• Bibliography


Here you will find an annotated bibliography containing Russian language material on the Peregrine Falcon.

Russian Bibliography of the Peregrine Falcon (1886-1996).

Compiled by: Jevgeni Shergalin.

Abdusalyamov, I.A. 1971. Fauna Tadzhikskoi SSR [Fauna of the Tadjik SSR]. Vol.19. Ptitsy [Birds]. Dushanbe. Falco peregrinus brevirostris Menzb. on p.76. Distribution, numbers, list of sightings.

Abuladze, A.V. (Inst. of Zool. of the Georgian Ac Sc) 1986. Novye svedeniya o redkikh khishchnykh ptitsakh Gruzinskoi SSR [New data on rare birds of prey of the Georgian SSR]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noie ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. P.17-19. PF on p.18 [4 lines]. PF - sometimes vagarant specimens are sighting, mainly during winter period. Earlier it was wider distributed in forest zone of republic, but during last 20 yaers confirmed breeding cases are not known.

Abuladze, A.V. 1986. Sostoyanie redkikh khishchnykh ptits v Vashlovanskom zapovednike [Status of rare birds of prey in the Vashlovani Nature Reserve]. // Problemy okhrany genofonda i upravleniya ekosistemami v zapovednikakh lesnoi zony [Problems of genofond conservation ecosystems control in Nature Reserves of forest zone]. Part 2. M. P.3-5. PF on p.4 [2 lines]. Rare vagrant bird. 3 cases of observation of solitary PF - all in winter months are registered.

Abuladze, A.V. 1989. Nekotorye aspekty vzaimootnosheniy sokoloobraznykh i vranovykh v Vostochnoi Gruzii [Some aspects of interrelations of Falconiformes and Corvidae in the Eastern Georgia]. // Vranovye ptitsy v estestvennykh i antropogennykh landshaftakh. Materialy II Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya [Corvidae birds in natural and anthropogenous landscapes. Materials of the second All-Union Meeting]. Lipetsk. Part I. P.43-46. PF on p.44. During winter periods we observed 8 successful hunts of Peregrines on birds. Hooded Crow was bagged in 1 case.

Adamyan, M.S. 1990. O redkikh i malochislennykh ptitsakh Armyanskoi SSR [About rare and little-studied birds of the Armenian SSR]. // Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, scanty and little-studied birds of Northern Caucasia]. Stavropol. P.4-7. PF on p.5 in the table - nesting-migratory species attached to arid landscapes and listed in the Red Data Book of Armenia.

Afonin, P.V. 1985. Struktura naseleniya ptits vysotnykh poyasov Kabardino-Balkarii [The structure of bird population of altitudinal belts in Kabardino-Balkaria]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 20. P.104-112. PF on p.108 is related to mountain steppe with scanty bush, in some places stony, with rocks - 1 specimen, group of number - 1 according to Zhuravlev, 1981.

Alferaki, S.N. 1910. Ptitsy Vostochnogo Priazov'ya [Birds of Eastern Cis-Azov Sea area]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological Bulletin]. N1, p.11-35; N2, p.73-93; N3, p.162-170; N4, p.245-252. PF was sighted about 3 times during 20 years of observations in lower parts of the River Don. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Ananin, A.A. (Barguzinskiy State Nat. Res.) 1986. Redkie ptitsy Barguzinskogo zapovednika [Rare birds of the Barguzinskiy Nat. Res.] // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. M. P.98-103. Tabl.1. Bibl. 10 titl. PF on p.100. Falco peregrinus Tun. V.R.Zharov sighted in summer time adult birds in 1968 and 1969 years. In 1982-1985 PF was registered twicely on spring passage (1982) and once on the autumn (27 Sept. 1983). We did not record PF on this territory.

Andreev, B.N. 1974. Ptitsy Vilyuiskogo basseina [Birds of the Vilyui River basin]. Yakutsk: Publ. House. 311 p. PF is more common in basin of the middle part of the Vilyui River. In upper Vilyui river basin PF nested considerably more rare. In southern plot, in basin of middle reaches of Vilyui river, in different years since 8 till 24 July chicks were situated still in the nests. Nest on the plain roof of yurta is known.

Andreiev, A.V. 1990. Ekologicheskaya energetika arkticheskikh ptentsov [Ecological energetics of arctic nestlings]. // Sovremennaya Ornitologiya 1990 [Modern Ornithology 1990]. M., Nauka. P.5-21. Fig.8. Tabl.4. Bibl. 17 titl. PF on p.10 in Table 1 and on p.11 is in diagramm shown on Fig.4. Comparison of speed of the weight growth in different bird groups. Data on the Rough-legged Buzzard and PF are presented by Ye.R.Potapov. Table 1 includes parameters of weight growth in some North-Siberian and East-Asian bird species.

Andreev, Ye.A. 1981. Paper in newspaper. Exact title is unknown. // "Leningradskaya pravda" of 6 Sept. 1981. Speech is going about PF breeding within limits of the Leningrad Region in 1979-1981. Cyt. by Mal'chevskiy, Pukinskiy, 1983.

Andrianova, O.V., Malenkov, V.L., Malenkova, A.Yu., Pozdnyakov, S.A. (Kostomukshskiy Nat. Res.) 1990. Nazemnye pozvonochnye zapovednika "Kostomukshskiy" [Terrestrial vertebrates of Kostomukshskiy Nat. Res.] // Nazemnye pozvonochnye zhivtonye v zapovednikakh severa Evropeiskoi chasti RSFSR [Terrestrial vertebrates in nature reserves of the north of European part of the RSFSR]. M. Pp.10-28. Tabl.6. Bibl.27 titl. PF on p.18 in table 4. Estimation of occurrence is absent (in litt. Danilov et al., 1977). Species as rare one is trustworthy registered in NR.

Andrievskiy, I.V. (Smolensk Ped. Inst.) 1991. Sostoyanie ornitofauny Smolenskogo Poozer'ya [Status of ornithofauna of the Smolensk Poozer'ye]. // Materilay 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 2. Book 1. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". P.21-22. PF on p.22 - became faunistical rarity.

Anisimov, P.S. 1981. K rasprostraneniyu i chislennosti redkikh ptits Priamur'ya [On distribution and numbers of rare birds of Priamur'ye (Cis-Amur River area). // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits [Ecology and conservation of birds]. Abstracts of the 8th All-Union Orn. Conf. Kishinev, "Shtiintsa". PF on p.12. PF regularly is sighting on breeding in Arkharinskiy district of Amur Region (4 nests), in Obluchenskiy district of Jewish Autonomous Region (2 nests), in Khabarovsk Territory (2 nests).

Anon. 1963. Rabapistrik saagilennul [Peregrine Falcon in the Search of Prey]. // Jahist ja ulukitest [About Hunt and Game]: ENSV Jahimaj. aastaraamat, p.245-246. PF feeding is described.

Anufriev, V.M. (Biol. Inst. of the Siber. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Kolichestvennaya kharakteristika raspredeleniya khishchnykh ptits Yuzhnogo Yamala v poslegnezdovoi period [Quantitative characteristic of distribution of birds of prey of the Southern Yamal in post-nesting period]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M. "Nauka". P.95. PF is very rare and was sighted only once at beginning of Aug. in birch-larch forests near Yar-Sale settlement (0,01 specimens per 1 sq. km).

Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1981. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Chernomortskogo zapovednika i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered bird species of the Black Sea Nature Reserve and their conservation]. // Materialy obl. nauch.-prakt. konf. [Materials of Regional scient.-pract. conf.]. Kherson. P.13-19. See lower.

Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1991. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Chernomorskogo gosudarstvennogo biosfernogo zapovednika AN USSR i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Rare and endangered birds of the Black Sea State Biosphere Nature Reserve of Ac Sc of UkrSSR and adjoining territories]. // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of the Black Sea Coastal Area]. Kiev; Odessa: "Lybid". P.54-69. PF on p.61 (6 lines). Passages and winters in small quantity. In autumn appears at end of Sept., in winter is sightining in settlements (Gopri, Kherson), where feeds mainly by Rock Dove amd Sparrows (Ardamatskaya, 1981) - see above.

Ardamatskaya, T.B. 1992. Sovremennoe sostoyanie khishchnykh ptits Chernomorskogo zapovednika [Modern status of Birds of Prey of the Black Sea NR]. //Kavkazskiy ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Caucasian Orn. Bulletin]. Stavropol'. Issue 4. Part I. P.3-9. PF on p.7 in table is mentioned a srare species on passage and rare wintering species.

Argandeval, M.E. (Odessa State Univ.) 1983. Raspredelenie i chislennost khishchnykh ptits v gornykh landshaftakh tsentralnogo i vostochnogo Afganistana [Distribution and numbers of birds of prey in mountain landscapes of the Central and Eastern Afghanistan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M. "Nauka". P.96-99. Tabl.1. PF on p.98 in table. PF is vagrant species for Kabul Region that is little-afforested region and breeding species for Nuristan (1000-6300 m) that is covered by tropical forest.

Artobolevskiy, V.M. 1926. Novye dannye k spisku i opisaniyu ptits Penzenskoi gubernii [New data for list and description of birds of the Penza province]. // Zap. Kiev. o-va yestestvoispytatelei [Notes of the Kiev Naturalist's Soc.], vol. XXVII. issue 1. P.44-60. Summ. in German.

Artyukhin, Yu.B. 1986. The Peregrine Falcon's nest. // Hunt and hunting industry. N7. Text and 5 photos on the first and fourth cover.

Artyukhin, Yu.B. 1991. Gnezdovaya avifauna Komandirskikh ostrovov i vliyanie cheloveka na eyo sostoyanie [Breeding avifauna of the Commander Islands and anhtropic impact]. // Prirodnye resursy Komandorskikh ostrovov. Zapasy, sostoyanie, voprosy okhrany i ispol'zovaniya [Natural resources of the Commander Islands. Stocks, status, problems of conservation and management]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.99-137. Bibliogr.: P.134-137. F.p.pealei Ridgw. on p.112-113 [9 lines]. In 1986 total polulation consisted of 11 pairs /10 pairs - on Mednyi Is., 1 - in S of Bering Is./. Probably 1-2 pairs more are breeding on Bering Is. Mean density on Mednyi - 0,5 pair per 10 sq. km, or 0,7 pair per 10 km of the coastal line.

Artyukhov, A.I. (Bryansk Agricult. Inst.) 1986. K characteristike ornitofauny basseinov rek Malyi i Bolshoi Anyui (Zapadnaya Chukotka) [On characteristic of ornithofauina of the Malyi Anyui and Bolshoi Anyui River basins (Western Chukotka)]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. Pp. 42-43. PF on p.43. PF and Gyrs are sighted during nesting time in many places. PF's pair is regularly breeding on the precipice slope near Utkuygtkhyn Lake.

Ataev, K., Vasil'yev, V.I., Gorelova, R.I., Karavayev, A.A., Kekilova, A.F., Sopyev, O., Eminov, A. 1978. Data on rare and endangered species of bird fauna of the Turkmenistan. // Proc. of the Ac. of Sc. of the Turkmen SSR. Ser. Biol. Sc. N4. P.70-80. Falco peregrinus Tunst on p.75-76.

Avdanin, V.O. 1983. K ornitofaune Tsentral'no-lesnogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [On ornithofauna of Central-Forest State Nature Reserve]. // Vliyanie antropogen. faktorov na strukturu i funktsionirovanie ekosistem [Influence of anthropogenous factors on structure and functioning of ecosystems]. P.3-4. In June 1981 3 times solitary birds were sighted on "Katin Mokh" bog at the same place, where PF were nested in 1930's.

Avdanin, V.O. (Central-forest Nature Reserve) 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Tsentral'nogo zapovednika [Birds of prey and owls of the Central-forest Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.160-161. PF on p.161. During 1980-1984 PF was sighted 8 times on spring passage. Besides that, 3 times in June 1981 was recorded on the Katin Mokh marsh, but breeding is not determined and is a little-probable.

Averin, Yu.V., Lavrov, A.I. 1911. Materialy k izucheniyu fauny ptits Tomskoi gubernii [Materials on study of bird fauna of the Tomsk province]. // Zap. Semipalatin. podotd. Zap.-Sib. otd. RGO [Notes of Semipalatinsk subdept. of Western-Siber. dept. of Russ. Geogr. Soc.], issue 5. ?????????????? PF during migration season was sighted near Noven'koe settlement, in mountain part of Altai Territory.

Averin, Yu.V., Nasimovich, A.A. 1938. Ptitsy gornoi chasti Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of mountain part of the North-Western Caucasia]. // Tr. Kavk. zapovednika [Proc. of the Caucasian Nat. Res.], M. Issue 1. P.5-56. Bibliogr.: p.55. Engl. summ. Brief mention about PF breeding in this part of the Caucasia.

Averin, Yu.V. 1948. Nazemnye pozvonochnye Vostochnoi Kamchatki: Trudy Kronotskogo gos. zapovednika. [Terrestrial vertebrates of Eastern Kamchatka: Proc. of the Kronotskiy State Nat. Res.]. M. Issue 1. 223 p. Author observed Falco peregrinus harterti in the following places: Kronotskiy liman (estuary) 1 bird 27.08.44; in the "Tikhon'kaya" Bay (near Chazhma Cape) 1 adult bird 25.07.40.

Averin, Yu.V. 1951. Ptitsy gory Opuk kak istochnik zaseleniya zashchitnykh lesnykh nasazhdeniy Kerchenskogo popuostrova [Birds of the Opuk mountain, as a source of settlement of protective forest plantations of the Kerch peninsula]. // Tr. Krym. fil. AN SSSR [Proc. of the Crimean Branch of the USSR Ac Sc], v.2, zoology, p.11-19: ill. In the Crimea breeding places for PF are recorded on the rocky shore of the Black Sea in the vicinity of Karadag, near Opuk mountain in the south of the Kerch Peninsula.

Averin, Yu.V., Ganya, I.M. 1970. Ptitsy Moldavii [Birds of Moldavia]. Vol.1. Kishinev. Publ. House of Ac Sc of the Mold. SSR. 240 p.: maps, 10 sheets ill.

Ayupov, A.S. (Kazan Inst. of Biol. of the Kazan Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Izmenenie fauny khishchnykh ptits posle sozdaniya Kuibyshevskogo vodokhranilishcha [Change of fauna of birds of prey after forming of the Kuibyshev water reservoir]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.35-37. Tabl.1. PF on p.36.

Babenko, V.G., Kuznetsov, A.A. 1986. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi SSSR [Birds of Red Data Book of the USSR]. M., "Pedagogika". 144 p. PF on p.71. Popular general characteristic. There are 400-500 pairs for European part of the USSR. Colour figures on p.71,72,73.

Babushkin, G.M., Lobkov, I.V. 1987. Redkie ptitsy Ryazanskoi oblasti [Rare birds of the Ryazan Region]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Problems of rare animals conservation]. M. P.116-117. PF on p.117 [2 lines]. Very rare, probably, nesting species. Data about nesting require verification.

Bakka, S.V. 1990. Redkie vidy ptits Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Rare bird species of the Gorkiy Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.30-33. PF on p.30. It is related to cathegory of species, those numbers is estimated at single pairs.

Bakka, S.V., Bakka, A.I. 1990. Svedeniya o ptitsakh Krasnoi knigi SSSR v Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Data on birds of Red Data Book of the USSR in Gorkiy Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.58-62. PF on p.60-61 (12 lines). We suggest PF breeding in Kilemarskiy and Pustynskiy Game Reserves and on one bog. There are evidences of eye-witnesses, observed the PF hunts in a series of places.

Balakhanov, V.S. 1989. Nekotorye ornitologicheskie nablyudeniya na Polyarnom Urale [Some ornithological observations in the Polar Ural]. // Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala [Distribution and fauna of birds of Ural]: Inf. mater. Sverdlovsk. P.19-20. PF on p.20 is mentioned in the list of birds, those nesting behaviour is recorded, but nests and broods were not discovered.

Balakhonov, V.S., Lobanova, N.A., Pavlinin, V.V., Shtro, V.G. 1988. Distribution and numbers of some bird species in subzone of the snhrub tundras of Yamal. // Sverdlovsk. 34 p. Bibl. 18. Manuscript dep. in VINITI 12.05.89, N 3167-B89.

Bannikov, A.G., Flint, V.Ye. 1982. Dnevnye klhishchnye ptitsy [Falconiformes order]. // My dolzhny ikh spasti [We must save them]. M., "Mysl'". P.127-139. PF on p.127, 131-133. General popular description on PF populations status wordlwide due to DDT and other toxic chemicals, history of reintroduction in captivity in the U.S.A. PS as a sample of situation with entire family in the world and the USSR.

Baranov, A.A. (Krasnoyarsk Pedag. Inst.) 1983. Sovremennoe razmeshchenie i sostoyanie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits v Tuvinskoi ASSR [Present distribution and status of numbers of birds of prey in the Tuvinskaya ASSR]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka".

P.101-105. PF on pp.102 - 1 nest is discovered. On p.103 - the tropical plasticity is typical for PF as extremely specialized species. Here PV passes to myophagia partially.

Baranov, A.A. 1983. Zimniy aspekt avifauny khrebtov Tannu-Ola i Tsagan-Shibetu [Winter aspect of avifauna of the Tannu-Ola and Tsgan-Shibetu ridges]. // Vliyanie antropogennykh faktorov na strukturu i funktsionirovanie biotsenozov [Influence of anthropogenic factors on structure and functioning of biocoenoses]. M. P.43-52. PF is mentioned as rare wintering species for South-Western Tuva.

Baranov, A.A. 1985. Obshchie osobennosti raspredeleniya ptits i faunisticheskoe raionirovanie Yuzhnoi Tuvy [General peculiarities of distribution of birds and faunistical deviding of Southern Tuva into regions]. // Ekologiya i naselenie ptits [Ecology and population of birds]. Irkutsk. P.3-18.

Baranov, A.A., Gavrilov, I.K. 1988. Redkie vidy ptits Tuvinskoi ASSR i ikh okhrana [Rare bird species of the Tuva ASSR and their conservation]. // Okhrana okruzhayushchei sredy i chelovek. Tez. dokl. Vtoroi resp. nauchno-prakt. konf. [Environment conservation and man. Abstracts of 2nd Rep. Scient.-Pract. Conf.]. Kyzyl. P.124-125.

Baryshnikov, G.F., Cherepanov, G.O. 1985. Ptitsy Bol'shogo Kavkaza epokhi paleolita i mezolita [Birds from Bolshoi Caucasus in Paleolithic and Mesolithic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 20. Pp. 139-160. PF on p.148. In contrast to Saker, the PF forms resident mountain Crimean-Caucasian subspecies (F.p.caucasicus Kleinsch.), resident and rare in Central Caucasia. Both species are spreaded up to 3300 m a.s.l. On passage (seldom - wintering) in Caucasia the F.p.leucogenus Brehm is sighting, which has bigger sizes than Caucasian one. Fossile remains of PF are known from Binagady in Caucasia and upper paleolith Brynzeny 1 in Moldavia.

Bashenina, N.V. 1968. Geograficheskaya izmenchivost' khishchnykh ptits i ikh pitanie [Geographical variability of birds of prey and their feeding]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 9. Pp.49-57: maps.

Bayanov, 1977. One pair per 200 sq. km was counted in 1970's in mountain regions of Southern Ural according to N.M.Loskutova (1986).

Bazutin, S.V., Kuznetsov, A.V., Shushkevich, I.N. (Darwin Nat. Res.) 1991. Etapnost' v razvitii ptentsov nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits [Stageness in development of nestlings in some birds of prey]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. Pp.41-43. PF on p.42. 4 peruiod of embryogenesis are marked out. I period - chicks at age 0-8 days; II period - 8-23 days: a)8-12, b)12-19, c)19-26; III period - 26-31 days; IV period - since 31st day.

Bazutin, S.V. 1992. Ob etapnosti razvitiya ptentsov nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits [About stageness of development of some raptor chicks]. // Fauna i ekologiya zhivotnykh [Fauna and ecology of animals]. Tver State Univ. Tver. P.56-60. Bibl.11. Periodization of postembryonic development of raptors was determined by character of their general growth, by time of feather appearing, separate ecological moments (chick hatching, leaving of nest by them). Measurement of length of wing and tarsus and primaries was used, values of weight incease, correlation of length of tarsus and length of wing, speed of growth in wing, tarsus and primaries were calculated. Data on duration of preriods of development of chicks of the following birds are given: Common Kestrel, PF, Marsh Harrier, Osprey, Great Spot. Eagle.

Belik, V.P. (Rostov Anti-Plague Inst.) 1990. O kharaktere prebyvaniya sapsana v Predkavkaz'ye [About character of presence of Peregrine Falcon in the Front-Caucasian area]. // Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, scanty and little-studied birds of Northern Caucasia]. Stavropol. P.8-9. Review of all sightinghs of PF in Front-Caucasian area. PF is sighting here mainly on passages, more often - on spring one, sometimes is leaving for winter. Vagrant specimens in Manych Lake can be PF, probably, of the Caucasian origin. But author on the base of analysis of plumage of birds, observed by him, suggests the PF breeding on Manych Lake.

Belik, V.P. (Rostov Anti-Plague Inst.) 1991. Nekotorye problemy okhrany uyazvimykh vidov ptits [Some problems of conservation of vulnerable bird species]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Ornith. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Pp. 35-36. PF on p.36. Ban on the use of DDT pesticide has allowed to begin restoration of PF numbers.

Belik, V.P. (Rostov Anti-Plague Inst.) 1991. Sostoyanie, struktura i sovremennye izmeneniya ornitofauny nizhnego Dona [Status, structure and modern changes in ornithofauna of Lower Don]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. Pp. 50-52. PF on p.50. Chartacter of presence of PF among 9 other bird species is uncleared up.

Belik, V.P. 1992. Rasprostranenie i chislennost' redkikh ptits Rostovskoi oblasti: Materialy k Krasnoi knige Severnogo Kavkaza [Distribution and numbers of rare birds of the Rostov Region: Materials for Red Data Book of Northern Caucasia]. // Kavkazskiy ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Caucasian Orn. Bull.]. Stavropol'. Issue 4. Part I. P.21-68. Bibliogr.: p.59-68. PF on p.42-43. Subheadings: Distribution; Numbers. Analysis of former distribution and numbers dynamics based on literature review. PF has disappeared in Lower Don, probably, at the end of XIX - beginning of XX century. We could observe only 8 birds during 20 field seasons.

Belyakov, V.V. 1964. Osobennosti pitaniya osnovnykh vidov khishchnykh ptits na territorii Kalininskoi oblasti [Peculiarities of feeding of main raptor species on territory of the Kalinin Region]. // Vtoraya nauchnaya konferentsiya zoologov ped. institutov RSFSR [Second Sci. Conf. of Zoologists of Ped. Inst. of the RSFSR, (15-19 Sept.)]: Abstracts. Krasnodar. Pp.128-130.

Belyankin, A.F. 1983??? Short data on the Peregrine Falcon in the Kemerovo Region. // Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR. Oka Nat. Res., issue 2. (In press on status of 1983).

Belyankin, A.F. 1984. K rasprostraneniyu i biologii sapsana v doline r.Tomi [On distribution and biology of the Peregrine Falcon in the Tom' River valley]. // Otrazhenie dostizheniy ornitologicheskoi nauki v uchebnom processe srednikh shkol i vuzov i narodnom khozyaistve [Reflection of ornithological science achievments in training process of secondary schools, high schools and people's industry]. Perm. Pp.109-110. At least 5 PF pairs are bred during 1976-1981 in the valley of the middle part of Tom' river. Daily rhythm of life of PF near one nest. Distribution of quantity of arrivals during day is given. Prey: ducks (3 times) and Sand Martins, Rock Dove. Ethological observations for one pair 18.07.1980. Save of family till the beginning of autumn migration. Informative paper.

Belyankin, A.F., Il'yashenko, B.B. (Kemerovo Univ.) 1991. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy doliny srednei Tomi [Rare birds of prey of the middle part of the Tom River valley]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. Pp. 55-56. PF on p.56. At least 3 pairs are breeding on high rocky bank precipices. One of discovered nests is known during already 15 years and is used by PF till now. After end of nesting PF continue to stay by family in the valley till the end of August.

Beme (Boehme), L.B. 1925. Title is unknown. // Author observed PF very late 12.05.1921 in the Terek River delta. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Beme (Boehme), R.L. 1958. Ptitsy Tsentral'nogo Kavkaza [Birds of the Central Caucasia]. // Uchen. zap. Sev. Oset. ped. in-ta [Scient. Notes of the North-Osetian Ped. Inst.], vol.23, issue 1. P.111-183. Brief mention about the PF breeding in this part of Caucasia.

Ben'kovskiy, L.M. 1968. Zametki o ptitsaklh ostrovov Tyuleniy i Moneron [Notes on birds of the Tyuleniy and Moneron Islands]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 9. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.222-227. PF on p.226. During our presence on Moneron Island the following raptors were recorded: PF, Steppe Eagle and Besra Sparrow-hawk.

Berdnikov, K.G. (Central-Chernozemnyi State Nat. Res.) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy Yuzhnogo Urala [Birds of prey of the Southern Ural]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.110-111. Tabl.1. PF on p.111. 02.06.80 1 bird was sighted at the middle part of Belaya River near Maksyutovo village.

Berezovikov, N.N. (Markakol State Nat. Res.) 1986. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Yuzhnogo Altaya [Rare and endangered birds of Southern Altai]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. P.71-72. PF on p.72. PF, which bred on the Markakol' Lake formerly now is absent.

Berezovikov, N.N. (Inst. of Zool. of Ac Sc of KazSSR). 1987. Ornitofauna ozera Markakol' i eyo izmenenie v XX stoletii [Ornithofauna of the Markakol' Lake and its changes in XX century]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i slabo izuchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany. Barnaul. P.42-44. PF on p.42-43. PF at the beginning of XX century was quite common on Markakol' (Polyakov, 1914), in 1966 here were at least 3 pairs (E.I.Gavrilov), in 1978-1986 it was not bred here and only twice was recorded on passage (in 1982 and 1983).

Berezovikov, N.N. 1989. Ptitsy Markakol'skoi kotloviny (Yuzhnyi Altai) [Birds of the Markakol' depression (Southern Altai)]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka" Kazakhskoi SSR. 200 p. PF on p.91-92 (7 lines). 29.03.1959 we have bagged 1 PF on the pole in Karazhar settlement. 22 and 27 March in 1962 solitary birds were recorded in cis-flood-land steppe of the Kulanutpes River.

Berezovikov, N.N., Starikov, S.B. (Inst. of Zool. of the Kazakh SSR Ac Sc, Alma-Ata) 1991. Modern status and trends of changes of ornithofauna of southern Altai. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 1. Pp.37-38. PF on p.37. PF is disappeared in Southern Altai, though it was breeding bird there formerly together with other 8 bird species.

Bergman, S. 1935. Zur Kenntnis Nordostasiatischer Vogel. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik, Biologie und Verbreitung der Vogel Kamtschatkas und der Kurilen. Stockholm. 268 S. In German. On the eastern shore of Kamchatka Peninsula the followng Falco p. harterti were observed: in region of stones "Tri sestry" (it is unknown more exactly) 15.08.22; on the shore in region of "Gavryushkin kamen'" Island 12.08.22; in "Listvennichnaya" Bay a pair of adults on the nesting plot 21.06.22; in "Akhomten" Bay the same 9.06.22; .

Bergmanis, U., Avotins, A. 1990. Teicu rezervata un ta apkartnes ornitofauna [Avifauna of the Reserve Teici and its surroundings]. // Putni daba 3 [Birds in Nature 3]. Riga, "Zinatne". P.71-87. Tabl.1. Bibl. 11. PF on p.78. In Latvian with Russ. and Engl. summ.

Berman, D.I., Kolonin, G.V. 1967. Ptitsy vysokogoriy khrebta akademika Obrucheva (Vostochno-Tuvinskoe nagor'ye) [Birds of the alpine areas of the Academician Obruchev ridge (Eastern-Tuva plateau)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 8. P.267-273. PF on p.269. During period of work, we repatedly observed in tundra since beginning the PF pairs and later PF's offsprings.

Beseke, J.M.G. 1792. Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Vogel Kurlands. Mitau. 92 S. In German.

Bezverkhov, A.V. ("Zelenyi" Zoonursery of Rare Birds, Saratov Region) 1991. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy Prielbrus'ya [Rare birds of prey of Prielbrus'ye (Elbrus surroundings)]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.49-50. PF on p.50. At the end of March 1988 it was recorded near El'brus settlement.

Bianchi, V. 1907. Ptitsy goroda S.-Peterburga [Birds of the St.-Petersburg town]. // Lyubitel' prirody [Lower of Nature], N 11/12, p.341-362.

Bianki, V.L. 1909. Otchet o komandirovke v Kamchatku v 1908 g. [Report about business trip to Kamchatka in 1908]. //Izv. Imper. Akademii Nauk [Proc. of Imperial Ac. of Sc.], St.-Petersburg. N1. Ser.6. P.23-52. In lower reaches of the Kamchatka River Falco peregrinus harterti was (were?) sighted during the first half of July 1908 on the eastern shore of Kamchatka Peninsula.

Bianki, V.V. 1960. Russkiy sokol v Kandalakshskom zalive [Russian Falcon in the Gulf of Kandalaksha]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.71-79: ill. Table 5. Bibl.7 titl. Fig.1. Nest of Russian [Peregrine] Falcon. Table 1-Development of PF chicks. Table 2- PF food composition, Fig.2- Map-scheme of the Gulf of Kandalaksha, illustrating location of PF newsts and their flights for prey, Table 3- Part of various bird group in PF feeding, Table 4-Distribution in Northern Archipelago of ringed birds, bagged by PF, Table 5-Age composition of ringed birds, bagged by PF. Bird skulls were not discovered among food remains and in PF pellets. Very informative review.

Bianki, V.V., Kokhanov, V.D., Koriakin, A.S., Krasnov, J.V., Paneva, T.D., Tatarinkova, I.P., Chemiakin, R.G., Shklyarevich, F.N., Shutova, E.V. 1993. Ptitsy Kol'sko-Belomorskogo regiona [The birds of the Kola Peninsula and White Sea] // Russ. Orn. zhurnal [Russ.J.Ornithol.]. St.-Petersburg. Vol.2. (4). P.491-586. The general results of long term faunistic observations made by ornithologists of the Kandalaksha Reserve as well as data from a substantial body of literature are reviewed in this paper. PF in Tab.2 "Birds of Kola Peninsula and White Sea region" on p.503; in Tab.4 "The first sightings in spring" on p.523; in Tab.5 "Egg dimensions" on p.539; in Tab.6 "Clutch-size" on p.547; in Tab.7 "The onset of hatching" on p.555; in Tab.8 "Hatching dates on 5-days scale" on p.563.

Bikhner, Ye.A. 1884. Ptitsy S.-Peterburgskoi gubernii: Materialy, literatura i kritika [Birds of the St.-Petersburg province: Materials, literature and critics]. // Trudy S.-Peterburg. o-va estestvoispytatelei [Proc. of the St.-Petersb. Naturalist's Soc.], vol.14, No2. ? PF lived during several winters in succession till the moment when it was captured, on the roof of Winter Palace. Quoted by Mal'chevskiy, Pukinskiy, 1983.

Birulya, A.A. 1907. Ocherki iz zhizni ptits polyarnogo poberezh'ya Sibiri [Sketches from bird life of the polar shore of Siberia]. // Zap. [Ros.] Akad. nauk po fiz.-mat. otdeleniyu [Notes of the Imperial Ac. Sc. on Phys.-Mat. Dept.]. St.-Pb. Ser.8. Vol. XVIII, No.2. P.I-XXXVI, 1-157. PF on p.1. PF nesting on rocks within Dikson Is., though there are not conrete confirmations to that. In collection of Zool. Inst. of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR there is PF female from Dikson Island, bagged 14.08.1900 by expedition of E.Toll.

Blagosklonov, K.N. 1981. Ptitsy v gorode [Birds in town]. // Priroda [Nature], No 5, P.42-52. In Moscow PF nested only before 1955.

Blinova, T.K., Blinov, V.N. 1988. Ptitsy iz Krasnoi knigi SSSR na territorii Zaural'skoi lesostepi [Birds from Red Data Book of the USSR on territory of the Transuralian forest-steppe]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 23. P.202. One bird was observed in the Tobol river valley 22/VII 1982, which was flying above the overgrowing by vegetation and large Vedyanetskoe Lake, another - 25/V 1983 - in region the Chernoe Lake.

Blinova, T.K., Blinov, V.N. 1988. Ischezayushchie, redkie, uyazvimye i maloizuchennye ptitsy lesostepnogo Zaural'ya [Endangered, rare, vulnerable and little-studied birds of the forest-steppe Transuralia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.27-34. Bibl.8. PF on p. 29 [2 lines]. One bird was observed 25.05.83 in vicinity of Chernoe Lake.

Blokhin, Yu.Yu. 1987. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy del'ty reki Leny [Diurnal birds of prey and owls in the Lena River delta]. // Biol. osnovy okhrany i vosproizvodstvo okhot. resursov [Biol. bases of conservation and reproduction of hunting resources]. M. P.134-139. Bibl.9.

Materials are described, collected in 1981-1985 in Lena River delta on : Hen Harrier, Rough-legged Buzzard, White-tailed Sea Eagle, PF, Merlin, and also - on Polar and Short-eared Owl.

Bogdanov, A.N. 1956. Ptitsy basseina reki Zerafshan [Birds of the Zarafshan River basin]. Part 1. // Tr. In-ta zool. i parasitol. [Proc. of Inst. of Zool. and Parasithol. of the Ac. of Sc. of thr UzSSR]. Vol.5. Tashkent, P.107-163: ill. Sightings of PF on 25.10.26 and 29.10.41 in Zarafshan River basin near Samarkand are described. Passage PF were sighted 17.04.1949 near Samarkand in Karasu. On winterings PF as a rare bird was recorded in the Samarkand surroundings.

Bogdanov, M. 1871. Ptitsy i zveri chernozemnoi polosy Povolzh'ya i doliny Srednei i Nizhnei Volgi [Birds and mammals of the "chernozem" (black earth) belt of Cis-Volga area and valley of the middle and lower Volga] // Tr. Ob-va estestvoispytatelei pri Kazanskom un-te [Proc. of Naturalist's Soc. at Kazan' Univ.]. Kazan'. Vol.1. Dept.1. 226 p. PF in the Simbirsk Province is not rare.

Bogorodskiy, Yu.V., Litvinov, N.I. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie nazemnye pozvonochnye zhivotnye Irkutskoi oblasti [Rare and endangered terrestrial vertebrates of the Irkutsk Region]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk. P.35-41. Bibl.24. PF on p.38 [5 lines]. During nesting period we recorded PF on rocks on ther bank of Aya Bay on Baikal Lake.

Borisov, Z.Z. 1978. Nekotorye aspekty biologii okolovodnykh khishchnykh ptits v okul'turennykh landshaftakh doliny reki Leny [Some aspects of biology of raptors, living near water in the cultural landscapes of the Lena River valley]. // Vodno-bolotnye vidy ptits doliny srednei Leny [Waterfowl of the middle Lena River valley]. Yakutsk, Yakutian Branch of Siberian Dept. of Ac of Sc of the USSR. P.117-124.

Borisov, Z.Z. 1987. Ptitsy doliny srednei Leny [Birds of the Middle Lena River valley]. Novosibirsk, Nauka of Sib. Branch. PF on pp. 16 in the table 2 - distribution of PF by parts of Lena river valley, p.38 in table 5 - biotopical distribution, on p.42 in table 7 - occurrence of breeding PF on stony banks (pairs per 10 km), on p.82 in table 23 - size of PF 3 clutchs, on p.102 in Fig.26 - trophical links of raptors in Namskiy district, on p.106 in text - Feeding was researched mainly in nesting period (7 nests under observation). In Olekminskiy district Arctic Hare contained only 0,5% feeding, and in Namskiy district (45-60 km lower Yakutsk) this index was somewhat higher (4,1%) and received in years with high numbers of this mammal (1965, 1966).

Borodin, O.V. 1994. Konspekt fauny ptits Ul'yanovskoi oblasti. Spravochnik [Conspectus of avifauna of the Ul'yanovsk Region. Manual]. Ul'yanovsk. PF on p.28 [8 lines]. Solitary cases of observations during passage. Open areas, alternating with forests. Separate cases of breeding are not excluded, as far as once PF was sighted by author 12.07.1987 in Staromainskiy district. There unchecked communication about constant presence of PF in region of Belyi Yar settlement in summer 1989-1990 (E.Shtin).

Borovikov, G.A. 1907. Materialy dlya ornitologii Yekaterinoslavskoi gubernii [Materials for ornithology of the Yekaterinoslavl province]. // Sb. stud. biol. kruzhka pri Novorossijskom un-te [Collection of papers of students of biol. circle at Novorossijsk Univ.]. Odessa, Typ. former A.Schultze. N2, 272 p. In book by V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977) pages are given:1-144. Authors considers that breeding of PF in Likhachevskiy forest in the Dniepropetrovsk area, described by B.S.Val'kh (1900) is erroneous and belonged to Saker Falcon breeding. By V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977).

Brandt, M. 1941. Uber das Brutvorkommen der Silbermowe (Larus argentatus omissus) und des Sterntauchers (Colymbus stellatus) im Ostbalticum. // J.Ornithol., Bd.89, H.213, S.104-111. In German. Trustworthy nesting place for PF in Latvia was Khintsenbergas and Sudas peat bogs.

Braude, M.I., Dobrinskiy, L.N. 1986. Problemy okhrany ptits na severe Zapadnoi Sibiri [Problems of bird conservation in the north of Western Siberia]. // Izuchenie ptits SSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part 1. P.98-99. PF on p.98 is listed as species included in the Red Data Book of the USSR, which is situated in comparatively favourable conditions. Limiting factors and conservation measures for all threatened species are discussed.

