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. 1981. B.57. Suppl. Vol.III. - Non Passeriformes. Berlin, s.71-128. In German.
Pilyuga, V.I., Tille, A.A. 1991. Adaptatsiya balobana k antropogennoi srede v severo-zapadnom Prichernomor'ye [The Saker adaptation to the anthropogenic environment in the north-western Cis-Black Sea area]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 2. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. P.147-148. In the North-Western Cis-Black Sea region (Odessa, Nikolaev Regions, south of Moldova) during last 10 years in Saker biology the sufficient changes appeared out, caused by anthropogenous factors. Description of new trend-breeding on electric trasnmission pylons and measures to avoid this danger. Very informative paper.
Pirkhal, A.B., Karabalaeva, R.K. 1990. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits v ornitofaune Kitabskogo zapovednika [Rare and endangered bird species in ornithofauna of the Kitab Nature Reserve]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii. Materialy III Republ. Orn. Konf. [Rare and endangered birds of Middle Asia. Mater. of III Republ. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara, Oct.1990. Taskent, "Fan" Publ. P.28-29. Saker on p.29. The solitary sighting is registered 24.02.88 in the zone of tree-shrub sparse forest, alternating with gentle steppe plots in lower part of NR.
Pishvanov, Yu.V., Prilutskaya, L.I. 1988. Baloban [Saker]. Short commun. from Daghestan. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.102. In Daghestan Saker is sighting on passage, sometimes winters in the lowland and foothill regions.
Plyaskin, V.Ye. 1983. Redkie i ischezayushchie khishchnye ptitsy Chatkal'skoi doliny. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 149-150. Saker on p.150. Is recorded in August near confluence of the Ak-Bulak river with Chatkal river (9 km upper than Charvak water reservoir). In May lower Chapchyma pass Saker attacked Rock Partridges, which were migrating in the valley. Saker has killed 2 birds. Saker was persecuted by dogs.
Polozov, S.A. 1983. Sokoloobraznye Zapadnogo Kopetdaga [Falconiformes of Western Kopetdag]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 134-136. Saker on p.136 - common resident species. In winter in valley of the middle part of the Sumbar river is stay residently in the deserted hilly natural habitats, feeding mainly by Meriones spp.; in this time Saker express territoriality in respect of other raptor species. Breeds in mountains on rocks. In spring 1982 3 broods were discovered, in each brood - in 3 chicks.
Polushkin, D.M. 1988. Sostoyanie populyatsiy redkikh vidov ptits v zapovednike Stolby i na smezhnykh territoriyakh [Status of rare bird species populations in the Stolby Nature Reserve and on adjoining territories]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 170-176. Breeding of 6 species, listed in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR, is given on the base of field observations 1980-1985 and analysis of the archive and literature data on territory and environs of the Stolby Nature Reserve. Since 1984 breeding of the Saker Falcon was not discovered.
Popov, V.V., Verzhutskiy, D.B. 1990. Zimovka khishchnykh ptits i sov v Yugo-Zapadnoi Tuve [Wintering of birds of prey and owls in South-Western Tuva]. // Bull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bulletin of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Biol. dept.]. M. Vol.95. Issue 1. 66-69. Saker on p.67. Saker is rare wintering species, however by number of sightings it has the second place (about 15% of all sightings of raptors) after Upland Buzzard. All these sightings are attached only to settlements of rodent species (Ochotona pricei Thom.) in the Kargy valley (from border with Mongolia to Mugur-Aksy settlement). Paper consists of 3 chapters: Brief characteristic (List) of each species; Distribution and numbers; Feeding.
Portenko, L.A. 1928. Ptitsy Podolii (avtoreferat doklada) [Birds of Podolia (Author's Report abstracts)]. // Trudy III Vserossiyskogo s'ezda zoologov, anatomov i gistologov v Leningrade 14-20.XII 1927 [Proc. of the IIIrd All-Russian Meeting of Zoologists, Anatomists and Histologists in Leningrad 14-20.XII 1927]. L., P.89.
Portenko, L.A. 1928. Ocherk fauny ptits Podol'skoi gubernii [Sketches of bird fauna of the Podolian Province]. // Byull. Mosk. o-va ispytat. prirody. Sektsiya biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Biol. Dept.], vol.37, issue 1-2, p.92.
Portenko, L.O. 1950. Ocherk fauny ptits zapadnogo Zakarpat'ya [Sketch of bird fauna of Western Transcarpathians]. // Pamyati akademika Petra Petrovicha Sushkina, sbornik [In the memory of Academician Petr Petrovich Sushkin, collection of papers]. M.-L., Izd-vo AN SSSR [Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc], p.301-359.
Poslavskiy, A.N. 1974. K ornitogeograficheskoi kharakteristike Severnogo Prikaspiya [On ornithogeographical characteristic of the Northern Cis-Caspian Sea area]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 11. P. 238-252. Saker on p.248.
Postel'nykh, A.V. 1986. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits v Okskom zapovednike [Raptor numbers change in the Oka Nature Reserve]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 162-163. Peregrine Falcon, Saker Falcon and Gyrfalcon, which were observed as solitary birds till 70's years (Priklonskiy, 1977), in the years of our observations (1981-1985) were not sighted.
Potapov, R.L. 1959. Ocherk letnei ornitofauny zapovednika "Tigrovaya balka" [Sketch of summer ornithofauna of the "Tigrovaya balka" Nature reserve]. // Tr. /AN TadzhSSR [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of Tadjik SSR]. Vol.115. P.179-201.
There are data on Turkestan Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug coatsi Dem.) in Tadjikistan.
Potapov, R.L. 1986. K ornithofaune Mongol'skogo Altaya i sopredel'nykh territoriy [On ornithofauna of Mongolian Altai and adjoining areas]. // Rasprostranenie i biologiya ptits Altaya i Dal'nego Vostoka [The distribution and biology of birds of the Altai and Far East]. Proc. of Zool. Inst. Vol.150. P.57-73. Saker on p.60. Description of female, bagged in nesting plumage 23 VII in the centre of Mongolian Altai. This specimen and another from collection of Zool. Inst. (St.-Petersburg) are belonged by author to progressus subspecies. Food componenets. Other sightings in other places.
Priklonskiy, S.G. 1977. Chislennost redkikh denvnykh khishchnykh ptits v Okskom zapovednike [Numbers of rare diurnal Birds of Prey in the Oka Nature Reserve]. // VII Vsevoyuz. ornitologich. konf.: Tez. dokl. [VII All-Union Orn. Conf.: Abstracts]. Kiev. Part 2. 239-240. Saker on p.239-240. Last nest was discovered in 1956 in the Terekhovskaya colony of Grey Heron at 40 km to south of NR. There 2 chicks in nest. In 1957 Saker was nested here too, but clutch was lost. Later Saker was recorded in this colony in summer 1958 and 1965, however nests were not found.
Priklonskiy, S.G., Ivanchev, V.P., Kashentseva, T.A., Kotyukov, Yu.V., Markin, Yu.M., Postel'nykh, A.V., Sapetina, I.M. 1990. Redkie ptitsy Okskogo zapovednika [Rare birds of the Oka Nature Reserve]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M., 51-53. Paper is based on materials, collected by authors in 1954-1988 in territory of Oka NR and its protected zone with total area 45 000 ha. Saker is mentioned on p.52 in the list of birds, which were bred before, and those numbers dropped.
Programma "Klyuchevye ornitologicheskie territorii Rossii" [Programm "Key Ornith. Territories of Russia]. 1996. Metodicheskie razrabotki [Methodical materials]. Moscow. 40 p. Saker on p.11 in the List 3 (Category C1 for the 2nd edition of Red Data Book of Russia) and p.26 in the table 3. Saker is related to category 3 of SPEC (Species of European Conservation Concern). Numbers in European Russia - 80-150 pairs. 1% of European population of species - 4; 1% of species in European Russia - 1.
Prokof'yev, S.M. 1987. Ornitofauna Minusinskoi kotloviny
i eyo izmeneniya sa 80 let [Ornithofauna of the Minusinsk hollow and its changes for 80 years]. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna and ecology of birds and mammals of the Middle Siberia]. M., "Nauka" Publ. P.151-172. Saker on p.154 (Imperial Eagle and Saker are still common on breeding) and on p.161 in the table, where trends in character of presence and numbers are given for the following periods: 1902; 1948; 1963-1984.
Prokof'yev, S.M., Kustov, Yu.I. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Khakasii i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered bird species of Khakasia and their conservation]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 180-185. Bibl.7. By observation since 1963 till 1985 in Khakasia 26 birds species, listed in the Red Data Books of the RSFSR and USSR, are registered. Among them there is Saker falcon with density - 2-3 pairs per 100 sq. km.
Prokopenko, S.P. 1986. Baloban v Krymu [Saker in the Crimea]. //Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 170-171. Observations during 1978-1985 in all seasons of year. 10% suitable territory for Saker Falcon was investigated. For 9 years 14 nesting plots are discovered, 103 breeding records of 19 Saker Falcon pairs. Analysis of 150 pellets. Breeding efficiency. Very detailed paper.
Prokopenko, S.P. 1988. From Novak, Savchuk, 1994.
Promptov, A.N. 1949. Ptitsy v prirode: Posobie dlya uchitelya [Birds in Nature: Manual for Teacher]. M., "Uchpedgiz" Publ. 460 p. Saker on p.235. A few information. General well-known data. In the steppe belt the Saker can be sighted only in winter ???
Ptushenko, Ye.S. 1958. Spisok ptits Okskogo zapovednika i Ryazanskoi oblasti [The bird list of the Oka Nature Reserve and Ryazan Region]. // Trudy Okskogo zapovednika [Proc. of Oka Nature Reserve]. Issue 2. 192-206. Author writes that Saker was breeding in Meshchera before.
Ptushenko, E.S., Inozemtsev, A.A. 1968. Biologiya i khozyaistvennoe znachenie ptits Moskovskoi oblasti i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Biology and practical importance of birds of the Moscow Region and adjoining territories]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. 462 p.: ill.