Brull, H. 1964. Das Leben deutscher Greifvogel. Ihre Bedeuting in der Landschaft. Stuttgart. 202 p. In German.

Buchko, V.V., Khlibkevich, V.V. 1996. Materialy do poshyrennya sokolopodibnykh besseinu verkhn'ogo Dnistra (u mezhakh Ivano-Frankivs'koi oblasti) [Materials to the distribution of Falconiformes of the Upper Dniester bassin (within Ivano-Frankivsk region)]. // Materialy II konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 2nd Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. P.16-20. PF on p.19. Separate birds were observed 4.12.1993 and 26.01.1994 on Burshtinskiy water body near Poplavniki village (25.09.1994) and Zalukva (18.09.1995). In Ukrainian.

Buchko, V.V., Shkolnyi, I.S. 1994. Novi dani po ridkisnykh i nechysel'nykh i nechysel'nykh vydakh ptakhiv dolyny Seredn'ogo Dnistra [New data on the rare and unnumerous bird species of the Middle Dniester valley]. // Berkut. 3(1). 51-52. Adult bird was observed 4.12 on Burshtyn water reservoir. In Ukrainian.

Buchner, E., Pleske, Th. 1881. Beitrage zur Ornithologie des St.-Peterburger Gouvernements. // Beitr. Kennt. Russ. reiches, Folge 2, Bd.4. In German. In 1878-1879 one PF spent all winter on the building of Academy of Art. Quoted by Mal'hevskiy, Pukinskiy, 1983.

Bugrovskiy, V.V., Zaletaev, V.S., Kerzhetsev, A.S., Khakimov, F.I. 1990. Biosfernyi klasternyi zapovednik "Ubsunurskaya kotlovina" [Biosphere claster Nature Reserve "Ubsunurskaya kotlovina"]. // Informatsionnye problemy izucheniya biosfery. Ubsunurskaya kotlovina-prirodnaya model' biosfery [Informative problems of study of biosphere. Ubsunur hollow - the natural model of biosphere]. Pushchino. Book 2. P.445-455.

Burchak-Abramovich, M.J. 1928. Pro deyakikh tsikavykh ptakhiv Volyny [About any beautiful birds of Volyn']. // Zbirnyk prats' Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. Museum of Ac. of Sc. of Ukr.SSR]. N.5. p.517 (or 213-224). In Ukrainian with Engl. summ. In Zhitomir Region some cases are known, when nesting territories of 2 pairs - PF and Saker Falcxon overlapped each other, nests wete situated quite closely and there was not competition (data by M.I.Gavrilenko).

Burchak-Abramovich, N.I. 1974. Iskopaemye ptitsy paleoliticheskikh stoyanok Kavkaza [The fossil birds of the paleolytic settlements of Caucasia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 11. P.329-333. PF on p.329. There is only reference to paper by I.M.Ganya, N.A.Ketrary (1965), where a list of 21 species, among those a series of species is the most interesting, including PF.

But'yev, V.T., Mikheev, A.V., Shubin, A.O. (V.I.Lenin Moscow State Pedag. Inst.) 1983. Sezonnyi prolet khishchnykh ptits po zapadnomu poberezh'yu Kaspijskogo morya [Seasonal passage of birds of prey along the western shore of the Caspian Sea]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.11-13. PF on p.11 is mentioned as a species, those number on passage is considerably lower together with Black Kite and probably Honey Buzzard, than 8 other bird species.

But'yev, V.T. 1990. (Ed.). Raspredelenie redkikh gnezdyashchikhsya (ili gnezdivshikhsya) vidov ptits po oblastyam Nechernozemnogo tsentra Evropeiskoi chasti RSFSR [Distribution of rare nesting (or nested) bird species by regions of Nechernozemnyi Centre of the European part of the RSFSR]. //Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.178-182. PF on p.179. Status of PF in 8 Regions of Nechernozem'ye is given in the table according to 13 conditional signs.

Byshnev, I.I. 1993. Ptitsy nad Berezinoi [Birds above Berezina River]. Minsk, "Urodzhai", 352 p. PF in text on p.87-89. General scientific-popular description. Outer look. Only one sighting in autumn for 4 years. B&w photos Nr.141-143 on p.91-92.

Celminsh, A. 1992. List of Latvian Bird Species 1992. With comments on distribution and number. Updated 1st January 1992. Riga. PF on p.10. Formerly scarce breeder. No nests known since 1974. Scarce but regular on passage. Probably slightly increasing. Engl.

Celminsh, A., Baumanis, J., Mednis, A. 1993. List of Latvian Bird Species 1993. With comments on distribution and number. Updated 1st January 1993. PF on p.13. The same as in previous report - see above. Engl.

Cheltsov-Bebutov, A.M. 1959. Opyt kolichestvennoi otsenki ptich'yego naseleniya otkrytykh landshaftov [Experience of the quantitative estimation of bird population of open landscapes]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 2. P.16-27. PF on p.26 in Table 8 - general characteristic of bird population of the mainland part of winter quarters of the plain Azerbaijan; per 556 km of routine count 3 specimens were sighted or 0,5 specimen per 100 km. Species is very rare - 0,04 - quantity of specimens in % of total number. Significance in bird population on winter quarters of the third degree.

Cherkasova, M.V., Gorbatov, V.A. 1984. Oni dolzhny zhit'. Ptitsy [They must live. Birds]. M., "Lesnaya Promyshlennost'" Publishers. PF on p.21, 24-25. Popular general description of species by M.V.Cherkasova and wonderful colur drawings by V.A.Gorbatov.

Czernay, A. 1850. Beitrage zur Fauna des charkowschen und der alliegenden gouvernement. // Bul. de la Soc. imper. des Nat. de Moscou, t.23, p.603-627. In German. PF was rare in the Khar'kov region even in that time, but bred there.

Chernyshov, V.M., Blinova, T.K., Blinov, V.N. (Biol. Inst. of Siberian Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika sezonnykh migratsiy khishchnykh ptits na yuge Baraby i v Verkhnem Priob'ye [Comparative characteristic of seasonal migrations of birds of prey in the south of Baraba and in the Upper Priob'ye]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.47-49. Tabl.1. PF on p.47 is mentioned as very rare species on passage.

Chibilev, A.A. 1987. Redkie i nakhodyashchiesya pod ugrozoi ischeznoveniya vidy zhivotnykh Orenburgskoi oblasti [Rare and threatened animal species of the Orenburg Region]. // Zelenaya kniga stepnogo kraya [Green book of the steppe territory]. Chelyabinsk. P.200-202. See Chibilev, 1995.

Chibilev, A.A. 1995. Ptitsy Orenburgskoi oblasti i ikh okhrana [Birds of the Orenburg Region and their conservation]. Yekaterinburg, "Nauka". 64 p. PF on p.41-42 [18 lines]. 8 titl. The following subheadings: Distribution and numbers; limiting factors; conservation measures, information sources. In subheading "Distribution and numbers": In Orenburg Region PF repeatedly was recorded on passage and during nomadic movements in different regions mainly in spring and summer, more seldom in autumn and winter. In the rest - well-known general information.

Choussy, D. 1976. Rapaces de France. Le faucon pelerin. // "Saint-Hubert", Vol.75, No 3, p.106-109. In French. Certain improving of this species population status takes plkace in Scandinavian and central Europe.

Chkhikvishvili, I.D. 1933. Materialy po ornitofaune Dzhavakhetii [Materials on ornithofauna of Dzhavakhetia]. //Sbornik NII Kavkazovedeniya [Collection of scient.- res. Inst. of the Caucasian lore]. Publ. house of the Transcaucasian branch of the USSR Ac. of Sc. Tiflis. 1. P.305-328. Brief mention about breeding of PF in Caucasia. By P.A.Til'ba (1985).

Chupin, I.I. 1987. Ptitsy lesnogo ostrova Ary-Mas (Vostochnyi Taimyr) [Birds of the forest island Ary-Mas (Eastern Taimyr)]. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna of birds and mammals of the Middle Siberia]. M., "Nauka". P.39-53. Bibl.6. PF on p.41. It was sighted 26.07 and 7.08.81 in deciduous scanty forest and on swamp.

Chupin, I.I. 1991. Sapsan v Taimyrskom zapovednike [Peregrine Falcon in Taimyr Nature Reserve]. // Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k noferentsii [Ornithological Problems of Siberia. Abstracts of Conf.]. Barnaul. P.160-161 [49 lines]. Material was collected in 1981-1986. Distribution of PF in NR is uneven. In 1983 4 nests were found. Distance between nests. Abundance in different parts of NR. Breeding with Red-Breasted Geese. Phenology of arrival. Nesting habitats. Egg number in clutch. Egg sizes. Chick number. Mortality is here 20%, while on the average in Taimyr - 25%. Phenology of hatching. PF bred together with RBG in 5 cases of 11 known to us. Feeding. Food items. Very detailed and interesting paper !

Davygora, A.V. 1985. Ekologo-faunisticheskaya kharakteristika khishchnykh ptits stepei Yugo-zapadnogo Predural'ya [Ecology-faunistical characteristic of birds of prey of steppes of the south-western Front-Uralian area]. M. Author's abstracts of thesis. 16 p. PF on p.5. Character of presence and limits of breeding range in PF are not changed.

Dal', S.K. 1929. Nablyudeniya nad zimnei ornitofaunoi v vostochnoi chasti Yuzhnogo berega Kryma [Observations for winter ornithofauna in eastern part of the Southern Coast of the Crimea]. // Zap. Krym. o-va etestvoispytatelei [Notes of the Crimean Naturalist's Soc.], v.11, p.151-157. Author recorded attack of PF on Ferruginous Duck in winter near Alushta.

Dal', S.K. 1936. Pozvonochnye nizov'yev reki Zerafshan (po nablyudeniyam v oktyabre 1935 g.) [Vertebrate animals of lower Zarafshan River (on observations in October 1935)]. // Tr. Uzb. un-ta [Proc. of the Uzbek State Univ.], Vol.VII. Samarkand. P.135-161. Under No.43. Rhunchodon pelegrinoides babilonicus Gur. on p.145 (2 lines). Asiatic Russet-headed Peregrine Falcon was registered as hunting for ducks 28/X on Sungur Lake.

Dal', S.K., Sosnin, G.V. 1947. Opredelitel' ptits Armyanskoi SSR [Field Guide of birds of the Armenian SSR], Yerevan, Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of the ArmSR. 212 p.:ill.

Danilov, N.N. 1969. Ptitsy Srednego i Severnogo Urala. Part 1. Istoriya issledovaniya ptits Urala. Otryady gagar, poganok, veslonogikh, golenastykh, plastinchatoklyuvykh i khishchnykh ptits [Birds of the Middle and North Urals. History of study of birds of the Ural. Orders Gaviiformes, Podicepediformes, Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes and Falconiformes]. // Tr./Ural. otd-nie MOIP [Proc. of the Ural dept. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.] Sverdlovsk. Issue 3. P.3-123. In the Sverdlovsk Region in 1940's-50's PF was seldom, but bred, in 1970's - was not discovered in all places, known before as breeding sites and was met considerably more seldon, than before. Lives since the end of March till beginning of October. For nesting PF uses niches in rocks, practically unaccessible for people. Food items.

Danilov, N.N. (Inst. of ecol. of plants and animals of the Ural Scient. Centre) 1983. Izmeneniya v rasprostranenii khishchnykh ptits na Srednem Urale [Changes in distribution of birds of prey on the Middle Urals]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey. Mater. of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.118-119. PF on p.118. During last 20 years decrease in numbers in Peregrines, Golden Eagles, Great Spotted Eagles, Black Kites and in some extent Common Buzzards is recorded. PF formerly was nested in small quantity on rocky precipices near water bodies. Now PF is not breeding in all sites, where it was known formerly. It is sighting more seldom than before too.

Danilov, N.N. 1983. Yestestvennye izmeneniya v rasprostranenii ptits na Srednem Urale [Natural changes in bird distribution on the Middle Ural]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the Southern-Ural region]. M. P.12-14. PF on p.13. Among birds of prey the Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon are not nesting in places, known before.

Danilov, P.I., Zimin, V.B., Ivanter, T.V., Lapshin, N.V., Markovskiy, V.A., Annenkov, V.G. 1977. Faunisticheskiy obzor nazemnykh pozvonochnykh [Faunistical review of terrestrial vertebrates]. // Biologicheskie resursy raiona Kostomukshi, puti osvoeniya i okhrany [Biological resources of the Kostomuksha region, ways of development and conservation]. Petrozavodsk. P.23-32. Estimation of occurrence is absent for PF.

Danilov, N.N., Ryzhanovskiy, V.N., Ryabitsev, V.K. 1977. Rasprostranenie redkikh ptits na Yamale [Distribution of rare birds in Jamal peninsula]. // VII Vsesoyuznaya ornitologicheskaya konferentsiya. Tez. dokl. [VII All-Union Ornith. Conf.: Abstracts]. Kiev, part 2, p.210. Total number of PF in peninsula is now about 100-200 pairs.

Danilov, N.N., Ryzhanovskiy, V.N., Ryabitsev, V.K. 1984. Ptitsy Yamala [Birds of Yamal]. M., "Nauka". 332 p. In Yamal Peninsula in different years clucth consisted of 1-4 eggs. Dates of egg-laying are the same, as in R.N.Voronin (1988). Presence of "addled eggs" in PF clutches is typical for many nesting regions. In 1974 in Yamal first chicks hatched in PF 18 July. PF numbers is leaving more or less stable during last decades. Strong attachment to constant nesting places is stressed. Bird skulls were not discovered in food remains and in PF pellets. Hunt of parents in close neighbourhood to nest was observed.

Danilov, O.N. 1976. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Baraby i Severnoi Kulundy [Birds of prey and owls of Baraba and Northern Kulunda]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 158 p. PF on p.35 in Table 3 in northern part - sporadic nesting (unannual); in southern part - on passage; on p.37 in Table 4 - mean dates of arrival, passage and departure of PF.

Datskevich, V.A., Popenko, V.M. 1981. Sovremennoe sostoyanie dnevnykh khishchnikov, sov i vranovykh v biotsenozakh Belovezhskoi Pushchi [Modern status of diurnal raptors, owls and Corvidaes in biocoenosises of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha]. // Zapovedniki Belarussii [Nature Reserves of Byelorussia], Minsk. No 5, p.67-72. Data about PF breeding here for 1959-1973 are absent, but in 1974-1979 PF already did not breed here. By the middle of 1970's species has vanished completely.

Davygora, A.V. 1989. Mnogoletnie izmeneniya populyatsiy khishchnykh ptits stepnogo Predural'ya [Many-year changes of populations of birds of prey of the steppe Front-Uralian area]. // Rasprostranenie i fauna ptits Urala [Distribution and fauna of birds of Ural]. Sverdlovsk. P.38-40. PF on p.40 in mentioned in the list of 17 raptor species, those character of presence and borders of breeding range were not changed considerably. However, numbers of some of them undoubtedly declined.

Davygora, A.V. 1995. Dopolneniya k spisku zimuyushchikh ptits stepnogo Predural'ya [Appendices to the list of wintering birds of the steppe Front-Uralian area]. // Materialy k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'ye i Zapadnoi Sibiri [Materials on distribution of birds in Ural, Front-Uralian area and Western Siberia]. Yekaterinburg. P.18-19. Bibl. 6 titl. PF on p.18. Solitary PF was observed above ventral parts of Orenburg town 12.01.93. Flew to S. Before in winter it was not sighted in region.

Degtyarev, V.G., Antonov, A.K. 1989. Sapsan v Yuzhnoi Yakutii [Peregrine Falcon in Southern Yakutia]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiyesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and needed in protection animals]. M. P.67-68 [13 lines]. Pair is recorded on breeding on rocks in lower Markhachan river in 1987 and 1988. Phenology of sightings. 27.06.1986 12 specimens were observed at 1 km plot, in this day from board of vessel 18 birds were registered totally. Specimens, which bagged Tree Sparrows, were recorded in Sanyyakhtakh settlement.

De Livron, A.R., Lepin, A.T., Zykova, L.Yu. 1960. Ptitsy Zhigulevskogo gos. zapovednika (Rukopis') [Birds of the Zhigulevsk State Nature Reserve (Manuscript)]. Gosarkhiv g.Tolyatti [State archive of the Tolyatti town]. Fond P-307, inventory 1, file 213. In 1930's PF was common breeding species. PF occupied one and the same nest during 3 years in succession. Phenology of breeding. Food composition. Jackdaws were common prey for PF in early spring. Phenology of arrival and departure. Findings by M.I.Zyabrev in 1940's. Birds were not breeding annually, but arrived every year. Reasons of vanishing.

Dementieff, G. 1931. Contribution a l'ornithologie de la Russie. 1. Notes sur les Gerfauts de la Siberie. // Alauda. Ser.2, a.3, N 4, p.501-506. In French.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1933. Ueber die geographische Variation der ost-palearktischen Wanderfalken (Falco peregrinus Tunst.). Falco, Bd. 29, No 1. S.1-18. In German.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1934. O geograficheskoi izmenchivosti vostochno-palearkticheskikh sapsanov (Falco peregrinus Tunst.) [On geographical variability of Eastern-Palearctic Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus Tunst.)]. // Sbornik tr. Zool. muzeya Mosk. un-ta [Proc. of State Zool. Museum (at Moscow State Univ.)], vol. 1. M. P.45-53 with ill.

Dementiev, G.P. 1934. Etudes sur les variations de Falco peregrinus Tunstall. // L'oiseau et Rev franc. d'ornithol. N.S., vol.4, N 3, p.476-488. In French.

Dementiev, G. 1935. Systema avium rossaricum. Vol.1. L'Oiseau et la Revue francaise d'ornithologie. Paris. P.I-VI, 1-288. In French.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1936. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy. Sovy [Diurnal birds of prey. Owls]. // Polnyi opredelitel' ptits SSSR [Full Guide on Birds of the USSR], vol.3. M.-L. KOIZ. P.42-129.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1939. Dopolnenie k stat'ye "Ptitsy poluostrova Kanina" [Appendix to article "Birds of the Kanin peninsula"]. // Sbornik tr. Zool. muzeya Mosk. un-ta [Collect. of papers of Zool. Museum of Moscow Univ.]. vol.5, p.183.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1940. Lin'ka sokolov [Moulting of Falcons]. // Zool. zhurn. [Zool. journal], v.19, issue 3, p.479-490. In Russ. with French. summ. Near Balaklava (Crimean Region) 8.V female was bagged, which had already new VII primary, from which a moulting of wing in large Falcons is beginning.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1941. K ekologii sokolov v Arktike [On ecology of Falcons in Arctics]. // Sbornik tr. Zool. muzeya Mosk. un-ta [Collection of papers of Zool. Museum of Moscow Univ.], vol.6, p.145-150. In Russ. with French. summ.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1941. Redkie ptitsy v Moskve [Rare birds in Moscow]. // Sov. okhotnik [Soviet hunter], N 5, p.39.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1947. Geograficheskaya izmenchivost' sokola Falco peregrinus Tunstall [Geographical variability of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Tunstall]. // Tr. Tsentr. byuro kol'tsevaniya [Proc. of the Central Ringing Bureau]. Issue 6. M. P.7-67. All races and subspecies of PF are described from ecological and morphological point of view.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1947. K biologii srednerusskogo sokola Falco peregrinus brevicostris Menzbier [On biology of the Middle-Russian Falcon Falco peregrinus brevirostris Menzbier]. // Ocherki prirody Podmoskov'ya i Moskovskoi oblasti [Sketches of nature of Podmoskov'ye and the Moscow Region]. M., MOIP. P.96-103. PF bred in the Pogono-Losinoostrovskoe forestry annually during 1927-1941. Formerly PF regularly wintered on steeples of the town churches.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1948. Redkie ptitsy - pamyatniki prirody SSSR [Rare birds - natural monuments of the USSR]. 1. Nablyudeniya nad ryzhegolovym sokolom, ili shakhinom v Zakaspijskom krae [Observations for Red-Headed Falcon, or Shaheen, in Transcaspian Territory]. // Okhrana prirody [Nature Conservation]. Collection of papers No 2. M., P. 112-118.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1949.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1951. Kavkazskiy sokol [Caucasian Falcon]. // Ptitsy Sovetskogo Soyuza [Birds of the Soviet Union]. Vol.1. M., "Sovetskaya Nauka". P.97-98. Falconiformes order on p.70-341. Falconidae on p.84-164. 15.VII fledgling was bagged near Sudak. Wing of males (8 ex.) 288-312 mm, females (13 ex.) - 320-355, on the average correspondingly 294,9 and 335,9 mm. Mean sizes of eggs: length 51,46, width 41,46 mm, weight 49,68 g. The most northern sighting - Novaya Zemlya - 78 degrees of N.L.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1951. Sokoly-krechety: Sistematika, rasprostranenie, obraz zhizni i prakticheskoe znachenie [Falcons-Gyrfalcons: Systematics, distribution, life mode and practical significance]. M., Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Publ. House, 187 p. P.142.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1952. Ptitsy Turkmenistana [Birds of Turkmenistan]. Ashkhabad. Izd-vo AN TSSR [Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR]. 547 p.: ill.

Dementiev, G.P. 1955. Quelques considerations sur la variabilite geographique. // Acta XI Congr. Intern. Ornithol. Basel, Stuttgart. Birkhauser. P.296-300. In French.

Dement'yev, G.P., Rustamov, A.K., Spangenberg, Ye.P. 1955. Materialy po faune nazemnykh pozvonochnykh yugo-vostochnoi Turkmenii [Materials on fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the South-Eastern Turkmenia]. // Tr. Turkm. s.-h. in-ta [Proc. of Turkm. agricultural Inst., vol.7. P.125-183.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1956. Addition to avifauna of Turkmenistan. // Proc. Ac. Sc. of the Turkm. SSR. No1. Ashkhabad. P.70-71.

Dementiev, G.P. 1957. On the Shaheen Falco peregrinus babylonicus. // Ibis, Vol.99. No3. P.477-482. In English.

Dementiew, G.P. und Iljitschew, V.D. 1961. Bemerkungen uber die Morphologie der Wusten-Wanderfalken. // Falke, Bd.8, No 5. S.147-154. In German.

Dement'yev, G.P., Karaev, M.K., Kartashev, N.N. 1955. Ptitsy yugo-zapadnoi Turkmenii [Birds of the south-western Turkmenia]. // Uchen. zap. MGU. Biologiya [Scient. Notes of Moscow St. Univ. Biol.]. Issue No171. Moscow. P.53-172. Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771 on p.100 (26 lines). a) F.p.babylonicus Sclater, 1861 (6 lines). b) F.p.leucogenys Brehm, 1854 (20 lines). In 1949 solitary tundra PF was observed by us 30.XI, slightly to south of Chikishlyar. In 1950 adult male 24.X was sighted in the most S-W of Turkmenia in region of Gasan-Kuli. Food items. Male was obviously "specialist" on gulls. Direct dependence between numbers of wintering PF and wintering waterfowl. Examples.

Dementiew, G., Stresemann, E. 1955. Uber Wanderfalken und Wurgfalken (Falco peregrinus und F. cherrug) des Berliner Zoologischen Museum. // J.Ornithol., Bd. 96, Heft 3. S.344-346. In German.

Dement'yev, G.P. 1970. O zoologicheskoi ekspeditsii 1959 g. v Gobijskuyu pustynyu, MNR [About zoological expedition 1959 in the Gobi desert, Mongolian People's Republic]. // Zhivotnyi mir Turkmenii (nazmenye pozvonochnye) [Wildlife of Turkmenia (Terrestrial vertebrates)]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym". P.44-57. PF on p.53. PF Falco peregrinus was registered 2 times: subspecies babilonicus - 27.IX in Gobi Altai, bird of northern subspecies - to the north of Arkhangai (8.X).

Dement'yev, G.P. 1970. Falconiformes // Zhizn' zhivotnykh. Ptitsy [Life of animals. Birds]. Vol. 5. M., "Prosveshchenie". P.158-196. PF on p.191-192. General description.

Dement'yev, G.P., Galushin, V.M. 1986. Falconiformes. // Zhizn' zhivotnykh. Ptitsy [Life of animals. Birds]. Vol. 6. M., "Prosveshchenie". P.118-149. PF on p.142-144.

Demenchuk, G.A. 1976. Khishchnye ptitsy Issyk-Kul'skoi kotloviny, primenyaemye v kachestve lovchikh [Birds of prey of the Issyk-Kul hollow, using as a birds for falconry]. // Trudy Issyk-Kul'skogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Issyk-Kul Nat. Res.], issue 1, p.70-85. See Bibl. on Saker Falcon.

Demidova, M.I. 1993. ???????? Review of factors, determining numbers of diurnal birds of prey and numbers. Perm Univ., Perm. 25 p. Bibliogr. 142 titl. Manuscript is dep. in VINITI 22.02.93, N424-B93.

Demyanchik, V.T. (Inst. of Zool. of the Byelorussian Ac Sc, Minsk) 1986. Vstrechaemost' sokoloobraznykh i sovoobraznykh ptits v sel'skikh naselennykh punktakh [Occurrence of Falconiformes and Strigiformes birds in country-side sttlements]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noie ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. P.192. PF is breeding very seldom in 1978-1985 in territory of Brest Region of Byelorussian SSR.

Dezhkin, V.V., Krever, V.G., Fedotov, V.G. 1988. Okhrana redkikh i isvchezayushchikh vidov zhivotnykh v zapovednikakh i respublikanskikh zakaznikakh Sibiri [Conservation of rare and endangered animals species in Nature and Game Republican Reserves of Siberia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.65-75. PF on p.71 in the table. List of 11 existing Nature reserves, where PF is occurring, 1 NR is planning, 6 Game Reserves are existing and 0 is in plan.

Djabbarov [Dzhabbarov], A., Tikhonov, A.V. (Moscow State Univ.) 1983. Ispol'zovanie vidovykh pozyvov khishchnykh ptits v kachestve akusticheskikh repellentov [Effectiveness of species calls of birds of prey as acoustical repellents]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.16-19. Tabl.2. PF on p.17 in Table 1 - efficiency of the repellent effect (in %) of 3 species calls in PF in vineyards, on p.18 in Table 2 - spectral-time parameters of PF calls (spectral limits, main frequency belt, duration of signals).

Djaush [Dzhaush], R. (IEMEZh of the USSR Ac Sc, Moscow) 1991. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika podoteki nekotorykh blizkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits [Comparative characteristic of subotheca in some relative species of birds of prey]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.] Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.192-193. PF on p.192. In Zool. Museum of Moscow Univ. 25 raptor species were studied, including PF.

Dmokhovskiy, A.V. 1933. Ptitsy Srednei i Nizhnei Pechory [Birds of the Middle and Lower Pechora]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Dept. biol.]. Vol.13. Issue 2. P.214-242. PF is not breeding in the forest zone of the Pechora valley.

Dobrokhotov, B.P. 1963. Sovremennoe sostoyanie zimovki ptits v Kyzyl-Agach zapovednike [Modern status of bird wintering in the Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press, Issue 6. P.355-359; maps. PF on p.358. PF are common of falcons, which like to rest on wires of telephone lines.

Dolbik, M.S. 1970. Ptitsy Berezinskogo zapovednika [Birds of the Berezina Nature Reserve]. // Berezinskiy zapovednik: Issledovaniya [Berezinskiy Nature Reserve: Researches]. Minsk. Issue 1. P.149-155.

Dolbik, S.M. 1983. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Berezinskiy biosfernyi zapovednik. Belorusskoi SSR [Berezina Biosphere Nature Reserve, Byelorussian SSR]. Minsk. P.180-186. PF is mentioned as very rare nesting species, but there are not data about nest discovery or bagging of birds during nesting season.

Donaurov, S.S. 1948. Rasprostranenie i pitanie dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v Pechoro-Ilychskom zapovednike [Distribution and feeding of diurnal birds of prey in Pechoro-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve]. // Tr. Pechoro-Ilychskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Pechora-Ilychskiy Nat. Res.]. M. Issue 4. Part 2. P.67-87.

Dornbusch, M. 1985. Plotnost' khishchnykh ptits v biosfernom zapovednike "Shtekbi-Ledderitzer Forst" [Density of birds of prey in biosphere nature reserve "Schtekbi-Ledderitzer Forst"]. // Ekologicheskaya kooperatsiya [Ecol. cooperation]. N3, P.11-14. NR occipes 3500 ha in middle part of Elba River. Description of correlation of the landscape elements is given. PF is mentioned in the list of rare species.

Dorogoi, I.V. 1991. K faune i rasprostraneniyu ptits na severo-vostoke Chukotki [On the fauna and distribution of birds at North-Eastern Chukotski peninsula]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 25. P.102-109. PF on p.105. We only once 7/VIII saw solitary PF on coast precipices in the Uelen environs.

Dorogoi, I.V. 1993. Birds of surroundings of the Elgygytgyn Lake and upper parts of the Emmyvaam River. // Nature of hollow of the Elgygytgyn Lake: (probl. of study and conserv.). // Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Ac of Sc. North-Eastern complex. Scient.-res. inst. Magadan. P.178-189, 229. Bibl.18.

Dorogov, V.F., Kokorev, Ya.I. 1981. K ornitofaune severnogo Taimyra (bassein r.Nizhnyaya Taimyra) [On ornithofauna of Northern Taimyr (Nizhnyaya Taimyra river basin)]. // Ekologiya i khozyaistvennoe ispol'zovanie nazemnoi fauny Eniseiskogo Severa [Ecology and practical use of terrestrial fauna of the Yenisei North]. Novosibirsk. P.116-125. PF was found on breeding in Nizhnyaya [Lower] Taimyra.

Dorogov, V.F. 1987. Rare birds in the Bystraya River basin (Western Taimyr). // Science-technical bull. of Sib. Branch of VASHNIL, N5, P.27-29.

Dorogov, V.F. 1988. Khishchnye ptitsy [Birds of prey]. //Zhivotnyi mir plato Putorana, ego ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie i okhrana [Wildlife of the Putorana plateau, its rational use and conservation]. Novosibirsk. P.72-88. Fig.3. Tabl.3. Bibl.10. On the base of over 10 years field studies the peculiarities of ecology of diurnal birds of prey of the Putorana plateau are enlighted. Among them PF, as still common species for plateau.

Dorogov, V.F., Borzhonov, B.B., Zyryanov, V.A., Kokorev, Ya.I., Kolpashchikov, L.A., Pavlov, B.M., Yakushkin, G.D. 1988. Redkie ptitsy Krasnoyarskogo Severa [Rare birds of the Krasnoyarsk North]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.76-82. Tabl.1. Bibl.17. PF on p.79-80 [39 lines]. Nesting range of PF covers almost all tundra zone. Survey in 1980's of river vallyes of shallow river and rivers in distant regions, where practicall human activity is little-feeling still, showns that PF numbers here is comparatively high, nesting pairs are sighting on the average in 20-40 km. In 1983-84 PF bred in 100-140 km along banks of Pyasina River. The mean clutch size is stable in 1970's and 1980's.

Connection with Red-breasted Goose. Support of PF numbers level is one of the most important tasks for conservation of this Goose too.

Dorofeev, A.M. 1970. Gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Gorodokskoi gryady: (ekologo-faunist. obzor) [The nesting birds of the Gorodokskaya ridge: (ecology-faunistical review)]. // Zhivotnyi mir Belorusskogo Poozer'ya [Wildlife of the Byelorussian Poozer'ye]. Minsk. Issue 1. P.37-79. Author studied birds of this area in 1959-1968. 4 observations of PF pairs with clearly nesting behaviour. Ivanovskiy (1995) does not agree with termin "Nesting behaviour" in this aspect in this time of year and has referenced to Dement'yev (1951), as far as 15-17.06 already chicks must be situated in the nest and female must be on the nest. In this time of year a pair of PF can not be sighted neat nest.

Dorofeev, A.M., Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1981. Sostoyanie populyatsiy redkikh sokoloobraznykh ptits v Belorusskom Poozer'ye [Status of rare Falconiformes populations in Byelorussian Poozer'ye]. // X Pribaltiyskaya orn. konf. [X Baltic Ornith. Conf.]. Riga. Vol.1. P.30-33. 8-10 breeding pairs of PF are registered.

Dorofeev, A.M., Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1981. Taktika i okhrana redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits v Belorusskom Poozer'ye [Tactics of conservation of rare and endangered birds in Byelorussian Poozer'ye]. // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits [Ecology and conservation of birds. Abstracts of VIII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Kishinev. P.75. 8-10 PF pairs are breeding in forest-lake-marsh landscapes of Poozer'ye. Hunting habitats of PF (peat bogs) are under intensive drainage.

Dorofeev, A.M. (Compiler) 1993. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tusnt., 1771)]. // Chyrvonaya kniga Respubliki Belarus' [Red Data Book of the Republic of Belarus]. Minsk, "Belorusskaya Entsiklopedia". P.55-57. Bibl. 15 titl. Very informative account with typical headings for any RDB. At present time breeding is unknown. Detailed description of former distribution. In Byelorussian.

Drobelis, E. (Chepkelyai State Nat. Res.) 1986. Okhrana gnezdovij redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits Litvy [Conservation of nesting sites of rare raptors in Lithuania]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. P.208-209. PF on p.209 is mentioned in the list of species, for those it is planned to protect nesting sites in the future.

Drobelis, E. 1990. On biology of some birds of prey in Lithuania. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica. Vol.2. Vilnius. 90-103. In Russ. with Lith. and Engl. summ. PF on p.103. Dying out species that were breeding in Lithuania, still at present are met only episodically (Spotted Eagle, Golden Eagle, PF).

Drobelis, E. 1992. Sakalas keleivis [Peregrine Falcon]. // Lietuvos raudonoji knyga [Red Data Book of Lithuania]. Vilnius. 367 p. PF on p.46. Bibl.2. In Lithuanian. 3 former breeding places are shown on the map. Chronology of former breeding and vanishing is described.

Drobelis, E. 1993. Birds of prey in Lithuania. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.7-8, Vilnius, 117-121. Bibl.2. PF on p.120. Engl. Since 1960-1970 PF does not nest in Lithuania. Single birds are reported in winter and during migration.

Drozdov, N.N. 1967. Fauna i naselenie ptits kul'turnykh landshaftov [Fauna and population of birds of the cultural landscapes]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 8. P.3-46: ill. PF on p.9. In Basle (Switzerland) the Common Kestrel nests on high buildings in centre of town (Hauri, 1960), it is well known breeding of PF in similar places.

Dudin, P.I. ("Galich'ya gora" Nature Reserve) 1991. K metodike introduktsii v prirodu vyrashchennykh v nevole khishchnykh ptits [On methodics of introduction in nature of birds of prey, reared in captivity]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.201. Method, tested on Common Kestrel is recommended for restoration of PF population, when suitable wild foster parents are absent.

Dul'keit, G.D. 1964. Okhotnich'ya fauna, voprosy i metody otsenki proizvoditel'nosti okhotnich'ikh ugodiy Altae-Sayanskoi gornoi taigi [Hunting fauna, questions and methods of estimation of productivity of hunting areas of the Altai-Sayany mountain taiga]. // Trudy goszapovednika "Stolby" [Proc. of Nature Reserve "Stolby"]. Krasnoyarsk, issue 4. Chapter 3. P.153-208. Nest was found on the Teletskoe Lake shore.

Dunaeva, T.N., Kucheruk, V.V. 1941. Materialy po ekologii nazemnykh pozvonochnykh tundry yuzhnogo Yamala [Materials on ecology of terrestrial vertebrates of tundra of Southern Yamal]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory SSSR [Materials on study of fauna and flora of the USSR]. New ser. Dept. zool. Issue 4 (19). P.5-80. Bibliogr.: p.76-79. The strong attachment to constant nesting places in PF is stressed.

Ediev, M.S., Khokhlov, A.N. 1993. K faune zimuyushchikh ptits Maloi Kabardy [On fauna of wintering birds of the Malaya (Little) Kabarda]. // Kavkazskiy orn. vestnik [Caucasian Orn. Bull.]. Issue 5. Stavropol. P.102-119. 14 titl. PF on p.107. Rare wintering species. In winter 1988/89 several times the solitary birt near Terek river and Deiskoe settlement was sighted. Once (4.I.1989) it was seen, how PF catched Sparrow at the middle of town.

Edisherashvili, G.V. 1985. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh vidov ptits yugo-osetinskoi avtonomnoi oblasti [Modern status of rare bird species of the South-Osetian Autonomous Region]. // Sed'maya nauchnaya konferentsiya molodykh nauchnykh sotrudnikov i spetsialistov [The seventh sci. conf. of young scientists and specialists (7 June 1985)]. Abstracts of reports. Tbilisi. P.26-28. Bibl.5. PF on p.27. There are not the facts. One specimen with prey was observed 7.08.83 near Kobeti settlement of Dzhav district.

Efimenko (Yefimenko), N.N. 1988. Chislennost' i raspredelenie sokoloobraznykh ptts v Kopetdagskom zapovednike i ego okrestnostyakh [Numbers and distribution of Falconiformes in the Kopetdag Nature Reserve and its environs]. // Izv. AN TSSR Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of the Ac Sc TSSR. Ser. biol. sc.]. N5. P.77-80. Tabl.2. Bibl.2. Russ. with Engl. summ. Falconiformes fauna of Kopetdag NR and its surroundings encounter 30 species, among which 18 breeding, including 9 resident. In 1983-87 on 3 isolated plots of NR and 2 adjoining plots of unprotected territory the total count of raptor nests was carried out. On protected area - 56 pairs, unprotected - 44. Indice of similarity etc. The most stable breeding efficiency was in Egyptian Vulture, Griffon Vulture and PF. Very interesting paper.