Ptushenko, Ye.S. 1976. Izmeneniya avifauny Leninskikh gor i ikh okrestnostei [Changes in the avifauna of the Lenin Hills (Moscow) and their vicinity]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 12. P.3-9. Bibl. 6 titl. Saker on p. 5 in The List of Birds of Vorob'yovy Hills and its environs. During 1875-1891 Saker was irregularly sighted in autumn; in 1921-1923- was not sighted and in 1955-1962 - was not sighted. Former and present name of Lenin Hills - Vorob'yovy Hills.
Puzanov, I.I. 1931. Predvaritel'nye itogi izucheniya fauny pozvonochnyh Krymskogo zapovednika [Preliminary results of study of vertebrate fauna of the Crimean Nature Reserve]. // Sbornik rabot po izucheniyu fauny Krymskogo zapovednika [Collection of papers on study of fauna of the Crimean Nature Reserve]. M.-L. P.5-38. Bibliogr.: p.38-39.
Pusanow, I. 1933. Versuch einer Revision der Taurischen Ornis. // Byull. MOIP. Nov.ser. Otd. biol. [Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou], t.42, N1, p.3-41. Bibliogr.: p.40-41. In German. Summary in Russian.
Puzanov, I.I., Kozlov, V.I., Kiparisov, G.P., 1955. Zhivotnyi mir Gor'kovskoi oblasti: (Pozvonochnye) [Wildlife of the Gorkiy Region: (Vertebrates)]. 2nd ed., revis. Gor'kiy: Publ. House. 588 p.: ill. Now Gorkiy - Nizhniy Novgorod.
Radde, G. 1884. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Kavkaza. (Ornis Caucasica). Sistematicheskoe i biologo-geograficheskoe opisanie kavkazskikh ptits [Ornithological fauna of the Caucasus. (Ornis Caucasica). Systemathical and biology-geographical description of the Caucasian birds]. Tiflis. 451 p. 25 Tabl., 1 map. Saker Falcon was at the end of XIX century the common wintering species in Azerbaijan.
Radde, G. & Walter, A. 1889. Die Vogel Transcaspiens "Ornis". Jg.5. S.1-243. According to Ivanov (1972) - S.1-128, 165-279. 5 May 1887 in Kushka not far from Chimen-i-Bidad from nest, situated on the conglomeratous jut, two almost grown young Sakers with plenty of down were taken from the nest. Main food of Sakers in this region undoubtedly consists of numerous Meriones and Spermophilus, which inhabit these desert areas. Translated and cyted from Geptner, 1956.
Raiskiy, A.P. 1951. Zhivotnyi mir Chkalovskoi oblasti [Wildlife of the Chkalovsk Region]. // Ocherki fizicheskoi geografii Chkalovskoi oblasti [Sketches of the physical geography of the Chkalov Region]. Chkalov. 157-202: ill. Author recorded Saker Falcon as a breeding species in territory of the Orenburg Region. Chkalovsk Region - former name of the Orenburg Region.
Rashkevich, N.A. 1962. Zimnyaya ornitofauna tygaev Kara-Kalpakii [Winter ornithofauna of "tugai"s of Kara-Kalpakia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 4. P.348-353. Saker on p.349 in Table, as resident species, sighted for period of study several times. that is result of observations during 1956-1960. "Tugai" is cis-river forests on large rivers of semi-desert and desert zones of Middle and Central Asia. This is hard-passible bush of poplar, willow, tamarix, sea-buckthorn and so on.
Ravkin, Yu.S., 1973. Ptitsy severo-vostochnogo Altaya [Birds of the North-eastern Altai]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 374 p. Saker on p.118 - rare breeding bird.
Ravkin, Yu.S., Lesnevskiy, Yu.Yu., Adam, A.M., Vartapetov, L.G., and 14 co-authors. 1988. Opyt otsenki letnei chislennosti redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits lesnoi i lesostepnoi zon Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Experience of estimation of summer numbers of rare and endangered bird species of the forest and forest-steppe zones of the western-Siberian Plain]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 186-191. Fig.1. Bibl.5. By counts during 1967-1984 in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Western-Siberian Plain numebrs of Saker Falcon is 200 specimens. Calculation on Saker Falcon is not trustworthy.
Ravkin, Yu.S., Vartapetov, L.G., Milovidov, S.P. and 17 co-authors. 1988. Otsenka letnei chislennosti redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Estimation of summer number of rare and endangered bird of the West-Siberian Plain]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Mater. k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.46-50. Tabl.1. Ill.1. Saker on p.49 in Tabl.4. Experience of calculation of summer numbers of rare and endangered bird species of West-Siberian Plain is described. Materials of data bank of labor. of Zool. Monitor. of Biol. Inst. of the USSR Ac Sc (Siber. Dept.) are used. Saker falcon - 600 specimens. Error on 67% level +/- % - 54. Approximate trustworthy interval of the mean-years indices at 95% level, specimens - 0-1250 Sakers.
Ravkin, Yu.S., Milovidov, S.P., Vartapetov, L.G. et al (24 co-authors). 1991. Letnyaya chislennost redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Summer number of rare and endangered birds of West-Siberian Plain]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR (Materials for Red Data Book) [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.116-119. Saker in Table 6 on p.118. The approximate number of Saker - 1000 specimens; 0,4 thousand breeding pairs; mean abundance, specimens/100 sq. km - 0,05;error of selectiveness and extrapolation, +/- % - 61; trustworthy unsimmetrical interval of mean-year number at 95% level, thousands of specimens - 0,6-2.
Red Data Book of the USSR. 1978. M., "Lesnaya Promyshlennost" Publ. ???
Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. 1990. M. 186 p. Edited by Dr.V.T.But'yev. Saker in Appendix I on p. 177 and Appendix II on p.179.
Rogacheva, E.V. 1988. Ptitsy Srednei Sibiri. Rasprostranenie, chislennost, zoogeografiya [Birds of the Middle Siberia. Distribution, numbers, zoogeography]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 308 p. Saker on p.55-56, 285.
Rogacheva, E.V., Syroechkovskiy, E.E., Aleksandrov, D.Yu., Sukhbat, Kh., Zhukov, M.A., Ganbatar, N. 1988. Materialy po faune ptit Darkhata (Severnaya Mongoliya) [Materials on bird fauna of Darkhat (Northern Mongolia). // Materialy po faune Sr. Sibiri i prilezhashchikh rajonov Mongolii [Materials on fauna of Middle Siberia and adjoining regions of Mongolia]. M. 166-174. Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug Gray) on p.162. Kh.Sukhbat writes about nesting records of the Saker Falcon in rocks of the Khordil-Sardyk mountain ridge.
Romanyuk, G.P. 1983. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits Zhigulevskogo zapovednika za 50 let [Raptors numbers changes of the Zhigulevskiy Nature Reserve for 50 - years]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 65-67. Saker on p.65 in the table is mentioned as very rare species (less 1 pair) in 1930's and 1940's, during 1960's - beginning of 80's Saker was absent. On p.66 is ssaid, that just development of northern part of nature reserve caused disappearing of saker and Peregrine Falcon here, which were bred formerly. On p.67 is said, that during 50 years for NR the Saker and Peregrine are lost (9,5% of raptor species quantity)...
Romanyuk, G.P. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy Zhigulevskogo zapovednika [Birds of Prey of the Zhigulevsk Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. M. 70-79. Saker on p.71 in Table 1 and on p.78 in species account. In Table 1 - Saker was nested in NR in 1930's and 1940's as nesting very rare species (lesser 1 pair per 100 sq. km). In 1960's-beginning of 1980's - was not breed. At the end of 30's and during 40's years M.I.Zyabrev (1944a) records Saker on slopes of Zhigulevskie mountains, suggests nesting of this species. Later Saker was not sighted in territory of NR. Please, see title No.37 in Your Bibliography, but there are some mistakes in this title.
Rudinskiy, O.M., Gorlenko, L.S. 1937. Do fauny hizhih ptahiv seredn'oi techij r.Pivnichnogo Dintsya [On Birds of Prey fauna at the middle parts of the Severnyi Donets River]. // Zb. prats' Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. Museum of Ac. of Sc. of Ukr SSR], N20, p.141-155. In Ukrainian. Description of the Saker breeding in the Kharkov Region. See Atemasova, T.A. (1995).
Rustamov, A.K. 1951. Novye dannye po zoogeografii i avifaune yuzhnogo Ustyurta [New data on zoogeography and avifauna of southern Ustyurt]. // Izv. AN KazSSR [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the KazSSR]. 1951. N105. Ser. zool. Issue 10. P.61-71.
Rustamov, A.K. 1951. Osnovnye cherty sovremennogoii sostava i raspredeleniya avifauny Glavnogo Turkmenskogo kanala i istochniki zaseleniya ego ptitsami [Main featuures of the modern composition and distribution of avifauna of the Main Turkmen channel and sources of settling of it by birds] // Zool. zhurn. [Zool. Journal]. Vol.30. Issue 1. P.24-34.
Rustamov, A.K. 1954. Ptitsy pustyni Kara-Kum. Ashkhabad, Izd-vo AN TSSR. See Bibliography on Falconry and Hawking. Reference to this title is in paper by Ataev et al., 1978.
Rustamov, A.K. 1968. Zoogeograficheskie osobennosti razlichnykh grupp nazemnoi fauny pustyn Srednei Azii [Zoogeographical peculiarities of different groups of terrestrial fauna of the Middle Asia deserts]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 9. 1968. P. 131-136. Saker on p.134. ...Such species as the Golden Eagle, Saker, Tree Sparrow and others, are a little interesting in respect of peculiarities of their breeding ranges, but they are quite demonstrative for ecology-zoogeographical analysis of the Karakumy fauna...