Efimenko, N.N. 1989. Redkie maloizuchennye vidy ptits Kopetdagskogo zapovednika [Rare little-studied bird species of the Kopetdag Nature Reserve]. // Ekologicheskie aspekty izucheniya, prakticheskogo ispol'zovaniya i okhrany ptits v gornykh ekosistemakh [Ecol. aspects of study, practical use and conservation of birds in mountain ecosystems]: Abstracts. Frunze. P.34-36. PF - breeding resident species. Nests in niches of rocks. 21 nesting cases are registered. Clutch-2 eggs, on the average per one breeding pair was 2 eggs and 2 chicks. Feeding: 51 ex. of food remains-birds. Numbers: in territory of NR 3 pairs (Babazo, Asel'ma), on unprotected territory - 3 pairs (Dushekerekdag, Kurukhaudan).

Efimenko, N.N. 1990. Sovremennoe rasprostranenie i dinamika chislennosti redkikh sokoloobraznykh ptits Tsentral'nogo Kopetdaga [Modern distribution and numbers dynamics of rare Falconiformes of the Central Kopetdag]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii: Materialy 3-i Respublik. konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of Middle Asia: Mater. of 3 Republ. 1990. Ornith. Conf., Bukhara, oct., 1990. Tashkent, "Fan". P.65-67. PF on p.66 in the table. Total number - (2)4 pairs. Babazo plot-1; Asel';ma-(1)1; Dushakerekdag - 1-2; Kurukhaudan - (1)0. Number of pairs, which left nests during period of observations is given in braclets. We don't understand, what doest it mean...

Eglitis, A. 1986. Teicu purva ornitofauna. Diplomdrabs. Riga. In Latvian.

Egorov (Yegorov), O.V. 1958. Materialy po ekologii sapsana v Verkhoyan'ye [Materials on ecology of the Peregrine Falcon in Verkhoyan'ye]. // Nauch. soobshch. /AN SSSR, Sib. otd-noie, Yakut. fil. [Scientific communications of the Yakutian Branch of the USSR Ac. Sc.]. Issue 1. Yakutsk. P.149-154. PF breeds in some mountain regions of Verkhoyan'ye. In the middle part of Adycha River basin PF breeds in each 15-20 km.

Egorov (Yegorov), O.V. 1959 or 1958 ?. Materialy po ekologii yakutskogo sapsana [Materials on ecology of the Yakutian Peregrine Falcon]. // Zool. zhurn. [Zool. journal], v.38, issue 1, p.112-122: ill. PF is more common in basin of the middle part of Vilyui River. Quite seldom in the absence of high plots inhabits low (to 1,5-2 m) banks of lakes. Nests are situated in 12-15 km. In upper Lena PF nested in 30 km. The only author, who recorded the Starling's skull inside the PF pellets, i.e. PF did not tear off a head before trasition of food to chicks. Ducklings were found in PF food.

Egorov (Yegorov), O.V. 1965. Sostoyanie chislennosti vodoplavayushchikh i nekotorykh drugikh ptits v del'te Leny i Yano-Indigirskoi tundre po materialam aviaucheta [Status of numbers of waterfowl and some other birds in delta of the Lena River and the Yana-Indigirka rivers tundra on materials of aerial survey]. // Priroda Yakutii i eyo okhrana. Mater. III Resp. soveshch. [Nature of Jakutia and its conservation. Mater. of III Meeting]. Yakutsk: Publ. House. P.132-139. or P.124-127 ? In tundras of Yakutia PF was sighted on the average in each 45-125 km.

Elshin (Yelshin), S.V., Karataev, A.B. 1990. O redkikh zhivotnykh Kirovskoi oblasti [On rare animals of the Kirov Region]. // Itogi izucheniye redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.5-10. PF on p.9 [5 lines]. 10 trustworthy sightings are known. V.I.Kovyazin registered several attacks of PF on flocks of Black Grouses. The last sighting is related to beginning of 1970's, when during 2 winter seasons PF lived on TV tower of Kirov town, attacking flocks of Rock Doves (Zlobin, Noskova, 1988).

Endangered birds of the World. The ICBP (Intern. Council for Bird Preservation) Red Data Book. 1981. Vol.2. Aves. Compiled by W.B.King. Washington.

Estaf'yev (Yestaf'yev), A.A. 1977. Ptitsy zapadnogo sklona Pripolyarnogo Urala [Birds of western slope of the Polar Urals]. // Tr. Komi filiala AN SSSR [Proc. of the Komi Branch of the USSR Ac Sc.]. Syktyvkar. No 34. P.44-101. In Cis-Polar Ural PF was observed only in November.

Estaf'yev, A.A. 1980. Svedeniya o rasprostranenii, chislennosti i razmnozhenii redkikh khishchnykh ptits v taezhnoi zone evropeiskogo severo-vostoka SSSR [Data about distribution, numbers and breeding of rare birds of prey in the taiga zone of the European North-East of the USSR]. // Sezonnaya ritmika redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov rasteniy i zhivotnykh [Seasonal rythmics of rare and endangered species of plants and animals]. M. P.129-131.

Estaf'yev, A.A. 1981. Sovremennoe sostoyanie, raspredelenie i okhrana avifauny taezhnoi zony basseina r.Pechory [Modern status, distribution and conservation of avifauna of taiga zone of the Pechora River basin]. // Nauch. doklady Komi filiala AN SSSR [Scient. reports of the Komi branch of the USSR Ac. of Sc.]. Syktyvkar. Issue 68. P.53.

Estaf'yev, A.A., Mineev, Yu.N. 1983. Ornithological characteristic of forest "island" on the "More-Yu" river in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra. // Structure of bird population of the European North-East of the USSR. Syktyvkar. P.39-49. (Proc. of the Komi branch of the USSR Ac Sc, N62).

Eversmann, E. 1866. Yestestvennaya istoriya ptits Orenburgskogo kraya [Natural history of birds of the Orenburg territory]. // Yestestvennaya istoriya Orenburgskogo kraya [Natural History of the Orenburg Territory]. Part 3. Birds. Kazan Univ. Press. See Chibilev (1995).

Fauna of Lithuania. The Birds [Lietuvos fauna. Pauksciai]. 1990. Vol.1, Vilnius. In Lithuanian.

Faunistilisi tahelepanekuid Kirde-Parnumaalt [Faunistical Remarks on the North-Eastern Part of the District of Parnumaa]. 1938. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], Nr4, p.156-162, ill. Bibl.2. - Spec. reprint: Misc.2.1941, 8 p. In Eston. with Engl. summ. The same: TU Zool.-Inst. ja -Muuseumi Tood, 1941, nr.27, p.39-46. In Estonian. Nesting habitat of PF and feeding are described.

Fedyushin, A.V., Dolbik, M.S. 1967. Ptitsy Belorussii [Birds of Byelorussia]. Minsk, "Nauka i tekhnika". 520 p.: ill., maps, 20 sheets ill. During 1920-50's PF was breeding still in a series of places in Byelorussia and in adjoining territories. In 1927-29 nests were found in Pleshchenitsy environs. 17.04.49 PF nest in Bielovezhskaya Pushcha clutch consisted of 4 fresh eggs; 25.05.48 - clutch of 3 incubated eggs; 14.06.51 - 3 chicks fledged completely.

Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1957. Peregrine (Falco peregrinus). In the article "The rarer birds of prey, their present status in the British Isles". // British Birds 50, No 4, p.129-155.

Filonov, K.P. 1967. Ob ornitofaune goroda Melitopolya [About ornithofauna of the Melitopol' city]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue No8. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.389-390. During spring migration in region of human constructions: PF listed among other species. During autumn migration PF it should be noted, which as well as in spring, bagging on passage the Rock Doves.

Firsova, L.V., Mikhtaryants, E.A., Andreev, A.V. 1986. Faunisticheskie zametki o nekotorykh ptitsakh Komandorskikh ostrovov [Faunistic observations on some birds of the Commander Islands]. // Rasprostranenie i biologiya ptits Altaya i Dal'nego Vostoka [Distribution and biology of birds of Altai and Soviet Far East]. Proc. of the Zool. Inst. Leningrad. Vol.150. P.89-96. Bibl.14. PF on p.91.

Fischer, J.B. 1791. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte von Livland. 2. Aufl. Konigsberg. 826 S. In German.

Fischer, W. 1967. Der Wanderfalke. Wittenberg-Lutherstadt. 150 p. In German.

Flint, V.Ye. 1959. Materialy po faune Tuvy i perspektivy eyo izucheniya [Materials on fauna of Tuva and prospects of its study]. // Byull. MOIP [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.]. Otd. biol. [Dept. biol.], LXIV. Issue 2. P.125-126.

Flint, V.Ye. 1962. K ornitofaune Tuvy [On ornithofauna of Tuva]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 5. P.144-146. PF on p.145. 19 July 1958 adult male was bagged by us on bank of the Tere-Khol' Lake of Erzinskiy district. Bird in very old feathering, primaries in moulting. There are not bases for speaking about nesting in this region.

Flint, V.Ye., Galushin, V.M. 1981. Strategy of raptor conservation in the USSR. // Raptor Research, 15: p.1-3. In English.

Flint, V.Ye. 1982. Ptitsy. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy [Birds. Diurnal birds of prey]. // Bannikov, A.G., Flint, V.Ye. We must save them. M., "Mysl". P.127-139. PF on p.136-138. Description of North-American PF restoration. Methods of restoration. Scales. Recommendations for analogous works in the USSR.

Flint, V.Ye. 1983. Sovremennye aspekty okhrany khishchnykh ptits [Modern aspects of raptor's conservation]. // Conservation of birds of prey [Okhrana khishchnykh ptits]. M., "Nauka". P.3-7. General semipopular description of all directions of protection and conservation of birds of prey, including PF. Exact data are absent.

Flint, V.Ye., Ponomareva, T.S. 1977. Razvedenie redkikh vidiov b nevole: problemy i perspektivy [Reproduction of rare species in captivity: problems and prospects]. // Redkie zhivotnye i ikh okhrana v SSSR [Rare animals and their conservation in the USSR]. M. P.31-34. PF on p.32 (4 lines). Successful release in nature of about 100 PF, reared up in Cornell University is especially demonstrative, because till now the independent trainihg of Falcons to hunt was considered as impossible.

Flint, V.Ye., Sorokin, A.G. (VNII Nature of Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR) 1983. Okhota s lovchimi ptitsami v SSSR, sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy [Falconry in the USSR, present status and prospects]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.25-32. PF on p.27 is mentioned as rare raptor, which are keeping by Falconers within limits of ex-USSR.

Flint, V.Ye., Kashin, G.N., Kerimov, A.B., Poyarkov, N.D. 1983. Ob unifikatsii russkikh nazvaniy ptits [On unification of Russian names of birds]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue no 18. P.124-155. PF on p.146. The list of pages, where PF is mentioned in issues of No.1-14 of this journal.

Flint, V.Ye. 1995. Recent threats to large falcons Falco sp. in Russia and neighbouring countries. // Acta ornithologica. 30: 23-24. In English.

Fomin, V.Ye. 1983. Redkie vidy ptits i perspektivy regional'noi "Krasnoi knigi" [Rare bird species and prospects of regional Red Data Book]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.23-24. PF on p.24 in the list of vanished on breeding species or threatened species.

Fomin, V.Ye. 1983. Sud'ba khishchnykh ptits Bashkirii [Fate of birds of prey of Bashkiria]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.39-40. PF on p.39. During the second half of XX century PF was disappeared on breeding practically.

Fujimaki, Yu. 1989. Ptitsy iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR in Japan [Birds from Red Data Book of the RSFSR in Japan]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and needed in protection animals]. M. P.39-47. PF on p.44 [9 lines]. Very rare resident bird, occurred everywhere in territory of Japan, but breeding mainly along Japan Sea shore and in northern part of Japan. Numbers of nesting part of population is estimated at 110-130 pairs (Brasil, in press). Population increasing in winter owing to arrival of birds from the N. Habitats in summer and winter.

Fyfe, R. 1975. Breeding peregrine and plairic falcons in captivity. // Breed. Endangered Spec. Captivity. London e.a. In English.

Fyfe, R. 1976. Rationale and success of the Canadian Wildlife Service Peregrine Breeding Project. // Can. Field-Natur, v.90, No3. In English.

Gagina, T.N. 1961. Ptitsy Vostochnoi Sibiri: (Spisok i rasprostranenie) [Birds of Eastern Siberia: (List and distribution)] // Tr. Barguzinskogo zapovednika [Collection of scient. papers of the Barguzin State Nat. Res.]. Issue 3. P.39 or 99-125: map. PF is seldom sighting in Irkut River valley and in Eastern Sayan.

Gagina, T.N. 1979. Ptitsy Salairo-Kuznetskoi gornoi strany (Kemerovskaya oblast') [Birds of the Salair-Kuznetsk mountain country (Kemerovo Region)]. // Voprosy ekologii o okhrany prirody [Questions of ecology and nature conservation]. Kemerovo: Kemerovo State Univ. P.5-17. The only review from this region, compiled on the bease of before-war studies, PF given as nesting species, but any factual data on numbers and breeding are absent.

Galushin, V.M. 1963. Khishchnye ptitsy kak odin iz faktorov ekologicheskogo soprotivleniya invazionnym vidam (na primere sapsana i bol'shogo pestrogo dyatla v tundre Yamala) [Birds of prey as one of factors of ecological resistance to the invasion bird species (on the example of the Peregrine Falcon and Great Spotted Woodpecker in tundra of Yamal)]. // Zoogeografiya sushi: Tez. III Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po zoogeografii sushi [Zoogeography of land: Abstracts of the Third All-Union Meeting on zoogeography of land]. Tashkent. P.72-73. Especially intensively PF catch vagrant species which are unusual for ecological situation of hunting area. In PF nests located in Yamal Peninsula at 300 km to north of the nearest forest borders the Great Spotted Woodpecker's remains were found, though visually woodpeckers in this region were not recorded.

Galushin, V.M. 1971. Chislennost' i territorial'noe raspredelenie khishchnykh ptits Evropeiskogo tsentra SSSR [Numbers and territorial distribution of birds of prey of the European centre of the USSR]. //Trudy Okskogo goszapovednika [Proceedings of Oka State Nature Reserve]. Issue VIII. Papers of central orn. station, 3. M., "Lesnaya promyshellost'" Publ. P.3-132. PF on p.84-85. During last 10-20 years there are few mentiones about PF breeding in describing area. List of mentions. PF did not bred on author's research area. 3 observations in summer. Probably 2-4 pairs as maximum breed in each of 9 describing Regions of European Centre. Total numbers does not exceed 50 pairs. Most probably, it is 20-30 pairs, i.e. one pair per 10 000 sq. km. Comparison with index in some western- and eastern-european countries.

Galushin, V.M. 1979. Izmeneniya granits gnezdovykh arealov khishchnykh ptits Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR vo vtoroi polovine nyneshnego stoletiya [Raptor's breeding range border changes in the European part of the USSR during the second half of present century]. // Novye problemy zoologicheskoi nauki i ikh otrazhenie v vuzovskom prepodavanii [New problems of zoological science and its reflection in high school teaching]. Part 2. Stavropol. P.232-234. PF on p.233. Dropping of breeding range takes place in PF (has disappeared from Baltic Republics, southern part of forest zone, from Northern Caucasia; the linear border of range, probably, does not exist owing extremely sporadic breeding everywhere, excluding tundras. Breeding range has spotted character.

Galushin, V.M. 1980. Sovremennoe sostoyanie chislennosti dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR [Present status of numbers of diurnal birds of prey in the European part of the USSR]. // Ekologiya, geografiya i opkhrana ptits [Ecology, geography and conservation of birds]. L. P.156-167. PF on p.159 (10 lines). Analysis of dropping of breeding range and numbers decline in PF are given.

Galushin, V.M. 1980. Khishchnye ptitsy lesa [Birds of prey of forest]. M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost". 159 p. PF on p. 108-118. Popular description with many interesting scientific details on PF. Former and modern status in Western Europe, British population, in different regions of the USSR, reasons of vanishing and extinction throughout the world, good drawing on p.113, restoration programm in the USA and Canada. Food items. Affecting the game resources. Very good scientific-popular review.

Galushin, V.M. 1981. Changes in population status and nest range distribution of Falconiformes in the USSR since 1950. // Raptor Research, v.15, N1, p.4-11. In English. The only example of the modern restoration of nesting PF sites, left by PF earlier, is recorded for some regions of Taimyr.

Galushin, V.M., Golodushko, B.Z. 1963. Charakter izmenchivosti i faktory, opredelyayushchie razmery okhotnich'ikh uchstkov khishchnykh ptits [Character of variability and factors, determining sizes of hunting areas of birds of prey]. // Tezisy dokladov 5 Pribalt. Orn. Konf. [Abstracts of the 5th Baltic Orn. Conf.]. Tartu. P.36-40.

Galushin, V.M., Likhopek, Ye.A., Logunova, F.N., Rubinshtein, N.A. 1963. Bol'shie pestrye dyatly v dobyche sapsanov na Yamale [Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the bag of the Peregrine Falcons in Yamal]. // Uchen. zap. Krasnoyar. gos. ped. in-ta [Scient. notes of Krasnoyarsk Ped. Inst.], v.24, No. 5, p.76-84. PF of Yamal tundra, selectively captured Great Spotted Woodpeckers, which were marked out among aborigenous birds by outer lok, peculiarities of behaviour, and probably, were weakened.

Galushin, V.M., Likhopek, Ye.A. 1968. Reaktsiya khishchnykh ptits na sostoyanie kormovoi bazy [Reaction of birds of prey on status of the feeding base]. // Tret'ya zool. konferentsiya Belorusskoi SSR [Third Zool. Conf. of the Byelorussian SSR, dedicated to 50-year anniversary of the BSSR], Sept. 1968. Abstracts. P.17-21.

Galushin, V.M., Pererva, V.I. 1982. Sostoyanie redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits i sov v SSSR [Status of rare birds of prey and owls in the USSR]. // XVIII mezhdunarodnyi orn. kongress .Tez. dokl. i stend. soobshch. [XVIII Int. Orn. Congress. Abstracts]. M., "Nauka". P.261-263. Vulnerable species. Southern border comes back to north. Vanished in Baltic Republics. Numbers decline is recorded in Yamal and many other places. In Northern Byelorussia (Vitebsk Reg.) 8-10 pairs saved. In Yamal and Taimyr 200-300 pairs are occurred. In some river valleys of N-E Yakutia nest fron nest are situated at 5-15 km. Total numbers of species in the USSR - several thousand pairs, but numbers decline continues.

Galushin, V.M., Davygora, A.V., Polozov, S.A. (V.I.Lenin Moscow State Pedag. Inst.) 1983. Sostoyanie i perspektivy izucheniya khishchnykh ptits v SSSR [Status and prospects of study of raptors in the USSR]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.3-7. PF on p.4. There are not enough data for clarifying of southern border of breeding range in the PF and Golden Eagle.

Galushin, V.M., Pererva, V.I. 1983. Status of rare raptors in USSR. // Bull. World Work. Group Birds Prey 1. In Engl.

Galushin, V.M. (Compiler) 1983. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga RSFSR. Zhivotnye [Red Data Book of the RSFSR. Animals]. M., "Rossel'khozizdat". P.229-230 (94 lines). Bibl.18 titl. Subheadings: Distribution; Numbers; Limiting factors; Conservation measures; Information sources. Very good review of PF status on 1983.

Galushin, V.M. 1991. Status and protection of birds of prey in the USSR. // Populationsoekologie Greifvogel und Eulenarten, Bd.2, Halle: pp.35-38. In English.

Galushin, V.M., Murashov, A.M. 1992. Collisions of Hooded Crows and feathered raptors. // Ekologicheskie problemy vranovykh ptits: Materialy 3-go soveshchaniya [Ecol. probl. of Corvidae birds: Mater. of 3rd Meeting]. Stavropol. P.100-101.

Galushin, V.M. 1994. Long-term changes in birds of prey populations within European Russia and neighbouring countries. // Bird Numbers 1992, Proc. 12th Intern. Conference of IBCC and EOAC, Voorburg, Sovon, p.139-141. In English.

Galushin, V.M. 1995. Recent population status of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in European Russia. // Acta ornithologica. 30: 43-46. In English.

Gambarov, K.M. 1975. Materialy po ptitsam raiona Mingechaurskogo vodokhranilishcha [Materials on birds of region of the Mingechaur water reservoir]. // Materialy po faune i ekologii nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Azerbaidzhana [Materials on fauna and ecology of terrestrial vertebrates of Azerbaijan]. Baku. P.217-236. PF is sighted in region of Mingechaur.

Ganusevich, S.A. 1983. Sostoyanie populyatsiy i okhrana redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits na Kol'skom poluostrove [Status of populations and conservation of rare raptor species in the Kola Peninsula]. // Biologicheskie problemy Severa: Tez. dokl. X Vsesoyuz. simpoziuma [Biol. problems of the North: Abstracts of X All-Union sympos.]. Part 1. Magadan. P.12-13.

Ganusevich, S.A. (TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR) 1983. K sostavu i raspredeleniyu khishchnykh ptits Kol'skogo poluostrova [On status and distribution of birds of prey of the Kola peninsula]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey. Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M. "Nauka". P.117-118. PF on p.118. In literature there are not data on PF breeding in region, however in Ponoi depression on area of about 1000 sq. km about 10 pairs live, forming, obviously, the only population in peninsula. PF lesser than Gyrfalcon feels shortage of suitable for breeding precipices and rocks. distribution of species in study area is determined by presence of places suitable for nest location and rich by Charadriiformes and other birds.

Ganusevich, S.A. (TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR) 1986. Nekotorye khishchnye ptitsy Kol'skogo poluostrova [Some birds of prey of the Kola Peninsula]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. M. Bibl. 3 titl. Falco peregrinus Tunst. on p.93 (35 lines). 2 regions of PF inhabitance were cleared up by author. Totally about 10 pairs live on area of about 1000 sq. km. Territories are very constant. If possibility exists, birds change nesting ledges every year. Often nests are accessible for terrestrial predators. Egg-laying of 2, rarer 1 egg takes place at beginning of June, flying out of young - 1st decade of August. Breeding dates are quite constant. Breeding efficiency is not high on the average. Undevelopment of eggs owing to unclear external reasons was observed periodically.

Ganusevich, S.A. 1988. Khishchnye ptitsy Kol'skogo poluostrova [Birds of Prey in the Kola Peninsula]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. 23: P.73-80. PF on p.79 (24 lines). The same as above. See paper above of the same author of 1983, 1986. There are 10 breeding pairs.

Ganusevich, S.A. (VNII Priroda, Moscow) 1991. O mezhvidovykh otnosheniyakh v soobshchestve khishchnykh ptits [On interspecies interrelations in community of birds of prey]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". pp. 59-60. PF on p.59, 60. Researches were carried out in 1977-1990 in Kola Peninsula in Ponoi depression. Jointly 10 raptor species live here. Ruff forms 52,0% of PF's food. PF occupies the stony precipices. PF numbers is not limited by feeding factors. Interspecies competition for food is absent in spite of overlapping of feeding spectrums.

Ganusevich, S.A. 1992. Results of long-term studies of raptor populations in the Kola Peninsula (NW Russia). // IV World Conf. on Birds of Prey, Abstracts, Berlin, p.7-8. In English.

Ganya, I.M., Ketraru, N.A. 1965. Iskopaemye ornitofauna iz raskopok paleoliticheskoi stoyanki Brynzeny I [Fossile ornithofauna from excavations of paleolytic settlement Brynzeny I]. // Izv. AN Mold SSR. Ser. biol. i khim. nauk [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of Moldavian SSR. Ser. of biol. and chem. sc.]. N5. P.98-105: ill. There are 21 species in the list of birds, discovered at this settlement. PF is mentioned in the list of the most interesting species.

Garanin, V.I. (Kazan Univ.) 1991. Rol' zoomuzeya Kazanskogo universiteta v izuchenii ornitofauny Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya [Role of Zoo Museum of the Kazan University in study of ornithofauna of the Volga-Kama Territory]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuz. ornitol. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.139-140. PF on p.139 in the list of 268 species, bagged by M.D.Ruzskiy during 1888-1913.

Garzon, J. 1977. Birds of prey in Spain, the present situation. // World Conference on Birds of Prey. Vienna, 1975. Report of Proceedings. P.159-170. In English.

Gavrilenko, N.I. 1929. Ptitsy Poltavshchiny [Birds of Poltavshchina (Poltava Region)]. Poltava. 134 p. Passage bird was sighted 3.V.1919.

Gavrilenko, N.I. 1970. Pozvonochnye zhivotnye i urbanizatsiya ikh v usloviyakh goroda Poltavy [Vertebrate animals and their urbanization in conditions of the Poltava city]. Khar'kov State Univ. Press. 140 p. In Poltava in 1937 PF pair tried to nest at monastery's bell tower, but male was killed.

Geptner, V.G. 1956. Fauna pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Badkhyza (Yuzhnyi Turkmenistan) [Fauna of vertebrates of the Badkhyz (Southern Turkmenistan)]. Ashkhabad, Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR. 335 p.: il., 6 sheet ill.

Gerasimov, N.N., Sokolov, A.M., Tomkovich, P.S. 1992. Ptitsy ornitologicheskogo zakaznika "Reka Moroshechnaya", Zapadnaya Kamchatka [Birds of the ornithological reservation "Moroshechnaya River', Western Kamchatka]. // Russ. Orn. zhurnal [Russ. J.Ornithol.]. 1(2): 157-208. Fig.1. Bibl. 16 titl. PF on p.172 (11 lines). Rare passage species. In autumn 1980 PF repeatedly appeared in Fchun. 28.IX we saw how PF rejected attacks of Ravens, which attacked PF. On the next day we observed unsuccessful hunt of PF on ducks. Soon after that 2 PF flew across the river. 30.IX we met PF 3 times. One of them has bagged Teal.

Gerasimova, T.D., Skokova, N.N. 1959. Ornitogeograficheskaya kharakteristika Ainovykh ostrovov [Ornithogeographical characteristic of the Ainovy Islands]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 2. P.91-98. PF on p.93. At beginning of VII.1958 one bird has arrived from mainland from side of Sredniy [Middle] Peninsula.

Gizenko, A.I. 1955. Ptitsy Sakhalinskoi oblasti [Birds of the Sakhalin Region]. M., Publ. house of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR. 328 p.; ill. PF bred on Georgiy Cape In Terpeniya Peninsula. By V.A.Nechaev (1991).

Gilyazov, A.S. (Lapland Nature Reserve). 1991. Materialy po ptitsam Laplandskogo zapovednika [Materials on birds of the Lapland Nature Reserve]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf. Minsk], "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.144-145. PF on p.144,145. Area of Lapland NR is 278436 ha. PF breeds here. In 1988 since June till August near old nest of Gyrfalcon, one PF pair was halted for a long time, but did not breed. This fact speaks about possibility of PF breeding in NR.

Gladkov, N.A. 1932. Ornitologicheskie rezul'taty poezdki na Amu-Dar'yu letom 1931 [Ornithological results of trip to Amu-Daria in summer 1931]. // Byull. MOIP. Novaya ser. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc., New Ser. Dept. biol.], vol.41, issue 3/4, p. 351-398. Bibliogr.: 397-398. Bird, soaring above fields in the vicinity of Chardzhou in the valley of the middle part of Amu Daria, was recorded by author 17.05.31.

Gladkov, N.A. 1951. Ptitsy Timanskoi tundry [Birds of the Timan tundra] // Sb. tr. Zool. muzeya / MGU [Coll. of scient. papers of Zool. Museum of Moscow State Univ.]. M. Vol.7. P.15-69: ill.

Glutz von Blotzheim, U.N. (Herausgeber) 1971. Handbuch der Voggel Mitteleuropas. B.4. Falconiformes. Frankfurt/Main. 943 P. In German.

Godyn, Z. 1938. Rzadkie gatunki ptakow z rzedu Falconiformes, obserwowane w latach 1920-1937 w poludniowo-wschodniej Polsce. // Acta Ornithol. Mus. Zool. Polon. Warszawa, t.2, N8, st.134. In Polish. 7.IV.1928 and 21.III.1929 PF was sighted in Ternopol' and Lvov Region.

Goebel, H. 1870. Die in den Jahren 1867, 1868 und 1869 im Umanschen Kreise (gouvernement Kiew) beobachten Vogel. // J.Ornithol., N 105, s.177. In German. Migratory PF were observed 25.III.1867, 7.V.1868, 24.III and 17.IV. 1869 in the vicinity of Uman'.

Golodushko, B.Z. 1961. O pishchevykh otnosheniyakh khishchnykh ptits Belovezhskoi pushchi [On feeding relations of birds of prey of the Belovezha Pushcha]. // Fauna i ekologiya nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Belorussii [Fauna and ecology of terrestrial vertebrates of Byelorussia]. Minsk. P.112-132.

Golodushko, B.Z. 1962. Khishchnye ptitsy kak regulator chislennosti zemnovodnykh i presmykayushchikhsya [Birds of prey as regulator of Reptilia and Amphibia numbers]. // Mater. III Vsesoyuznoi orn. konf. [Mater. of the 3rd All-Union Orn. Conf.], 11-17 Sept. 1962. Lvov. Book 1. P.108-109.

Golodushko, B.Z. 1965. Khishchnye ptitsy i ikh rol' v okhotnich'yem khozyaistve Belovezhskoi Pushchi: Avtoref. dis....kand. biol. nauk. [Birds of prey and their role in the hunting industry of Byelovezhskaya Pushcha. Author's abstracts of thesis]. Minsk. 22p. In 1948-1958 4-6 PF pairs lived annually.

Goncharov, L. 1956. Sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon]. // Okhotnich'i prostory [Hunting areas]. M. Book 6. P.265-268.

Gorban, I.M., Bokotei, A.A., Boiko, G.V. and other 18 co- authors. 1991. Ornitofaunisticheskie novosti iz zapadnykh oblastei Ukrainy [Ornithofaunistical news from western regions of Ukraine]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 25. P.153-155. PF on p.154. 18/III 1982 was sighted in Khustets river floodland near Khust town, 29/IX - 1 bird on Svidovets ridge to west of Stig town and 2/IX 1982 - 1 bird on rocks of pop-Ivan mountain. 26/IV and 10/V 1984 solitary specimens were registered in the beech forest near Malaya Ugol'ka village of Tyachevskiy district of Zakarpatskaya Oblast (Carpathian Nature Reserve).

Gorbunov, G.P. 1929. Materialy po faune mlekopitayushchikh i ptits Novoi Zemli [Materials on fauna of mammals and birds of Novaya Zemlya]. // Tr. In-ta po izucheniyu Severa [Proc. of Inst. on Study of North]. Issue 40. P.169-239. Bibliogr.: p.223-224. Summary in German. Ground-nesting Peregrines.

Grabar, A. (Hrabar, A.). 1931. Ptatstvo Podkarpatskoi Rusi (Avifauna Carpathorossica) [Avifauna of Under-Carpathian Russia (Avifauna Capathorossica)]. // Odbitok z chasopisu "Podkarpatska Rus'". Uzhgorod, VIII, p.4-19. In Ukrainian. See below.

Grabar, A. (Hrabar, A.). 1941. Khizhoe ptatstvo Podkarpatya [Birds of prey of the Carpathian region]. // Chasopis Podkarpatskogo obshchestva nauk. Podkarpatska Rus'. Uzhgorod, Ungvar, 1941, I, ch.1-2. PF breeds in Zakarpatskaya Region in a series of places in basins of rivers Uzh and Tur'ya to south of Uzhgorod and in Rakhiv district near Dragobrat town. In Temnik place PF was photographed on breeding by author.

Grigor'yev, N.D., Popov, V.A., Popov, Yu.K. 1977. Otryad sokoloobraznye (dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy) Falconiformes [Falconiformes order (diurnal birds of prey)]. // Ptitsy Volzhsko-Kamskogo kraya. Nevorob'inye. [Birds of the Volga-Kama territory. Non-passerines] Edited by V.A.Popov. M. P. 76-116. Falco peregr. Tunstall, 1771 on pp.82-84. Speech is about F.p.leycogenus Brehm and F.p.brevirostris. In 1970's sightings of PF became great rarity. PF spends a winter in Tataria. In the plain regions PF use nests of Corvidaes and other raptor species - such nests were discovered here in 1920's.

Grinchenko, A.B. 1991. Novye dannye o redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptitsakh Kryma [New data on rare and endangered birds of the Crimea]. // Redkie ptitsy Prichernomor'ya [Rare birds of the Black Sea coastal area]. Kiev; Odessa: "Lybid". P.78-90. PF on p.83. The Crimean population is restorating step by step and presently consists of about 10 pairs. List of sites, where breeding pairs were recorded in 1986. All nesting plots were located within limits of Main ridge of the Crimean mountains, excluding one pair in 1985-86 in Simferopol'. By A.S.Kupsha and our own observations, PF in Peninsula are resident birds.

Grishanov, G.V. (Kaliningrad State Univ.) 1986. Izmenenie fauny gnezdyashchikhsya ptits na territorii Kaliningradskoi oblasti za poslednie 100 let [Change of nesting bird fauna in territory of the Kaliningrad Region for last 100 years]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 1. P.174. PF stopped to breed here.

Grishanov, G.V. 1986. Fauna redkikh khishchnykh ptits Kaliningradskoi oblasti i eyo izmeneniya za poslednie 100 let [Fauna of rare raptors of the Kaliningrad Region and its changes for last 100 years]. // Zhivotnyi mir lesnoi zony Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR, ego okhrana i ispol'zovanie [Wildlife of forest zone of the European part of the USSR, its conservation and use]. Kalinin. P.44-47. Bibl.5. See lower.

Grishanov, G.V. 1988. Antropogennaya transformatsiya fauny gnezdyashchikhsya ptits na territorii Kaliningradskoi oblasti [Anthropogenous transformation of nesting bird fauna in territory of the Kaliningrad Region]. // Tezisy dokladov XII Pribaltijskoi ornitologicheskoi konferentsii [Abstracts of the XII Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.]. Vilnius. P.60-61. PF on p.60 is mentioned in the list of species which have stopped to breed.

Grishanov, G.V. 1991. Orlan-belokhvost i sapsan v Kaliningradskoi oblasti [The White-tailed Eagle and Peregrine Falcon in the Kaliningrad region]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.122-123. PF is recorded in warm winter 1989/90: 4/II in rainy weather in the Kaliningrad environs in industrial-warehouse zone 1 specimen was registered. Bird unsuccessfully tried to hunt Doves and Jackdows.

Grishanov, G.V. 1994. Gnezdyshchiesya ptitsy Kaliningradskoi oblasti: territorial'noe razmeshchenie i dinamika chislennosti v XIX-XX vv. [Breeding birds of Kaliningrad Region: territorial distribution and dynamics of number in XIX-XXth cent.]. 1. Non-Passeriformes // Russkiy Orn. Zhurnal [Russ.J.Ornithol.]. St.-Petersburg. 3(1):83-116. PF on p.97-98. Analysis of distribution and numbers based on work by Tischler (1941). Belyakov (1970) in 1960's did not record PF in Kaliningrad Region. In 1970-80's as breeding species was not discovered (recorded on passage and wintering).

Gritsak, V.M. 1996. Kolektsiya khyzhikh ptakhiv i sov Zakarpattya roboty O.O.Grabara [Collection of Birds of Prey and Owls of the Transcarpathians by A.A.Hrabar]. // Materialy II konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 2nd Conf. of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine]. Chernivtsi. P.12-47. PF on p.45. 3 exemplares, bagged in 1923-1928 in territory of Zakarpatskaya region and Eastern Slovakia are keeping in Uzhgorod University. Obviously, these skins are of birds, described by F.I.Strautman in his monograph. In Ukrainian.

Grosse, A., Transehe, N. 1929. Verzeichnis der Wilbertiere des Ostbaltischen Gebietes. // Arbeiten des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Neye Folge. Riga. H.18, S.1-75. In German. PF is considering as rare nesting species for Latvia.

Grote, H. 1933. Rothalsgans und Wanderfalke als Brutnachbarn. // Beitrage zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Vogel mit Berucksichtigung der Oologie. Berlin. Jg.9, N 5, S. 187-188. In German.

Grote, H. 1934. Ganse und Falken als Brutnachbarn. // Beitrage zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Vogel mit Berucksichtigung der Oologie. Berlin. Jg.10, N4, S.145. In German.

Grote, H. 1934. Uber das Horsten des Wanderfalken in Vogelkolonien. // Beitr. Fortpfl.-biol. Vogel [Full title of this short option, please see above], Jg.10, N6, S.217-218. Bibliogr.: S.218. In German.

Grote, H. 1938. Uber das nachbarliche Nisten von Wildgansen und Wanderfalken bzw. Schneeeulen in der Tundra. // Beitr. Fortpfl.-biol. Vogel, Jg.14, N 2, S. 68-69. In German.

Grote, H. 1942. Nochmals uber das nachbarliche Nisten von Wanderfalken und Wildgansen in der Tundra. // Beitr. Fortpfl.-biol. Vogel, Jg.18, N5, S.172-173. In German.

Grum-Grzhimailo, G.E. 1914. Zapadnaya Mongolia i Uryankhaiskiy krai [Western Mongolia and Uryankhai Territory]. Vol.1. Opisanie prirody etikh stran [Desctription of nature of these countries]. St.-Ptb. P.520-526.

Gureev, S.P. 1988. Sapsan v Kuznetskom Alatau [Peregrine Falcon in the Kuznetsk Alatau]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.104-105 [27 lines]. In 1983-87 near Kundat mouth one and the same PF pair was bred (Gureev, Golubyatnikov, 1988). Nesting biotopes. Phenology of breedings. Sizes of eggs. During 5 yaers one pair has reared at least 15 chicks. Hunting areas of partners are not equal. Female catch a prey not far 300-500 m from nest. Male's hunting area covers at least 15-18 square km. Male brought Lapwings, sighted during surveys only at 7 km from the nest.

Gureev, S.P., Golubyatnikov, Yu.G. (Tomsk Univ.) 1988. Sapsan (Falco peregrinus) v Kuznetskom Alatau [The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the Kuznetsk Alatau]. // Ekologiya i povedenie ptits [Ecology and behaviour of birds]. M., "Nauka". P.64-67 [129 lines]. Bibl.15 titl. Materials were collected in 1979-1984 in territory of Kemerovo Region and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Total length of routes - 2100 km. Nesting density - 4 specimens per 100 sq. km. Detail description of nest and nesting habitat. Phenology of breeding. Ethological observations for both parent and feldglings. Food items (10 bird species). Typical ornithophag. Frequency of feeding. In Kuznetsk Alatau - quite favourable conditions for PF. Very informative sketch.

Gvozdev et al. 1991. ? By Potapov, 1996.

Gyngazov, A.M., Milovidov, S.P. 1977. Ornitofauna Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Ornithofauna of West-Siberian Plain]. Tomsk: Publ. House of Tomsk Univ. 352 p. PF is sighting sometimes during nesting season, but modern number statuis is unclear.

Hammer, W. 1975. Jages-Falkner-Vogelschutzer. Hintergrunde einer sinnlosen Konfrontation. // Wild und Hund, 77, N22. In German.

Harms, M. 1935. Kodumaa kullilised [Native Raptors]. Tartu. 51 p. In Eston.

Hartert, E. 1913. Die Vogel der Palearktischen Fauna. B.: Friedlander, 1912-1921, Bd.2, S.I-XXIV, 833-1764. In German. S.1041. Eggs of nominative PF subspecies have average dimensions (223 eggs from Ireland) 51,17 x 40,38 mm.

Hartert, E. 1920. The birds of the Commander Islands. // Novitates zoologicae. Tring. Vol.27, N1, p.128-158. In English.

Henny, Ch.J. 1993. Contaminants in Peregrine Falcon eggs from the Kola Peninsula. // Raptor-link, 1, p.2-3. In Engl.

Henny, Ch.J., Ganusevich, S.A., Ward, F.P., Schwarts, T.R. 1994. Organochlorine pesticides, chlorinated dioxins and furans and PCBs in Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus eggs from the Kola Peninsula, Russia. // Meyburg, B.-U. & Chancellor, R.D. (eds.) Raptor conservation today. WWGBP, Pica Press, p.739-749. In English.

Hickey, J.J. (Editor) 1969. Peregrine Falcon Populations, their Biology and Decline. Wisconsin. XXII p. + 596 p.

Hrabar, A. 1929. Adatok a vandorsolyom (Falco peregrinus Tunst.) taplalkozasahoz. (Daten zur Ernahrung von Falco peregrinus Tunst). - Aquila. Budapest. Jg.34-35, (1927-1928), S.408-409, 450. Text parallelly in Hung. and Germ.

Idzelis, R. 1993. Avifauna of the Vilnius city. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.7-8, Vilnius, 86-92. Tabl.1. Fig.1. Bibl.28. Engl. PF in table on p.88 is given as very rare species.

Il'ichev, V.D., Galushin, V.M. 1978. Ptitsy kak indikator zagryazneniya sredy yadokhimikatami [Birds as indicator of environment contamination by chemicals weed-killers]. // Biologicheskie metody otsenki prirodnoi sredy [Biological methods of estimation of environment]. M., "Nauka". P.159-180. Reasons of PF numbers decline - direct persecution from human side (illegal shooting, nest robbing), disturbance factor; destruction of breeding places. Everywhere use in industry of chlororganic chemicals, resulted in productivity decline and increased mortality owing to egg-shell thinning.

Il'ichev, V.D., Fomin, V.Ye. 1979. Ornitofauna Bashkirii i eyo izmeneniya v XX veke [Ornithofauna of Bashkiria and its changes in XX century]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 14. P.83-86. PF on p.85 in the table. By 1970's PF became erxtremely rare raptor. During 1891 (Sushkin), 1880-1900 (Karamzin), 1936-1941 and 1944-1946 (Kirikov), 1953-1958 (Il'ichev) was breeding species. In 1974-1975 (Il'ichev, Fomin) was absent as a breeding species.

Il'ichev, V.D., Fomin, V.Ye. 1983. Spisok ptits Bashkirskoi ASSR [The list of birds of the Bashkirian ASSR]. //Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the Southern-Ural region]. M. P.70-74. PF on p.71 under No.69 as breeding species.

Il'ichev, V.D., Fomin, V.Ye. 1988. Ornitofauna i izmenenie sredy [Ornithofauna and changes of environment]. M., "Nauka". 248 p. PF by 1970's became extremely rare raptor.

Il'ichev, V.D. Edit. 1991. Fauna mira. Ptitsy. Spravochnik [Fauna of the World. Birds. Manual]. M., "Agropromizdat". 298 p. Popular sketch and photo on p.297.

Informatsionnyi material zoologicheskikh parkov SSSR [Informative material of Zoos of the USSR]. 1985. Moscow. 190 p. PF on p.110. Moscow 2/1; Novosibirsk 1.

Informatsionnyi material zoologicheskikh parkov SSSR [Informative material of the USSR's Zoos]. 1987. Moscow. 240 p. PF on p.114. Alma-Ata 1/1 (from Moscow); Moscow 1; Novosibirsk 1; Lakash 5.

Informatsionno-spravochnye materialy po zooparkam SSSR [Informative-reference material of the USSR's Zoos]. 1989. Moscow. 260 p. PF on p.170. Alma-Ata 0/2/1 (1/1 from Moscow); Lakash in Ryazan Region based in Oka State Biosphere Nature Reserve 5/5/4; Moscow 2/1; Novosibirsk 1; Perm' 1.

Iogenezen, G.E. 1907. Materialy dlya ornitofauny stepei Tomskogo kraya [Materials for ornithofauna of steppes of the Tomsk Territory]. // Izvestiya Tomskogo universiteta [Proc. of the Tomsk Univ.], book 30. P.1-239. During breeding time PF was recorded in the plain and foothill parts of Altai Territory in the Gilevo settlement vicinity.

Ioganzen, G.H. 1934. Ptitsy Komandorskikh ostrovov [Birds of the Commander Islands]. // Trudy Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im.V.V.Kuibysheva [Proc. of the Tomsk State Univ.], vol.86, p.222-266. Summary in German. PF was common on Mednyi Is. and Bering Is.

Ioselev, L.G., Kozlova, M.V., Markuze, V.K. 1982. Okhrana prirody Prichernomor'ya [Nature conservation of area around the Black Sea]. M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost'". 152 p. PF on p.107 [13 lines]. Listed in Red Data Books of the USSR (rare species), UkrSSR, RSFSR (declining in number spceis) and Georgian SSR, in lists of arre spec ies of Rostov Region, and also in Appendix I CITES. The Caucasian species is situting on the edge of extinction. It sometimes is sighting in southern shore of the Crimea, in the Caucasia, being as vagrant bird in Askania-Nova. This bird is resident, which breeds in lower belt of mountains, on rocks, during outbreeding time it lowers on the plain.

Irisov, E.A. 1981. Ornitogeografiya Yugo-Vostochnogo Altaya i eyo itsenka s tochki zreniya epidemiologii [Ornithogeography of the South-Eastern Altai and its estimation from point of view of epidemiology]. // Tez. dokl. konf.: Okruzhayushchaya sreda i zdorov'ye cheloveka [Abstracts of Conf.: Environment and human's health]. Barnaul. P.23-25. During breeding time PF was recorded in the Plotnikovo settlement vicinity. During migration - in valleys of Buguzan and Tarkhaty.

Irisov, E.A. (Inst. of Cytology and Genetics of Sib. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Significance of the South-Eastern Altai in conservation of the raptor's genofond. //Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.15-17. On p.16 PF is mentioned as vagrant species.

Irisov, E.A., Irisova, N.L. 1984. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Redkie ptitsy Altaya [Rare birds of Altai]. Barnaul, Altai Publ. House. P.55-58. Drawing on p.57. PF breeds in Altai Territory and can be sighted everywhere, though very seldom, during migration seasons. PF was not found only in some completely forestless parts of S-E Altai and in dense taiga massives. List of sightings during breeding on p.55 and during seasonal migrations on p.58. Breeding sites are very disperced and therefore it is difficult to protect it.

Irisov, E.A., Baskakov, V.V., Irisova, N.L. 1985. Dnevnoe peremeshchenie ptits v Priteletskoi chasti Altaya v period migratsij [Diurnal movements of birds in north-eastern part of Altai during migrations]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 20. P.60-75. PF on p.68 as unnumerous on passage. On p.70 - PF flies along the shores of the Teletskoe Lakes.

Isakov, Yu.A., Vorob'yov, K.A. 1940. Obzor zimovok i proleta ptits na yuzhnom Kaspii [Review of winter quarters and bird passage on the Southern Caspian Sea area]. // Tr. Vsesoyuz. ornitol. zapovednika Gassan-Kuli [Proc. of All-Union Orn. Nat. Res. Gasan-Kuli]. Issue 1. P.5-159. Bibliogr.: p.156-159.

Ivanauskas, T. 1959. Lietuvos pauksciai [Birds of Lithuania]. 2nd edition. Vilnius, Valst. polit. ir moskl. lit. l-kla. Vol.2. 283 p. In Lithuanian.

Ivanov, A.I. 1940. Ptitsy Tadjikistana [Birds of Tadjikistan]. (AN SSSR. Tadzh. baza. Trudy [Proc. of Tadjik base], vol.10. Zool. and Parasithol. M.-L. 300 p. with ill.; 1 sheet map. Bibliogr.: p.292-295.

Ivanov, A.I. 1929. Ptitsy Yakutskogo okruga [Birds of the Yakutian district]. L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. 205 p. with ill; 3 sheets ill. (AN SSSR. Materialy Komis. po izucheniyu Yakut ASSR [Ac. of Sc. of the USSR. Materials of Commission on Study of Yakutian ASSR]. Issue 24). Bibliogr.: p.171-174. Summ. in Engl. In 1920's PF was numerous bird, particularly on rocky banks of rivers Lena, Aldana, Abga and others.

Ivanov, A.I. 1969. Ptitsy Pamiro-Alaya [Birds of Pamiro-Alai]. L., "Nauka", Leningrad branch. Falco peregrinuis brevirostris Menzb.? on p.83.

Ivanov, A.I. 1976. Katalog ptits SSSR [Catalogue of birds of the USSR]. L., "Nauka". 276 p. Peregrine Falcon on p.56 [10 lines]. Detail distribution within USSR, outside USSR during breeding season and within USSR in winter time.

Ivanov, A.I., Shtegman, B.K. 1978. Kratkiy opredelitel' ptits SSSR [Brief bird guide of the USSR]. L., "Nauka" Leningrad Branch. 550 p. PF on p.141.

Ivanov, G.K., Krivenko, V.G., Kostin, I.O. 1983? Sapsan na Taimyre [The Peregrine Falcon in Taimyr]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. Oka Nature Reserve, issue 2. (In press on status of 1983). Total number in Taimyr is near to 200 pairs.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1986. Biotopicheskoe raspredelenie i chislennost' redkikh khishchnykh ptits basseina reki Zapadnaya Dvina [Biotopical distribution and numbers of rare birds of prey of the Zapadnaya Dvina River basin]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part I. P.253-254. In area of 86 300 square km occurrence of PF in nesting period is calculated on p.253. Density - 0,2 pair per 1000 square km, numbers - 20 pairs. Breeding biotopes: peat bogs.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1988. Khishchnye ptitsy verkhovykh bolot Belorusskogo Poozer'ya [Birds of prey of the peat-bogs of the Byelorussian Poozer'ye]. // Tez. dokl. XII Pribalt. ornitol. konf. [Abstracts of the 12th Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.], 15-18.11.1988. Vilnius. P.85-86. PF on p.86. The last known PF breeding is related to 1973. Since that time on 8-10 bogs of study area (1500 square km) in Vitebsk Region of Byelorussia the single nomadic specimens irregularly and non-annually are recording. In 1960's PF nested on ground, on islands in the ridge-lake vegetation complex and on sphagnum mounds in ridge-"mochazhinnyi" vegetation complex on peat bogs. "Mochazhina" means wet boggy place between hammocks on matsh or meadow.

Ivanovskiy, V., Kuz'menko, V. 1989. Izmenenie sostava ornitofauny verkhovykh bolot Belorusskogo Poozer'ya za poslednie 10-15 let [Changes in the composition of the bird fauna in the bogs of the Po-Ozerye region in the Byelorussian SSR over the last 10-15 years]. // Soobshcheniya Pribaltijskoi komissii po izucheniyu migratsiy ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migr. Tartu. Issue 20. P.31-35. PF on p.33 in table. In Russ. with Engl. summ. If in 1969 according to Duchits, 1972, PF has not been found breeding, so in 1983 according to authors data, PF was episodic or accidental breeder.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1990. Khishchnye ptitsy i ornitologicheskiy monitoring [Birds of prey and ornithological monitoring]. // Soobshcheniya Pribaltijskoi komissii po izucheniyuy migratsiy ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Comm. for the Study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 22. P.92-101. PF on p.94. In Russ. with Engl. summ. V.M.Galushin asserts, that there some foundations to consider the local PF as a factor of ecological resistance for species-newcomers.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1992. Biologiya nekotorykh redkikh i maloizuchennykh khishchnykh ptits Belorussii [Biology of some rare and little-studied birds of prey of Byelorussia]. // Article dep. in ONP NPETs "Veras-Eco" and Inst. of Zool. of Ac. of Sc. of Byelorussia. 23.11.1992. 09-54. N 164. 37 p. Bibl.62. Russ. with Engl. summ. PF considered as rare, but typical breeding species of large peat bogs (nests on the ground) in 1950-60's. Last proved breeding in 1973. Since that time there were breeding records.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1992. Troficheskie svyazi redkikh khishchnykh ptits Belorusskogo Poozer'ya [Trophical links of rare birds of prey of the Byelorussian Poozer'ye]. // Article dep. in ONP NPETs "Veras-Eco" and Inst. of Zool. of Beloruss. 24.11.1992. 11-16. N173. Russ. with Engl. summ. Data on feeding habits of Osprey, ...and Peregrine were collected in Vitebsk region in 1972-1985. Total number of identified prey items is 1800. Peregrine preyed exclusively on birds. The largest dietary overlap observed between Osprey and White-tailed Eagle (43,8%), White-tailed and Golden Eagles (16,6%), Peregrine and Golden Eagle (17,1%). High territoriality and segregation of feeding ranges, use of different prey size and age classes are the mechanisms of lowering the trophic competition between raptor species.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1993. Biotopicheskoe razmeshchenie i chislennost' skopy, orlana-belokhvosta, berkuta, zmeeyada i sapsana v Severnoi Belorussii [Biotopical distribution and numbers of Osprey, White-tailed Eagle, Golden Eagle, Short-toed Eagle and Peregrine Falcon in Northern Byelorussia]. // Article is dep. in ONP NPETs "Veras-Eco" and Inst. of Zool. of Ac Sc of Beloruss. 10.03.1993. 19-00. N 220. Material is collected in field seasons 1972-1985 on 6 stationary plots (area 800 sq. km) by means of conducting of the absolute count of nests and nesting plots. Calculations for numbers of Osprey, ... Peregrine were carried out. It is concluded that rare raptor number dynamic is a function of transformation of their nesting and hunting habitats from the human side.

Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1995. Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee sapsana v Belarusi [Past, present and future of the Peregrine Falcon in Belarus]. // Fauna i sistematika: Tr. Zool. Muzeya Bel. un-ta [Fauna and Systematics: Proc. of Zool. Museum of Bel. Univ.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Issue 1. P.295-301. Bibliogr.: p.300-301 - 26 titles. In the first half of XX century Peregrine was rare but typical breeding species in Belarus. In central and southern parts of Peregrines bred only on the trees, but in northern part nests were situated mainly on the ground in the large peat bogs. Since mid 1950s population decline began. In 1960s Peregrines disappeared in southern Belarus. The last proved breeding in the north was in 1973. Very good review.

Ivanter, E.V. 1962. Ptisy zapovednika Kivach [Birds of the Kivach Nature Reserve]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No.5. P.68-85. Bibl.7 titl. PF on p.70 is mentioned in list of birds, which irregularly vagrant in NR. These birds were recorded during out-nesting period and were observed, as a rule, only once.

Izmailov, I.V., Starkov, I.A. 1960. Nablyudeniya za proletom ptits v ozernoi doline Eravny (Buryatskaya ASSR) [Observations for bird arrival into the lake valley Yeravny (Buryatian ASSR)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.405-409: ill. PF on p.409 is mentioned in the list of other birds, sighted in the forest or on the edge of it. But all these birds rare, many of them were registered only once.

Izmailov, I.V. 1967. Ptitsy Vitimskogo ploskogor'ya [Birds of the Vitim plateau]. Ulan-Ude, Buryat publ. house. 305 p.: 7 sheets ill., maps.

Jogi, A. 1957. Lindude rongastamine Eesti NSV-s aastail 1938-1955 [Die Vogelberingung in der Estnischen SSR in den Jahren 1938-1955]. // Abiks loodusevaatlejale [In assistance to Nature Observer], vol.33. 82 p., fig., tab. Bibl.10. In Estonian with Russ. and Germ. summ. In Estonia since 1922 till 1967 31 PF were ringed. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Jogi, A. 1959. Monda Eesti kulliliste randest rongastusandmeil [Thoughts about migrations of birds of prey according to ringing data]. // Abiks jahisportlasele [In assistance of Sporting Hunter], p.13-15, fig., tab. In Estonian. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Jogi, A., Ling, R., Onno, S. 1961. Lindude nahtav ranne Puhtu ornitoloogiajaama umbruses 1957.aasta sugisel [The visible migration of birds in the environs of the Puhtu Bird Station during the autumn of 1957]. // Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Ornithological collection of papers], vol.2, p.42-78, ill. -Bibl.9. In Estonian with Russ. and Engl. PF migration is described.

Jogi, A. 1962. Lindude randed [Bird Migrations]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.5, p.304-311, ill. Bibl.9. In Est. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Jogi, A. 1963. Kol'tsevanie ptits v Estonskoi SSR v 1958-1960 [Bird ringing in the Estonian SSR 1958-1960]. //Soobshcheniya Pribaltijskoi komissii po izucheniyu migratsiy ptits [Communications of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration]. N2, p.18-26, ill. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Jogi, A. 1970. Lindude rande uurimise tulemusi Eestis [The Results of Bird Migration Studies in Estonia]. // Linde kahel pool Soome lahte [Birds on either side of the Gulf of Finland]. Tallinn, "Valgus". p.51-70, ill. Bibl.30. Text in Estonian with Finn., Russ. and Engl. summ. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Jogi, A. 1971. Moningate kulliliste randest rongastusandmeil [The migration of some hawk species according to the material of ringing]. // Lindude randest Eestis: Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Bird Migrations in Estonia: Ornithological collection of papers], vol.5, p.200-210, ill. Bibl. 8. In Est. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Johansen, H. 1942. Die ornithophanologischen Beobachtungen F.Baron Hoyningen-Huenes zu Lechts in Estland. // Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. Riga, Bd.64, S.144-171, tab. In German. Clutch of PF and spring arrival are described.

Juhtund, N. 1937. Kulliliste toitumisest [About Accipitres feeding]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.5, p.219-220. In Estonian. Feeding of PF is described.

Juhtund, N. 1939. Vaatlusi rabapistrikust Tallinna linnas ja umbruses [Observations for Perefrine Falcon in Tallinn city and surroundings]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature] 7, No. 2/3, p.82-85, ill. In Estonian. Nesting habitat, nest of PF, feeding and voice are described.

Juris, A. 1938. Faunistilisi tahelepanekuid Kirde-Parnumaalt [Faunistical Remarks on the North-Eastern Part of the District of Parnumaa]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], 6, No 4, p.156-162, ill. Bibl.2 titl. In Estonian with Engl. summ.

Kabilov, T.K., Egamberdyev, Z.Yu., Tangirov, Kh., Saidmuratova, M. 1990. Gel'mintofauna nekotorykh redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Tashlkentskoi oblasti [Helminthofauna of some rare and endangered bird species of the Tashkent Region]. //Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii: Materialy 3-i Respublik. konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of Middle Asia: Mater. of 3 Republ. 1990. Ornith. Conf., Bukhara, oct., 1990. Tashkent, "Fan". P.33-35. PF on p.33-34 (12 lines). In PF 8 species of parasitic worms were discovered-3 nemathodes: Opistorchis geminus (loss, 1896); Strigea falconis (sridat, 1928); Neodiplostomum spathula (greplin, 1829); 2 cestods: Idiogenes flagellum (goeze, 1782); Anomataenia mollis (Volz, 1900); Clodotaenia cylindracea (Block, 1782); 3 nemathodes: Cyanthostoma brodskii (Sultanov, 1946); Cyathostoma sp (Krotow, 1952); Controcaecum rosarium (Connal, 1912).

Kaljuorg, R. 1963. Havitagem roovulukeid ! // Jahist ja ulukitest: ENSV Jahimaj. aastaraamat [About Hunt and Game: Year-book of Hunting Industry of Estonian SSR], p.200-202. In Estonian. Nesting habitat of PF and feeding are described.

Kalnins, R. 1970. Lubanas ezera ielejas ornitofauna. Noverojumi ligzdosanas perioda 1926.-1943. g. // Zool. Muzeja Raksti, Nr.5, 21.-53. lpp. In Latvian. Trustworthy nesting place of PF in Latvia during 1930's-50's were peat bogs: Lielais and Baltie klani - both in vicinity of the Lubana Lake.

Kalyakin, V.N. 1977. O redkikh ptitsakh Yuzhnogo Yamala [On rare birds of Southern Yamal]. // Materialy VII Vsesoyuznoi Orn. Konf.: Tez. dokl. [Materials of the VII All-Union Orn. Conf.: Abstracts]. Kiev, "Naukova dumka", part 2, p.217-219. PF numbers is leaving more or less stable during last decades. In Southern Yamal the PF numbers at present time (1983) in comparison with 1937-1941 dropped in many times.

Kalyakin, V.N. (VNII "Priroda" of Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy v ekosistemakh, perekhodnykh ot taigi k tundre [Birds of prey in ecosystems transitional from taiga to tundra]. // Ekologoya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.20-24. PF on p.20 is mentioned in the list of other raptors, which play considerably great importance in re-distribution of organic elements in space, than other myophages.

Kalyakin, V.N. 1983. Fauna khishchnykh ptits i sostoyanie populyatsij redkikh vidov na Yuzhnom Yamale [Fauna of birds of prey and status of rare species populations in the Southern Yamal. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits: Materialy 1-go Soveshch. po ekologii i okhrane khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey: Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.120-124. PF on p.123 [12 lines]. During last 4 years only 5 pairs bred in area of 4000 sq.km. Breeding efficiency for last years was 1,5 chick per nest (n=14); 40- years ago it was 2,7 (n=9) (Osmolovskaya, 1948). One probably nesting pair was observed in summer 1982. Base among 250 data on feeding - different wader species. The most largest prey - Pintail, Willow Grouse, Muskrat.

Kalyakin, V.N. 1986. Ptitsy mezhdurech'ya Baidaraty i Enzor-Yakhi [Birds of area between Baidarata and Enzor-Yakha]. // Fauna pozvonochnykh Urala i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Fauna of vertebrates of Ural and adjoning territories] Sverdlovsk. P.96-102. PF on p.98. The only pair was observed by us at the end of July near Yara-yakha source, where on the slope of hydrolaccolit these birds are nesting undoubtfully. Nest in 1980, to all probability, was robbed.

Kalyakin, V.N. 1988. Redkie vidy zhivotnykh na Krainem Severo-Zapade Sibiri [Rare animal species in the extreme North-West of Siberia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.97-107. Bibl.18. PF on p.102-103 [ 9 lines]. Situation with PF in Yugor Peninsula and Vaigach continues to be very bad. In 1983 the only pair of PF was recorded by us in this region on unaccessible ridge with height of about 100 m near Chernaya river mouth (Yugor Peninsula). In 1984 pair nested in lower stream of Bol. Oyu River, in 1985 here 4 nests were found (Yu.B.Artyukhin verbal comm.).

Kalyakin, V.N. 1989. Khishchnye ptitsy v ekosistemakh Krainego Severa [Birds of prey in ecosystems of the Extreme North]. // Ptitsy v soobshchestvakh tundrovoi zony [Birds in communities of the tundra zone]. M., "Nauka". P.51-112. Fig.4. Tabl.7. Bibl.102. Peregrine Falcon (F.peregrinus Tunst.) on p.72-75.

Kalyakin, V.N., Ivanova, O.A. 1985. Khlororganicheskie pestitsidy i pozvonochnye zhivotnye Krainego Severa [Chlororganic pesticides and vertebrate animals of the Extreme North]. // Soobshchestva Krainego Severa i chelovek [Communities of the Extreme North and Man]. M., "Nauka". P.169-204.

Kapitonov, V.I. 1957. O vzaimootnosheniyakh nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits i surkov v tundrakh vostochnoi Yakutii [About interelations of some Birds of Prey and Marmots in tundras of eastern Yakutia]. // Zool. zhurnal [Zool. journal]. V.36. Issue 8. P.1228-1232.

Kapitonov, V.I. 1962. Ornitologicheskie nablyudeniya v nizov'yakh Leny [Ornithological observations in lower parts of the Lena River]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 5. P.35-48. PF on p.43-46 (97 lines). Usual unnumerous species, nesting mainly in forestless part of region. One of the most detailed description of nests, nesting habitats, composition of nesting material. 2 photos. Marmots-neighbours of PF.

Karamzin, A.N. 1901. Ptitsy Buguruslanskogo i sopredel'nykh s nim chastei Bugul'manskogo, Buzulukskogo uezdov Samarskoi gubernii i Belebeiskogo uezda Ufimskoi gubernii [Birds of the Buguruslan and adjoining to it parts of Bugulma, Buzuluk uezds of the Samara Province and Belebei uezd of the Ufa Province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Ross. imp. [Materials on Study of Fauna and Flora of Russian Empire] M. Issue 5. P.203-394. See Chibilev, 1995.

Karasov, N.F. 1957. Sokol-sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon]. // Priroda [Nature]. N4. P.117. PF attacked decoy ducks and rubber stuffed ducks on water and on the bank.

Karpiensky. 1904. Wanderfalk im Steinadlerhorst brutend. // Balt. Waidmannsbl., Jg.4, N 12, S.215. In German. In 1902 near Pope settlement (Ventspils District) in modern Latvia PF nested in the old nest of the Golden Eagle.

Karpovich, V.N., Kokhanov, V.D. 1967. Fauna ptits ostrova Vaigach i severo-vostoka Yugorskogo poluostrova [Bird fauna of the Vaigach Island and North-East of the Yugor Peninsula]. // Tr. Kandalakshskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Kandalaksha Nat. Res.]. Murmansk: Publ. house. Issue 5. P.268-335. In Vaigach Is. in 1960 chicks hatching was observed on 5-20th dates of July.

Kartashev, N.N. 1976. Nekotorye osobennosti zreniya ptits Soobshchenie 2 [Some characteristic features of bird vision. Cummunication 2]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 12. P.166-177. PF on p.167. PF sees Dove or Jackdow at a distance of 1000 m.

Kasparson, G.R. 1966. Migratsii dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits i sov Latvijskoi SSR [Migrations of diurnal raptors and owls of the Latvian SSR]. // Migratsii ptits Latvijskoi SSR [Bird migrations of the Latvian SSR]. Riga, "Zinatne", p.5-32; maps. In Latvia since 1925 till 1960 82 PF were ringed and 6 recoveries were received or 7,3%.

Kastepold, T., Kabal, R. 1982. Valjaspool Eesti NSV-d rongastatud lindude taasleiud Eesti NSV-s 1956-1980. [List of recoveries of abroad ringed birds in Estonian SSR 1956-1980]. 140 p. In Estonian with Engl. footnotes. PF on p.56. One chick ringed 07.06.1950 in Taure marsh in Latvia, was killed by man 01.05.1957 in Suurkula, Parnu region in Estonia.

Kazakov, B.A. 1989. Sapsan v Krasnodarskom krae [The Peregrine Falcon in the Krasnodar Territory]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and protected animals]. M. P.66-67 [47 lines]. Annually since 10-51/VII till 20-25/VII observations for PF family were carried out. PF were registered here since 1975. Behaviour of young and adult birds constantly changed. 3 stages were marked out. Details of behaviour. In region of hunt birds appeared simultaneusly with sunraise and hunt could be continued till the middle of day. Interesting ethological observations.

Kazantseva, L.I. 1958. Rezul'taty issledovaniya pogadok khishchnykh ptits [Results of study of raptor's pellets]. //Sb. stud. nauch. rabot po estestv.-mat. tsiklu [Coll. of Stud. Scient. works on Natural-Mat. Cycle]. / Mosk. obl. ped. in-t im. Krupskoi [Krupskaya Mosc. Reg. Ped. Inst.]. Issue 3. P.51-56.

Kerdanov, D.A., Zinov'yev, V.I. 1986. Ob unikal'nom meste gnezdovaniya redkikh vidov ptits [About unique place of nesting of rare bird species] . // Dokl. MOIP [Reports of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.]. Zoologiya i botanika [Zoology and Botany]. 1984. M. P.142-143. Brood, consisted of 1 adult and 2 young birds, was observed during first half of August 1983 near to large peat bog in the Firovskiy District.

Kerdanov, D.A. 1990. Chislennost' khishchnykh ptits Kalininskoi oblasti [Birds of Prey numbers in the Kalinin Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.120-124. Short-toed Eagle and PF are included by us in the list of breeding raptors of Region conditionally, as far as they can be discovered on breeding during further studies.

Khakhlov, V.A. 1937. Kuznetskaya step i Sakair. Ptitsy [The Kuznetsk steppe and Salair. (Birds)]. Part 1 and 2. //Uchen. zapiski Permskogo ped. in-ta [ Scient. notes of Perm ped. inst.], issue 1, p.1-243 with maps; 6 sheets ill. Engl.summ.

Kharkevich, S.S., Vyatkin, P.S. 1977. Ostrov Verkhoturova v Beringovom more [The Verkhoturova Island in the Bering Sea]. // Priroda [Nature]. N4. P.84-92. In summer 1975 and end of July 1976 Falco peregrinus harterti were observed by authors near nest on western shore of island.

Khokhlov, A.N., Vitovich, O.A. 1990. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh vidov ptits Stavropol'skogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Modern status of rare bird species of the Stavropol' Territory and problems of their conservation]. // Redkie, malochislennye i maloizhuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, sparse and little-studied birds of Northewrn Caucasia]. Stavropol. P.102-151. PF on p.130-132. Distribution, breeding phenology, list of food items, hunting on Greenfinches, Beeeaters, bats. !2 eyries are discovered in mountain part of Stavropol Territory. Total numbers - at least 35 specimens. Very detailed review.

Khokhlov, A.N. 1990. Sapsan v Stavropol'skom krae [Peregrine Falcon in the Stavropol Territory]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.93 [11 lines]. In May 1988 Yu.G.Golub' has discovered PF nest in Andropovskiy district. Nevinnomysk town inhabitants have taken chicks for rearing up. List of other sightings during out-breeding season. PF hunted Rock Doves. A.Fedin has shot 2 males, which hunted Rock Doves in Roshchino village.

Khokhlov, A.N. 1995. Sovremennoe sostoyanie fauny sokoloobraznykh Stavropol'skogo kraya i Karachaevo-Cherkesii [Modern status of Falconiformes of the Stavropol Territory and Karachaevo-Cherkesia]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Stavropol'. Proc. of Teberda State Nat. Res. Issue 14. P.25-94. Bibliogr.: 89-94. PF on p.74 (29 lines).

PF is passage, nesting and wintering species. List of sightings and discovery of 1 nest. Distribution, occurrence and phenology. Numbers. Rare migrant. Well-expressed ornithophag - food items.

Khokhlova, T.Yu., Zimin, V.B., Lapshin, N.V., Artem'yev, A.V. 1991. Redkie i malochislennye ptitsy Karelii i predlozheniya po formirovaniyu regional'nykh spiskov vidov, nuzhdayushchikhsya v okhrane i kontrole [Rare and scanty birds of Karelia and proposals on forming of regional lists of species, needed in protection and control]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.110-113. PF on p.111. In the middle of 1980's PF was registered last time.

Kim, T.A. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Sayan, Prisayan'ya i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered birds of Sayany, Prisayan'ye and their conservation]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia. Mater. of Meeting, Shushenskoe, 17-21 March, 1986]. Novosibirsk. P.113-119. Bibl.8. PF on p.116 [4 lines]. 2 nests were discovered: 22.06.1960 in Sisim River valley (3 chicks in the second downy plumage) and 25.07.1965 on Mana near Zherzhul settlement (2 well fl;edged chicks, ready to fly).

Kirikov, S.V. 1952. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie v usloviyakh landshaftov yuzhnoi okonechnosti Urala [Birds and mammals in conditions of landscapes of the southern surroundings (extremety) of the Urals]. M. Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. 412 p.: ill. Author records the PF as rare breeding species along Nugush and Belaya Rivers.

Kirpichnikov, B.D. 1915. Materialy k poznaniyu ptits Kostromskoi gubernii [Materials on study of birds of the Kostroma Province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossijskoi Imperii. Otd. zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora pf Russian Empire. Dept. zool.]. Moscow. Issue 14. P.380-435. PF was common nesting species in Kostroma lowland.

Kislenko, G.S., Naumov, R.L. 1967. Sroki razmnozheniya nekotorykh khishchnikov v Krasnoyarskom krae [Dates of breeding of some raptors in the Krasnoyarsk Territory]. // Materialy III zool. konf. ped. inst-tov RSFSR [Materials of the third zool. conf. of ped. inst. of RSFSR]. Volgograd. P.418-420.

Kishchinskiy, A.A. 1968. Ptitsy Kolymskogo nagor'ya [Birds of the Kolym upland]. M. "Nauka", 188 p. PF on p.48. Certainly PF breeds here.

Kishchinskiy, A.A. 1980. Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus harterti But. // Ptitsy Koryakskogo nagor'ya [Birds of the Koryak upland]. M., "Nauka". P.91-93 (63 lines). Next subheadings: Distribution; Biological observations; Notes on Systematics. Author observed PF in 1959-1960 in Apuka vicinity, where pair nested near sea bird colony on Krasnyi Cape, and in upper part of Achaivayam river, where we have found nest in mountains. Phenology of breeding. Food items in different seasons and nests. Interrelations with Gulls. Nesting habitat and hunting biotope. Phenology of passage. Very informative species account.

Kistchinski, A.A., Tomkovich, P.S., Flint, V.Ye. 1983. Ptitsy basseina Kanchalana [Chukotskiy natsional'nyi okrug [The birds of the Kanchalan River basin, Chukotsk Autonomous area]. // Rasprostranenie i sistematika ptits [Distribution and systematics of birds]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ. Vol. XXI. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.3-76. PF on p.29. We observed PF only once - 10/VII at the middle part of Kanchalan at 40-50 km lower Tnekveem river. PF sat

near edge of high steep river-bank, overgrown by tall nut-woods and Calamagrostis spp.

Klakotskiy, V.P. 1991. Pero orlana [A White-tailed Eagle's feather (this is a correct interpretation, but on the title of book there is a eroneous title "A sea gull's feather)]. Minsk, "Belarus". 208 p. PF on p.59-60 in Byelorussian, on p.192-193 in Russian and p.204-205 [38 lines] in English. General well-known information. It lays up to 4 eggs, 53 by 42 mm in size, 42-46 g in weight. They colouration ranges from white to pale-blue. Chicks take 28-29 days to hatch.

Klimenko, M.I. 1950. Materialy po faune ptits raiona Chernomorskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Materials on bird fauna of region of the Black Sea State Nature reserve]. // Tr. Chernomor. zapovednika [Proc. of the Black Sea State Nat. Res.], issue 1, p.3-52: ill. In steppe the migratory PF are attracting to separate trees, haystacks, field-protective hedges. PF was sighted 29.III in Kherson Region.

Klimov, S.M. (Lipetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore) 1983. Materialy po faune i ekologii khishchnykh ptits Lipetskoi oblasti [Materials on fauna and ecology of birds of prey of the Lipetsk Region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka" P.162-163. PF on p.163. There are 1-2 PF breeding pairs, i.e. 0,04-0,08 pairs per 1000 sq km.

Klitin, O.M. 1956. Do fauny ptakhiv girskykh rajoniv Chernivetskoi oblasti [On bird fauna of the mountain regions of the Chernovtsy Region]. // Pratsi ekspedytsii po kompleksnomu vivcheniyu Karpat i Prikarpattya [Proc. of expedition of the Chernovtsy State Univ.], Ser. biol., v.2, p.121-144. In Ukrainian. Russian Peregrine Falcon breeds in Chernovtsy Region, but nests were not discovered there. By V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977).

Knorre, Ye.P. 1968. Izmeneniya v ornitofaune Raifskogo lesa za poslednie 40 let [Changes in ornithofauna of the Raif forest during last 40 years]. // Materialy itogovoi nauchnoi sessii, posvyashchennoi rabotam, vypolnennym v zapovednike [Materials of final scient. session, dedicated to works, carried out at Nature Reserve]. Kazan', p.68-69. PF has stopped to breed.