Rustamov, A.K. 1989. Redkie vidy ptits v gorakh Turkmenistana [Rare bird species in mountains of Turkmenistan]. // Ekologicheskie aspekty izucheniya, prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya i okhrany ptits v gornykh ekosistemakh [Ecological aspects oof study, practical use and conservation of birds in mountain ecosystems]. Frunze. 84-85. Total numbers of the Saker Falcon in Turkmenistan Republic is several tens pairs, among them 20-30 pairs - in mountains, including nature reserves.
Ruzskiy, M.D. 1893. Materialy k izucheniyu ptits Kazanskoi gubernii [Materials on study of birds of the Kazan Province]. // Trudy obshchestva estestvoispytatelei pri Kazanskom universitete [Proc. of Naturalist's Society at the Kazan University]. Kazan. Vol.25. Issue 6. 292 p. In Tataria in last century Saker was breeding in Zakam'ye (Trans-Kama River area) and was rare.
Ruzskiy, M.D. 1915. Kratkiy otchet o zoologicheskoi ekskursii v Tomskuyu guberniyu v 1914 godu [Short report about zoological excursion in the Tomsk province in 1914]. // Izv. Tomsk Un-ta [Proc. of Tomsk Univ.], book 63. 1-16.
Ryabov, V.F. 1950. Materialy k poznaniyu stepnoi ornitofauny [Materials on study of the steppe ornithofauna]. // Uchenye zapiski Stalingradskogo ped. instituta [Scient. Notes of Stalingrad Ped. Institute]. Issue 2. Zoology, Botany, Chemistry. 179-226. Present name of Stalingrad - Volgograd.
Ryabov, V.F. 1974. Izmenenie avifauny stepei severnogo Kazakhstana pod vliyaniem antropogennykh faktorov [Change of avifauna of steppes of the Northern Kazakhstan under influence of anthropogenic factors]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 11. P. 279-297.
Saker on p.280.
Ryabov, V.F. 1982. Avifauna stepei severnogo Kazakhstana [Avifauna of steppes of Northern Kazakhstan]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 176 p. Saker in table on p.26 - mean weight of adult Saker - 910 g according to liter. data. In table on p.34-35 - number of Saker in the fields of northern, middle and souther steppes (1960-62). In table on p.38-39 - number of Saker in various-grass-sandy-feathergrass steppes of the Middle Steppe (1960-62, car-routine-881 km). In table on p.41-42 the same in tipchak-feather-grass steppe. The same in other grass-types of species on p.44, 46, 48. In table on p.66 - change in number and bird biomass in various-grass-sandy-feather-grass steppes in 1936,1938 and 1963-64 years. Distribution of Saker and changes in its number in the Kustanai steppes and Turgai semidesert in table on p.162.
Ryabtsev, V.V. 1983. Chislennost' i razmeshchenie khishchnykh ptits lesostepnogo Predbaikal'ya [Numbers and distribution of Birds of Prey of the forest-steppe Front-Baikal area]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 137-139. Saker on p.139. For a long time was known only from the left-side regions of the Bratsk water reservoir, in 1979 was found on the right-side, at 100 km to east of the fiirst places of discovering. In 12982 1 nest was found on Ol'khon. The largest density on breeding in the Balagfanskaya steppe. In 1979 in the Pervomaiskiy settlement environs on the plot with area 30 sq. km 1 Saker pair was bred, in 1982 - 3 pairs. 2 pairs are breeding on 1 stationary.... In the left-side steppe of the Bratsk water reservoir, to our opinion, 70-100 pairs are breeding.
Ryabtsev, V.V. 1984. Materialy po pitaniyu khishchnykh ptits lesostepi Predbaikal'ya [Materials on Birds of Prey feeding in forest-steppe of Front-Baikalia area]. // Vestnik LGU [Bulletin of Leningrad St. Univ.]. Biol. L. 32 p. DEP. ?????
Ryabtsev, V.V. 1986. Troficheskie svyazi khishchnykh ptits lesostepnogo Predbaikal'ya [Trophical links of Birds of Prey oof the forest-steppe Fron-Baikalia area]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 211-212. Studies were conducted in 1978-1984 in two regions of the Irkutsk Region. 1696 samples (1280 pellets and 416 food remains) were collected, where remainders of 2219 exempl. of vertebrates were discovered. Long-tailed Souslik plays the main role in feeding of Saker Falcon. Grey voles (Microtus gregalis Pallas & Microtus oeconomus Pallas) are quite important food for Saker Falcon in spring (34%).
Sabaneev, L.P. 1874. Pozvonochnye Srednego Urala i ikh geograficheskoe rasprostranenie v Permskoi i Orenburgskoi guberniyakh [Vertebrates of the Middle Ural and their geographical distribution in the Perm and Orenburg Provinces]. M. 21-35. Author observed Saker Falcon in the Shadrinskiy and Kamyshlovskiy districts.
Salikhbaev, Kh.S., Kashkarov, D.Yu., Sharipov, A. 1970. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Ekologiya pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh khrebta Nuratau [Ecology of vertebrates of the Nuratau ridge]. Tashkent. P.42-99.
Salikhbaev, Kh.S., Ostapenko, M.M. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Ekologiya i khozyaistvennoe zhachenie pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh yuga Uzbekistana (bassein Surkhandar'i) [Ecology and practical significance of vertebrates of the South of Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, "Nauka" of the Uzbek SSR. P.72-144. Turkestan Saker (Falco cherrug coatsi Dedm.) on p.94. In Kafirnigan valley the breeding birds were observed by A.I.Ivanov (1940). It is sighting in Kugitang along gorges and in lower zone of mountains (G.P.Dement'yev, 1951).
Salikhbaev, Kh.S., Ostapenko, M.M. et al. ? 1967. ? Ekologiya, mery okhrany i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Karshinskoi stepi [Ecology, conservatiion measures and rational use of vertebrates of the Karshinskaya steppe]. / AN UzSSSR. In-t zool. i parasitol [Ac. of Sc. of Uzbek SSR. Inst. of Zool. and Parasithol.]. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. 174 p.: ill.
Samofalov, M.F. 1986. Sovremennoe sostoyanie ornitofauny Chernigovskoi oblasti i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Modern status of ornithofauna of the Chernigov Region and adjoining territories]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i rastional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 225-226. On the base of literature analysis and own observations during 1972-1985 in territory of the Chernigov Region and adjoining territories of the Gomel and Bryansk Regions, 287 bird species of 17 orders were registered. Nesting sites of the Saker Falcon are determined in territory of Region.
Samorodov, Yu.A. 1986. Khishchnye ptitsy severo-zapadnogo Prikaspiya [Birds of Prey of the North-Western Cis-Caspian Sea area]. // Ekologicheskie issledovaniya v Srednem Povolzh'ye [Ecological investigations in the Middle Volga area]. Kuibyshev. 20-58. Bibl.65. Final paper on species composition, distribution and biology of raoptors of the North-Western Caspian Sea since the end of XVII century by the present time. 35 raptor species are registered at the present time. Saker Falcon is related to category of rare species.
Sapetin, Ya.V., Galushin, V.M. 1958. Krupnaya koloniya seroi tsapli [Large colony of the Grey Heron]. // Tr. Okskogo zapovrednika [Proc. of the Oka Nature Reserve], issue 2, p.168-169.
Sarychev, V.S., Nedosekin, V.Yu. 1988. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Lipetskoi oblasti [Modern status of rare and endangered bird species of the Lipetsk region] // Priroda Lipetskoi oblasti i eyo okhrana. Voronezh, Tsentral'no-Chernozemnoe Publ. House. Issue 6. P.14-24. Saker on p.18 - very rare breeding species, inhabits old forests, boprdering with the meadow and steppe areas. Earlier was comparatively common, but for last 3 decades practically was disappeared on the main part of the European range. During observations was sighting very seldom in Zadonskiy district, solitary pairs can be nested quite probably along Voronezh river valley.
Sarychev, V.S., Dudin, P.I. 1990. Saker in the Lipetzk District. In: Results of studies of rare animals. (Ed.Amirkhanov, A.M.). In Your Bibliography this title is given under No.127, but one co-author of this information (Dr.P.I.Dudin) is missed, unfortunately. Of course, main part is written by Dr. V.S.Sarychev, but there are two co-authors in this info.
Sarychev, V.S. 1993. Gnezdovanie vranovykh i khishchnykh ptits na oporakh vysokovol'tnykh LEP [Breeding of Corvidae birds and Birds of Prey on electric transmission pylons]. // Vranovye ptitsy v antropogennom landshafte [Corvidae birds in the anthropogenous landscape]. Lipetzk. Vypusk 1. P.81-90. Fragmenray mentions of breeding of Saker Falcons on electric transmission pylons on p.81, 82 in the text, p.83 in the figure and on p.84 in the table. Saker uses construction of pylon PB-220-I. Studies in the central part of the Lipetzk Region was conducted in 1985-1988.
Schatiloff, J. 1860. Katalog meines ornithologischen Museums der Vogel Tauriens im Dorfe Schatilofka (Tamak) an der Mundung des Karasu ins Faule Meer, nebst einigen an Ort und Stelle gesammelten Notizen. // Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, t.33, N4, p.488-518. In German.
Sergeev, A.M. 1936. Rol' sooruzheniy cheloveka v rasprostranenii ptits v stepi [Role of the human construction in bird distribution in steppe]. // Dokl. AN SSSR [Reports of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. New ser. Vol.2 (11). N4. P.163-166. Bibliogr.: p.166. Saker is brreding on human constructions in the left-sided area of lower Ural river.
Sewertzow, N.A., Menzbier, M.A. 1888-1893. Ornithologie du Turkestan et des pays adjacents. (Partie N.-O. de la Mongolie, steppes Kirghiz, contree Aralo-Caspienne, partie superieure du bassin d'Oxus, Pamir). T.2. Moscou, publ. par l'auteur. 391 p. Appendix. Atlas 13 Pl. In French.
Shagdarsuren, O. 1964. Khishchnye ptitsy tsentral'noi i yuzhnoi chastei Mongolii i ikh prakticheskoe znachenie [Birds of Prey of the Central and Southern parts of Mongolia and their practical significance]. Avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. biol. nauk [Author's abstracts of thesis]. M. 19 p.