Kokhanov, V.D., Bianki, V.V., Koryakin, A.S., Shklyarevich, F.N. 1991. Ptitsy, vklyuchennye v Krasnuyu knigu RSFSR, v Kandalakshskom zalive v 1989 g. [Birds, listed in Red Data Book of the RSFSR, in the Gulf of Kandalaksha in 1989]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.113-115. Tabl.1. PF on p.115 [5 lines]. PF was sighted twice on protected islands near Luven'ga settlement: 13/VIII on Krivoi Is. PF has catched small wader (Great Ringed Plover or Common Sandpiper), 19/VIII PF was seen in northern part of Berezhnogo Vlasova Is. In both cases PF was observed by student I.V.Rebrova.

Kolesnikov, A.D. 1965. O ptitsakh lesov Dnepropetrovshchiny [On birds of forests of the Dniepro-petrovsk area]. //Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.67-70. PF on p.68 is listed among other species, which were not recorded in papers of the previous researchers of this area, but were registered by authors.

Kolesnikov, A.D. 1979. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy lesov yugo-vostoka Ukrainy [Birds of prey and owls of forests of the south-east of Ukraine]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 14. P.77-82. PF on p.77 in table and on p.78-79 [10 lines]. Breeding was recorded by us only in Samarskiy wood twice for all period of studies (in 1954 and 1955). Nests were situated in tall-pine part of wood at a distance of 800 m each from other, on pines in upper parts of crowns, at a height of 18-20 m above ground. Arrival at the end of I-beginning of II decade of May (29/III 1954). Clutch at the end of I-beginning of II decade of May (11/V 1954 - 2 eggs; 8.V 1955 - 1 egg). Chicks appear in the first half of June (14.VI 1955 - 2 downy chicks). In following years PF did not occupy thewse nests. One of them was occupied by Saker Falcon. Sometimes the PF was observed in other regions, however breeding was not discovered.

Komarov, Yu.Ye. (North-Osetian State Nat. Res.) 1985. Fauna khishchnykh ptits i sov Severo-Osetinskogo zapovednika [Fauna of birds of prey and owls of the North-Osetian Nature Reserve]. // Ptitsy severo-zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of the North-Western Caucasia]. M. P.139-151. Fig.1 Tabl.1. Bibl. 5 titl. PF on p.148 [10 lines]. The rarest species. Status in NR is unclear. List of occasional 6 observations in 3 places. Geologists, worked in 1980 in Adaikom gorge, have discovered on the rocky ledge the raptor's nest, similar to PF's nest. Probably, PF breeds in our region, but irregularly.

Komlev, Ye.P. 1988. Sapsan v Kostromskoi oblasti [Peregrine Falcon in the Kostroma Region]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and rational use]. M. P.104. In May 1985 in the Syskino site of Parfenovskiy district 1 PF was sighted.

Komlev, Ye.P. 1990. Sapsan v Kostromskoi oblasti [Peregrine Falcon in the Kostroma Region]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.94 [5 lines]. In the morning 6.09.89 between 10 and 11 o'clock PF was sighted, sitting near fir-top opn ythe ednge of field near Rodino village of Savinskiy area of parfen'evskiy district (between Goreletz and Rodino villages). Though some time the second bird has arrived to the first one.

Konchits, A.M. 1939. Raspredelenie ptits v prirodnom komplekse Tsentral'nogo Lesnogo zapovednika v zavisimosti ot sochetaniya biotopicheskikh faktorov [Bird distribution in the natural complex of Central Forest Nature Reserve in dependence on combination of biotopical factors]. (Manuscript). One pair was bred in the Central-Forest NR in 1930's.

Kondrat'yev, V. 1885. Sistematicheskoe opisanie zhivotnykh v voiske Donskom, sostavlennoe v 1822 godu [Systematical description of animals in the Don Army, compiled in the year of 1822]. // Kazachiy vestnik, gaz. [Kazack's Bull., newspaper]. Novocherkassk. P.48-59. In XIX century PF under name of summer, or red falcon was mentioned as rare nesting bird of the Don Army region.

Konstantinov, V.M., Kotyukov, V.M., Kut'in, S.D., Babenko, V.G. 1990. Redkie vidy ptits nekotorykh raionov Nechernozemnogo tsentra SSSR [Rare bird species of some regions of the Nechernozemnyi centre of the USSR]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.67-72. PF on p.69. Solitary specimen was sighted 02.08.82 in Meshchovsk.

Korelov, M.N. 1956. Fauna pozvonochnykh Bostandykskogo rajona [Fauna of vertebrates of the Bostandykskiy region]. // Priroda i khozyaistvennye usloviya gornoi chasti Bostandyka [Nature and practical conditions of mountain part of Bostandyk]. Alma-Ata. P.259-325: ill.

Korelov, M.N. 1962. Otryad khishchnye ptitsy [Order Falconiformes]. // Ptitsy Kazakhstana [Birds of Kazakhstan], vol.2. Alma-Ata. P.488-707. PF on p.491-497. V.F.Gavrin sighted PF 18 October; 2, 15,16 April and 4 May on Kurgal'dzhin Lake. Very detailed and interesting review.

Koren, J. 1910. Collecting on Tchoukotsk Peninsula. // Warbler, v.6, 2-16. In English. Author has found 07.07.1909 the PF nest with clutch on the Kolyuchin Island. By Krechmar, A.V. et al. (1978).

Korol'kova, G.Ye. (Laboratory of Forestry of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits Tellermanovskogo lesa za 30 let [Raptor numbers change in the "Tellermanovskiy Les" (Tellerman Forest) for 30 years]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.50-52. Tabl.1. PF on p.51, 52. In Table on p.51 PF was breeding by 1-2 pairs in 1950's, by 1 pair in 1960's, was not breeding in 70's and 80's. On p.52 it is said, that if disturbance factor will be removed, according to author's opinion, PF breeding can be restored.

Korotkov, K.O., Morozov, N.S. 1984. Redkie ptitsy Valdaiskogo lesnichestva (Novgorod obl.) [Rare birds of the Valdai forestry (Novgorod Region)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 19. P.181.

16/VIII 1975 in the flight above Valdaika river flood-lands in region of quarter No.77 1 PF was met.

Kostin, V.P. 1956. Zametki po ornitofaune levoberezh'ya nizov'yev Amu-Dar'i i Ustyurta [Notes on ornithofauna of the left-side lower Amu Daria River and Ustyurt]. // Tr. In-ta zool. i parazitol. [Proc. of Inst. Zool. and Parasithol. of the Ac. of Sc. of the UzSSR], issue 8. Tashkent. P.79-127. Very early sighting of weakened bird in August 1945 near Chutuk well in the north of Karakalpak Ustyurt is not similar to other observations to date. According to opinion of Mitropol'skiy, Fotteler, Tret'yakov (1987) this bird was uncorrectly identified.

Kostin, Yu.V. 1970. Ptitsy Kryma [Birds of the Crimea']. Avtoref. kand. diss. na soisk....[Author's abstracts of thesis]. Kiev. 453 p. PF breeds even now on mountains Chernaya, Basmanm and Chatyrdag in places, where it was discovered 30 years ago. Author bagged also a pair of PF in the Crimea in Spril-May on Ayudag, in western part of Karaba-Yaila and on the ground precipices between Portovoe settlement and Bokal'skya Spit in Razdol'nenskiy district. Near Chuchela mountain F.A.Kiselev has found 29.IV on the PF nest 2 chicks and 1 chicks under the nest; 31.III.1961 on Chernaya mountain a clutch of 3 eggs has been in PF' nest. On Chernaya mountain 12.VI.1961 author observed brood of 3 young birds, which already flew, but gravitated to nest. See Kostin, Yu.V. 1983.

Kostin, Yu.V., Dulitskiy, A.I. 1978. Ptitsy i zveri Kryma [Birds and mammals of the Crimea]. Simferopol', "Tavriya". 112 p.: ill. PF on p.19. Formerly common species as Peregrine and Saker, now became rarities. Local birds have vanished. In late autumn and in winter still it is possible to sight these biords, guests from northern regions.

Kostin, Yu.V., Dulitskiy, A.I., Mal'tsev, I.V. 1981. Redkie zhivotnye Kryma. Spravochnik [Rare animals of the Crimea. Manual]. Simferopol, "Tavriya". P.80-81. Now very rare species. See Kostin, Yu.V. 1983.

Kostin, Yu.V. 1983. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Ptitsy Kryma [Birds of the Crimea]. M., Moscow Naturalist's Soc., "Nauka". P.66-67 (65 lines). Very good review. F.p.peregrinus Tunst. are sighting on passage and wintering quarters in the Crimea. Breeding here PF are belonged to group of smaller and bright southern forms, united in subspecies F.p.brookei Scharpa (by Stepanyan, 1975). Mistake by Pusanow, 1933. Very few data with migration dates of both subspecies. Feeding biotop. Nesting biotop. List of sightings during breeding season. Since 1973 there are not sighting more in this time of year. Breeding phenology. Description of one nest. Sizes of eggs. Specialized ornithophag. Food items. Moulting is not studied. Crimean population either vanished or threatened. Urgent conservation measures are strictly necessary.

Kostin, A.B. 1992. Zimuyushchie khishnye ptitsy Samurskogo zakaznika [Wintering birds of prey of the Samur game reserve]. // Fauna i ekologiya zhivotnykh [Fauna and ecology of animals]. Tver State Univ. Tver. P.70-75. Samur Game Reserve is situated in the south of Daghestan in zone of mild winters: frostless period reachs 235-250 days, stable snow cover is absent. Occurrence of 9 raptor species is characterized. PF is recorded not annually, episodically - Rough-legged Buzzard and Saker Falcon.

Kovshar', A.F. 1966. Ptitsy Talasskogo Alatau [Birds of the Talasskiy Alatau]. Alma-Ata, "Kainar". 435 p.: ill. (Proc. of nature reserves of Kazakhstan. Vol.1. Proc. of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nat. Res. Issue 3).

Kovshar, A.F., Levin, A.S. 1982. Katalog oologicheskoi kollektsii Instituta zoologii AN KazSSR [Catalogue of oological collection of Inst. of Zoology of Ac. of Sc. of the Kazakh SSR]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka" of the Kazakh SSR. 101 p.

Kovshar', A.F., Kuzmina, M.A. 1984. Katalog ornitologicheskoi kollektsii Instituta Zoologii AN KazSSR [Catalogue of the ornithological collection of the Inst. of Zoology of the Ac. of Sc. of the Kazakh SSR]. "Nauka" of the Kazakh SSR. Alma-Ata. 83 p. PF on p.19. Total: (3,3,6,0,0,0=12): by regions: Northern Kazakhstan-0,1,1,0,0,0; Eastern Kazakhstan-1,2,0,0,0,0; Betpak-Dala and Muyunkum-1,0,0,0,0,0; Southern Cis-Balkhash Lake area-1,0,5,0,0,0.

Kovshar', A.F. 1988. Mir ptits Kazakhstana [World of birds of Kazakhstan]. Alma-Ata, "Mektep". 272 p. PF on p.98. Scientific-popular sketch.

Kozlova, Ye.V. 1930. Ptitsy Yugo-zapadnogo Zabaikal'ya, Severnoi Mongolii i Tsentral'noi Gobi [Birds of the South-western Transbaikalia, northern Mongolia and central Gobi]. L., Publ. house of the USSR Ac Sc. 396 p. with ill.; 1 sheet maps., Bibliogr.: p.356-360.

Krechmar, A.V. 1962. O landshaftnom raspredelenii ptits yugo-zapadnogo Taimyra [On the landscape distribution of birds of the south-western Taimyr]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 4. P.29-39: ill. PF on p.39. In some places rivers break through outcrops of rocks and wash out deep canyons with steep rocky walls (rapids on Khantaika river, Oron fall on Rybnaya river, fig.7). In such places Falco peregrinus Tunst. set up own nests.

Krechmar, A.V. 1963. O sezonnykh yavleniyakh v zhizni ptits raiona Noril'skikh ozer [On seasonal phenomena in bird life of the Norilsk Lakes region]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 6. P.37-48: ill. PF on p.38 in the table. Dates of PF arrival in 1958 - 19 May, in 1959 - 28 May. In determination of date of arrival mistake is possible, because these birds in environs of stationary point in spring are sighting seldom. PF disappears on 1 October 1959 in upper Rybnaya River.

Krechmar, A.V., Leonovich, V.V. 1965. Vesenniy prolet ptits na Zapadnom Taimyre [The spring bird arrival in Western Taimyr]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.29-35: ill. PF on p.30. 22 May 1961 solitary PF and Bean Geese were observed, and near houses - several Snow Buntings.

Krechmar, A.V. 1966. Ptitsy Zapadnogo Taimyra [Birds of Western Taimyr]. // Biologiya ptits [Biology of birds]. M.; L. Tr. Zool. in-ta [Proc. Zool. Inst.] / AN SSSR [Ac Sc of the USSR]. V.39. P.185-312: ill., maps. Falco peregrinus leucogenus Brehm on p.235-238. Photo 1. Breeding places were known along rivers Rybnaya, Khantaika in the south-west of Taimyr. In 1960's nesting pairs in the most investigated regions of Western Taimyr were sighted along rivers in 15-20 km. In tundras and northern forest-tundra of Taimyr PF is quite common. Trend of numbers decline was seen already in 1960's.

Krechmar, A.V., Andreev, A.V., Kondrat'yev, A.Ya. 1978. Ekologiya i rasprostranenie ptits na severo-vostoke SSSR [Ecology and distribution of birds in the North-East of the USSR]. M., "Nauka". 195 p. PF on p.41 and 138. P.41: list of sightings near nests; nesting habitats; PF tried to attack flock of 5 flying Bean Geese, after failure PF has approach to Geese's profiles (made by hunters); 7.06.77 tried to catch Grey Phalarope. P.138: very rare bird in study area; list of sightings. Collection of Inst. of Biol. Probl. of North a femal stuffed skins is keeping, bagged by Lyutsuk in Enurmino environs 28.07.71; list of separate sightings.

Krechmar, A.V., Nazarenko, A.A. 1989. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771)]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sovetskogo Dal'nego Vostoka i ikh okhrana [Rare vertebrates of the Soviet Far East and their protection]. Leningrad, "Nauka" Publ. house. Leningrad Branch. Bibl.12. P.98-99 [96 lines]. Map of distribution on p.98. Breeding is possible on Wrangel Island, in the Amur River basin and other parts of Soviet far East. Total numbers in this region can be estimated at 200-500 pairs.

Krechmar, A.V., Andreev, A.V., Kondrat'yev, A.Ya. 1978. Ekologiya i rasprostranenie ptits na severo-vostoke SSSR [Ecology and distribution of birds in the North-East of the

USSR]. M., "Nauka". 195 p. PF on p.41 [12 lines] and 138 [12 lines]. On rocky precipices of Kolyma and Omolon PF on breeding are not special rarity. 14.08.66 we observed one pair. Probably, nest was situated very near judging by birds behaviour. 20.05.66 we observed howe PF persecuted 5 raoidly flying Bean Geese, after unsuccessful attack on them, PF came to Goos's profiles. 7.06.66 above marsh in upper Alazeya river PF tried to catch Grey Phalarope. On p.138 - very rare bird in the study area. Female is keeping in collections of Inst. of Biol. Problems of the North, bagged 28.07.71. Workers of Polar Station on the Kolyuchin Island recorded PF as rare vagrant bird. We observed solitary PF only 10.09.73 in environs of Rekokauer cape and 19.07.74 on Belyaka Spit.

Kreilis, M. (Compiler). 1990. News Review. // Putni Daba 3. Riga, "Zinatne". P.186-191. PF on p.188 (observation by Ugis Bergmanis). In Latvian.

Krever, T.N., Krever, V.G. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika [Birds of prey and owls of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.63-69. Reference to A.A.Pershakov (1926) - 1 PF pair was bred. By the end of 1970's-beginning of 1980's PF did not breed at NR.

Krever, V.G. (TsNIL Glavokhoty RSFSR) 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. //Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.138-155. Tabl.2. PF on p.145-146 in the table. In the list of 50 Nature Reserves of Russian Federation PF is occurring at 36 NR, including 16 NR, where PF is nesting. Exact number of breeding pairs is given only for 2 NR.

Krivonosov, G.A., Vinogradov, V.V., Bondarev, D.V., Rusanov, G.M. 1977. Redkie vidy ptits Severokaspiyskogo regiona ikh okhrana i izuchenie [Rare bird species of the North-Caspian Sea region and their conservation and study]. //Redkie zhivotnye i ikh okhrana v SSSR [Rare animals and their conservation in the USSR]. M. P.87-90. PF on p.89 (4 lines). It is sighting during migration periods. During 1 year on 3 plots of the Astrakhan NR from 3 to 7 solitary PF are registered. In warm winters it is common in Northern Caspian Sea area, in places of mass waterfowl concentration.

Krivonosov, G.A., Rusanov, G.M., Reutskiy, N.D., Bondarev, D.V., Gavrilov, N.N. 1991. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Astrakhanskiy zapovednik [Astrakhan Nature Reserve]. M., Agropromizdat. P.117-148. PF on p.128. PF is regularly sighting during migration periods and in wintering.

Krivosheev, V.G. 1960. Novye materialy po avifaune basseina Yany [New materials on avifauna of the Yana River basin]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.98-105. PF on p.99 in the table. Occurrence of birds in various natural habitats (% of total number of sightings). For PF-1,7% in the larch woods along valleys and gorges of streams. Census was carried out since 15 May till 5 July 1959; total quantity of sightings-117.

Krutovskaya, Ye.A. 1958. Ptitsy zapovednika "Stolby" [Birds of the "Stolby" Nature Reserve]. // Tr. zapovednika "Stolby" [Proc. of "Stolby" State Nature Reserve]. Krasnoyarsk: Publ. house. Issue 2. P.206-285: ill. Author considered PF as nesting species of rocky massives in mountain-taiga part of Nature Reserve.

Krylov, D.G. 1965. Osobennosti razmeshcheniya khishchnykh ptits na Sarydzhazskikh syrtakh Tsentral'nogo Tyan'-Shanya [Peculiarities of distribution of birds of prey on the Sarydzhazskie syrts of the Central Tien Shan]. //Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.203-208. PF on p.204 [3 lines]. It was observed only once 11.08.1961 in upper Kuilyu River, and Manasyntash place. "Syrt" - plain or slightly wavy surfaces in mountains of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.

Kucheruk, V.V., Kovalevskiy, Yu.V., Surbanos, A.G. 1975. Izmeneniya naseleniya i fauny ptits Yuzhnogo Yamala za poslednie 100 let [Changes of population and bird fauna of Southern Yamal for last 100 years]. // Byull. MOIP [Bulletin of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.], dept. biol., v.80. N1. P.52-54. In Yamal peninsula, among 6 nesting plots of PF, existed in 1937-1942 on the Shchuch'ya River, by 1973 all diappeared. PF numbers is leaving more of less stable during last decades.

Kuchin, A.P. 1966. K biologii razmnozheniya khishchnykh ptits i sov v Verkhnem Priob'ye [On breeding biology of birds of prey and owls in Upper Priob'ye]. // Voprosy ekologii: Materialy k III soveshch. zoologov Sibiri [Questions of ecology: Mater. for III Meeting of zoologists of Siberia]. Tomsk, Tomsk Univ. press. P.148-149.

Kuchin, A.P. 1976. Ptitsy Altaya [Birds of Altai]. Barnaul, Altai Publ. House. 232 p. Nests with eggs and clutches were found near Lokot' settlement. During migration seasons PF was sighted on the Utkul' Lake.

Kuchin, A.P. (Gorno-Altaisk Ped. Inst.) 1983. Materialy po khishchnym ptitsam Altaya, zanesennym v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR [Materials on birds of prey of Altai, listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.134-136. PF on p.136 [7 lines]. PF nest was found by V.M.Zubarovskiy in

Uimon hollow, in Ak-Kema river mouth (right tributary of Katun'), 11.06.61. It was located on precipice of steep rock at a height of 100 m. There were 2 eggs in nest, female incubated clutch. We could sight PF near Ten'ginskoe Lake 19.06.75 and in Ursul R. valley, near Elo village 31.08.79.

Kuchin, A.P., Tokarev, V.I. 1995. Khishchnye ptitsy basseina r.Lebedi [Birds of Prey of the Lebed' River basin]. // Voprosy ornitologii. Tex. dokl. k V konf. orn. Sibiri [Problems of Ornithology. Abstracts for Vth Conf. of Ornithologists of Siberia]. Barnaul. P.111-112. PF on p.112 [4 lines]. PF was registered in breeding places in 1993 on rocks near Chebichen' 11 April, near Maiskiy - 17 April. In autumn it was recorded in region of Chebichen' 13.09.87, on Albas - 1.11.93.

Kumari, E. 1940. Rabapistrikust jahimajanduse seisukohalt [About Peregrine Falcon from the point of view of hunting industry]. // Eesti Mets [Estonian Forest] 20, No 9, p.355-359, ill. Bibl. in text. In Estonian. Feeding of PF is described.

Kumari, E.V. 1953. Korgrabade linnustikust ja selle dunaamikast seoses rabade kuivendamisega [Ornithofauna of peat bogs and its dynamics in connection with drainage of bogs]. // Eesti NSV fauna ja floora uurimise kusimusi [Problems of study of fauna and flora of Estonian Republic]. Tallinn, p.154-166. In Eston. with Russ. summ. Feeding of PF is described.

Kumari, E.V. 1955. Fauna ptits prirodnykh landshaftov yugo-zapadnoi Estonii [Bird fauna of natural landscapes of the south-western Estonia]. // Tr. Zool. in-ta [Proc. of Zool. Inst. of the USSR Ac Sc], vol.17, M.-L. P.266-294, ill. Bibl.4. Population of density and nesting habitat of PF, feeding are described.

Kumari, E.V. 1958. Ptitsy verkhovykh bolot Pribaltiki [Birds of peat bogs of Baltic region]. // Priroda [Nature]. N3. P.103-106, ill. Bibl. in footnotes. Nesting habitat of PF is described.

Kumari, E.V. 1965. Verkhovye bolota Estonii kak mesto obitaniya ptits [The peat bogs as a bird habitats]. //Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 7. P.36-43. PF on p.40. PF, which is connected in Estonia only with peat bogs, nesting usually on the ground and reminds in this respect the tundra subspecies. At the same time Merlin breeds in crown of pygmy pines and only in rare cases on the ground.

Kumari, E. 1966. Palutakse andmeid rabapistriku kohta [A Request for Information about the Peregrine Falcon]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.4, p.251-252. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Ditribution and numbers are described.

Kumari, E.V. 1967. Sise-Hiiumaa linnustikust [The Bird Fauna of the Interior of Hiiumaa Is.]. // Laane-Eesti meresaarte linnustik: Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Avifauna of sea islands of Western Estonia: Ornithological collection of papers], vol.4, p.43-60, ill. Bibl.8. In Est. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Nesting habitat of PF and feeding are described.

Kumari, E. 1972. Changes in the bird fauna of Estonian peat bogs during the last decades. // Aquilo. Ser. Zool. Oulu, 13, p.45-46. In Engl. Summaries in Russ. and Germ. Distribution and numbers are described.

Kumari, E.V. 1974. Past and present of the Peregrine Falcon in Estonia. // Estonian wetlands and their life. Tallinn, "Valgus" Publ. P.230-253, 14 white-black photos. Bibl. 32. In English. One of the main papers on PF in the former USSR. Excellent review. Table 1 - Clutch size of the PF (87 clutches in all) on p.239; Table 2 - Recoveries (total 8) of the PF ringed in Estonia as nestlings.

Kumari, E., Jogi, A. 1974. Lindude rongastamine Eesti NSV-s aastail 1956-1967 [Die Vogelberingung in der Estnischen SSR in den Jahren 1956-1967]. // Abiks loodusevaatlejale [In Assistance to Nature Observer], nr.67. 239 p. In Eston. with Russ. and Germ. summ. In Estonia since 1922 till 1967 31 PF were ringed. Recoveries of ringed PF.

Kumari, E.V. 1975. [We could not discover this title in contents of this book !!!!] Sud'ba populyatsiy sapsana v Evrope [Fate of the Peregrine Falcon populations in Europe]. // Mater. Vsesoyuz. konf. po migrtsiyam ptits [Materials of the All-Union Conf. on bird migrations (Moscow, 1975)]. Part 2. M. P.274. Distribution and numbers are described.

Kumari, E. 1976. Vom Schicksal der Wanderfalken-Populationen in Europa. // Der Falke, Bd 23, N 1, S.6-10. In German.

Kumari, E. 1985. Pribaltiyskaya zima i pereletnye ptitsy [Winters in the Baltic area and migratory birds]. //Soobshch. Pribalt. komiss. po izuch. migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Comm. for the study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 17. P.3-13. In Russ. with Engl. summ. PF on p.6-7. Separate PF specimens in former decades wintered in some areas and hunted Rock Doves even in cities, however after extinction of this species as a nesting bird of Baltic region the wintering PF have disappeared too.

Kustov, Yu.I. 1981. Birds of prey of the Minusinsk depression. Author's abstracts of thesis. M., 1981. 15 p.

Kustov, Yu.I. 1982. Khishchnye ptitsy Minusinskoi kotloviny [Birds of prey of the Minusinsk depression]. // Migratsii i ekologiya ptits Sibiri [Migrations and ecology of birds of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka" of Sib. Branch. 49-59. Tabl.3. Bibl.42. PF on p.25 in Table 1 and p.53 in Table 2. Density of PF in right-Yenisei river side area is 0,5 breeding pair per 100 sq. km of forest in Kyzykul' stationar. In 1950's was common bird, in 1979 became rare.

Kustov, Yu.I. 1988. Perspektivy razvitiya populytsiy khishchnykh ptits v Minusinskoi kotlovine [Prospects of development of raptor populations in the Minusinsk hollow]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Mater. of meeting, Shushenskoe 17-21.03.1986. Novosibirsk. P.130-134. PF on p.131 is mentioned as rare species.

Kutubidze, M.Ye. 1974. (Original in Georgian, can not be reproduced here) [Ecology-faunistical review of birds of Great Caucasia within limits of Western Georgia]. // Materials on fauna of Georgia. Issue IV. Tbilisi, "Metsniereba". P.284-332. PF on p.296. In Georgian with Russ. summ.

Kuznetsov, A.V. 1986. Chislennost' gnezdyashchikhsya khishchnykh ptits Kostromskoi nizmennosti [Numbers of the nesting birds of prey of the Kostroma lowland]. // Vsesoyuznoe soveshchanie po probleme kadastra i ucheta zhivotnogo mira [Abstracts of All-Union Meeting on problems of cadastre and census of wildlife]. M. P.324-325. Population density for PF - 1 pair per 500 sq. km.

Kuznetsov, A.V. 1990. Redkie ptitsy Kostromskoi oblasti [Rare birds of the Kostroma Region]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh (materialy k Krasnoi knige) [Results of study of rare animals (Materials for Red Data Book)]. M. P. 42-46. PF on p.45 [4 lines]. Presently there is not any nesting pairs. Sometimes rare sightings of birds during breeding period are recording. In our stationary point in the Kostroma lowland unbreeding bird was sighted in summer period during 5 years.

Kuznetsov, A.A., Banin, D.I. 1982. Materialy k ornitofaune Verkhnei Svanetii [Materials on ornithofauna of the Upper Svanetia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue no 17. p.169, 170 (table). PF on p.170. PF is an inhabitant of subalpine meadows in thsi region.

Kuznetsov, A.A. 1983. Spisok ptits Verkhnei Svanetii [The list of the birds of Upper Svanetia]. // Rasprostranenie io sistematika ptits [Distribution and systematics of birds]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ. Vol. XXI. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.186-190. PF on p.187 in table as rare species, which can be met in subalpine meadows (1800-2100 m a.s.l.) with birch groves, mountain maple, brushes of azalia and honeysuckle, with dense high grass.

Kuznetsov, A.V. 1993. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika naseleniya khishchnykh ptits v ryadu antropogenno-transformirovannykh territoriy Verkhnevolzh'ya [Comparative characteristic of Birds of Prey in a series of anthropogenic-transformed territories]. Avtoref. na soisk. step. kand. biol. nauk [Author's abstracts of thesis]. M. 20 p. Bibl.10 titl. PF in the table on p.9. See lower.

Kuznetsov, A.V. 1994. Khishchnye ptitsy Kostromskoi nizmennosti [Birds of prey of the Kostroma Lowland]. // Modern Ornithology 1992. M., "Nauka". P.86-93. Tabl.3. Bibl. 6 titl. Numbers of breeding PF pairs in Kostroma Stationary Area (118 sq. km) on p.87 in the Table 1 in 1978 - 0, in 1982 - 1 (?), in 1983 - 1 (?), average - 1,0 (?) and mean density for 3 years - 0,8 (?) pair per 100 sq.km. In Table 3 on p.88 - PF - very rare and breeding is under question. Food remains, left by PF, are meeting near colonies of gulls, lapwings, and also on fields, where Rock Doves are feeding, since spring till the end of summer. In spite of thorough searchings we could not find a nest.

Kuznetsov, E.A., Anzigitov, D.V. 1990. Vstrechi redkikh ptits Podmoskov'ya v okrestnostyakh s.Krasnovidovo (Mozhaiskiy raion) [Sightings of rare birds of Cis-Moscow area in the vicinity of the Krasnovidovo settlement]. //Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.167-168. PF on p.167. PF was sighted only once 30.04.89.

Kuznetsov, N.V., Makkoveeva, I.I. 1959. Zhivotnyi mir Yaroslavl'skoi oblasti [Wildlife of the Yaroslavl' Region]. Yaroslavl'. 228 p.: ill. Trustful breeding of separate PF pair is known from this region.

Kuz'menko, V.Ya., Ivanovskiy, V.V. 1984. Verkhovye bolota kak estestvennye rezervaty redkikh ptits [Peat bogs as natural reservates of rare birds]. // Problemy regional'noi ekologii zhivotnykh v tsikle zoologicheskikh distsiplin pedvuza [Problems of regional ecology og animals in cycle of zool. disciplines of ped. college]. Abstracts. Part 1. Vitebsk. 95-96. PF on p.95. PF breeds in Byelorussian Poozer'ye exclusively on peat bogs. Thuis, peat bogs are the last refuge for them.

Labutin, Yu.V., Solomonov, N.G., Larionov, G.P., Pshennikov, A.Ye. 1964. K ekologii nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits Tsentral'noi Yakutii [On ecology of some birds of prey of Central Yakutia] // Uchen. zap./Yakut. gos. un-t [Scient. notes. / Yakutian State Univ. Issue 15. P.65-79.

Labutin, Yu.V. (Compiler). 1987. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga Yakutskoi ASSR [Red Data Book of the Yakutian ASSR]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka" Siber. Branch. P.49-51 [95 lines]. Bibl. 12 titl. B&w figure and map on p.50. Typical for Red Data Book subheadings. Earlier common species, in some sites numerous, now rare species, those number is declining. Chapter "Numbers" is more informative.

Labutin, Yu.V., Germogenov, N.I., Pozdnyakov, V.I. 1988. Sapsan [Falco peregrinus Tunst., 1771]. // Ptitsy okolovodnykh landshaftov doliny nizhnei Leny [Birds of the near-water landscapes of the Lower Lena valley]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.67-69 (61 lines, excluding table) . Tabl.1. Photo 1. List of sightings. In Lena valley to north of North Polar Circle PF is more common. List of nest. Nesting habitats. Hunting areas. Fate on one nest (phenology). Material on PF breeding is not complete to do certain conclusions. In Table 28 on p.69 composition of PF food (central plot, 1980) remains (n=88) in absolute amount and % and pellets (n=44) in quantity of sightings and %. Hunting on the Herring Gull chicks, however they absent in composition of pellets and food remains. On p.179 in Table 80 "Main parameters of food and biotopical links of raptorial birds" PF is mentioned. On p.180 - distance between 8 nests of 5 different raptorial species, including 2 nests of PF.

Labzyuk, V.I., Nazarov, Yu.N., Nechaev, V.A. 1971. Ptitsy ostrovov severo-zapadnoi chasti zaliva Petra Velikogo [Birds of islands of the north-western part of the Petra Velikogo gulf]. // Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na yuge Dal'nego Vostoka [Ornithological researches in the south of Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok. P.52-78. PF breeds on Karamzina Islands, Bolshoi Pelis and Stenina Islands, situated in the Gulf of the Peter of the Great.

Labzyuk, V.I. 1975. Letnyaya avifauna morskogo poberezh'ya v raione zaliva Ol'gi [Summer avifauna of the sea coast in region of the Olga Gulf]. // Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na Dal'nem Vostoke [Ornithological researches in the Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok. P.279-284. PF breeds in environs of the Olga Gulf.

Ladygin, A.V. 1991. Nablyudenie dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits i sov v basseine r.Chuni (Evenkiyskiy avtonomnyi okrug) [Observation of diurnal birds of prey and owls in Ghunya River basin (Evenkia Autonomous District). // Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k noferentsii [Ornithological Problems of Siberia. Abstracts of Conf.]. Barnaul. P.144-145. PF on p.145. One pair was recorded near Strelka-Chunya settlement 26.05.85.

Lanovenko, Ye.N. 1990. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi UzSSR i SSSR v nauchnykh kollektsiyakh IZP AN UzSSR, TashGU i MGU [Birds from Red Data Book of the USSR in scientific collections of Inst. of Zool. and Parasithol. of the UzSSR, Tashkent and Moscow State Univ.]. //Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii: Materialy 3-i Respublik. konf. [Rare and little-studied birds of Middle Asia: Mater. of 3 Republ. 1990. Ornith. Conf., Bukhara, oct., 1990. Tashkent, "Fan". P.22-24. PF on p.23 (6 lines). There 3 ex. in collection of Moscow St. Univ. F.p.leucogenys, unmentioned in literature sources. Young female was bagged by I.I.Kolesnikov in Nov. 1926 near Samarkand - on Dargom bank on the way to Agalyk. Wintering bird (female) was bagged by Kh.S.Salikhbaev 15.12.48 in Amu Daria River delta in Samantai-tugai. Exemplar from Menzbier's collection (female 23.01-05.02.1912) was bagged near Nikol'skiy settlement of former Tashkent uezd.

Larionov, G.P. 1982. O srokakh razmnozheniya ptits Tsentral'noyakutskoi taigi [On dates of bird breeding in the Central-Yakutian taiga]. // Migratsii i ekologiya ptits Sibiri [Migrations and ecology of birds of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Sib. Branch. P.66-73. Fig.2. Tabl.2. Bibl.6. PF on p.70 in the table - PF begins egg-laying in the 3rd decade of May.

Larionov, et al. ? 1991. By Potapov, E. 1996.

Larionov, P.D. 1957. Materialy po pitaniyu i razmnozheniyu vostochno-sibirskogo perepelyatnika (Accipiter nisus nisosimilis Tickell) i yakutskogo sokola (Falco peregrinus kleinshcmidti Dem.) [Materials on feeding and breeding of Eastern-Siberian Sparrow-hawk (Accipiter nisus nisosimilis Tickell) and Yakutian Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus kleinschmidti Dem.)]. // Uchen. zap. [Scient. notes] / Yakut. Univ. Issue 1. P.120-132.

Lebedev, V.D., Filin, V.R. 1959. Ornitologicheskie nablyudeniya v Zapadnoi Chukotke [Ornithological observations in Western Chukotka]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 2. P.122-129. PF on p.128. Falco peregrinus leucogenus Brehm is recorded once 8.VII in south-western shore of the Aion Is.

Ledyaikina, M.A. (Mordovian Nature Reserve) 1985. Faunisticheskiy obzor khishchnykh ptits i sov Mordovskogo zapovednika [Faunistical review of birds of prey and owls of the Mordovian Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.58-63. PF on p.61 [4 lines]. By data of cartotheca there were 2 sightings of PF - in Sept. 1971 and July 1975. In Mordovia it was not sighted during next years (Lugovoi, 1975), was not registered in NR too.

Leito, A. 1972. Rabapistriku pesitsemisest meil [About the Breeding of the Peregine Falcon nesting in Estonia]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], 15, No6, p.331, ill. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. The last confirmed breeding of PF in Estonia is related to 1972 from Laanemaa- western region of Estonia. Nesting habitat and feeding are described.

Lelov, E. 1973. Kulliliste kevad- ja sugisrandest 1969.-1971.a. Parnus [On the Spring and Autumn Migrations of Hawks at Parnu in 1969-1971]. // Loodusevaatlusi 1972, vol.1, p.132-135, tab. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. PF migration is described.

Lelov, E. 1983. O chislennosti khishchnykh ptits i eyo izmeneniyakh v Khalinga v 1978-1982 gg [On numbers of birds of prey and its changes in Halinga 1978-1982]. // Tez. dokl. VI Pribaltiyskoi orn. konf. [Abstracts of the XI Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.]. Tallinn. P.131-133. PF on p.132. Tabl.1. Formerly PF was breeding bird here.

Lelov, E. 1990. O plotnosti naseleniya khishchnykh ptits v statsionare Khalinga [Population density of raptors in the Halinga area]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. Komiss. po izuch. migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration]. Tartu. Issue 22. P.118-129. PF on p.120. In Russ. with Engl. summ. In 1970's in southern part of area, to all probability, PF nested (1 male or female). Birds were sighted in spring and autumn, tracks of their activity (prey) were found here too. In Sept. 1983 author again has sighted 1 specimen during autumn passage.

Lepiksaar, J. 1951. Loomastikust Alutaguse polismetsas [About wildlife of Alutaguse forest]. // Tulimuld. Lund, nr.2, p.297-304. In Eston. Nesting habitat of PF is described.