Shagdarsuren, O. 1969. ???
Shalna, A.A. 1981. Vol'ernoe razvedenie balobana v Kirghizskom gosudarstvennom ob'yedinennom okhotnich'yem khozyaistve [The voliere reproduction of the Saker Falcon in the Kirghiz State United Hunting Farm]. // Biologicheskie aspekty okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Biological aspects of conservation of rare animals]. M. P.69-73. ????
Shalna, A.A. 1986. Formirovanie par u balobanov dlya voliernogo razvedeniya [The pair forming in the saker Falcons for reintroduction in captivity (in cages)]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 326-327. A row of very important practical advices for breeding centres on reintroduction of the Saker Falcon.
Shalna, A.A., Shalnene, E.Yu. 1981. Vol'ernoe razmnozhenie balobana v Kirghiz gosokhotkhozyaistve [Voliere reintroduction of the Saker Falcon in the Kirghiz State Hunting Farm]. // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits: Tez. dokl. VIII Vsesoyuz. ornitol. konf. [Ecology and conservation of birds: Abstracts of the VIII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Kishinev. p.237. Pair of Sakers was selected for breeding, reared in captivity since one-week age, but without imprinting to man. Birds began to breed at 2-years age. 14 eggs were recieved from this pair (in 1979-5, in 1980 - 9), among which one egg was unseminated. Egg-laying in 1980 began at 20 days earlier than in Saker in the wild. 9 eggs were incubated under female, the rest 5 were incubated in thermostat. 4 chicks of 5 ones were reared successfully.
Shalna, A.A., Sorokin, A.G. 1981. O redkikh vidakh khishchnykh ptits Issyk-Kul'skoi kotloviny [On rare species of birds of prey of the Issyk-Kul' depression]. // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits: Tez. dokl. VIII Vsesoyuz. ornitol. konf. [Ecology and conservation of birds: Abstracts of VIII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Kishinev. p.237. Breeding of 12-15 Saker pairs is suggested. During last decade their number sharply was dropped owing to disturbance factor, and in lesser extent, due to illegal removal of chicks for Falconry.
Sharleman, E.V. 1909. Spisok ptits okrestnostei Kieva [The list of birds of the Kiev environs]. // Zapiski Kievskogo o-va estestvoispytateley [Notes of Kiev Natuuralist's Soc.], vol.21, issue 1, p.183-211.
Shevchenko, V.L., Gavrilov, E.I., Naglov, V.A., Fedosenko, A.K., Tatarinova, O.M. 1978. Ob ornitofaune Volzhsko-Ural'skogo mezhdurech'ya (khishchnye ptitsy i sovy) [On ornithofauna of the Volga-Ural interstream (Birds of Prey and Owls)]. // Biologiya ptits v Kazakhstane [Biology of Birds in Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata. Nauka. Tr. Inst. zool. AN KazSSR [Proc. of Inst. of Zool. of the KazSSR]. Vol.38. P.99-114. Saker Falcon on p.111-112. Breeding species, which is sighting on passage and sometimes in winter. List of sightings. Phenology of arrival, breeding and departure. Clutch of 5 eggs. Sizes of 7 eggs. Description of other nest. Winter observations. Attack of Saker on Jackdaw. Food.
Shevchenko, V.V. 1948. Gosudarstvennyi zapovednik Aksu-Djabagly (ekologo-faunisticheskiy ocherk) [The State Nature reserve Aksu-Djabagly (Ecology-faunistical sketch)]. // Trudy zapovednika Aksu-Djabagly [Proc. of the Aksu-Djabagly Nature Reserve]. Alma-Ata. Issue 1. P.5-14. We have sighted reference to this paper in one Saker's account, but after acquitance with text - no words about Saker.
Shevchenko, V.V. 1948. Ptitsy gosudarstvennogo zapovednika Aksu-Djabagly (Yuzhnyi Kazakhstan. Sev.-zapadnye otrogi Talasskogo Alatau) [Birds of the State Nature Reserve Aksu-Djabagly (Southern Kazakhstan. North-western spurs of the Talass Alatau)]. // Trudy zapovednika Aksu-Djabagly [Proc. of the Aksu-Djabagly Nature Reserve]. Alma-Ata. Issue 1. P.36-70. Falco cherrug Gray on p.61-62. Male 3/III-1945, Novo Nikolaevka. Description of colouring. Dimensions. Saker breeds in the foothill and middle part of mountains of NR. Falco gyrfalco altaicus (Menzb.) on p.62. Female 16/II-1945. Djetymsai. Description of colouring. Is sighting during passage and in winter.
Shilova, S.A., Korotyaev, B.A., Sedykh, E.I., Ivanitskiy, V.V., Pereladov, S.V., Ryl'nikov, V.A. 1977. Osobennosti biotsenozov gornoi shchebnistoi stepi Tuvy v svyazi s problemoi prirodopol'zovaniya [Peculiarities of biocoenosises of the mountain detritus steppe of Tuva in connection with problem of nature-using]. // Ekologiya [Ecology]. N3. 55-63. In table on p.60 - feeding of some Birds of Prey including Saker of the Mongun-Taiginskiy district of the Tuva ASSR, sightings in %.
Shilova, S.A., Pereladov, S.V. 1974. Nekotorye osobennosti vliyaniya peticidov na khishchnykh ptits [Some peculiarities of influence of the pecticides on the Birds of Prey]. // Materialy VI Vsesoyuz. orn. konf. [Materials of the VI All-Union Orn. Conf.], M. Part 2. 369-370.
Shnitnikov, V.N. 1949. Ptitsy Semirech'ya [Birds of Semirech'ye]. Moscow-Leningrad. Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. 665 p. Saker (Gray) on p.220-221. Saker (Dem.) on p.221.
Shtegman, B.K. 1938. Osnovy ornitogeograficheskogo deleniya Palearktiki [Bases of the ornithogeografical dividing of Palearctics]. // Zool. In-t AN SSSR. Fauna SSSR. Ptitsy. [Zool. Inst. of Ac of Sc of the USSR. Fauna of the USSR. Birds]. Vol.1, Issue 2. Moscow-Leningrad, Publ. House of the USSR Ac. of Sc. 156 p. 27 pages maps. Bibliogr.: p.75-76.
Summary in German. There is a reference to this title in a paper by P.V.Pfander (1994).
Shtegman, B.K. 1958. Die Herkunft der eurasiatischen Steppenvogel. // Bonner zool. Beitr. Jg. 9. H.2/4. S.208-230. In German.
Shul'pin, L.M. 1953. Materialy po faune ptits zapovednika Aksu-Djabagly (Talasskiy Alatau) [Materials on bird fauna of the Aksu-Djabagly Nature Reserve (Talass Alatau)]. // Trudy Inst. Zool. AN KazSSR [Proc. of Inst. of Zool. of Ac of Sc of the KazSSR], Alma-Ata. Vol.II. P.52-79; Vol.VI in 1956. P.158-193; Vol.XV in 1961. P.147-160.
Shvetsov, Yu.G. 1987. Baloban v Yugo-Zapadnom Zabaikal'ye. Kratkie svedeniya o redkikh vidakh [Saker Falcon in South-Western Trans-Baikalia. Brief data on rare species]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Problems of conservation of rare animals (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.135. Saker has become very rare. By data of collaborators of the Torei-Tsasuchei Game Reserve, the solitary specimens are recorded in the Torei depression and on surrounded steppe plots up to southern border of the Tsasuchei Pine forest. Breeding is known.
Skryabin, N.G., Pyzh'yanov, S.V., Sadkov, V.S., Safronov, N.N., Podkovyrov, V.A., Sum'yaa, D. 1988. Redkie ptitsy Baikal'skoi riftovoi zony [Rare birds of the Baikal rift zone]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1989. Novosibirsk. 198-204. Bibl.16. Data on numbers of species, listed in Red Data Book of the USSR and occurring on territory of the Baikal'skiy rift are given, including Saker Falcon.
Smetanin, V.N. 1985. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Sokhondinskogo zapovednika [Diurnal Birds of Prey and Owls of the Sokhondinskiy Nature Reserve]. // Kishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikah RSFSR [Birds of Prey and Owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR]. M. 79-89. Saker on p.87. Wintering species. Since November till beginning of April sometimes is sighting in the Altano-Kyrinskiy hollow. The successful hunt of Saker on Daurian Partridge (Perdix dauricae Pall.) is registered.
Smirenskiy, S.M., Sum'yaa, D., Boldbaator, Ts. 1991. Ornitologicheskie nablyudeniya v Vostochnom aimake MNR [Ornithological investigations in Dornod, Almak Mongolian People's Republic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 25. P. 116-126. Saker on p.119. Description of sightings. One Saker nest in the Rough-legged Buzzard nest. 10/VII 2 poorly flying young birds and their parents were flown near nest.
Smirnov, A.Yu., Durnev, Yu.A., Moskovskiy, A.A., Goryainov, P.P., Smirnova, O.V. 1983. Materialy po rasprostraneniyu i ekologii khishchnykh ptits v Yugo-Zapadmon Zabaikal'ye [Materials on distribution and ecology of Birds of Prey in the South-Western Trans-Baikaliia]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 141-143. Saker on p.142. In June 1956 in the Kapcheranka place 2 nests on rocks were discovered at 2 km each from other. First contained 2 chicks, second - 3 chicks and remains of the Daurian Partridge. In 50's was recorded practically in all regions of study area. In 1954 wintered in the Kyakhta town, was feeding by Rock Doves and Blue Hill Pigeons. In Jan. 1959 1 specimen was recorded in Kyakhta environs on colony of Meriones spp.
Sokolov, V.N. 1928. Materialy k izucheniyu ornitofauny pervogo gosudarstvennogo stepnogo zapovednika Chapli [Materials on study of ornithofauna of the first State Steppe Nature Reserve Chapli] . // Visti Derzh. stepov. zapovidnyka Chapli [Proc. of State Steppe Nature Reserve Chapli]. vol.4, p.27-68. Title of paper in Russian, title of Collection of papers - in Ukrainian.
Sokolov, Ye.P., Il'yashenko, V.Yu. 1987. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v kollektsii Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR [Birds of the Red Data Book of the RSFSR in collection of Zool. Institute of Ac of Sc of the USSR]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Problems of conservation of rare animals (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.106-112. Saker on p.109 in the table. Data are given on the end of 1986. Total study skins of 300 adult birds and 3 chicks, spiritus preparatus of 2 chicks and 2 other preparatus, osteological materials 2+(12). In brackets the independent units of keeping (head, skull, extremities) are given. Data are shown separately for 3 different vast regions of RSFSR.
Somov, N.N. 1897. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Khar'kovskoi gubernii [Ornithological fauna of the Kharkov Province]. Khar'kov, typ.A.Darre, 680 p. Separate appendix to 26th volume "Proc. of Naturalist's Soc." Saker on p.382. From Baumgart, 1978.
Sopyev, O. 1965. Pustynnyi vorobei v Karakumakh [Desert Sparrow in Kara-Kumy]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.134-141. There is a reference to this title in paper by Ataev et al., 1978 under No.16, but after our checking of the paper, we could not find mention of Saker anywhere.
Sorokin, A.G. 1990. Programma vosstanovleniya redkikh vidov sokolov v SSSR [Programm of reinstatement of rare Falcon species in the USSR]. // Ekologicheskie problemy okhrany zhivoi prirody. Tez. dokl. Vses. konf. [Ecological problems of conservation of wildlife. Abstracts of All-Union Conf.]. Moscow 10-17 Dec. 1990. Part 1. M. P.117-118.
Shcherbak, N.N. 1989. Nazemnye pozvonochnye zhivotnye iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR na Ukraine [Terrestrial vertebrates from Red Data Book of the RSFSR in Ukraine]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye (Materials for Red Data Book) [Rare animals and animals, needed in protection (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.20-21. Saker on p.20....Slightly better situation with Saker (30-40 pairs) in Ukraine...(Tille, A.A., Prokopenko, S.A.).
Shcherbakov, B.V., Kochnev, A.G. 1983. O chislennosti i rasprostranenii nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits na vostoke Kazakhstana [On numbers and distribution of some Birds of rey in the East of Kazakhstan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 156-158. Saker on p.158 in the table. The seasonal distribution of the Saker Falcon is shown in the following regions: Western Altai; Southern Altai; Kalba; Tarbagatai foothills; Zaisan hollow; Chiliktinskaya valley.
Stakheev, V.A., Irisova, N.L., Irisov, E.A., Baskakov, V.V. 1982. Kharakter prebyvaniya i razmeshcheniye ptits, vnessennykh v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR, v Altaiskom zapovednike [Character of presence and distribution of birds, listed in Red Data Book of the USSR, in the Altaic Nature Reserve]. // Tez. dokl. konf.: Ischezayushchie i redkie rasteniya i zhiviootnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany. [Abstracts : Endangered and rare plants and animals of the Altaic Territory and problems of their conservation]. Barnaul. 30-33.
Stakheev, V.A., Irisova, N.L., Polushkin, D.M. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy zapovednikov Altaya i Sayan [Birds of prey and owls of Nature Reserves of Altai and Sayany]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in Nature Reserves of the RSFSR: Coll. of papers of TsNIL Gkavokhoty RSFSR]. M. 30-45. Saker on p.33 in Table 1 - Fauna, character of presence of Saker and its abundance in typical natural habitats of Nature Reserves of Altai and Sayany: in Altai NR Saker is a resident species, nesting - ?, unpassage, very seldom spends a summer and nomadic, unwinterer; in Sayano-Shushenskiy NR Saker is resident, nesting -?, unpoassage, very seldom spends a summer and nomadic, unwinterer; In "Stolby" NR Saker is unresident, nesting-?, passage, very seldom spends a summer and nomadic, unwinterer. On p.44 in species account the phenology and exact places of Saker observations are given. Sakers were hunted on Willow Grouses in Aug.-Sep. 1974.
Stakheev, V.A., Petrov, S.Yu. 1995. Rasprostranenie i chislennost redkikh vidov ptits poberezhiy vodokhranilishcha Sayano-Shushenskoi GES [Distribution and numbers of rare bird species of shores of water reservoir attached to the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro-electric Station]. // Voprosy ornitologii. Tez. dokl. k V konf. ornitologov Sibiri [Questions of Ornithology. Abstracts to the Vth Conf. of Ornithologists of Siberia]. Barnaul. 120-123. The Saker Falcon is breeding in the Yenisei River valley to south of Uzunsuk mouth: in Nature Reserve (55 km) by 1994 5 nesting plots were known. Numbers in the course of filling up of reservoir by water, was not changed.
Stepanyan, L.S. 1969. Beobachtungen am Rotnackenshahin in Mittelasien. // Falke 16: 124-131. From Baumgart, 1989. In German.
Stepanyan, L.S. 1970.
Stepanayn, L.S. 1971. Materialy k ornitologicheskoi faune Badkhyza [Materials on ornithological fauna of the Badkhyz]. // Fauna i ekologiya zhivotnykh [Fauna and Ecology of Animals]. M. P.219-244. Saker is mentioned on p.???????
Stepanyan, L.S. 1975. Sostav i rasprdelenie ptits fauny SSSR: Nevorob'inye [Composition and distribution of birds of the fauna of the USSR: Non-Passeriformes]. M., Nauka. 370 p.
Stepanyan, L.S., Spangenberg, E.P. 1983. Materialy k ornitologicheskoi faune Armenii [Materials on the ornitofauna of the Mountains of Armenia]. // Ptitsy osvaivaemykh territoriy. [Birds of developing territories]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow St. Univ. Vol. XXVI. M., Moscow St. Univ. 111-125. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Saker Falcon in small quantity was observed during autumn passage on the Sevan Lake (beginning of November 1940) and in the Dilizhanskoe gorge (beginning of November 1936, November 1940).
Stepanyan, L.S., Bold, A., Fomin, V.E. 1988. Taksonomicheskiy spisok ptits Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki [Taxonomical list of birds of the Mongolian People's Republic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 23. 26-35. Saker on p.28. Falco cherrug Gray, 1834 is listed as a breeding species.
Stepanyan, L.S. 1990. Konspekt ornitologicheskoi fauny SSSR [Conspectus of ornithological fauna of the USSR]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 726 p. Falco cherrug Gray on p.108-112. Description and distribution of following subspecies are described: F.c.cherrug; F.c.milvipes; F.c.coatsi; F.c.hendersoni. Without maps - distribution by words.
Strautman, F.I. 1954. Ptitsy Sovetskikh Karpat [Birds of the Soviet Carpathians]. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR. 332 p. ??????/
Strautman, F.I. 1963. Ptitsy zapadnykh oblastei USSR [Birds of Western Regions of Ukrainian SSR]. Lvov, Lvov Univ. Press. 199 p. Saker on p.123-124. ??????
Sudilovskaya, A.M. 1968. Zimnyaya avifauna Tarimskogo basseina i okruzhayushchikh ego gornykh khrebtov [Winter avifauna of the Tarim basin and adjacent mountain ridges]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 9. P.289-294. Thibetian Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug hendersoni) is listed as a resident bird of this area on p.291.
Sudilovskaya, A.M. 1978. Interesnye postupleniya v ornitologoicheskiy otdel Zoologicheskogo muzeya MGU za 1972-1975 (solonchakovyi zhavoronok iz rajona Erzina i baloban iz Tuvy) [Interesting new items arrived in Ornithological department of Zoological Museum of Moscow State University (Eastern [Mongolian] short-toed Lark from the Erzin region and Saker Falcon from Tuva)]. // Issledovaniya po faune Sovetskogo Soyuza. Ptitsy i presmykayushchiesya. [Studies on fauna of the Soviet Union. Birds and reptilias.]. MGU. M. 178-187. ???????????
Sukhinin, A.I. 1961. O pitanii balobana (Falco cherrug coatsi Dementjew) v Badkhyze (jugo-vostochnaja Turkmenia) [On feeding of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug coatsi Dementiev) in Badkhyz (South-Eastern Turkmenia)]. // Sb. Akad. Nauk. Turkmensk. SSR [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR. Ser. biol. sc.], N2, P.82-84. ??????????
Sukhinin, A.N. 1962. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Badkhyza i ikh prakticheskoe znachenie (yugo-vostochnaya Turkmeniya): Avtoref. dis. ... kand.biol. nauk. [Birds of Prey and Owls of Badkhyz and their practical significance. Author's abstracts of thesis] Ashkhabad. 15 p.
Sukhinin, A.N. 1971. Ekologiya sov i khishchnykh ptits Badkhyza [Ecology of Owls and Birds of Prey of Badkhyz]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym" Publ. Reference to this title is in paper by Ataev et al, 1978.
Sum'yaa, D., Skryabin, N.G. 1989. Ptitsy Prikhubsugul'ya. MNR. [Birds the Khub-sugul vicinities. Mongolian People's Republic]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk Univ. Press. 200 p. Saker ????????
Sushkin, P.P. 1897. Ptitsy Ufimskoi gubernii [Birds of the Ufa Province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossijskoi imperii. Otd. zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of Russian Empire. Dept. Zool.] Issue 4. P.I-XI. P.1-331. In Bashkiria Saker Falcon is a common species.
Sushkin, P.P. 1900. On the Jer-Falcons. // Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club. Vol.11, N74. P.3. In Engl.
Sushkin, P.P. 1905. Zur Morphologie des Vogelskeletts. // N. Mem. Soc. Natural. Moskau, S.149-157. From Baumgart, 1978.
Sushkin, P.P. 1912. Novye dannye k rasprostraneniyu ptits v Russkom Altae i po Abakanu [New data on distribution of birds in the Russian Altai and along the Abakan]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological bulletin], N3. P.237-241.