Lerkhe, A.V. 1940. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Priroda Rostovskoi oblasti [Nature of the Rostov Region] / Roston-na-Donu. P.257-280 with ill. Bibliogr.: p.310. Author considers PF as mass autumn-passage species, includes it in the list of nesting species of the Rostov Region, though records about doubtful breeding here. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Lerkhe, A.V. 1941. See above. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Letopis prirody Bashkitrskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika za 1931-1951 i 1958-1982 gody [Chronicle of nature of Bashkirian State Nature Reserve for 1931-1951 and 1958-1982]. 1969. Rukopisi fondovykh materialov Bashkirskogo zapovednika [Manuscripts of fond materials of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve], vol. 01-32. There is the only sighting of PF 2 May 1969.

Lietuvos fauna [Lithuanian Fauna]. 1990. Pauksciai [Birds]. Vilnius. Vol.1. In Lithuan.

Lilleleht, V., Leibak, E. 1992. Linnuharuldused Eestis kuni aastani 1989: Eesti linnuharulduste komisjoni aruanne (3) [Rarities in Estonia till 1989: report of the Estonian Rarities Committee (3)]. // Hirundo. Nr.10. Tartu. P.3-20. PF on p.6-7. In Estonian. List of all sightings 23 unaccepted observations of PF and 8 were under consideration.

Lilleleht, V., Leibak, E. 1993. Eesti lindude systemaatiline nimestik, staatus ja arvukus [List, status and numbers of Estonian birds]. // Hirundo Nr.1(12). Tartu. P.3-50. PF on pp.16,44. In Eston. with English footnotes. Number of PF breeding pairs - 0-3. Changes in status and population trends 1901-1940-(0); 1941-1970-(0), strong decrease; 1971-1990-extinct as a regular breeding bird during the study period.

Lindberg, P. 1977. Att radda notade rovfaglar-infryck fran en resa i Nordamerika. // Fauna och flora (Sver.), v.72, No 5.

Lint, A., Rootsmae, L., Veroman, H. 1963. Randlindude saabumine Eestisse 1936-1940 ja 1948-1956 [Ankunft der Zugvogel in Estland in den Jahren 1936-1940 und 1948-1956]. // Abiks Loodusevaatlejale [In the assistance of nature observer], nr.50. 154 p., tab., maps. Bibl.12. In Eston. with Russ. and Germ summ. Spring arrival of PF is described.

Lipin, S.I., Durnev, Yu.A., Danchinova, G.A., Anuchina, N.F. 1980. Ranne-vesenniy aspekt ornitofauny reki Kargy (Yugo-Zapadnaya Tuva) [Early-spring aspect of ornithofauna of the Karga River (South-Western Tuva)]. // Problemy prirodnoi ochagovosti chumy. Tezisy dokl. k 4-oi sov.-mong. konf. spetsialistov protivochumnykh uchrezhdeniy [Problems of natural fociness of plague. Abstracts for the 4th Soviet-Mongolian Conf. of Specialists of Anty-Plague Organizations]. Kyzyl. Part 3. Irkutsk. P.95.

Lipin, S.I., Sonin, V.D., Durnev, Yu.A., Ryabtsev, V.V. (Irkutsk Inst. of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Irkutsk University) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy v gorode Irkutske [Raptors in Irkutsk town]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.52-55. PF on p.54 [4 lines]. PF is lesser noticed in Irkutsk, though it is known owing to occasions of attacks on Doves and Gulls during autumn passage. In spring it is sighting extremely seldom, flying through at a great height above city without any halts.

Lipkovich, A.D. 1988. Redkie ptitsy Severo-Osetinskogo zapovednika i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Rare birds of the North-Osetian Nature Reserve and adjoining territories]. //Resursy zhivotnogo mira Severnogo Kavkaza [Resources of wildlife of North Caucasia]. Abstracts of the sci.-pract. conf., 19-22.04.1988. Stavropol. P.97-101. PF on p.100 [8 lines]. PF pair since 1983 annually nesting in Sidan place of the Kasar gorge. Nests on rocks. 17.05.85 2 downy chicks of different age were situated in the nest. Preys of adult birds - beeeaters, swallows. In April 1986 one bird was registered in region of Central part of Nature Reserve near Raven's nest. The dead PF, hitted against wires, was delivered in 1985 from the Verkhniy Mizur settlement.

Lipsberg, Yu.K. 1981. Ob okhrane redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Latvii [On conservation of rare and endangered bird species of Latvia]. // Ekologiya i okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. Kishinev, "Shtiintsa". P.138-139. The highest fine for damage to nature and hunting industry - 1000 roubles (Golden Eagle, White-tailed Eagle and PF).

Lipsberg, Yu.K. 1982. Falco peregrinus Tunst. // Migratsii ptits Vostochnoi Evropy i Severnoi Azii [Migrations of birds of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia]. Falconiformes-Gruiformes. M., "Nauka". P.167-178. Tabl.5. Map 3. Subheadings: PF migration in different regions of Eastern Europe (171-178); Migration of subspecies Falco p.calidus (178).Tabl.56-Recoveries of East-European PF according to countries of ringing and recovering; Tabl.37-Distribution of recovered birds according to places and seasons of ringing; Tabl.38-Distribution of recoveries of birds according to years of life after ringing; Map 93-Distribution of distant recoveries of birds ringed as nestlings and juveniles during breeding season in the Soviet Baltic republics; Map 94-the same: a) in the eastern part of the Middle Europe, b) mainly in Fennsocandia and recovered in the East and Middle Europe; tabl.39-distribution of recoveries of birds ringed in the eastern part of Middle Europe according to months and distances from the ringing place (n=40); Tabl.40-Distribution of recoveries of birds ringed in the Soviet Baltic according to months and distances from the ringing place; Fig.95-Recoveries of birds ringed as nestlings in the North of the European part of the USSR and in Leningrad region.

Lipsberg, Yu.K. 1983? History of the Peregrine Falcon nesting in Latvia. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. Oka Nat. Res., issue 2. (in press on status of 1983). See lower.

Lipsberg, Yu.K. 1983. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunst.)]. // Ptitsy Latvii. Territorial'noe razmeshchenie i chislennost' [Birds of Latvia. Territorial distribution and numbers]. Riga, "Zinatne", 1983. P.64-65. Nesting, partially migratory, passage and wintering species. List of reviews and status of PF in it. Chronology of numbers declining. The last known nesting places were bog massives ZTeichu (in 1974 the last successful breeding) and Tsenas tirelis (in 1969 unsuccessful attempt to nest: nest was found with thin-shell eggs). In spite of a.m. it is not excluded, that in Latvia still 1-3 pairs are breeding. Still in 1950's PF was observed on wintering in citires, for example, Elgava and Riga. During last 20 years PF became rare on passage, in wintering it was not discovered more.

Lipsberg, Yu.K. (Compiler) 1985. Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunst.). // Latvijas PSR Sarkana Gramata [Red Data Book of the Latvian SSR]. Riga, "Zinatne". P.64-65 [21 lines]. Bibl. 10 titl. In Russian and Latvian. In Vidzem PF was breeding considerably more often, than in Kurzem. After 1974 were are not reliable data on nesting. PF inhabited peat bogs and bogs of interim type with small lakes with numerous swampy places on marsh. The same as above.

Lipsbergs, J. 1985. Pervye itogi raboty po sostavleniyu i vedeniyu Krasnoi knigi Latvijskoi SSR na primere ptits (1977-1981) [First results of the compilation and keweping of the Red Data Book of the Latvian SSR for 1977-1981]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. Komm. po izuch. migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 18. P.23-34. In Russ. with Engl. summ. PF on pp.25,27. PF is listed not only in RDB of Latvia (1 category), but also in RDB of IUCN (Endangered Birds, 1981) and jointly with other 7 bird species - in ZRDB of the USSR (1978).

Lipsbergs, J., Priednieks, J., Petrins, A., Strazds, M. 1989. Znachenie okhranyaemykh bolot Latvii v okhrane redkikh vidov ptits [The role of protected bogs in the protection of rare bird species in the Latvian SSR]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. Komm. po izuch. migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 20. P.3-16. In Russ. with Engl. summ. PF on p.3. PF is belonged to the 1st category of RDB of Latvia.

Lisetskiy, A.S. 1957. Title is not mentioned in the list of references. PF breeding is known from the vicinity of Krasnosel'skoe settlement of the Belogorskiy district in the Crimea. By V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977).

Litvinov, N.I. 1982. Fauna ostrovov Baikala (nazemnye pozvonochnye zhivotnye) [Fauna of islands of the Baikal Lake (terrestrial vertebrate animals)]. Irkutsk: Publ. House. 132 p. There are mentions about PF breeding on Ol'khon Island.

Livanov, S.G., Toropov, K.V., Nikitin, V.G., Kostrova, Ye.B. 1991. Khishchnye ptitsy Tsentral'nogo Altaya [Birds of Prey of the Central Altai]. // Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k noferentsii [Ornithological Problems of Siberia. Abstracts of Conf.]. Barnaul. P.146-148. PF on p.147. PF is mentioned as extraordinarily rare species. In July 1989 the only sighting of PF was registered (0,9:0,4-2). Most of all, it was nomadic specimen. In brackets the species abundance is given firstly on the average for all period of studies in all land habitats without taking into account the correlation of its areas in recalculation to 100 sq.km; next 2 ciphers mean correspondingly, lower and upper trustful limits of abundance assessments.

Lobkov, Ye.G. 1979. Ekologiya i okhrana khozyaistvenno-tsennykh i redkikh ptits yugo-vostochnoi Kamchatki: Avtoref. diss. na soiskanie uchen. stepeni kand. biol. nauk [Ecology and conservation of economically important and rare birds of the south-eastern Kamchatka. Abstracts of author's thesis]. M. 20 p. In Kronotsk Nature Reserves it was counted - 0,05 PF pair per 100 sq. km.

Lobkov, Ye.G. 1981. Faunisticheskie nakhodki na severe Kamchatki [Faunistical findings in the north of Kamchatka]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. No16. P.144-156. PF on p.156 [2 lines]. On the steep sandy slope of the sea terrace near Geka bay 15/VII a nest was found.

Lobkov, Ye.G. 1981. Redkie gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Kamchatskogo poluostrova [Rare nesting birds of the Kamchatka peninsula]. // Redkie ptitsy Dal'nego Vostoka [Rare birds of Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok. P.7-12. PF breeds here certainly.

Lobkov, Ye.G. (Kronotsk Nat. Res.) 1983. Monitoring populyatsiy redkikh khishchnykh ptits po kadastru gnezd [Monitoring of rare raptors populations on the cadaster of nests]. //Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.19-21. Aleutian subspecies of PF on p.21 [8 lines]. Status of its number request urgent conservation measures. Recently on Commander Islands about 20 pairs were bred (Marakov, 1966; 1972), and in last years not more than 5 pairs (Marakov, 1977). This subspecies is situated on the edge of extinction.

Lobkov, Ye.G. (Kronotzk State Nature reserve) 1985. Kontrol' sostoyaniya populyatsii khishchnykh ptits v Kronotskom zapovednike [Raptor populations status in the Kronotsk Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.21-29. Tabl.2. PF is in Table 1 - Occurrence of raptors and owls in Kronotsk NR in 1981/82 on p.22 and the same in Table 2 - in 1982/83 on p.23. In 1981/82 PF was observed in summer 2 times in 2 birds and in winter the same in Kozlova Cape and caldera of Krasheninnikova volkano. In 1982/83 in autumn 3 observations in 3 birds have been on the shore of the Kronotsk Peninsula.

Lobkov, Ye.G. 1986. Gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Kamchatki [Nesting birds of Kamchatka]. Vladivostok. 290 p. See lower.

Lobkov, Ye.G. 1988. Sapsan na myse Lopatka (yug Kamchatki) [Peregrine Falcon on the Lopatka cape (south of Kamchatka)]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.105 [22 lines]. First birtd in 1987 was registered 28/VIII. Passage lasted by 11/X. Intensity of passage during day. During 41 sittings of mornings counts (119 hours) 60 birds were counted and else 8 birds for 4,5 hours of additional afternoon observations. Totally 120-150 transit PF were recorded. Probably all transit birds were F.p.harterti But. List of preys. List of attempts of some attacks. Birds flew either as solitary specimens, or by pairs.

Lobkov, Ye.G., Alekseev, S.A. 1990. Sapsan na poluostrove Kamchatka i na Komandorskikh ostrovakh [Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus harterti) on the Kamchatka peninsula and the Commander Islands]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.94-100 [57 lines, excluding tables]. Tabl.2. Very good review cover period since September 1971 till present time. Main routes and regions of stationary works are published (Lobkov, 1986). Table No.10 on p.94-97 - Sightings of PF (F.p.harterti), which are evidence about nest presence in neighbourhood, and discoveries of their nests in Kamchatka peninsula. Table No.11 on p.97-99 - Sightings of PF (F.p.pealei) on the Commander Islands. Thus, presently in Kamchatka 5 nests are known, and 20 nesting areas, where their breeding is quite probable. During 1978-1983 at least 15-20 pairs lived in Bering Isl. and about 10 pairs - on Mednyi Island.

Lobkov, Ye.G. (Kronotsk Biosphere Univ.) 1991. Massovye migratsii ptits na myse Lopatka [Mass bird migrations on the Lopatka Cape (Kamchatka)]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.37-39. PF on p.38. Through Lopatka in autumn for one morning in peak days flew up to 90-100 Sparrow Hawks by friable flocks of 6 specimens; up to 4-9 PF (120-150 for all period of observations).

Loparev, S.A., Tsvelykh, A.N. (Kiev State Univ.) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy raiona Kanevskogo zapovednika [Birds of prey of the Kanev Nature Reserve region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.165-166. PF on p.165. Large Falcons (Peregrine and Saker) - several times were recordewd on passage, but they were not identified up to species.

Loparev, S.A. 1994. Sovremennoe sostoyanie okhoty s lovchimi ptitsami v tsentre Ukrainy i eyo ekologicheskie aspekty [Recent state of falconry in the central part of Ukraine and its ecological aspects]. //Materialy 1-i konferentsii molodikh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine (March 4-6, 1994, Lutsk)]. Chernivtsi. P.139-141. Observations were carried out in Kanev NR and adjoining territories in 1973-82. PF on p.139. Peregrines sometimes arriving into Kiev, for Falconry finally were not used, however they were trained and they lived for a long time.

Lorenz, Th. 1893. Die Vogel des Moskaeuer Gouvernments. // Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosk. Bd.7, H.3. S.337-354. During the 2nd half of XIX century was common species and nested in vicinity of Moscow: in Khoroshevskiy and Tsaritsyn woods, in Izmailovo, Sokol'niki, in forests along Setun' River, Losinyi ostrov, sometimes just in town on the church steeples and towers of the Kremlin.

Loskutova, N.M. 1983. Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya v Bashkirskom zapovednike [Ornithological studies at the Bashkirian Nature Reserve]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.20-21. PF on p.20. PF is studied insufficiently in territory of NR.

Loskutova, N.M. 1983. Sovremennoe sostoyanie redkikh vidov ptits Bashkirskogo zapovednika [Modern status of rare bird species of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.63-67. Bibl.8. PF on p.65 [6 lines]. In 1981 on the left-side of the Belaya River in region of Cis-Bel'skiy plot 2 living nests were found. In 1982 these nests were not occupied, but in spring time several PF were sigthed in thsi region.

Loskutova, N.M. (Bashkirian Nature Reserve) 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Bashkirskogo zapovednika [Birds of prey and owls of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the Russian Federation]. M. P.45-58. Tabl.4. PF on p.53 [20 lines]. In 1981 2 nests were found. Distance - 6 km. Nesting habitat. Nests on rocks. 18 July one chicks of 1week age was discovered there. Down and feather of Doves, Corvidaes and waterfowl - food remains. Fledgling left nest after 25 July. Second nest was unaccessible. In 1982 old birds did not breed in these nests, and in 1983 near Bala-Tukai stream the nesting territory with typical behaviour ewas discovered, but nest was not found.

Loskutova, N.M. (Bashkirian State Nat. Res.) 1986. Osennie migratsii khishchnykh ptits cherez gornyi massiv Yuzhnyi Kraka [Autumn migrations of birds of prey through the Yuzhnyi Krak mountain massiv]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 2. P.39-40. PF on p.39. During 182 hours of observations among 1221 raptors of 11 species only 1 specimen of PF has crossed observation sector.

Loskutova, N.M. 1986. K voprosu o sostoyanii populyatsii sapsana v shirotnoi izluchine reki Beloi (Yuzhnyi Ural) [On question about the Peregrine Falcon's population status in the latitudinal bend of the Belaya River (Southern Urals)]. // Problemy okhrany genofonda i upravlenie ekosistemami v zapovednikakh lesnoi zony. Tez. dokl. Vses. soveshch. [Problems of conservation of genofond and management of systems in nature reserves of the forest zone. Abstracts of All-Union Meeting]. M. Part 2. P.145-146 [41 lines]. Dynamics of PF number declining in Ural and surroundings. PF population was traced since 1981. Distance between nests 6-7 km, in different years - 4-10 km, on Nugush-20-25 km. Repeated nesting in one and the same nest was not noticed. Hunting area - along river valleys at 2-3 km from nest in both directions. Ethology - reaction to man, Hooded Crow and Raven. Phenology of arrival and passage. 5-6 pairs are breeding annually. Offspring consists of 1-2 fledglings. Reasons of number decline.

Loudon, H. 1909. Vorlaufiges Verzeichnis der Vogel der russischen Ostseeprovinzen Estland, Livland und Kurland. // Yezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo muzeya Akademii nauk [Ann. Museums Zool. Acad.]. St.-Petersbourg, Jg.14, N3/4, S.192-222. In German. In Latvia PF was sighted seldom and nested on the ground on peat bogs and only as exclusion - in trees. Rare nesting species.

Loudon, H. 1910. Meine dritte Reise nach Zentral-Asien und ihre ornithologische Ausbeute. // J.Ornith., 1909, Jg.57, S.505-573; 1910, Jg.58, S.1-90. In German. In Golodnaya stppe the solitary PF were sighted at the beginning of April.

Lowis, O. 1893. Ieverojamakie Baltijas putni. Riga. 152 lpp. In Latvian. PF is rare in Curland and quite common on breeding in Lifland.

Lowis, O. 1898. Diebe und Rauber in der baltischen Vogelwelt. Riga. 158 S. In German. In southern part of Lifland (i.e. in territory of modern Latvia) PF became very rare on breeding, and gives a series of known during the 2nd half of XIX century nesting places (environs of settlements Dunte, Trikata, Tireli, Brenguli, Idus, Lugazhi).

Lugovoi, A.Ye. 1975. Ptisty Mordovii [Birds of Mordovia]. Gorkiy. 299 p. PF on p.77.

Lugovoi, A.Ye. (Carpathian Nat. Res.) 1983. Pervaya inventarizatsiya khishchnykh ptits Karpatskogo zapovednika (KGZ) [The first inventarization of birds of prey of the Carpathian Nature Reserve]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.125-126. PF on p.126. Only for one day 02.09.82 in rocky mountains Pop-Ivan

Marmaroshskiy that is adjoining to territory of NR, 1 PF was registered together with 3 other species.

Lyaister, A.F., Sosnin, G.V. 1942. Materialy po ornitofaune Armyanskoi SSR (Ornis Armenica) [Materials on ornithofauna of the Armenian SSR (Ornis Armenica)]. Yerevan. (on the cover 1944). 402 /XV/ p. (AN SSSR Arm. filial. Biol. in-t [Ac of Sc of the USSR. Biol. Inst.]). Bibliogr.: p.5-10.

Lykhvar', V.P. ("Malaya Sosva" Nat. Res.) 1983. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy zapovednika "Malaya Sos'va" i prilegayushchikh territoriy [Diurnal birds of prey of the "Malaya Sosva" Nature Reserve and adjoining territories]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.129-130. PF on p.129-130 [3 lines]. PF a) on breeding is rare; b) breeding is not registered; solitary sightings on passages.

Lykhvar', V.P., Vorob'yov, V.N. ("Malaya Sosva" Nat. Res., Verkhne-Kondinskiy Nat. Res.) 1983. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy zapovednika "Malaya Sos'va" i Verkhne-Kondinskogo respublikanskogo zakaznika [Rare birds of prey of "Malaya Sosva" Nature Reserve and Verkhne-Kondinskiy Republic Game Reserve]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.139-140. PF on p.139-140 [6 lines]. PF bred regularly in NR, but numbers was not high (Raevskiy, 1946). Presently in NR PF is sighting sometimes; several summer sightings were registered; possibility of breeding in 1981-82 is not excluded in south-western part of NR ("Urochishche Sterkhov").

Lykhvar', V.P. 1984. O znachenii zapovednika "Malaya Sos'va" v sokhranenii redkikh vidov ptits [On significance of the "Malaya Sosva" Nature Reserve in conservation of rare bird species]. // Otrazhenie distizheniy ornitologicheskoi nauki v uchebnom protcesse srednikh shkol i vuzov i narodnom khozyaistve [Reflection of the ornithological scienec achievements in training process of secondary schools and high schools and people's industry]. Perm. P.120-121. PF on p.120 is mentioned as disappearing on breeding species.

Lysenko, V.I., Kemenov, V.V. (Melitopol Pedag. Inst.) 1983. Fauna sokoloobraznykh v Zaporozhskoi oblasti [Falconiformes fauna in the Zaporozh'ye Region]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.126-128. PF on p.126. PF is extremely seldom is sighting on passage; it is discovered on the Azov Sea shore in October and November 1968 and 1974.

Ma Yiqing. 1989. Ptitsy iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v Kitae [Birds from Red Data Book of the RSFSR in China]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and needed in protection animals]. M. P.35-39. Map 2. Tabl.2. PF on p.36 in Table is listed as breeding, migratory and wintering species. Modern status - rare. Migratory ways - all 4, shown on map, given on p.37. Category of protection - II.

Maasikamae, R. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon has disappeared in Estonia. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature]. 23. P.100. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ.

McKeating, G. 1978. Return of the Peregrine Falcon. // Ont. Naf., v.17, No 5. Engl.

Mal'chevskiy, A.S., Pukinskiy, Yu.B. 1983. Ptitsy Leningradskoi oblasti i sopredel'nykh territoriy: Istoriya, biologiya, okhrana [Birds of Leningrad region and adjoining territories: History, biology, protection]. L.: Publ. house of Leningrad State Univ. Vol.1. 480 p. PF on p.188-191 [82 lines]. Fig.2. One of the most important regional review of PF in the N-W of ex-USSR. Analysis of vast literature. Last breedings, last sightings during the rest time of year. Status of species not only in Leningrad Region, but on adjacent areas too.

Maleshin, N.A. 1987. (Altai NR) Novye dannye o redkikh ptitsakh v Altaiskom zapovednike i na prilezhashchikh territoriyakh [New data on rare birds in Aktai Nature Reserve]. // Ischezayushchie, redkie i slabo izuchennye rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Endangered, rare and little-studied plants and animals of Altai Territory and problems of their conservation]. Barnaul. P.87-88. PF on p.88 [8 lines]. Detail description of one discovered nest with sizes of 2 eggs and nesting niche. Food items.

Malkov, N.P., Irisov, E.A., Malkov, Yu.P. and other 13 co-authors. 1988. Ischezayushchie, redkie i slaboizuchennye vidy nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Altaiskogo kraya [Endangered, rare and little-studied species of terrestrial vertebrates of the Altai Territory]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk. "Nauka". P.142-145. PF is mentioned on p.143 as very rare species.

Mamatov, A.F. 1988. Sapsan v Bashkirii [Peregrine Falcon in Bashkiria]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.104 [4 lines]. PF is nesting in Kugarchinskiy, Meleuzovskiy districts, within limits of borders of Bashkirian NR and on mountain massif Iremel'. There are communications about their nesting in region of the Sterlitamak railway station.

Mamatov, A.F. 1989. Sapsan v Bashkirii [Peregrine Falcon in Bashkiria]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and needed in protection animals]. M. P.67 [5 lines]. PF breeds on rocks along Belaya River near Akbulatovo village, at 2 km from borders of the "Shul'gan-Tash" Nature Reserve. In 1988 PF was sighted in territory of Nat. Park "Bashkiria", where it was observed in 1986 and 1987.

Mamatov, A.F., Valuev, V.A., Guzeev, V.A., Yedrenkina, L.A. 1991. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie Bashkirii, vklyuchennye v Krasnuyu knigu RSFSR [Birds and mammals of Bashkiria, listed in Red Data Book of the RSFSR]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.93-94. PF on p.94 [1 line]. Solitary bird was observed 17.04.90 in the Krasnokamenskiy District.

Mamatov, A.F., Guzeev, V.A. 1991. Novye nakhodki redkikh ptits Bashkirii [New sightings of rare birds of Bashkiria]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 25. P.163. PF was observed in 1984-1986 within limits of Sterlitamak town and on Iremel' mountain ridge.

Mank, A. 1957. Prolet ptits v okrestnostyakh Tallinna [Bird migration in the environs of Tallinn]. // Tr. Vtoroi Pribalt. ornitol. konf. [Proc. of the 2nd Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.], M., p.100-107, ill. Bibl.4. PF migration is described.

Mank, A. 1959. Migratsiya ptits na morskom poberezh'ye Severo-Zapadnoi Estonii osen'yu 1956 goda [Bird migrations on the sea coast of the North-Western Estonia in autumn 1956]. // Tr. Tret'ei Pribalt. ornitol. konf. [Proc. of the 3rd Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.]. 1957. Vilnius, p.187-195, ill. PF migration is described.

Mank, A. 1963. Rae raba linnustikust [On bird fauna of the Rae peat bog]. // Loodusuurijate Seltsi juubelikoguteos [Jubilee Proceedings of Estonian Naturalist's Society]. Tallinn. P.332-350. In Estonian.

Mank, A. 1962. Vahe-Eesti pohjaosa linnustikust [Bird fauna of the northern extremity of the Estonian Intermediate Zone]. //Eesti NSV Riikliku Loodusteaduste Muuseumi Toid [Proceedings of Estonian SSR Statue Natural History Museum], 1, Tallinn. P.141-213, ill. Bibl. 43. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Phenology of PF breeding, nesting habitat, clutch, feeding are described.

Marakov, S.V. 1957. Ptitsy i zveri ostrova Mednogo [Birds and mammals of the Mednyi Island]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc., Biol. dept.], vol.62. Issue 1. P.117-118. In 1950's up to 12-15 PF pairs were bred on the Mednyi Is.

Marakov, S.V. 1965. O khishchnykh ptitsakh i sovakh Komandorskikh ostrovov [On birds of prey and owls of the Commander Islands]. // Novosti ornitologii / Mat-ly 4 Vsesoyuz. ornitol. konf. [News of Ornithology / Materials of the 4th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Alma-Ata, "Nauka". P.228-229. P?F on p.228. In 1950's here about 20 PF pairs were bred: up to 12-15 pairs on Mednyi Is., the rest - on Bering Is. PF is resident species and one of the most numerous raptors. List of main preys. Feeding by meat from Arctic Fox corps is recorded.

Marakov, S.V. 1965. O zimnikh ptitsakh Komandorskikh ostrovov [On winter birds of the Commander Islands]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No7. P.480. Aleutian PF is listed among other 15 species as a resident species.

Marakov, S.V. 1966. Krai nepugannykh ptits [Territory of unfrightened (wild) birds]. M., "Nauka". 112 p. Numbers of PF, bred on Commander Islands, was estimated at 20 pairs.

Marakov, S.V. 1972. Priroda i zhovotnyi mir Komandor [Nature and wildlife of the Commander Islands]. M., "Nauka". 181 p. See above.

Marakov, S.V. 1977. Zagadochnyi mir ostrovov [Mysterial world of islands]. M., "Mysl'". 125 p. PF population consists of only 5 pairs.

Masing, V. 1957. Endla raba selgroogsete fauna [Vertebrate animals fauna of the Endla peat bog]. // Loodusuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat 1957 [Annual report of Estonian Naturalist's Soc.], vol.50, p.141-151, ill. Bibl.6. In Eston. with Russ. summ. Nesting habitat of PF and feeding are described.

Maslov, N.M. or M.N. 1947. Ptitsy Bukharskoi oblasti [Birds of the Bukhara region]. // Sb. trudov Bukharskogo Gos. ped. in-ta "Estestvoznanie" [Collection of papers of the Bukhara State Ped. Inst., "Natural Sciences"]. Bukhara. P.45-70.

Matyushkin, Ye.N. 1962. K kolichestvennoi kharakteristike territorial'nogo raspredeleniya ptits v Teberdinskom zapovednike [On quantitative characteristic of the territorial distribution of birds in the Teberda Nature Reserve]. // Tr. Teberd. zapovednika [Proc. of the Teberda Nat. Res.], Stavropol, issue 4, p.131-166: ill. Brief mention about the PF breeding in the Caucasia. By P.A.Til'ba (1985).

Mechnikova, S.A., Gizzatova, M.M. (Darwin Museum) 1991. Nekotorye dannye po chislennosti i razmeshcheniyu khishchnykh ptits na yuzhnom Yamale [Some data on numbers and distribution of birds of prey in the southern Yamal]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuanoi Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.72-74. PF on p.72 [8 lines]. In 1986 of 6 checked nesting places only 3 were occupied, in 1988 of 7 -5, in 1989 - of 13-6, in 1990 of 12 - 7. Nesting density as a whole in territory - correspondingly 0,24; 0,37; 0,32; 0,35 pairs / 100 sq.km. Average number of chicks in 1988-1990 was 2,54 (n13), and with count of their loss - 2,07. Dates of breeding, in spite of early spring, were not differed from the common ones. By our data, PF number at the end of 1980's on study area was relativelt stable.

Meiklejohn, R.F. 1925. Random Notes from Estonia (Baltic States). // The Oologists' Record. vol.5, Nr.4, p.73-80. In English. Nesting habitat of PF and clutch are described.

Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1936. Materialy po mlekopitayushchim i ptitsam Pamira [Materials on mammals and birds of Pamir]. Tashkent. 40 p.: ill. (Trudy Sredne-Az. un-ta [Proc. of the Middle-Asian Univ.]. Ser. 8a. Zool. Issue 22. Rezul'taty Pamir. ekspeditsii Sredne-Az. gos. un-ta [Results of Pamir expedition of Middle-Asian State Univ.]. Issue 4). Bibliogr.: p.39-40. Engl. summ.

Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1982. Khishchnye ptitsy Uzbekistana [Birds of prey of Uzbekistan]. Tashkent, "Uzbekistan". 64 p. PF on p.17 in chapter "Shaheen" (p.17-18). PF, similar to Shaheens, come for winter within limits of Uzbekistan from the North (the Tundra or White-cheeked PF) and from the Middle belt of the USSR (Russian PF).

Meklenburtsev, R.N. 1982. Proletnye i zimuyushchie ptitsy Tashkenta (po dannym mnogoletnikh nablyudeniy) [Passage and wintering birds of Tashkent (on the base of long-term observations)]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. Moscow Naturalist's Soc. Dept. biol.]. Vol.87, issue 6. P.86-93.

Falco sp.? on p.87 [8 lines]. In conditions, when species could be identified, I observed large falcons only 2 times: old male of PF and young bird, which could be determined as Shaheen. At the chair of vertebrate zoology of Tashkent Univ. one PF exemplar is keeping, bagged in the centre of city 11.01.1938 by V.P.Kurbatov.

Mel'nikov, Yu.I., Popov, V.V., Mel'nikova, N.I., Vodop'yanov, B.G. (Irkutsk State University, Kemerovo State Univ., Irkutsk Agricultural Inst.) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy doliny r.Kirengi [Birds of prey of the Kirenga River valley]. // Ekologiya khishchnye ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.130-131. PF on p.130 [2 lines]. 19.07.80 1 pair was recorded on Kirenga River in region of Tarasovo village.

Mel'nikov, Yu.I., Mel'nikova, N.I., Pronkevich, V.V., Shcherbakov, I.I., Grechanin, O.N., Rusanova, N.N., Ivanov, V.M., Veselkova, O.A., Tanichev, A.I. 1988. Ptitsy ozerno-bolotnykh biogeotzenozov ust'ya r.Irkut i ikh okhrana [Birds of the lake-marsh biogeocoenosises of the Irkut River mouth and their conservation]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Mater. of Meeting, Shushenskoe, 17-21.03.1986. Novosibirsk. P.152-156. PF on p.155. On the passage through Irkut River mouth the PF is occurring among other raptors.

Menzbier, M.A. 1891. Ornithologie du Turkestan et des pays adjacents [Ornithology of Turkestan and adjoining countries]. Moscou. Livr., 3. M. P.209-324. In French.

Menzbier, M.A. 1916. Falconiformes. Tipografiya Akademii Nauk [Typography of Ac. of Sc.] (Fauna Rossii i sopredel'nykh stran, preimushchestvenno po kollektsiyam Zool. muzeya [Ros.] Akad. nauk [Fauna of Russia and adjoining countries, mainly on collections of Zool. Museum (Russ. Ac. of Sc.)]. Ptitsy [Birds] (Aves), vol. VI, issue 1. Pg., 344 p. with ill.; 5 sheets tabl. In region of Tashkent the young male was bagged in October. In Kuvandzharm 10.10. PF was recorded and bagged by N.A.Severtsov. Author wtites about autumn passage of PF in lower stream of Amu Daria River. Sightings of adult birds confirm presence of wintering for pF in the vicinity of Tashkent. So, adult females were bagged here 30.11.10 and 30.01.11, young female - 5.12. In Syr Daria valley in Chinaz vicinity young male was bagged by N.A.Zarudnyi 6.02.12, iun Fergana valley naer Andizhan - by N.,A.Severtsov 7.02.10.

Merikallio, E. 1958. Finnish birds, their distribution and numbers. // Fauna Fennica 5. Helsinki. 181 p. In English.

Metody izucheniya i okhrany khishchnykh ptits (Metodicheskie rekommendatsii) [Methods of study and conservation of birds of prey. (Methodical recommendations)]. 1990. Moscow. 315 p. Responsible editors: Priklonskiy, S.G., Galushin, V.M., Krever, V.G. A lot of information on Falcons, including PF.

Meyer, B. 1815. Kurze Beschreibung der Vogel Liv- und Esthlands. Nurnberg. 282 S. In German.

Middendorf, A.v. (Blasius, H.J.) 1857. [Falco peregrinus auf ebener Erde horstend]. // Naumannia. Jg.7, H.2, S.181. In German. Nesting habitat of PF is described.

Middendorff, E.v. 1886. I Ornithologischer Jahresbericht (1885) aus dem Gouvernement Livland (Russland) / Bearb. v.dr. med Seidel. // Ornis, Jg.2, S.376-396, 622. -Auch: S.-Abdr.: Dorpat: H.Laakmann, 1980. 24 S. In German. Spring arrival of PF is described.

Mierauskas, P. 1990. The check-list of birds entering the Red Data Book of Lithuania. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.2, Vilnius, 137-139. PF on p.138. Engl. PF - the species which is supposed to have already vanished from the territory of the republic (haven't been recorded for several years) though is expected to be existing somewhere.

Miller, I.D., Skalon, O.V., Tkachenko, A.A. 1990. Redkie gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Tul'skoi oblasti [Rare nesting birds of the Tula Region]. //Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.48-50. PF on p.49. PF was sighted near Mishnevo village of Suvorovskiy district in summer 1968-78.

Mineev, Yu.N. 1980. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy v tundrakh evropeiskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Rare birds of prey in tundras of European North-East of the USSR]. // Sezonnaya ritmika redkikh i ischezayushchikh rasteniy i zhivotnykh [Seasonal rythmics of rare and endangered species of plants and animals]. M. P.133-134. Low numbers of PF was recorded in Chernaya river basin in 1979 - 0,3 specim. per 10 sq. km.

Mishchenko, A.L., Sukhanova, O.V. (Biological Departm. of Moscow State Univ.) 1983. Rasprostranenie i chislennost' redkikh vidov lkhishchnykh ptits v Moskovskoi oblasti [Distribution and numbers of rare birds of prey in the Moscow Region]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.59-61. PF on p.61 [3 lines]. PF was sighted only once, on autumn passage 26.09.82 on the drained pond of "Malaya Istra" fishing farm. During day raptor was recorded here many times.

Mishchenko, A.L., Sukhanova, O.V. 1987. Svedeniya o redkikh ptitsakh Moskovskoi oblasti [Data on rare birds of the Moscow Region]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Problems of rare animals conservation]. M. P.112-116. PF on p.115 [12 lines]. There are not data about PF nesting in Moscow enviprns since 1969. Passage PF were recorded on 20's of September on ponds of fishery farms in sites of concentration of passage waders and gulls. PF has disappeared mainly owing to disturbance factor, direct persecution of adult birds and nests by people and melioration of peat bogs. Restoration of PF is probably only as a result of reintroduction of youngs, reared up in specialized breeding centres.

Mishchenko, A., Sukhanova, O. 1993. Birds of prey in Novgorod District. // Raptor-link, 1:3. In English.

Mitrofanov, O.B. (Altaic State Nat. Res.) 1992. Kratkie soobshcheniya o redkikh ptitsakh Altaiskogo zapovednika [Short communications on rare birds of the Altaic Nat. Res.]. // Okhrana i izuchenie redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov zhivotnykh v zapovednikakh [Protection and study of rare and endangered animal species in nature reserves]. M. P.101-103. Bibl.5 titl. PF on p.101 [8 lines]. In Altaic NR PF is sighting only on passage in spring and autumn. PF fly alone, more seldom, by 2 birds. During passage some huntings were observed. In Yurga River mouth 15.08.90 PF has captured Blue Hill Pigeon. In Koksha river mouth 29.09.90 the unsuccessful hunt of 32 PF for Lapwing was observed. Total in 1990 on passage in region of the Teletskoe Lake on plot from Azha Cape to Kokshsa river 7 specimens were registered.