Sushkin, P.P. 1913. The same paper as the next one, but only in German, published in reduced option in "Bull. Soc. nat. Moscou". T.26. P.198-400. From Baumgart, 1978.
Sushkin, P.P. 1914. Ptitsy Minusinskogo kraya, Zapadnogo Sayana i Uryankhaiskoi zemli. Materialy k poznaniyu flory i fauny Rossijsk. imp., otd. zool. [Birds of the Minusinsk Territory, Western Sayany i Uryankhaiskaya land. Materials on study of flora and fauna of the Russian Empire, Zool. dept.] Issue 13. M. 551 p. with tables and maps. During author's expedition in 1902 the Saker here - common breeding species.
Sushkin, P.P. 1915. Poezdka v yugo-vostochnuyu i yuzhnuyu chast' Russkogo Altaya i Severo-Zapadnuyu Mongoliyu i zametki o ptitsakh etoi mestnosti [Trip in south-eastern and southern part of the Russian Altai and North-Western Mongolia and notes about birds of this area]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological bulletin]. N4. P.273-289. Engl. summ.
Sushkin, P.P. 1915. Falco altaicus Menzb. i Falco lorenzi Menzb. [Falco altaicus Menzb. and Falco lorenzi Menzb.]. // Ornitol. vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin]. N3. P.223-238. In Russ. with Engl. summ.
Sushkin, P.P. 1929. Falco altaicus Menzb. und Falco lorenzi Menzb. // Berajah, Anlage 1: 1-4. In German.
Tarasov, M.P. 1962. Zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt der sudwestlichen Mongolei. // Falke. Jg. 9, H.8. S. 259-262. In German.
Tarasov, M.A., Varshavskiy, S.N., Shilov, M.N., Samarin, Ye.G. 1986. Vidovoi sostav, razmeshchenie i chislennost khishchnykh ptits v Uralo-Embenskom mezhdurech'ye [The species composition, distribution and numbers of Birds of Prey in area between the Ural and Emba Rivers]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 270-271. In spring-summer and autumn periods 1981-1985 territory with square over 2000000
ha was investigated. Saker Falcon was observed only on passage.
Tashliev, A.O. 1973. Ornitologicheskie kompleksy yugo-vostochnoi Turkmenii [Ornithological complexes of the South-Eastern Turkmenia]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym" Publ. 270 p. Saker Falcon is mentioned in many places.
Tashliev, A.O. 1986. Okhrana dnevnykh kishchnykh ptits Turkmenistana [Protection of diurnal Birds of Prey of Turkmenistan]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 2. L. 275. Saker Falcon is relating to category B (rare species) of the Red Data Book of the Turkmenian SSR.
Tischler, F. 1941. Die Vogel Ostpreusens und seiner Nachbargebiete. Bd.1. Konigsberg und Berlin. ???? In German.
Tomkovich, P.S., Batusheva, I.K. 1987. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v kollektsii Zoologicheskogo muzeya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Birds of Red Data Book of the RSFSR in collection of Zool. Museum of Moscow State University]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Problems of conservation of rare animals (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.98-105. Data are given on the end of 1986. Saker on p.101 in the table. Total study skins of 261 bird in the main fonds, 1 chick, fixed materials of 2 chicks, oological material 8+(1), 23 osteological materials. In brackets quantity of uncomplect separate eggs is given. A.m. data are shown separately for 3 regions: European part of the RSFSR; Western and Central Siberia (up to Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tuva ASSR, including); Eastern Siberia and Far East.
Tugarinov, A.Ya. 1932. Ptitsy Vostochnoi Mongolii po nablyudeniyam ekspeditsii 1928 g. [Birds of Eastern Mongolia by observations of expedition of the year 1928]. L., Izd-vo AN SSSR. 46 p. (Trudy Mong. Kommiss. AN SSSR. Issue 1). Bibliogr.: p.46.
Tyurekhodzhaev, Zh.M. 1977. Stepnoi orel i baloban v Ural'skoi oblasti [Aquila nipalensis and Falco cherrug in the Ural region]. // Redkie i ischezayushchie zveri i ptitsy Kazakhstana [Rare and vanishing animals and birds of Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata. P.240-243. Bibl.8. Saker on p.241. In 1967 and 1968 in environs of settlements Bolotai and Krasnyi Oktyabr the composition of food in adult birds (analysis of pellets) and chicks (food samples), influence of zink phosphid poison influence on raptors were investigated. Main reasons of number change and conservation measures are given.
Umrikhina, G.S. 1984. Zhivotnyi mir Chuiskoi doliny [Wildlife of the Chuiaskaya valley]. Frunze, "Ilim" Publ. 214 p. Saker on p.198 in the table is listed as winter species, occurred in 3 regions of Chuiskaya valley of 6 ones.
Ushakova, M.M. 1968. Nekotorye cherty biologii i osobennosti pitaniya balobana v Saralovskom uchstke Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika [Some features of biology and peculiarities of the Saker feeding in the Saralovskiy plot of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve]. // Materialy itogovoi nauchnoi sessii (Aprel' 1968) [Materials of the concluding scientific session (April 1968)]. Kazan. P.72-74. Very detailed observations for life of one Saker's nest. Nest site. Former Golden Eagle's nest. Phenology. Analysis of 100 pellets. In detail food componenets. Very informative paper.
Ushakov, V.A., Ushakova, M.M. 1974.
Varshavskiy, S.N., Shilov, M.N. 1989. Sravnitel'nye osobennosti biotopicheskogo raspredeleniya chislennosti i ekologii nekotorykh vidov khishchnykh ptits v vysokogornykh landshaftakh Bol'shogo Kavkaza [Comparative peculiarities of the biotopical distribution of numbers and ecology of some species of Birds of Prey in high-elevation (alpine) landscapes of the Great Caucasia]. // Ekologicheskie problemy Stavropol'skogo kraya i sopredel'nykh territorij: Tez. dokl. kraev. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Ecological problems of the Stavropol Territory and adjoining territories: Abstracts of Regional Scient.-Pract. Conf.], 4-6 okt., 1989. Stavropol. P.184-196. Observations were conducted during many years in various regions of Great Caucasia. 25 raptor species are registered. 16 raptor species are not relating to typial for high-elevation landscapes. Sufficient part of them quite often is appearing in subalpine zone for hunting on rodents, birds, insects (list of species, including Saker Falcon).
Vasil'chenko, A.A. 1986. Redkie vidy ptits Yugo-vostochnogo Zabaikal'ya [Rare bird species of the South-Eastern Trans-Baikalia]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, theirconservation and rational use]. Part 1. L. 116-117. During 7 years 6 nests of the Saker Falcon were discovered. Population density reachs 0,5 spec./sq.km.
Vasil'chenko, A.A. 1987. Ptitsy Khamar-Dabana [Birds of the Khamar-Daban]. Novosibirs, "Nauka" Publ. 102 p. Sketches of biology of separate bird species on p.11-74. Saker in table on p.17 is mentioned as very rare and only on passage and only in spring species.
Vasil'chenko, A.A. 1989. Materialy po ptitsam Toreiskikh ozer [Materials on birds of the Toreiskie Lakes]. // Ekologicheskie issledovaniya v zapovednikakh Yuzhnoi Sibiri [Ecological studies in Nature Reserves of Southern Siberia]. M. P.91-102. Tabl.2. Bibl.6. Torei Lakes, situated in southern part of the Chita Region, in steppe of Dauria are charterized by specifical dynamics of hydrological regime - they are pulsating, change water volume, coastal lines. This is unique place for bird breeding. Here 122 bird species are breeding. Modern their status on data during 1978-1984. Data on Saker Falcon are given on p.100-101. Density, phenology, sizes of nest, nesting material, food components and status are described. Original material without references. Very essential.
Vaurie, C. 1961. Systematic notes on palearctic birds. Falconidae. The genus Falco (p.2). // Amer. Mus. Novit. N45. In Engl.
Vetrov, V.V. 1986. Territorial'noe raspredelenie i sovremennoe sostoyanie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits Voroshilovgradskoi oblasti [Territorial distribution and modern status of Birds of Prey numbers of the Voroshilovgrad Region]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational use]. Part 1. L. 121-122. Saker Falcon is related to the group of birds, which could not be adaptated to the anthropogenic factors.
Vinokurov, A.A. 1960. Zimnyaya fauna ptits verkhov'yev r.Tekes (Tsentral'nyi Tyan'-Shan') [Winter bird fauna of upper Tekes River (Central Tien-Shan)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.362-365.
Saker on p.363. ...In searchings of food the Black and Griffon Vultures, Lammergeiers and Golden Eagles are appering here. Undoubtedly here the Sparrow Hawk and Saker Falcon spend winter here, but they were not noticed by us...
Vinokurov, A.A. 1978. In the book, written by three co-authors: Zhirnov, L.V., Vinokurov, A.A., Bychkov, V.A. Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye SSSR [Rare and endangered animals of the USSR]. M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost" Publ. 300 p. Saker on p.198-202. Distribution within world breeding range, in the USSR, in Eurasia, incubation, feeding and capturing for Falconry.
Vinokurov, A.A. 1992. Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye. Ptitsy [Rare and endangered animals. Birds]. M., "Vysshaya shkola". 445 p. Saker on p.141 with general information.
Vladyshevskiy, D.V. 1988. Redkie ptitsy tsentral'nykh rajonov Krasnoyarskogo kraya [Rare birds of central regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri. Mater. Soveshch. [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Materials of Meeting], Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986. Novosibirsk. 52-56. Bibl.5. Data on occurrence of 21 bird species are given in 1970-1985 in territory from lower part of the Angara River to Krasnoyarsk, including Saker Falcon.
Voinstvenskiy, M.A. 1960. Ptitsy stepnoi polosy evropeiskoi chasti SSSR. Sovremennoe sostoyanie ornitofauny i eyo proiskhozhdenie [Birds of steppe belt of the European part of the USSR. Modern status of ornithofauna and its origin]. Kiev, Izd-vo AN URSR [Publ. House of Ac of sc of Ukrainian SSR]. 292 p. Saker on p.75. Data on fossil remains and modern distribution of Saker Falcon are given.
Volchanetskiy, I.B. 1950. O ptitsakh Proval'skoi stepi Voroshilovgradskoi oblasti [On birds of the Proval'skaya steppe of the Voroshilovgrad region]. // Trudy NII biologii HGU [Proc. of Scient.-Res. Inst. of Biology of Khar'kov St. Univ.], vv.14-15, p.135.
Volchanetskiy, I.B. 1950. O ptitsakh opushek listvennykh lesov, Khar'kovskoi i Sumskoi oblastei [On birds of edges of a deciduous forests of the Khar'kov and Sumy Regions]. // Trudy NII biologii HGU [Proc. of Scient.-Res. Inst. of Biol. at Khar'kov St. Univ.], vol.14-15, p.193.
Volchanetskiy, I.B. 1952. O formirovanii fauny ptits i mlekopitayushchikh molodykh polezashchitnykh polos v zasushlivykh raionakh Levoberezhnoi Ukrainy [On forming of fauna of birds and mammals of young field-protective belts in arid regions of Left-side Ukraine]. // Trudy NII biologii HGU [Proc. of Scient.-Res. Inst. of Biology at Khar'kov St. Univ.], vol.16, p.7.
Voloshin, J.F. 1949. Nablyudeniya nad kamyshovym lunem, orlom-mogil'nikom i balobanom v severnom Kazakhstane [Observations on Marsh Harrier, Imperial Eagle and Saker Falcon in the Northern Kazakhstan]. // Trudy Naurzumskogo Zapovednika [Proc. of Naurzum Nature Reserve]. Issue 2. M. P.58-83. This title under Nr.143 is already in Your Bibliography, but without numbers of pages.
Name of Nature Reserve in Your file is uncorrect.
Vorob'yov, G.G., Shukurov, E.D. (Edit.) 1985. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Krasnaya kniga Kirgizskoi SSR [Red Data Book of Kirghiz SSR]. Frunze, "Kyrgyzstan" Publ. P.33-56. Saker (Falco cherrug Gray, 1834) on p.47-48. Alai, Inner Tien Shan, Northern Kirghizia. Middle and upper belts of mountains, 1500-3000 m a.s.l. Habitats. Total number is unknown. Everywhere dropping. In Zoos 13 birds were kept. By 1982 in breeding centre of Kirghiz hunting farm - 3 pairs of hunting Sakers. In 1979 there 4 chicks were reared in captivity. Bibl.3 titl.
Vorob'yov, G.P. 1988. Baloban [Saker]. Short commun. from the Voronezh Region. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo (Materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reproduction (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P.102. Saker is nesting in the Usmanskiy wood in the Voronezh Nature reserve, in the Khrenovskiy wood, Shipovyi forest. Total number is estimated in 20-22 pairs.
Vorontsov, Ye.M. 1967. Ptitsy Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Birds of the Gorkiy Region]. Gor'kiy, Volga-Vyatka Publ. House. 167 p.: 12 sheets ill.
Warncke, K. 1967. Zur Brutbiologie der Wurgfalken (Falco cherrug). // Vogelwelt. Bd.88, N1. S.27-29. In German.
Yakobi, V.E., Kokshaiskiy, N.V. 1964. Funktsionalnaya morfologiya ptits [Functional morphology of birds]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 92 p. Course of moulting of wing. Intensity of moulting on p.47. ...In Falcons (Saker) moulting is not obstacle for intensive use of the flight apparatus. Replacement of primaries in large Falcons takes about 5 months.
Yanushevich, A.I., Yurlov, K.T. 1950. Vertikal'noe rasprostranenie mlekopitayushchikh i ptits v Zapadnom Sayane [Vertical distribution of mammals and birds in Western Sayany]. // Izvestiya Zapad. Sibir. fil. AN SSSR [Proc. of West-Siberian Branch of the USSR Ac Sc]. Novosibirsk, Vol.3, issue 2. P.3-33. In 1948 during authors expedition here the Saker - rare breeding species.
Yanushevich, A.I. 1952. Fauna pozvonochnykh Tuvinskoi oblasti [Vertebrates fauna of the Tuva Region]. Edited by S.U.Stroganov. Ac of Sc of the USSR. West-Siber. Branch. Novosibirsk. 143 p.: ill. ?????
Yanushevich, A.I., Tyurin, P.S., Yakovleva, I.D., Kydyraliev, A., Semenova, N.I. 1959. Ptitsy Kirgizii. See title No.135 in Your Bibliography. However in the Gyrfalcon account on p.69-70 (unmentioned in Your list) 36 lines are dedicated to Altayan Gyrfalcon (F.g.altaicus Menzb.). Field signs, distribution in Kirghizia. Dimensions of 1 male and 1 female from different pairs. Of 5 known nests of the Altayan Gyrfalcon one nest was found in Kirghizia. Dimensions of one male also. Habitats. Food items.
Yrsaliev, D.Y. 1975. Materialy po biologii turkestanskogo balobana (Falco cherrug coatsi Dem.) v Kirgizii [Materials on biology of the Turkestan Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug coatsi Dementiev) in Kirghizia. // Tr. Kirg. un-t. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of the Kirghiz Univ. Ser. biol. sc.] Issue 13. P.29-31.
Yrsaliev, D.Y. 1989. Biotopicheskoe raspredelenie i sezonnaya dinamika chislennosti khishchnykh ptits vo Vnutrennem Tyan-Shane [Biotopical distribution and seasonal dynamics of Birds of Prey numbers in the Inner Tien Shan]. // Ekol. aspekty izuch., prakt. ispol'z. i okhrany ptits v gorn. ekosistemakh: Tez. dokl Vses. simp. [Ecol. aspects of study, wise use and conservation of birds in mountain ecosystems: Abstracts of All-Union Symp.], Frunze, 24-25 May, 1989. Frunze. P.117-118. Routine counts in different natural habitats in the Inner Tien Shan were conducted in 1984-1988. The flood tugai brushwoods and rocks have the highest density of raptors. So, on separate rocks from 5 to 10-12 pairs of 3-4 raptor species are breeding: Griffon Vulture, Egyptian Vulture, Kestrel, Golden Eagle, not far from these places the Saker Falcon is breeding. Such plots we have discovered in sites Kavak (Min-Kush), Kara-Unkurt, Zangi, Teshik, Kara-Kiche etc..
Yrsaliev, D.Y., Mel'nikov, I.P. 1991. Khishchnye ptitsy Ketmen-Tyubinskoi kotloviny [Birds of Prey of the Ketmen-Tyube hollow]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Book 2. Part 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika" Publ. P.310. Depression is situated in north-wetsern corner of Inner Tien Shan and occupies the closed
intermountain Ketmen-Tyube depression and sloes of surrounded ridges, directed to it. Studies were conducted in 1989-11990. In nesting period among rare species the Saker is mentioned. Falconry is widely distributed, and inspite of existing ban, Falconers annually take chicks of Golden Eagle and Saker Falcon from nests. As a result - their numbers is decreasing.
Yrsaliev, D.Y., Aidaraliev, E. 1991. Ornitofauna zony stroitel'stva Kambaratinskoi GES na reke Naryn [Ornithofauna of zone of building of Kambaratinskaya Hydro-electric Station on the Naryn River]. // Ibidem. P.310. In 1989-1990 zone of construction of Hydro-electric Station and adjoining territories with radius 20-25 km were investigated. 50 bird species were registered: 37 migratory-breeding and 16 - resident ones. In region Saker as rare species is breeding.
Yudin, K.A. 1952. Nablyudeniya nad rasprostraneniem i biologiei ptits Krasnoyarskogo kraja [Observations for distribution and biology of birds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory]. // Trudy Zool. Inst. Ak. Nauk SSSR [Proc. of Zool. Inst. of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. Vol. 9. Issue 4: 1029-1060 (Sibirskiy baloban - Falco cherrug saceroides [Menzb.], P.1056-1058).
Yudkin, V.A., Fomin, B.N. 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy srednetaezhnoi doliny Irtysha [Birds of Prey of the middle-taiga Irtysh River valley]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of Birds of Prey]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 159-161. Saker on p.160. Saker, observed above settlement, only once was observed during the second half of August.
Yurlov, K.T. 1977. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika vidimykh migratsiy ptits v lesostepnom i intrazonal'nom landshaftakh Zapadnoi Sibiri po rezul'tatam sinkhronnykh issledovaniy [Comparative characteristics of visible migrations of birds in the forest-steppe and intrazonal landscapes of Western Siberia by results of synchronous investigations]. //Migratsii ptits v Azii [Bird Migrations in Asia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka" Publ. P.5-35. Saker on p.8 in the table, as extremely rare and unconstantly sighting, more often as vagrant bird, those solitary birds are registered only on passage in autumn in the Barabinskaya forest-steppe. On p.27 in other table - 1 bird in October that is 0,1% and 0,07 bird or 0,1% per day.
Yurlov, K.T., Chernyshev, V.M., Koshelev, A.I. et al. 1977. Novye i redkie ptitsy v rayone ozera Chany (Zapadnaya Sibir) [New and rare birds in the Chany Lake region (Western Siberia)]. // Migratsii ptits v Azii [Bird Migrations in Asia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka" Publ. P.205-209. Saker on p.206. Young specimen was sighted 29/VIII 1974.
Zabelin, V.I. 1993. Taksonomicheskiy spisok ptits Ubsu-Nurskoi kotloviny [Taxonomical list of birds of the Ubsu-Nur hollow]. Kyzyl. 94 p. Bibliogr.: 174 titl. Saker on p.9 is listed as wintering, sighting regularly, but not in each routine, unnumerous species. Saker is sighting in 5 habitats, described on p.3-4. Ubsu-Nur depression, situated on the border of Russia (Republic of Tuva) and Mongolia.