Mitropol'skiy, O.V., Fotteler, E.R., Tret'yakov, G.P. 1987. Otryad Falconiformes [Falconiformes order]. // Ptitsy Uzbekistana [Birds of Uzbekistan]. Vol.1. Tashkent, "Fan". P.123-246. PF on p.227-229 (163 lines). Unnumerous bird, wintering in plain regions of Uzbekistan. Field identification. F.p.peregrinus and F.p.calidus are occurred on wintering in Uzbekistan. Detailed list of sightings in different parts of Uzbekistan during autumn and spring migration and wintering. Very informative and good review.

Mnatsekanov, R.A. 1989. O gnezdovanii sapsana v Lagonakskom nagor'ye [On nesting of the Peregrine Falcon on the Lagonak upland]. // Ekol. probl. Stavropol'skogo kraya i sopredel. territoriy [Ecol. problems of the Stavropol Territory and adjoining territories: Abstracts of reg. sci.-pract. conf. 4-6.10.89]. Stavropol. P.249-251. See lower.

Mnatsekanov, R.A., Til'ba, P.A. 1990. Pitanie sapsana v Krasnodarskom krae [Food of the Peregrine Falcon in the Krasnodar Territory]. // Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, scanty and less-known birds of the Northern Caucasus]. Stavropol. P.51-54. Material was collected during 1985-1989. Observations were carried out for 3 pairs. Researches included visual observations and collecting of food remains under nests and feeding tables. List of food composition is given in Table 1 from Krasnodar Territory and from Sochi environs in Table 2. Case of cannibalism is described. Very informative paper.

Molamusov, Kh.T. 1961. Ptitsy Kabardino-Balkarii [Birds of Kabardino-Balkaria]. Diss.... kand. biol. nauk [Thesis of dissertation]. L. 10 June 1954 in the Cherek gorge at the heigth of 1400 m a.s.l. author has discovered PF nest with 4 fledged chicks. Nest was built on high old tower.

Molchanov, L.A. 1908. Ornithological observations in summer 1907 in the Arkhangel'sk province (On mainland and Novaya Zemlya). // Annual of Zool. Museum of Ac. of Sc. V.13. N3. P.303-323.

Molodovskiy, A.V. (Gorkiy University) 1983. Materialy po ekologii redkikh vidov khishchnykh ptits v srednem i nizhnem techenii r.Ural [Materials on ecology of rare birds of prey in the middle and lower parts of the Ural River]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.145-146. PF on p.146 [5 lines]. PF is sighted in 1979, 1980 and 1982 in lower Ural river. Always the solitary specimens were recorded. The highest quantity of sightings (15) was in 1979, that, obviously was connected with beginning of autumn passage of this species.

Molodovskiy, A.V., Soshnikova, Ye.A. 1984. Letnee nakhozhdenie redkikh vidov dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v srednem i nizhnem techenii r.Ural [Summer sightings of rare raptor species in the middle and lower parts of the Ural Rivers]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 19. P.183-184. PF on p.184 [6 lines]. PF was sighted in August 1979 and 1980 in region of lower Ural River. Solitary specimens were observed, which near river hunted water birds (waders etc.) or rested in hot afternoon on edge of coastal shelves.

Morozov, V.V. 1983. O vliyanii faktora bespokoistva na izmenenie urovnya agressivnosti u nekotorykh vidov ptits [About influence of disturbance factor on agression level change in some bird species]. // Okhrana zhivoi prirody: Tez. Vsesoyuz. konf. molodykh uchenykh [Conservation of wildlife: Abstracts of the All-Union conf. of young scientists]. M., Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR. P. 145-148.

Morozov, V.V., Konyaev, A.V. (VNII "Priroda" of Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, V.I.Lenin Moscow State Pedag. Inst.) 1983. Biotopicheskoe razmeshchenie i plotnost' gnezdovaniya dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v okrestnostyakh Vorkuty [Biotopical distribution and nesting density of diurnal birds of prey in the Vorkuta city environs]. //Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.131-132. PF on p.131 [5 lines]. The only pair was nesting on rocky limestone precipices of the Vorkuta River at 5 km to N-E of Tsementnozavodskoe settlement, 03.08.82 2 chicks have been in nest, in which the opened parts of feather's fans of rectrices and primaries was 1/4 length of feathers.

Morozov, V.V. 1991. Redkie khishchnye ptitsy na vostoke Bol'shezemel'skoi tundry i Polyarnom Urale [Rare birds of prey in the east of Bolshezemel'skaya tundra]. // Mat-ly II Vses. soveshch. po khishchnym ptitsam [Mater. of II All-Union Meeting on Birds of Prey]. Kiev. Still now it is only manuscript as far as Proceedings of this Meeting are not published yet. See lower.

Morozov, V.V. 1991. Sapsan i krechet na krainem severo-vostoke Evropy [The Peregrine Falcon and Gyrfalcon in the Far Northern-East of Europe]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bulletin of Moscow Naturalist's Soc., Dept. Biol.], Vol.96. N1. P.57-65. PF on p.58-61 [126 lines without 2 tables]. In virtue of 1982-1988 study the data on distribution, nesting density and populational productivity in PF and Gyr populations in eastern part of Bolshezemel'skaya tundra are given, the limitting factors within these populations being considered. The expert estimates of the birds' total numbers at the territory of 41 500 sq. km are shown to average 65-75 nesting pairs of PF and 40-45 pairs for Gyr. The comparison of various numbers estimates of PF within the limits of large geographical regions is carried out, correlation rates of these estimates, based upon different investigation methods, beign considered.

Munsterhjelm, L. 1922. Some ornithological notes from a journey to Saghalien in 1914. // Meddelanden fran Goteborgs Musei Zoologiska Avdelning. Gotebord. N13. 112 p. In English. Earlier PF was sighted in environs of Lebyazh'ye Lake. By V.A.Nechaev (1991).

Mustafaev, G.T. 1974. Obzor ornitologicheskikh issledovanoiy v Azerbaidzhane za Sovetskoe vremya [Review of ornithological studies in Azerbaijan during Soviet time]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 11. P.163-183. PF on p.170. Materials on feeding of a series of species (including PF) are given by A.I.Khanmamedov (1956, 1956a). There is only this reference.

Mustafaev, G.T., Gambarov, K.M. 1977. Otryad Sokoloobraznye [Order Falconiformes]. // Ptitsy [Birds]. / Iz serii Fauna Azerb. [Ser. "Fauna of Azerbaijan"]. Vol.VI, issue 1. Baku: Elm. P.132-182. In Azerb.

Mustafaev, A.G., Agaeva, V.N. 1990. Razvedenie sokoloobraznykh ptits v usloviyakh zooparka goroda Baku [Reproduction of Falconiformes birds in conditions of the Baku zoo]. // Redkie, malochislennye i maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Rare, scarce and little-studied birds of Northern Caucasia]. Mater. of scient.-pract. conf., 23-28.04.1990. Stavropol. P.54-58. Falconiformes order uis represented in Baku Zoo by 15 species: ... PF...PF is listed in RDB of the USSR and Azerbaijan.

Nakhodkin, N.A., Isaev, A.P. 1991. Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya sistemy ozer Alysardaakh [Ornithological studies of Alysardaakh lake system]. //Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k noferentsii [Ornithological Problems of Siberia. Abstracts of Conf.]. Barnaul. P.150-152. PF on p.151 [3 lines]. To all probability, PF breeds, as far as each day visited gull colonies on Uolbut Lake. Unssuccessful hunts for Ducks are recorded.

Naumov, S.P. 1931. Mlekopitayushchie i ptitsy Gydanskogo poluostrova (severo-zapadnaya Sibir') [Mammals and birds of the Gydan Peninsula. (N-W Siberia)]. L. AN SSSR. Trudy Polyarnoi komis. [Proc. of the Polar Commission of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR]. Issue 4. P.1-106: ill. Bibliogr.: p.105-106.

Navasaitis, A.Z. 1981. Okhrana redkikh ptits v Litve [Protection of rare birds in Lithuania]. // Ekologiya i okhrana ptits [Ecology and conservation of birds]. Kishinev. "Shtiintsa". P.161-162. Among birds, inhabitants of forests, the following species are listed in Red Data Book: ... PF...

Navasaitis, A. 1989. Okhrana redkikh lesnykh ptits v Litve [Protection of rare forest birds in the Lithuanian SSR]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. komiss. po izuch. migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration]. Tartu. Issue 20. P.55-62. PF on p.59 [5 lines]. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Very rare species. The last breeding was recorded in 1948 on tall pine on the Anikshtu Lake bank, now near to Elekytrenai town. Presently solitary specimens are sighting during migration.

Nazarenko, A.A. 1971. Kratkiy obzor ptits zapovednika "Kedrovayua Pad'" [Brief review of birds of the "Kedrovaya Pad" Nature Reserve]. // Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na yuge Dal'nego Vostoka [Ornithological researches in the south of Soviet Far East]. Vladivostik, 1971. P.12-51. PF breeds in upper part of the Barabashevka River.

Nazarov, Yu.N. (Far-Eastern Univ., Vladivostok) 1991. Sposoby okhoty sapsana v Yuzhnom Primor'ye [Methods of hunting of the Peregrine Falcon in Southern Primor'ye]. //Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuz. orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.108-109 [58 lines]. Very interesting ethological review. Observations since May till September for breeding and passage PF on islands and shore of the Gulf of Petra Velikogo. Close connection with weather. Catching, patrolling. Hunting methods are varying in dependence on different bird species.

Nechaev, V.A. 1969. Ptitsy Yuzhnykh Kuril'skikh ostrovov [Birds of southern Kuril Islands]. L., "Nauka". 246 p.

Nechaev, V.A. 1971. K rasprostraneniyu i biologii nekotorykh ptits Yuzhnogo Primor'ya [On distribution and biology of some birds of Southern Primor'ye]. // Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na yuge Dal'nego Vostoka [Ornithological researches in the south of Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok. P.193-200. PF breeds in the Komissarovka River basin.

Nechaev, V.A. 1974. K rasprostraneniyu i biologii nekotorykh ptits Nizhnego Amura [On distribution and biology of some birds of the Lower Amur]. // Fauna i ekologiya nazemnykh pozvonochnykh yuga Dal'nego Vostoka [Fauna and ecology of the terrestrial vertebrates of the south of the Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok. P.145-154. PF breeds on the Khekhtsir mountain ridge.

Nechaev, V.A. 1975. Ptitsy ostrova Moneron [Birds of the Moneron Island]. // Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na Dal'nem Vostoke [Ornithological researches in the Soviet Far East]. Tr. Biol.-pochv. in-ta DVNTs [Proc. of Biol.-Soil Inst. of Far-Eastern Scient. Centre]. Vol.29 (132) Vladivostok. P.5-25. PF breeds on Sakhalin Isl. - on Shmidta Peninsula, Aniva Cape and Kuznetsova Cape and Moneron Is.

Nechaev, V.A. 1987. Redkie ptitsy Sakhalina i Kuril'skikh ostrovov [Rare birds of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Problems of rare animal conservation]. M. P.124-129. PF on p.126 [5 lines]. Nesting and passage species. In Sakhalin Is. during nesting period was recorded on Aniva, Kuznetsova (Kril'on peninsula) and Terpeniya Capes, on Shmidta peninsula and in other sites. Total number - about 20 pairs are nesting on Kuril Islands.

Nechaev, V.A. 1991. Sapsan. // Ptitsy ostrova Sakhalin [Birds of the Sakhalin Island]. Vladivostok. 748 p. PF's account on p.102. It is mentioned in the chapter "Ecology-landscape orn. complexes" on p.684 and 689 too. Rare breeding and passage species. Former and present records. Observations during migrations. Description of 1 nest. List of food items.

Nedosekin, V.Yu., Sarychev, V.S., Klimov, S.M. 1988. Sapsan v Lipetskoi oblasti [Peregrine Falcon in the Lipetsk Region]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.104 [10 lines]. In 1982 we observed for PF pair. List of sightings. In Podon'ye (Don River area) 23/X 1982 in Novo-Nikol'skoe settlement environs of the Dankovskiy district PF hunted Mallards, and 16 March 1986 - hunted Rock Doves in estate of "Galich'ya Gora" Nature Reseve.

Nedzinskas, V., Paltanavichius, S. (Zhuvintas Nature Reserve) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy zapovednika "Zhuvintas" [Birds of prey of the "Zhuvintas" Nature Reserve]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.161-162. PF on p.162. PF is observing annually, but in small number (2-3 spec.).

Nedzinskas, V. 1987. Sovremennoe sostoyanie ornitofauny zapovednika Zhuvintas [The present state of avifauna in Zhuvintas reservation]. // Ekologiya ptits Litovskoi SSR 4.Ornitofauna zapovednika Zhuvintas i sosednikh zakaznikov [Ecology of birds of the Lithuanian SSR]. 4. Ornithofauna of Zhuvintas Nature Reserve and neighbouring game reserves. Vilnius. P.19-33. Tabl.1. Bibl.11. In Russ. with Engl. summ. PF on p.26 in the table - very rare migrating through NR species.

Neifeld, N.D. 1989. Redkie kishchnye ptitsy severnogo Predural'ya [Rare birds of prey in northern Predural'ye (Front-Uralian area)]. // Tr. Komi nauch. tsentra Ural. fil AN SSSR [Proc. of Komi Sci. Centre of Ural. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc.]. N100. P.21-28. Fig.1. Tabl.1. Bibl.6. PF on pp.22,23,27.

Nekhoroshkov, S.A. 1983. Ornitofauna Nugushskogo vodokhrtanilishcha i perspektivy organizatsii natsional'nogo parka [Ornithofauna of the Nugush water reservoir and prospects of the national park organization]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.35. On rocks of the Nugush River 2 pairs of breeding PF were found at 15 km each from other.

Nekhoroshkov, S.A. 1993. O provedenii konkursa "redkie ptitsy" [About conduction of "Rare Birds" competition]. // Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie i okhrana ptits Yuzhno-Ural'skogo regiona [Practical use and conservation of birds of the South-Ural region]. M. P.36-37. PF is breeding in Bashkiria. Competition about discovery of new nests of rare bird species.

Nemtsev, V.V. 1953. Ptitsy poberezhiy Rybinskogo vodokhranilishcha [Birds of the shores of the Rybinsk water reservoir]. // Rybinskoe vodokhranilishche [Rybinskoe water reservoir]. M. Part 1. P.122-170: ill., maps. Trustful breeding of separate PF pair is known from shores of this reservoir.

Nemtsev, V.V. 1994. Peregrine at the Rybinsk reservoir. // Raptor-Link, 2, p.2. In Engl.

Neruchev, V.V., Shiryaev, A.F. (Gorkiy Pedag. Inst., Gur'yev Anti-plague Station) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy pustyn' severo-vostochnogo Prikaspiya [Birds of prey of deserts of the North-Eastern Prikaspiy]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.132-134. PF on p.132. Pf was recorded only in autumn, as well as Great Spotted Eagle and Honey Buzzard.

Nikiforov, Yu.V., Kryukov, I.L. 1969. Nekotorye nablyudeniya za chislennost'yu khishchnykh ptits v Tuve [Some observations for birds of prey numbers in Tuva]. // Dokl. Irkut. n.-i. protivochumn. in-ta [Reports of Irkutsk Scient.- Res. Anti-Plague Inst. of Siberia and Far East], issue VIII. Kyzyl, p.243-245. Cases are known, when ornithophages (PF) at numbers of rodent (Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards, 1867) at 160 specimens per 1 ha were switched over to feeding by this rodent, in spite of bird abundance.

Nikiforov, M.Ye., Yaminskiy, B.V., Shklyarov, L.P. 1989. Ptitsy Belorussii. Spravochnik-opredelitel' gnezd i yaits [Birds of Byelorussia. Manual-guide of nests and eggs]. Minsk, "Vysheishaya shkola". 479 p. Falco peregrinus Tunstall (F.p.peregrinus) on p.104-105 [36 lines without table]. Two colour photos and 1 tabl. Description of nesting biotop, nest and eggs. Phenology of breeding. Mean weight of unincubated egg G=45; g=mean weight of egg-shell=3,67 (3,22-5,25). Sizes of 3 measured eggs: 49-53x41-42 mm. Nobody could find PF nests after 1958 in southern and central Byelorussia. Informative sketch.

Nikitin, V.G. (Biol. Inst. of the Siber. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc, Novosibirsk) 1991. Izmeneniya ornitofauny Barnaula za 60 let [Changes of ornithofaua of Barnaul for 60 years]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.117-118. PF on p.118. For series of species, sighted in 1925-1929, confirmed or determined the nesting (...PF...).

Nikolaev, V.I. 1990. Nekotorye aspekty okhrany redkikh ptits bolotnykh sistem verkhov'yev Zapadnoi Dviny [Some aspects of conservation of rare birds of systems of upper Zapadnaya Dvina]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.85-87. PF on p.86. PF and Short-toed Eagle are known in breeding in the past, but their breeding is not excluded on some bogs iat the present time too.

Nomikosov, S. 1884. Statisticheskoe opisanie Oblasti voiska Donskogo [Statistical description of the Region of Don Army]. Novocherkassk. 761 + XV p. In XIX century PF under the name of summer or red Falcon is mentioned as rare nesting bird of the Voisko [Army] Donskoe [based in region of Don river] region.

Noskov, G.A., Zimin, V.B., Rezvyi, S.P. et al. 1981. Ptitsy Ladozhskogo ornitologicheskogo statsionara i ego okrestnostei [Birds of the Ladoga ornithological stationary station and its surroundings]. // Ekologiya ptits Priladozh'ya [Ecology of birds of Priladozh'ye]. L., Leningrad Univ. Press. P.3-85. PF on p.21 (5 lines). PF is sighted on passage 28.09.1969. In summer 1971 in July one worrying pair was on Lykovoe bog in upper parts of stream, flowing into the Gumbarka River. But attempts to find nest was without success.

Noskov, G.A., Fedorov, V.A., Gaginskaya, A.R., Sagitov, R.A., Buzun, V.A. 1993. Ob ornitofaune ostrovov vostochnoi chasti Finskogo zaliva [On the avifauna of islands in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland]. // Russ. Orn. Zhurnal [Russ. J. Ornithol.]. St.-Petersburg. 2(2). P.163-173. Fig.1. Tabl.1. Bibl. 14 titl. PF on Pp.169-170. As breeding bird PF has disappeared from territory of region at beginning of 1970's. The last nrest was known in 1970 in S-E Cis-Ladoga Lake area. One PF was met 17.06.1992 on Mednyi Island. Residues of prey of large Falcon. Among prey: Larus argentatus, L. fuscus, Sterna hirundo, Anas platyrhynchos. PF often is on 2 islands. Very interesting as a place for possible future breeding.

Novak, V.O., Savchuk, O.V. 1994. Ridkisni khyzhi ptakhi Rivnens'koi oblasti [Rare birds of prey of the Rovno Region]. // Materialy 1-i konferentsii molodykh ornitologiv Ukrainy [Materials of the 1st Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine (March 4-6, 1994, Lutsk)]. Chernivtsi. P.29-31. PF on p.31. Rare breeds in region. Formerly breeding facts are known for Ostrozhskiy and Goshchanskiy districts and Dubno (Zhezherin, Prokopenko, 1988). We observed 1 specimen on ppassage in October 1991 in Mlinivskiy district. In Ukrain.

Novruzov, G.M. 1984. Novye i redkie ptitsy Nakhichevanskoi ASSR [New and rare birds of the Nakhichevan' ASSR]. //Problemy regional'noi ekologii zhivotnykh v tsikle zoologicheskikh distsiplin pedvuza [Problems of regional ecology of animals in cycle of zool. disciplines of ped. college]. Abstracts. Part 1. Vitebsk. 129-130. PF on p.129.

In territory of Shabkhuzskiy and Dzhul'finskiy districts, rare in nesting period.

Ognev, S.I., Vorob'yov, K.A. 1924. Fauna nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Voronezhskoi gubernii [Fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the Voronezh Province]. M.: "Novaya derevnya". 254 p. In the forest-steppe in Upper Don area PF became vanishing already at the end of XIX-beginning of XX century.

Oliger, T.I. 1967. Eshcho o chislennosti ptits, zimuyushchikh v Kyzyl-Agachskom zapovednike (Fevral' 1963). [Once more about wintering bird numbers in Kyzyl-Agach Nature Reserve (Febr. 1963)] // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 8. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.378-379. Kestrel (both species), PF and Great Spotted Eagle are sighting in considerable lower numbers: Kestrel 0,82-1,16, PF-0,16-2,5 and GSE - 0,16 birds per 10 km of way (on the average).

Oliger, T.I., Kovalev, V.A. (Lower-Svir Nature Reserve) 1986. O redkikh ptitsakh Nizhne-Svirskogo zapovednika [On rare birds of the Lower-Svir Nature Reserve]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. M. P.94-96. Bibl.3 titl. PF on p.96. PF was recorded 2 times: 11.07.82 solitary specimen hunted Gulls on shore of Svirskaya inlet between Gumbarka and Sitika Rivers; 5.10.85 one bird was recorded in the vocinity of orn. station.

Opermanis, O. 1990. About the Nest Cards. // Putni Daba 3. Riga, "Zinatne". P.203-205. In Latvian. PF on p.204.

Orgusaar, A. 1939. Monda rabakana (Lagopus lagopus) kaitsest [On the Protection of Ptarmigan (sic! Willow Grouse)]. // Loodushoid ja Turism [Nature Management and Tourism] / Looduskaitse ja Turismi Inst. Tln., nr.4, p.216-218. In Estonian with Engl. summ. Feeding of PF is described.

Orlov, V.K. 1991. Za belym krechetom [For the white Gyrfalcon]. M., "Znanie". 192 p. + 16 sheets with colour photos. Scientific-popular book about searching of large falcon nests in Russian tundra and history of Falconry in Russia. As traveller's notes.

Orlova, Ye.A., Il'yashenko, V.Yu. 1978. ?Materials on feeding of some diurnal birds of prey and owls of the south-eastern Altai. // Tr. Zool. In-ta AN SSSR [Proc. of Zool. Inst. of the USSR Ac Sc.]. Vol.76, P.94-100.

Orumaa, V. 1960. Rabapistrik saagilennul [The Peregrine Falcon in Search of Prey]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.2, p.122. In Eston. with Engl. summ. Feeding of PF is described.

Osmolovskaya, V.I. 1948. Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits poluostrova Yamal [Ecology of birds of prey of the Yamal peninsula]. // Tr. In-ta geograf. AN SSSR [Proc. of Inst. of Geography of the USSR Ac. of Sc.]. M.-L. Issue 41. P.5-77. One of the most detailed description of PF breeding biology. Clutch consisted of 1-4 eggs. Breeding success in 1940's was 2,7 chick per nest (n=9). Strong attachment to constant nesting places is stressed. F fledglings completely begin to fly in 1-1,5 weeks aftr moment when they leave nest.

Ostapenko, V.A. 1973. Avifauna del'ty reki Chaun (Zapadnaya Chukotka) [Avifauna of the Chaun River delta (Western Chukotka)]. // Biologicheskie problemy Severa [Biological problems of the North], issue 2. Magadan. A.A.Mezhennyi in 1970 repeatedly sighted PF in one and the same place near Chaun River.

Ostapenko, M.M. (Compiler) 1983. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771)]. // Krasnaya kniga Uzbekskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Uzbek SSR]. Vol.1. Vertebrates. Tashkent, "Fan". P.90-92. Bibl.7 titl. Status; Systematical signs; Field signs; Breeding range; Distribution and numbers in Uzbekistan; Character of presence; Natural habitats; Breeding; Breeding in captivity; Feeding; Reasons of numbers change; Arranged conservastion measures; Neccessary conservation measures. Widely distributed species, whose population in on the edge of extinction.

Ostroumov, N.A. 1972. Zhivotnyi mir Komi ASSR. Pozvonochnye [Wildlife of the Komi ASSR. Vertebrates]. Syktyvkar. P.103-116, 154-161.

Paltanavichius, S. 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy na verkhovom bolote [Birds of prey on the peat-bog]. // Tezisy dokladov XI Pribalt. Orn. Konf. [Abstracts of the XI Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.]. Tallinn, "Valgus". P.163-164. PF on p.164 is mentioned as passage species among 4 other raptors.

Pan'kin, N.S. 1984. Sostoyanie i voprosy ohrany redkikh ptits Verhnego i Srednego Priamur'ya [Status and questions of conservation of rare birds of the Upper and Middle Cis-Amur river area]. // Problemy regional'noi ekologii zhivotnykh v tsikle zoologicheskikh distsiplin pedvuza [Problems of regional ecology of animals in cycle of zool. disciplines of ped. college]. Abstracts. Part 1. Vitebsk. 131-133. PF on p.132. PF is included in the list species, those numbers is declining. PF is recorded in Tom' River basin, PF breeds on Arkhara lowland.

Pankin, N.S. (Blagoveshchensk Pedag. Inst.) 1986. Ptitsy verhnego i srednego Priamur'ya v Krasnoi knige RSFSR [Birds of the Upper and Middle Priamur'ye in the Red Data Book of the RSFSR]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsionalnoe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 2. P.134-135. PF on p.134. PF numbers is not known - probably, from several ten up to hundred pairs. It is belonging to the 1st category of Red Data Book of the RSFSR (1983).

Panov, Ye.N. 1973. Ptitsy yuzhnogo Primor'ya [Birds of the southern Primor'ye]. Novosibirsk. "Nauka", 376 p.

Parg, R., Veroman, H. 1958. Ulevaade Veelikse umbruse (Kilingi-Nomme rajoon) linnustikust [Review of bird fauna of Veelikse (Kilingi-Nomme district)]. // Abiks Loodusevaatlejale [In assistance to Nature Observer], nr.36, p.29. In Eston. with Russ. summ. Nesting habitat of PF is described.

Paskhal'nyi, S.P. 1995. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy v narushennykh landshaftakh Subarktiki Zapadnoi Sibiri [Diurnal Birds of Prey in destroied landscapes of Subarctic of Western Siberia] // Voprosy ornitologii. Tez. dokl. k V konf. orn. Sibiri [Problems of Ornithology. Abstracts for Vth Conf. of Ornithologists of Siberia]. Barnaul. P.137-139. PF on p.137-139 [34 lines]. Numbers decline is registered by many ornithologists here. Absence of nests in many places, where PF nested before. Nesting habitats and places. Analysis of disturbance factor. Resistance to this factor. In spring and autumn PF sometimes were registered above settlements. Valuable info.

Patapavichius, R. 1986. Rezul'taty kol'tsevaniya ptits v Litve v 1929-1978 [The results of bird ringing in Lithuania in 1929-1978]. // Ekologiya ptits Litovskoi SSR. 3.Antropogennoe vodzeistvie na ornitofauny i eyo okhrana [Ecology of birds of the Lithuanian SSR. 3. Anthropogenous impact on ornithofauna and its conservation]. Vilnius. P.160-188. Tabl.4. Bibl.20. In Russ. with Engl. summ. PF on p.168 in the table. PF were ringed during 1929-1938 - 1 bird and during 1929-1978 - 1 bird; total-1 bird.

Pavlov, B.M., Yakushkin, G.D., Dorogov, V.F., Larin, V.V. 1988. Okhranyaemye territorii i redkie vidy zverei i ptits na severe Srednei Sibiri [Protected territories and rare species of animals and birds in the north of Middle Siberia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.156-161. Bibl. 4. PF on P.157,158,159. PF inhabits the Enisei North. Taimyr NRT, established in 1979, must promote to conservation of a series of species, including PF. The complex Game Reserve of Republican Importance was organized in Eastern Taimyr in Bikada Rievr basin. Its task - protection of a series of species, including PF. In area between Pura and Mokoritto Rivers in Western Taimyr in subzone of subarctic tundras the Republican Game Reserve must be established. There is the highest density of PF population.

Pavlov, Yu.I. 1995. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga respubliki Tatarstan. Zhivotnye rasteniya griby Red Data Book of the Tatarstan Republic. Animals Plants Fungi]. "Priroda" Publ. TOO "Star". Kazan'. PF on p.56-57 (18 lines). Bibl.6. Typical chapters as in all other RDBooks. Maximum 10 pairs are breeding in Tatarstan. List of distrcits, where it is occurred. Scanty information.

Peakall, D.B., Lloid, K.F. 1979. Eggshell thinning and DDE residue levels among Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus: a global perspective. // Ibis, N2, p.200-204. Engl.

Pereleshin, S.D. 1934. Rol' khishchnikov v okhotnich'yem khozyaistve srednei polosy Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR [Role of raptors in the hunting industry of the middle belt of the European part of the USSR]. M.-L. KOIZ publ. 44 p. with ill. Bibliogr.: p.43. Negative role of PF for hunting industry and game is described.

Pererva, V.I. (Compiler) 1984. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Krasnaya kniga SSSR [Red Data Book of the USSR]. Second edition. M., "Lesnaya Promyshlennost". P.133-134. Bibl.: 22 titl. Subheadings: Status; Distribution; Natural habitats; Numbers and trends; Main limiting factors; Biology peculiarities; Reproduction; Arranged conservation measures; Necessary conservation measures;

Perfil'yev, V.I. 1971. Materialy po pitaniyu khishchnykh ptits tundry Severo-Vostochnoi Yakutii [Materials on feeding of birds of prey of tundra of the North-Eastern Yakutia]. //Okhrana prirody Yakutii [Nature Conservation of Yakutia]. Irkutsk: East-Siber. Publ. House. P.209-217. In tundras PF was sighted on the average in each 45-125 km.

Pershakov, A.A. 1926. Vidovoi spisok letnikh ptits Raifa [The species list of summer birds of Raif]. // Izv. Kazanskogo in-ta s.-h. i lesovodstva [Proc. of the Kaz. Inst. of Agriculture and Forestry]. N6, p.1-29 (or 5-60 with ill.?). 1 PF pair was bred in Raif forestry. Instead A.Pershakov mistakenly printed B.Pershakov.

Pershakov, A.A. 1926. Spring 1924. Phenological data on observations of correspondents of the student scientific circle "Nature lovers" at Kazan State Univ., Kazan.

Pershakov, A.A. 1929. Spisok ptits Kazanskogo kraya [The list of birds of the Kazan Territory]. // Tr. studench. nauch. kruzhka "Lyubiteli prirody" v g.Kazani [Proc. of student circle of nature lovers at Kazan State Univ.]. Issue 3. P.3-68. Bibliogr.: p.18-22. In Russ. with French summ. Speech is going about F. p. leycogenus.

Pershakov, A.A. 1929. Novoe v faune ptits Kazanskogo kraya k kontsu 20-h godov 20-go stoletiya [The news in bird fauna of the Kazan Territory by the end of 20's of XX century]. // Izv. Kazan. in-ta sel';sk. khoz-va i lesovodstva [Proc. of the Kazan Inst. of Agricult. and Forestry]. year 5, N 2, p.91-126. In Russ. with summ. in French.

Peters, G. 1956-1957. Peregrine Falcon breeding on the ground. // Aquila, Bd.63-64; In English. Nest, discovered by author at 45 km from Leningrad in region of Sinyavskie bogs 27-28 May 1953 was situated on the ground amid peat bog. Nest contained alone egg. Judging by food remains, scattered around, PF fed here by Willow Grouses and different Thrushes. It is interesting, that constantly flying above bog Hooded Crows were not suffered of PF attacks. Cyt. by Mal'chevskiy, Pukinskiy, 1983.

Peterson, K. 1992. Eesti linnud [Estonian birds]. Tartu. 66 p. PF on p.35. In Estonian. Rare breeding species on peat bogs. Migratory and passage bird.

Petrov, S.U., Rudkovskiy, V.P. 1985. Letnyaya ornitofauna prieniseiskoi chasti Zapadnogo Sayana [Summer ornithofauna of Western Sayan range]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 20. P.76-83. PF on 78 in the table. PF is breeding species in the following habitats: subalpine meadows, pine wood on Enisei terraces, mountain steppes, rocks and stony placers, steppes and meadows on Enisei terraces.

Petrov V. et al. 1982. Title is unknown. //Last avifaunistical review on Northern Caucasia considers PF as rare, sometimes - very rare passage, sometimes - wintering species. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Petrov, V.S. 1983. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Beregite: ikh ostalos' malo: Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye Donsk. bass., trebuyushchie okhrany [To save them: their number is low: Rare and threatened animals of the Don River basin, needed in protection]. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Publ. House. P.90-93. General characteristic of species. Recently PF's range in the Don River basin was stretched to south at least to Kursk and Voronezh Regions. Southwards it was on passage and winterings. List of observations with date and place.

Petunkin, N.I., Strel'nikov, Ye.G., Stilmark, F.R. 1988. Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye srednetaezhnoi podzony Zapadnoi Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of the middle-taiga subzone of Western Siberia]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.161-164. PF on p.163,164. PF is related to the breeding species of the middle-taiga zone of Western Siberia. During autumn migration period (Sept., Oct.) 1984 on adjoining to Yugan NR territory solitary sightings of PF were registered.

Pfander, P.V., Pfeffer, R.G. 1984. Khishchnye ptitsy v gorode Alma-Ate [Birds of prey in the Alma-Ata city]. // Ptitsy i urbanizirovannyi landshaft [Birds and urban landscape]. Kaunas. P.111-113. Main observations were carried out in 1981-1984 in southern and northern parts of city. At least 8 PF hunted on elevator and fruit-cannery plant. PF hunted for Laughing Turtle-Doves - 472 (31), Collared Turtle-Doves - 1(1), Rock Doves - 127 (4). In brackets - numbers of succesful attacks. Conclusions.

Pfander, P.V., Pfeffer, R.G. (Inst. of Zool. of the Kazakh SSR Ac Sc, Alma-Ata) 1986. Dve strategii zashchitnogo povedeniya ptits v zavisimosti ot letnykh kachestv pernatykh khishchnikov [Two strategies of the defence bird behaviour in dependence on flying fethures of raptors]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Leningrad. Part 2. P.180-181. PF on p.180. Observations were carried out mainly in Alma-Ata on places of the food concentrations of birds. 5645 rushing of raptors were traced.Doves, Collared Turtle Doves and Laughing Doves were preys for large falcons (Shaheen, PF, Saker, Gyr) and Buzzards, Collared Doves were prey for the same raptors plus Sparrow Hawks females and Common Kestrels, Sparrows - for Sparrow Hawks, Merlins and Kestrels. Efficiency of different methods of attacks and defence against it, used by different species of prey, are analyzed in this interesting paper.

Pfeffer, R.G., Pfander, P.V. 1986. Zimovka sokolov v Alma-Ate v 1982/83 [Wintering of Falcons in Alma-Ata in 1982/83]. // Redkie zhivotnye Kazakhstana [Rare animals of Kazakhstan]. Mater. for the 2nd edition of the Red Data Book of the KazSSR", Alma-Ata. P.144-152. Effeciency of hunting in PF, Saker, Shaheen and Hobbies is analyzed. Peculiarities of hunting methods. Food items. Extremely interesting material.

Pfeffer, R.G., Pfander, P.V. 1986. K voprosu ob izbiratel'nosti v pitanii sokolov [On question about selectiveness in feeding of Falcons]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Part 2. Leningrad. P.181-182. Observations for falcons were carried out on places of granivorous birds concentrationm, mainly in Alma-Ata. Data on 760 Sakers (2245 attacks), 13 PF (1569 and 10 Shaheens (164). Main 3 species of prey: Rock Doves, Laughing Doves, Collared Turtle Dove. Efficiency of different Falcon species hunts for different prey species. Extremely interesting material !

Piechocki, R., Stubbe, M., Uhlenhaut, K., Sumjaa, D. 1981. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berkin, B.57. Suppl. T.III - Non Passerifromes. Berlin, s.71-128. In German.

Pirogov, N.G. 1994. Materialy po redkim i malochislennym vidam ptits Chernomorskogo zapovednika [Materials on the rare and unnemorous bird species of the Black Sea Nature Reserve]. // Berkut 3 (1). 50-51. PF on p.51. Recorded twice: 4.10.1986 and 31.03.1987. Both birds were observed on Solenoozernyi part (plot).

Pishvanov, Yu.V., Prilutskaya, L.I. 1988. Sapsan v Dagestane [Peregrine Falcon in Daghestan]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and rational use]. M. P.103. In Dsghestan is sighting on passage and winters in lowland and foothill regions. In autumn 1986 in gloomy weather about 30 specimens during one week roosted on lighting towers of the Makhachkala aerodrome.

Plesske, Th. 1888. Revision der terkestanischen Ornis: Nach Sammlungen des verstorbenen Konservators V.Russow. St.-Pb., 1988, 58 p. (Mem. Acad. sci. St.-Pb. Ser.7, T.36, N3). In German. W.F.Russow recorded the PF passage above Chinaz.

Plesskiy, P.V. 1955. Materialy dlya ornitofauny Kirovskoi oblasti [Materials for ornithofauna of the Kirov region]. // Uchen. zap. //Kirov. ped. Inst. [Scient. notes of the Kirov ped. inst.], issue 9. P.67-97. F.p.leycogenus, F.p.brevirostris.

Plesskiy, P.V. 1971. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy Kirovskoi oblasti [Diurnal birds of prey of the Kirov region]. // Tr. Kirov. sel'skokhoz. in-t [Proc. of the Kirov agricultural inst.]. Issue 28. P.47-59. In the Kirov Region PF on bredding was not discovered.