Zakhidov, T.Z., Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1969. Priroda i zhivotnyi mir Srednei Azii [Nature and wildlife of the Middle Asia]. In 2 vol. Tashkent, "Ukituvchi" Publ. Vol.1. 426 p. Saker on p.187-188.
Zakhidov, T.Z. 1971.
Zaletaev, V., Uspenskiy, S., Shaposhnikov, L. 1957. Azovo-Chernomorskie zimovki [The Azov-Black Sea wintering quarters]. // Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry], vol.3, N10, p.21.
Zaletaev, V.S. 1962. Sezonnye aspekty v zhizni ptits Prikaspijskikh pustyn i poberezh'ya (Mangyshlak i Buzachi) [Seasonal aspects in bird life of Cis-Caspian Sea deserts and shore (Mangyshlak and Buzachi)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P. 168-174. Bibl.12 titl. Saker on p. 169. Summer in bird life of Mangyshlak and Buzachi is beginning at the beginning of June and is characterizing by appearing of flying broods in majority of local species:...Sakers, ...
Zaletaev, V.S. 1968. Prirodnaya sreda i ptitsy severnykh pustyn Zakaspiya [Natural environment and birds of northern deserts of the Trans-Caspian area]. M., "Nauka" Publ. 255 p. Natural habitats of the Turkestan Saker and Common Saker on p.92 in the table and on p.159 are described.
Zan'ko, M.V. 1986. Ekologicheskie osobennosti khishchnykh ptits Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika [Ecological peculiarities of Birds of Prey of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve]. // Redkie ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. M. P.96-98. Saker on p.98. Vagrant birds were registered in the Saralovskoe forestry (Volga-Kama Nature Reserve).
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1888. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Orenburgskogo kraya [Ornithological fauna of the Orenburg Territory]. // Zap. otd. Imp. Akad. nauk [Notes of dept. of Empire Ac. of Sc.] St.-Pb., Vol.57. Append. N1. 1-338. Author considers Saker as a common breeding species of the Orenburg Territory.
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1903. Ptitsy Vostochnoi Persii. Ornitologicheskie resul'taty ekskursii po vostochnoi Persii v 1898 g. [Birds of Eastern Persia. Ornithological results of excursion on eastern Persia in 1898]. St.-Pb., typ. of Ac. of Sc. 468 p. (Notes of Russ. Geogr. Soc. on Gener. Geogr., vol.36, N2). Les Oiseaux de la Perse orientale. Petersburg- Summ. in French.
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1911. Neskol'ko zametok po ornitofaune Khar'kovskoi i Poltavskoi guberniy [Several notes on ornithofauna of the Khar'kov and Poltava Provinces]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Orn. Bulletin]. N3-4. P.272-277.
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1915. Ptitsy pustyni Kizyl-Kum [Birds of the Kyzyl-Kum desert]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Ros. imperii. Otd. zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of Russian Empire. Dept. Zool.] Issue 14. P.1-149 with tabl.
Zarudnyi, N.A. 1916. Tret'ya ekskursiya po Vostochnoi Persii (Khorasan, Seistan i Persidskiy Beludzhistan) [The third excursion in Eastern Persia (Khorasan, Seistan and Persian Beludjistan)]. 1900-19012. Pg., typ. M.M.Stasyulevich. 448 p. (Notes of Russ. Geogr. Soc. on Gener. Geogr., vol.50).
Zav'yalov, Ye.V., Podol'skiy, A.L., Piskunov, V.V. et al. 1995. Sovremennoe sostoyanie populyatsiy redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits Saratovskoi oblasti [Modern status of rare and endangered bird populations in the Saratov Region]. Saratov State Univ. Saratov. Depon. in VINITI 12.07.95, N2130-B95. 1-86. See lower.
Zav'yalov, Ye.V., Shlyakhtin, G.V., Khrustov, A.V. 1996. Ispol'zovanie pokazatelei redkikh vidov ptits kak test-funktsii pri monitoringe okruzhayushchei sredy [Use of state indices of populations of rare bird species as the test-function when environment monitoring]. //Materialy II konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 2nd Conf. of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. P.66-70. Bibl.16 titl. Saker on p.67. Saker Falcon is belonged to threatened or endangered birds of the Saratov Region owing to their low number.
Zeveenmjadag, H. 1979. Khar Us Nur, tuunij orchmyn shuvuudyn zujlijn bureldekhuum, tarkhats. // Eronkih ba sorilyn biologijn khureelengijn Erdem sdhinzhilgeenij buteel. N14. h.166-175. In Mongolian.
Zheleznyakov, D.F., Kolesnikov, I.I. 1958. Fauna pozvonochnykh Gorno-lesnogo zapovednika [Vertebrate fauna of the Gorno-Lesnoi (Mountain-Forest) Nature Reserve]. // Tr. Gorno-lesnogo zapovednika [Proc. of Gorno-Lesnoi Nature Reserve]. Issue 1. P.94-117.
Zinov'yev, S.A. 1990. Uyazvimost usloviy gnezdovaniya redkikh khishchnykh ptits v nizkogor'yakh Kyzylkumov i perspetivnye puti ikh adaptatsiy [Vulnerability of nesting conditions of rare Birds of Prey in low-mountain Kyzyl-Kumy and prospect ways of their adaptations]. // Redkie i maloizuchennie ptitsy Srednei Azii. Mat. 3 resp. ornit. konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of the Middle Asia. Mater. of the 3rd Rep. Orn. Conf.]. Bukhara. Oct. 1990. Tashkent, "Fan" Publ. P.83-85. Saker on p.84 in the table and on p.85 in the text. Quantity of registered birds, breeding pairs, eggs in clutch, chicks, nests by degree of accessibility for animals and for man separately, the mean distance to the nearest road in meters and prevailing exposure are goiven for separate 3 plots, where in each saker is presented: 1, 2 and 1 nest. Very essential.
Zinov'yev, V.I., Mikhlin, V.Ye. 1986. Redkie ptitsy Volzhsko-Okskogo mezhdurech'ya [Rare birds of area between the Volga and Kama Rivers]. // Ptitsy Volzhsko-Okskogo mezhdurech'ya [Birds of the area between Volga and Kama Rivers]. Vladimir. 66-81. 39 bird species are listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR. In area between Volga and Oka Rivers the Saker Falcon is breeding trustworthy. There are short species accounts on rare birds of this area.
Zonov, G.B. 1974. Geograficheskie osobennosti zimnego obitaniya mlekopitayushchikh i ptits v nekotorykh gornykh sistemakh Vostochnoi Sibiri [Geographical peculiarities of wintering inhabitance of mammals and birds in some mountain systems of Eastern Siberia]. // Voprosy zoogeografii Sibiri [Questions of zoogeography of Siberia]. Irkutsk. 21-32.
Zonov, G.B., Popov, V.V. 1987. Zimuyushchie ptitsy yugo-zapadnoi chasti Tuvinskoi ASSR [Wintering birds of the south-western part of the Tuva ASSR]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Dept. Biol.] M. Vol.92. Issue 5. 55-63.
Zorya, A.V., Lisetskiy, A.S., Naglov, V.A. 1986. Antropogennye izmeneniya lesnogo ornitokompleksa v srednem techenii Severnogo Dontsa za poslednee stoletie [Anthropogenic changes of forest ornithocomplex at the middle part of Severnyi Donets River during last century]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their conservation and rational wise use]. Part 1. L. 246-247. During the last 10 years the Saker Falcon became to breed by solitary pairs only.
Zubakin, V.A., Mishchenko, A.L., Abonosimova, Ye.V. et al. 1988. Izmeneniya ornitofauny Moskovskoi oblasti za poslednie desyatiletiya [Modification of Moscow Region's ornithofauna during the last decades]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 23. P.183-187. Saker on p.186 is listed in the list of irregularly nesting species, for which the Moscow Region lays outside the limits of their main breeding range.
Zubarovskiy, V.M. 1977. Khishchny ptakhy. Fauna Ukrainy [Birds of prey. Fauna of Ukraine], vol.5. issue 2. 332 p. Saker on p.241-256. In Ukrainian.
Zubkov, N.I. 1980. Prolet, raspredelenie i chislennost khishchnykh ptits i sov v Moldavii [Passage, distribution and numbers of Birds of Prey and Owls in Moldavia]. // Migratsii i prakticheskoe znachenie ptits Moldavii [Migrations and practical significance of birds of Moldavia]. Kishinev, "Shtiintsa" Publ. 51-77.
Zverev, M.D. 1948. Izuchenie pitaniya ptits eksperimental'nym putem i neposredstvennymi nablyudeniyami [Study of bird feeding by experimental way and direct observations]. // Trudy Almaatinskogo zooparka [Proc. of Alma-Ata Zoo]. Issue 1. P.5-54: ill.
Zyabrev, M.I. 1944. Dannye k ornitofaune Zhigulevskogo gos. zap-ka [Data on ornithofauna of the Zhigulevskiy State Nature Reserve]. (Rukopis' [Manuscript]). Gosarkhiv g.Tol'yatti [State archive of the Tol'yatti town]. Fund P-307, inventory 1, file 46. Author records Saker on slopes of Zhigulebvskie mountains and suggests the nesting of this species there.
Conservation and Research
- Raptor Conservation
- The Peregrine Falcon
- Mauritius Kestrel
- Red Kite Conservation
- New Zealand Falcon Conservation Project
- Migration and Movements of Saker Falcons
- Falcon Genome Project
- Electrocution of Birds of Prey
The Saker Falcon
- The Saker Falcon
- Description
- Taxonomy
- Breeding Distribution
- Breeding Population Estimates
- Wintering Distribution
- Habitat
- Hunting and Diet
- Breeding and Biology
- Migration
- Conservation Status
- Conservation Threats
- Sustainable Harvest
- Conservation overview (HH Sheikh Zayed)
- Captive breeding & research
- Bibliography
- Satellite Tracking
- Reintroduction in Bulgaria
- Reintroduction in Bulgaria
- Mongolian Artificial Nest Project Information
- Mongolian Artificial Nest Project Articles