Polivanov, V.M., Polivanov, N.N., Vitovich, O.A. (Teberda State Nat. Res.) 1985. Vidimyi prolet ptits cherez Teberdinskiy zapovednik [Visible bird migration through Teberda Nature Reserve]. // Ptitsy Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of the North-Western Caucasia]. M. P.19-33. Tabl.4. Bibl.18 titl. PF on p.21 in Table is mentioned as occasional migrant (single birds and not each year).

Polozhenie..... 1987. Regulations about hunting and conducting of hunting industry on territory of Byelorussian SSR. Minsk.

Polushkin, D.M. ("Stolby" State Nat. Res., Krasnoyarsk) 1986. Transformatsiya naseleniya ptits prigorodnoi zony zapovednika "Stolby" pod vozdeistviem rekreatsii [Transformation of bird population of the suburb zone of the "Stolby" Nature Reserve under recreation impact]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part 2. P.157-158. PF on p.158. In region of rocks PF, Golden Eagle, Imperial Eagle, Raven, small Falcons were vanished.

Polushkin, D.M. 1988. Sostoyanie populyatsiy redkikh vidov ptits v zapovednike Stolby i na smezhnykh territoriyakh [Status of rare bird species populations at "Stolby" Nature Reserve and at neighbouring territories]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.170-176. Bibl.6. PF on p.173-175 [77 lines]. During last 30-40 years PF numbers dropped in 5-7 times. But by today it is quite common, and in separate regions even numerous species. Numbers and population density in different places of NR and adjoining areas. Numbers of chicks in the nests did not exceed 2. In 80% vases PF nested on one rock massieve with Raven and Fork-tailed Swift. These data can serve as original indicator for suitability of rocks for PF nesting. Extremely important. Examples of negative disturbancve factor.

Popad'yin, V.P. 1988. Sayano-Shushenskiy biosfernyi zapovednik: itogi i perspektivy rabot [Sayano-Shushenskiy Biosphere Nature Reserve: results and prospects of works]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.176-179. PF on p.178. PF is common in Nature Reserve.

Popov, A.V. 1959. Ptitsy Gissaro-Karategina: Ekologo-geograficheskiy ocherk [Birds of the Gissaro-Karategin: Ecology-geographical sketch]. Stalinabad. Publ. House of Ac of Sc of the Tadjik SSR. 183 p.: ill.

Popov, B.M. 1937. Materialy do ornitofauny porozhistoi chastyny r.Dnipra [Materials on ornithofauna of the full of rapids part of the Dnieper River]. // Zb. prats Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. Mus. of Ac. Sc. of the Ukr. SSR], N20, p.41. In Ukrainian. Solitary PF was noticed 13.X.1931 at the edge of the oak grove near Samara River (Dniepropetrovsk Region).

Popov, V.A., Popov, Yu.K., Priezzhev, G.P. et al. 1954. Rezul'taty izucheniya zhivotnogo mira zony zatopleniya Kuibyshevskoi GES [Results of study of wildlife of zone of flooding of the Kuibyshev GES]. // Tr. KF AN SSSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of the Kazan' Branch of the USSR Ac Sc. Ser. biol. sc.]. Issue 3.

Popov, V.A., Lukin, A.V. 1971. Zhivotnyi mir Tatarii. Pozvonochnye [Wildlife of Tataria. Vertebrates]. Kazan. P.109-126. In Tataria the PF numbers since 1920's till 1960's dropped in 6 times.

Popov, V.A. 1984. K raspredeleniyu redkikh vidov ptits v doline r.Kirenga [On distribution of rare bird species in the Kirenga River valley]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 19. P.185 [5 lines]. PF - rare nesting species. It was sighted 19/VII on Kirenga, inn Tarasovo village environs. By interrogatory data, PF is breeding in a.m.place, on cliff in Gorbitkan river mouth, on Notai River and in Okunaika River valley, in Dal'nee Lake environs. PF is sighting on autumn passage, recorded in September 1981 in Okunaika valley.

Popov, V.V. 1987. Novye svedeniya po ornitofaune Bauntovskoi kotloviny [New data on ornithofauna of the Bauntovskaya depression]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 22. P.191-193. PF on p.192 [6 lines]. PF - rare nesting and passage species. Nest was discovered on rock in Baunt village vicinity in close neighbourhood to settlement. It was locatedf in unaccessible place in rocky niche at the height of 10 m. In 1982 3 chicks were reared up. On autumn passage PF was sighted 17 and 22/VIII on Tsipa River and 13/IX on Busani Lake. Huntings Ducks, Blue Hill Pigeons and waders were recorded.

Popov, V.V., Verzhutskiy, D.B. 1990. Zimovka khishchnykh ptits i sov v Yugo-Zapadnoi Tuve [Wintering of predatory birds and owls in South-Western Tuva]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.. Dept. biol.]. M. Vol.95. Issue 1. P.66-69. PF on p.67 [2 lines]. In South-Western Tuva as rare wintering species is recorded by G.B.Zonov, 1974 and A.A.Baranov, 1983. We did not sight PF.

Popov, V.V. 1991. Rasprostranenie khishchnykh ptits v Bauntovskoi kotlovine [Distribution of birds of prey in Bauntovskaya depression]. // Ornitologicheskie problemy Sibiri. Tez. dokl. k noferentsii [Ornithological Problems of Siberia. Abstracts of Conf.]. Barnaul. P.154-155. PF on p.155 [7 lines]. Rare breeding and passage species. Nest was discovered in the vicinity of Baunt settlement on unaccessible place in rocky niche at the height of 10 m. In 1982 3 chicks were reared up there. In vicinity of Busan Lake PF was sighted only on autumn migration - 17 and 22 August on Tsipa River and 13 Sept. on Buzan' Lake. Hunts for Blue Hill Pigeons, ducks and waders are registered.

Portenko, L.A. 1932. Proizvoditel'nye sily ornitofauny Novoi Zemli [The productive forces of ornithofauna of the Novaya Zemlya]. // Tr. Biogeokhim. lab. AN SSSR [Proc. of Biochemical labor. of the USSR Ac. Sc.]. Part 2. L. P.7-52 with ill. Summary in French.

Portenko, L.A. 1937. Fauna ptits vnepolyarnoi chasti Severnogo Urala [Bird fauna of the outpolar part of the Northern Urals]. M., L. 240 p. PF on p.29-42, 76-78. Author did not sight PF in Northern Ural, but gives fact of bagging 10.07.1847 by expedition of Gofman at 61 grades of northern latitude in territory, adjoining to Perm Region and records that PF is very rare indeed in the belt of dense forests.

Portenko, L.A. 1939. Fauna Anadyrskogo kraya. [Fauna of the Anadyr Krai (Territory)]. L. Part 2. Ptitsy [Birds]. 198 p. Trustworthy PF is breeding in Anadyr' River basin.

Portenko, L.A. 1950. Ocherk fauny ptits zapadnogo Zakarpat'ya [Sketch of bird fauna of western Transcarpathians]. // Pamyati akademika P.P.Sushkina [In memorium of Academician Petr Petrovich Sushkin], collection of papers. M.-L. Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc, p.301-359: ill. In 1947 author has rechecked places, where O.O.Grabar (Hrabar) knew in Trans-Carpathia PF to be bred till 30 years of XX century and found PF nesting in 2 places. In 1947 author observed old male with young bird in region of nest still 27 September in Zakarpatskaya Region.

Portenko, L.A. 1951. Otryad Falconiformes [Order Falconiformes - diurnal birds of prey]. // Ptitsy SSSR [Birds of the USSR]. Part 1. Issue 39. M.-L. P.156-205.

Portenko, L.A. 1968. Wanderfalke "wassert" im Meer. // Falke. Jg.15, H.5. S.174. In German.

Portenko, L.A. 1972. Ptitsy Chukotskogo poluostrova i ostrova Vrangelya [Birds of the Chukotka peninsula and the Vrangel island]. L., "Nauka", part I. 423 p. PF on p.260-266. Certainly breeding here. Negative impact of pesticides on PF breeding. PF breeds on coastal precipices of Mlelyuveem and Ichuveem Rivers (its mouth in Chaunskaya Guba (Bay) from S-E).

Postel'nykh, A.V. (Oka State Nature Reserve) 1986. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits v Okskom zapovednike [Change of raptor numbers in the Oka Nature Reserve]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part 2. P.162-163. PF on p.163 is mentioned in the list with other Falcons, which were sometimes recorded in NR in 1970's (Priklonskiy, 1977), but were not sighted by us.

Po stranitsam Krasnoi knigi....1987. On the pages of the Red Data Book: Animals: Popular Encyclopaedic Manual. Minsk, "Byelorussian Soviet Encyclopaedia". PF on p.282-285. Scientific-popular sketch on PF. Well-known facts.

Potapov, Ye.R. 1990. Uchet khishchnykh ptits v ravninnykh tundrakh [Count of birds of prey in the plain tundras]. // Metody izucheniya i okhrany khishchnykh ptits [Methods of study and conservation of birds of prey]. Methodical recommendations. M. P.12-16. Sitting on the perch PF allows man to approach to it - to border of nesting precipice or, it precipice is great, at 200-250 m. PF, sitting on clutch, takes off, when man approaches to it at 80-150 m. Interesting observations for behaviour of young and adult birds in the vicinity of nest. Practical recommendations to minimize disturbance near nest.

Potapov, Ye.R. 1993. Birds of prey in the Lower Kolyma (North-Eastern Siberia). // Raptor-Link, 1:5. In Engl.

Potapov, E.R. 1994. Time Budget, Organochlorines and Productivity in the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus in the Kolyma Lowlands Region (North-Eastern Siberia). // Raptor Conservation Today. B.-U.Meyburg & R.D.Chancellor (Eds.). WWGBP, Pica Press. P.195-201. Bibl.7 titl. In Engl.

Prakash Gole. 1990. Materialy po ptitsam iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v Indii [Materials on birds from Red Data Book of the RSFSR in India]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.34-40. PF on p.38 [5 lines]. Winters throught country, but everywhere is not common. It is sighting on rivers, lakes, swamps, seas lagoons, where migratory waterfowl are concentrating. PF hunt by solitary birtds: they are active early in the morning and late evening. PF are not under protection.

Pranaitis, A. 1992. Avifauna of Zhuvintas Nature Reserve, 1980-90. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.5-6, Vilnius, 64-71. Tabl.1. Bibl.9. In Engl. PF on p.68 in the table. Status - migrating not constantly observed; Abundance -very rare; Population trend - no data on changes.

Predtechenskiy, S.A. 1928. O faune nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Tambovskogo kraya [On fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the Tambov territory]. // Izv. Tamb. o-va izuchenoiya prirody i kul'tury mestnogo kraya [Proc. of Tambov Soc. of Natural History and culture of local lore]. Tambov. N3. P.3-31. Bibliogr.: p.31.

Priednieks, J., Strazds, M., Strazds, A., Petrins, A. 1989. Latvijas ligzdojoso putnu atlants 1980-1984 (Latvian breeding bird atlas). Riga, "Zinatne", 351 p. PF on p.137-138. Text in Russ., Latvian and Engl. The last breeding occasion in Latvia was registered in 1974.

Priklonskiy, S.G. 1977. Chislennost' redkikh dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v Okskom zapovednike [Numbers of rare diurnal birds of prey in Oka Nature Reserve]. // VII Vsesoyuznaya ornitol. konferentsiya [VII All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Abstracts. Part 2. Kiev. P.239-240. PF, Saker and Gyrfalcon were sighted as solitary birds before 1970's in territory of Oka Nature Reserve.

Prokof'yev, S.M. 1987. Ornitofauna Minusinskoi kotloviny i eyo izmeneniya za 80 let [Ornithofauna of the Minusinsk hollow and its changes for 80 years]. // Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna and ecology of birds and mammals of the Middle Siberia]. M., "Nauka". P.151-172. Bibl.21. PF on p.161 in the table - Character of presence and number are given for following periods: 1902; 1948; 1963-1984. For 19 years of observations, could find only 4 PF nests: all of them were situated on hard-accessible rocky outcrops.

Prokof'yev, S.M., Kustov, Yu.I. 1988. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Khakasii i ikh okhrana [Rare and endangered species of birds of Khakasia and their conservation]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.180-185. Bibl.7. PF on p.181 [3 lines]. Rare nesting bird of Minusinsk depression (5 nests were found), it is sighting during winter nomadic movements too.

Prokof'yev, S.M. 1988. Chislennost' i raspredelenie ptits basseina reki Bol'shie Ury (Zapadnyi Sayan, Sayano-Shushenskiy biosfernyi zapovednik). // Materialy po faune Srednei Sibiri i prilezhashchikh rajonov Mongolii. M. P.78-100. PF's density in mountain steppe and meadow-steppe areas in the table on p.80 - 0,07 specimens per square km. Length of route-15 km. Density in edges of larch forest and meadow-steppe areas in the table on p.87-2 specimens. Route-4,5 km.

Prokopenko, S.P., Grinchenko, A.V. 1996. Zimovki sapsana [Winterings of the Peregrine Falcon]. //Materialy konferentsii 7-9 kvitnya 1995 [Materials of the Conference], Nizhyn. Kyiv. p.296-297 (59 lines). Regular winterings of PF are recorded for the S of Ukraine. Since autumn 1991 observations for wintering PF were carried out in Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa and Simferopol' cities. Situaytion with wintering specimens of different PF subspecies is briefly described almost for each town. Roosting plases, perches.One pair appears on wintering in one and the saem day from year to year. One wounded by means of shot gun female was fed up by male during winter 1992/93, she could survive, however male was shot later. Problem of interrelations bteween PF and pigeon breeding. Poaching. Extremely interesting and important material.

Pshennikov, A.Ye., Labutin, Yu.V. 1982. Khishchnye ptitsy v prirodnykh ochagakh zoonozov [Birds of prey in natural foci of zoonoses]. // Migratsii i ekologiya ptits Sibiri [Migrations and ecology of birds of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka Sib. Branch. P.34-49. Tabl.1. Bibl.94. PF on p.35,38. In Yakutia all raptor species capture rodents. That is relating to PF too. Feeding by Great Spotted Woodpeckers.

Ptushenko, Ye.S., Inozemtsev, A.A. 1968. Biologiya i khozyaistvennoe znachenie ptits Moskovskoi oblasti i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Biology and practical significance of birds of the Moscow Region and adjoining territories]. M., Moscow Univ. Press, 461 p. In winter months of 1950's PF has become to appear on the high buildings of Moscow: in 1953-1956 it was occurred near main building of Moscow State University on the Lenin Hill.

Ptushenko, Ye.S. 1976. Izmeneniya avifauny Leninskikh Gor i ikh okrestnostei [Changes in the avifauna of the Lenin Hills (Moscow) and their vicinity]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 12. P.3-9. PF on p.5 in Table. PF during 1875-1891 was breeding and summering species, during 1921-1923 - no data, during 1955-1962 - wintering; sighting irregularly, in some years can be observed, in others absent; sighting in autumn.

Puzanov, I.I. 1931. Predvaritel'nye itogi izucheniya fauny pozvonochnykh Krymskogo zapovednika [Preliminary results of study of vertebrate fauna of the Crimean Nature Reserve]. M.-L., "Medgiz", p.5-38. Within limits of the Crimean NR PF bred on rocks in the region of the Chuchelo and Basman mountains. According to E.Shereshevskiy, flying out of young PF from nest - at the end of July. By the same reference, in Crimea PF freguently captured Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). Time of leaving of nest by young PF - end of July for Alushta District of the Crimean Region.

Pusanow, I. 1933. Versuch einer Revision der Taurischen Ornis [Experience of revision of the Crimean ornithofauna]. // Byull. MOIP. Nov. ser. Otd. biol. Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. New ser. Dept. Biol.]. Vol.42, Issue 1, p.3-41. Bibliogr.: p.40-41. In German with Russian summary. Opinion about residence of local PF, expressed by author and later repeated by other authors, is leaving in fact unfounded, as far as the latest autumn sightings of PF are relating to October. By Yu.V.Kostin (1983). 2 birds (obviously, local breeding), bagged in the Crimea 28.VI.1913 By S.I.Ognev from Artek-Sudak area on Malya Yaila place - adult female and with her young female (stuffed skins - in fonds of Museum of Zool. Inst. of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR) were belonged by author to F.p.punicus Lavaiilant. It was synonim to F.p.caucasicus Kleinschm. S.I.Ognev hagged 15.VI.1913 in the Crimean Region near Sudak young PF female, which flew, around the old female, anfd had yet undeveloped primaries and rectrices.

Puzanov, I.I., Kozlov, V.I., Kiparisov, G.P. 1955. Zhivotnyi mir Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Wildlife of the Gorkiy Region: (Vertebrates)]. Gorkiy. 2nd ed. 587 p.: ill. V.I.Kozlov observed PF in 1953 in environs of Pustynskaya Biostation of Gorkiy University.

Radde, G.I. 1884 or 1885. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Kavkaza: Sistematicheskoe i biologo-geograficheskoe opisanie kavkazskikh ptits [Ornithological fauna of Caucasia. Systematical and biology-geographical description of the Caucasian birds]. Tiflis. 451 p.; 25 tabl., 1 map. Brief mention aboyt the PF breeding in Caucasia.

Raevskiy, V.V. 1982. Pozvonochnye zhivotnye Severnogo Zaural'ya [Vertebrate animals of Northern Transuralia]. M., Nauka, 1982. 146 p. PF on p.76. PF is distributed evenly within NR and adjoining region. Inhabits all types oif habitats, but is one of the rarest raptor. Dates of arrival. In collection - 1 exemplar (ad. female) shot by Skalon 12.07.1939 near Shukhtunkurt.

Randla, T. 1969. Haruldaste loodusmalestiste kaitseks [About conservation of rare living nature monuments]. // Inform. leht [Inform. leaflet] / ENSV MM ja LK Min., special issue, p.3-12, fig. In Eston. Distribution and numbers are described.

Randla, T. 1971. Madukotkast ja rabapistrikust Eestis [On Short-toed Eagle and Peregrine Falcon in Estonia]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature] 14, No.8, p.500. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Distribution and numbers are described.

Randla, T., Jussi, F., Jogi, A. 1971. Monede kaitsealuste loomaliikide arvukusest Eestis [About numbers of some animal species under protection in Estonia]. // Inform. leht [Inform. leaflet] / ENSV MM ja LK Min., nr.2(31), p.3-14, maps. In Eston. with Russ. summ. Distribution and numbers are described.

Randla, T. 1971. Kulliliste ja kakuliste sugisesest labirandest Ida-Baltikumis, eriti Eesti-NSV-s [The autumn transit migration of Hawks and Owls in the eastern part of the Baltic Area, particularly in the Estonian SSR]. // Lindude randest Eestis: Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Bird Migration in Estonia: Ornithological collection of papers], vol.5, p.187-199, ill. Bibl.7. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. PF migration is described.

Randla, T. 1974. Kaitsealused loomad. Linnud [Protected animals. Birds]. // Abiks looduskaitse fakultatiivkursuse opetamisel [In assistance to study of course on nature conservation]. Tallinn, 1974, p.76-80. In Eston. Distribution and numbers are described.

Randla, T. 1976. Eesti roovlinnud [Estonian Birds of Prey and Owls]. Tallinn, "Valgus". 200 p. PF on p.129-132. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. PF occurs in Estonian peat-bogs. From 40 breeding pairs in the 1950s it had shrunk to only a few pairs by 1970. A particularly sharp drop in the numbers was observed after 1965; in the majority of cases the breeding pairs have had no offspring. The Lapwing, Starling, Mallard and Crow are its chief objects of prey.

Randla, T. 1982. Jutustus punakael-laglest [Tale about Red-breasted Goose]. Tallinn, "Valgus". 80 p. PF in b&w and colour photos on p. 26, 27, 36, 37, 42. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Scientific-popular sketch about journey to Taimyr peninsula during 24.VI..20.VII 1978.

Randla, T.E. (Republ. Hunter's Society of the ESSR) 1983. Sostoyanie redkikh khishchnykh ptits Estonii [Status of rare birds of prey of Estonia]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.154-155. PF on p.154-155 [5 lines]. About 40 pairs bred in Estonia in 1950's. In 1960's still up to 15 pairs were breeding, while now (1970-1982) only solitary pairs. The last trustful nesting record was registered in 1971, supposedly PF nested also in 1976 and 1981.

Randla, T. 1985. Sovremennoe sostoyanie khishchnykh ptits v Estonskoi SSR [The present state of birds of prey in Estonia]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. Komiss. po Izuch. Migr. Ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 18. P.41-47 [9 lines]. PF on p.41,42,44. In Russ. with Engl. summ. At the beginning of 1960's the catastrophical dropping of PF numbers has happened. Since mid-1970's to 1981 during nesting period at least 10 pairs were observed, and 2 attempts of their breeding were observed (in 1976 and 1981).

Ratcliffe, D. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon. T. & A.D.Poyser, Calton. 416 p.

Raudonikis, L. 1990. Rezul'taty registratsii zimuyushchikh redkikh i migriruyushchikh vidov ptits v Litve [The survey of rare wintering and migratory birds in Lithuania]. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.3. Vilnius. P.99-104. Tabl.1. Bibl.7. In Russ. with Lith. and Engl. summ. PF on p.101 in the list of species, which were represented in tables of report, but unrecorded in winter 1986/87-1987/88.

Ravkin, Yu.S. 1967. K metodike ucheta ptits v lesnykh landshaftakh [On methodics of bird census in forest landscapes]. // Priroda ochagov kleshchevogo entsefalita na Altae [Nature of tick-borne encephalytis foci in Altai]. Novosibirsk, Nauka. P.66-75.

Ravkin, Yu.S. 1973. Ptitsy Severo-Vostochnogo Altaya [Birds of the North-Eastern Altai]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 375 p. PF on p.117. During migration - PF was sighted on the Teletskoe Lake. PF is sighted sometimes during nesting season too, but the modern numbers status is unclear.

Ravkin, Yu.S. 1978. Ptitsy lesnoi zony Priob'ya [Birds of forest zone of Cis-Ob' River area]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1978. 288 p. Ground nesting PF are known from Tomsk Region. During last 30 years here 4 PF nests were recorded, the last among it was found in southern taiga of Cis-Ob' River area 28.06.1967.

Ravkin, Yu.S., Lesnevskiy, Yu.Yu., Adam, A.M. and other 15 co-authors. 1988. Opyt otsenki letnei chislennosti redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits lesnoi i lesostepnoi zon Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [A pilot assesment of summer numbers of rare and endangered bird species in forest and steppe-forest zones of the Western-Siberian Plain. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Mater. of Meeting. Shushenskoe, 17-21.03.1986. Novosibirsk. P.186-191. Fig.1. Bibl.5. PF on p.190 [6 lines]. Occurred everywhere. Its occurrence is decreasing from N to S to forest-steppe. The mean-summer stock about 70 000 specimens (about 28 000 breeding pairs). About 85% of stock is distributed on outflooded marshes. Abundance - 4 specimens per 100 sq. km.

Ravkin, Yu.S., Vartapetov, L.G., Milovidov, S.P. and 17 co-authors. 1988. Otsenka letnei chislennosti redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Estimation of summer numbers of rare and endangered birds of Western-Siberian Plain]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their protection and reproduction]. (Mater. for Red Data Book). M., P.46-50. Fig.1. Tabl.1. PF on pp.48,49. In Table 4 numbers of PF, 1959-1986, 73000 specimens; error at 67% level, +/- 24%; approximate trustful intervals of mean-year indices at 95% level, - 38000-108000 specimens.

Ravkin, Yu.S., Milovidov, S.P., Vartapetov, L.G., Tsybulin, S.M. and 23 other authors. 1991. Letnyaya chislennost' redkikh i ischezayushchikh ptits Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravniny [Summer numbers of rare and endangered birds of the West-Siberian Plain]. // Izuchenie redkikh zhivotnykh v RSFSR [Study of rare animals in the RSFSR]. M. P.116-119. Map 1. Tabl.1. PF on pp.117,118. Approximarte number of PF in Table 6 on p.118 - 91 000 specimens; 37 000 breeding pairs, mean abundance - 4 specimens per 100 sq. km; error of selectiveness and extrapolation - +/-42%, trustful unsimmetric interval of the mean-year number at 95% level - 54000-154000 specimens.

Red Data Book of the Georgian SSR. Rare and endangered species of animals and plants. 1982. Tbilisi. 255 p.

Red Data Book of the Kazakh SSR. 1984. Collectiv of authors. Alma-Ata. Vol.1. PF on p.153-155.

Red Data Book of the USSR. 1978. First edition. Lesnaya Promyshlennost Publishers. M. 460 p. PF on p.130-131. Bibl.26.

Redkie i ischezayushchie rasteniya i zhivotnye Ukrainy: Spravochnik [Rare and threatened plants and animals of Ukraine: Manual]. 1988. Kiev. 256 p. In Ukrainian Poless'ye in 1914-1929 PF was considered as unnumerous species, which set up nests in trees. In 1946-1970 only solitary findings of PF nests were known and trustworth of some of it is doubtful. There are mainly interrogatory data that during 1971-81 separate PF nests were sighted still.

Rezanov, A.G. 1983. K avifaune sokoloobraznykh predgoriy i gor yugo-vostochnogo Dagestana [On the Falconiformes avifauna in foothills and mountains of the south-eastern Daghestan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M. P.136-137. PF on p.136 [2 lines]. 07.11.78 solitary PF flew along the canyon not far from Kasukment settlement (500 m a.s.l.).

Reztsov, S.A. 1904. Ptitsy Permskoi gubernii (Severnyi raion: uezdy Verkhoturskiy i Cherdynskiy) [Birds of the Perm province (northern region: Verkhoturskiy and Cherdynskiy uezds)]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossiyskoi imperii [Materials on study of fauna and flora of the Russian Empire]. M. Issue 4. P.43-185. PF was discovered on breeding in Vishera and in the Solikamsk uezd.

Reimers, N.F. 1966. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie yuzhnoi taigi Srednei Sibiri [Birds and mammals of southern taiga of middle Siberia]. M.-L. "Nauka". 420 p.,: ill., maps.

Renno, O. 1985. Vidy ptits, zanesennye v Krasnuyu knigu Estonskoi SSR, i ikh sovremennoe sostoyanie [Bird species in the Red Data Book of the Estonian SSR and their recent situation]. // Soobshcheniya Pribaltijskoi komissii po izucheniyu migratsiy ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migr.]. Tartu. Issue 18. P.16-22. PF on p.18. Number in pairs - ?; Quantity of whereabouts in 1960's and 1970's - 1; quantity of squares where breeding was probable - 3 and possible - 3. In Russ. with Engl. summ.

Renno, O.Ja. (Editor). 1993. Eesti Linnuatlas. (Estonian Bird Atlas). Tallinn, "Valgus". 256 p. PF on p.68. Drawing, text [22 lines] and map of breeding. In footnotes under map - Total areas, where bird was sighted 7=1,2%; confirmed nesting - 0; probable nesting -4=57%; possible nesting - 3=43%. General well-known information in the text. Arrival during 2nd half of March, in April low passage. On autumn passage since the end of August till the end of October. In Estonian.

Rogacheva, E.V., Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Burskiy, O.V., Anzigitova, N.V., Gotfrid, A.B. 1978. Ptitsy srednetaezhnogo Eniseya: fauna, eyo okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Birds of the middle-taiga Enisei: fauna, its conservation and rational use]. // Sb. nauch. tr. TsNILOP MSKh SSSR [Collection of scient. papers of Central Lab. of Nat. Conserv. of Min. of Agriculture of the USSR] M. P.30-165.

Rogacheva, E.V., Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Chernikov, O.A. 1987. Ornitofauna severnykh predelov taigi Eniseiskoi Sibiri (bassein r.Turukhan) [Ornithofauna of northern margins of taiga of the Enisei Siberia (Turukhan River basin)]. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna and ecology of birds and mammals of Middle Siberia]. M., "Nauka". P.53-77. PF on p.60. Any large falcon, which "cuts off duck's head during flight", was very seldom sighted in spring and summer by evenks in region of Sovetskaya Rechka village. The most probably, it was Peregrine.

Rogacheva, E.V., Vakhrushev, A.A. 1983. Fauna i naselenie ptits eniseiskoi severnoi taigi [Fauna and population of birds of the Yenisei northern taiga]. // Zhivotnyi mir eniseiskoi taigi i lesotundry i prirodnaya zonal'nost' [Wildlife of the Yenisei taiga and forest-tundra and natural zonality]. M., "Nauka". P.106-167. See Rogacheva et al., 1988. We have discovered PF nest in extremal northern taiga of left-side Enisei River area, on the large similar swamp near Gremyaka Lake: nest was on the tsall solitary-standing cedar.

Rogacheva, E.V. 1988. Sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunst.)] // Ptitsy Srednei Sibiri: rasprostranenie, chislennost', zoogeografiya [Birds of the Middle Siberia. Distribution, numbers, zoogeography]. M., "Nauka". P.56-58 [89 lines]. PF inhabits alomost all Middle Siberia. Tundras are inhabited by the largest of Palearctic subspecies (large Dove) - tundra, or White-cheeked, Falcon (F.p.leucogenys); forest subspecies, lesser - Russian Falcon (F.p.brevirostris). Numbers dynamics, past and modern distribution and numbers. Population density. Trends. In the south of study area PF numbers continue to decline.

Rogacheva, E.V., Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Burskiy, O.V., Moroz, A.A., Sheftel', B.I. 1988. Ptitsy tsentral'nogo biosfernogo zapovednika. 1. Nevorob'inye ptitsy [Birds of central biosphere nature reserve. 1. Non-Passerines]. // Okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie fauny i ekosistem Eniseiskogo Severa [Conservation and rational use of fauna and ecosystems of the Enisei North]. M. P.42-96. PF on p.57-58. PF is distributed everywhere within Middle Siberia, but it avoid the solid massives. List of observations.

Romanov, A.A. 1996. Ptitsy plato Putorana [Birds of the Putorana Plateau]. Moscow, typ. by Rossel'kozakademii, 297 p. PF on p.46 (3 lines). In 1958-1964 in region of Norilskie Lakes PF nested relatively seldom (Krechmar, 1966), in 1980's V.F.Dorogov (1988) supposed breeding of solitary pairs there.

Romanyuk, G.P. (I.I.Sprygin Zhigulevsk Nat. Res.) 1983. Izmenenie chislennosti khishchnykh ptits Zhigulevskogo zapovednika za 50 let [Change of numbers in birds of prey of the Zhigulevsk Nat. Res. for 50 years]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.65-67. Tabl.1. PF on all pages. From Table on p.65 - in 1930's PF was rare species (1-3 pairs), in 1940's - very rare (lesser 1 pair), in 1960's, 1970's, beginning of 1980's absent. Moder area of NR- 231 sq.km. Just development of norther part of NR cayused disappearing here earlier of Saker and PF. Thus, for 50 years for NR Saker and PF are vanished (9,5 % of total number of raptor species).

Romanyuk, G.P. (Zhigulevskiy Nature Reserve) 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy Zhigulevskogo zapovednika [Birds of prey of the Zhigulevskiy Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.70-79. Tabl.1. PF on p.78-79 [21 lines]. Detail reference to A.R.De Livron paper (1960).

Rootsmae, I., Rootsmae, L. 1974. Randlindude lahkumine Eestist 1949-1966 [Abzugsdaten der Zugvogel in Estland]. // Abiks Loodusevaatlejale [In assistance to Nature Observer], nr.68. 108 p., tab. In Eston. with Russ. and Germ. summ. Autumn departure of PF is described.

Rootsmae, I., Rootsmae, L. 1983. Rabapistrik (Falco peregrinus). // Die Ornithologische Literatur Estlands 1656-1975. Tartu. P.214-215. In Eston. with Russ. and Germ. summ. Titles are distributed amid the following subheadings: distribution and numbers (9 titles); population density (1); breeding phenology (1); nesting habitat (18); nest (2); clutch 6); other questions, connected with breeding (6); feeding (17); cannibalism (1); migration (7); spring arrival (3); autumn departure (1); recoveries of ringed birds (9); behaviour (1); voice (1); sightings (50).

Roslyakov, G.Ye., Roslyakov, A.G. (Complex Ecol. Labor. of the DalNIISKh, Khabarovsk) 1991. Rol' zakaznikov v okhrane redkikh ptits v Khabarovskom krae [Role of game reserves in protection of rare birds in the Khabarovsk Territory]. //Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.184. In Khabarovsk Territory on status of 01.01.1990 there were 22 Game Reserves of local importance and 5 of Republic Importance. Its area 4873,1 thopusand ha (about 6% of territory). Each of GR if performed for protection of certain bird group. There 48 PF pairs in GR.

Rozdina, O.I., Ignat'yev, V.A. 1989. Analiz padezha sredi vidov ptits, zanesennykh v Krasnye knigi SSSR i RSFSR, soderzhashchikhsya v Moskovskom zooparke s 1959 po 1988 [Analysis of the death reasons among bird species, listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR and RSFSR, keeping at Moscow Zoo since 1959 till 1988]. // Zookul'tura tsennykh i redkikh vidov ptits i zverei [Zooculture of valuable and rare species of birds and animals]. Coll. of sci. papers. M. 154-161. PF on p.159. Acute duodenit - 1 case.

Russow, V. 1874, 1875. Bericht uber Ergebnisse einer ornithologischen Reise im Jahre 1874. // Sb. Dorp. Bd.3, H.6, S.483-491. -Auch: Sb.Dorp. 1869-1874, 1874. In German. Nesting habitat of PF is described.

Russow, V. 1880. Die Ornis Ehst-, Liv- und Curlands. Dorpat. 214 S. In German. Main number of PF are passage birds, in Latvia only rare pairs are staying for winter.

Rustamov, A.K. 1954. Ptitsy pustyni Kara-Kum [Birds of the Kara-Kum desert]. Ashkhabad, Publ. House of Ac of Sc of the Turkmen SSR. 344 p.: ill., maps. (Scient. notes of Turkmen State Univ; issue 2).

Rustamov, A.K. 1958. Ptitsy Turkmenistana [Birds of Turkmenistan]. Vol.2. Ashkhabad, Publ. House of the Ac of Sc of TSSR. 252 p.: ill., 8 sheets ill.

Rustamov, A.K. 1985.

Ruzskiy, M.D. 1893. Materialy k izucheniyu ptits Kazanskoi gubernii [Materials on study of birds of the Kazan province]. // Trudy ob-va estestvoispyt-i pri Kazanskom univ-te [Proc. of Naturalist's Soc. at the Kazan Univ.], Kazan. Vol. 25, issue 6. 292 p. PF was rare species in XIX century in Tataria.

Ryabtsev, V.V. 1984. Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits leso-stepnogo Predbaikal'ya [Ecology of birds of prey of forest-steppe Predbaikal'ye (Front-Baikal Area)]. Avtoref. diss. na soisk. uch. step. kand. biol. nauk [Author's abstracts of thesis]. Leningrad. 16 p.

Rychin, Yu. 1960. Ptitsy v Moskve [Birds in Moscow]. // Okhotnich'i prostory. [Hunting areas]. N15. P.17-21. During 2 years PF lived since November till March on the high building on the Smolensk Square in Moscow.

Rychkov, A.P. 1949. Topografiya Orenburgskoi gubernii [Topography of the Orenburg Province]. // Orenburgskie stepi v trudakh P.I.Rychkova, E.A.Eversmana, S.S.Neustroeva (1762) [Orenburg steppes in papers by P.I.Rychkov, E.A.Eversmann, S.S.Neustroev (1762)]. M. P.43-204. See Chibilev, 1995.

Rykova, S.Yu. (Pinega State Nat. Res.) 1983. Nekotorye dannye po ekologii i okhrane khishchnykh ptits Pinezhskogo zapovednika (Arkhangel'skaya oblast') [Some data on ecology and conservation of birds of prey of the Pinega Nature Reserve (Archangel Region)]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.45-47. Tabl.1. PF on p.46,47. PF was recorded several times, including winter; character of occurrence is not determined. In 1978 PF was sighted only once per 86 km, i.e. 0,1 bird per 10 km.

Rykova, S.Yu., Rykov, A.M. 1989. Redkie vidy zhivotnykh Pinezhskogo zapovednika [Rare animal species of the Pinega (Pinezhskiy) Nature Reserve]. // Tr. Komi Nauch. Tsentra Ural. fil. AN SSSR [Proc. of Komi sci. centre of Ural. branch of the USSR Ac Sc.]. N100. Syktyvkar. P.60-66. PF on p.64.

Sabaneev, L.P. 1874. Pozvonochnye Srednego Urala i ikh geograficheskoe rasprostranenie v Permskoi i Orenburgskoi guberniyakh [Vertebrates of the Middle Urals and their geographical distribution in the Perm and Orenburg provinces]. M. P.21-35. PF is distributed within entire Perm Territory, but in the north PF is sighting considerably more seldom.

Salikhbaev, Kh.S., Ostapenko, M.M. 1964. Ptitsy [Birds]. // Pozvonochnye zhivotnye yuga Uzbekistana (Bassein Surkhandar'i) [Vertebrates of the South of Uzbekistan (Surkhan Daria River basin)]. Tashkent, "Nauka" of the Uzbek Ac. of Sc. P.72-144. Falco peregrinus babylonicus Sclater on p.94 (5 lines). In Kugitang, along Kyzylalm and Kampyrtep, N.A.Zarudnyi observed PF up to upper limits of archa groves, and in Babatag (Khazretbaba) - in Pystachio groves (Ivanov, 1940).

Salminen, P. 1976. Muuttohaukkojemnu kohtalonhetket. // Suomen luonto, v.35, No2. In Finnish. Only on the ground PF are breeding on open bogs in northern Finland, where by 1975 their number was estimated at 16 pairs.

Samoilov, B.L. 1983. Gnezdovanie khishchnykh ptits v blizhnem Podmoskov'ye i faktory, ego limitiruyushchie [Nesting of birds of prey in the nearest area around the Moscow city and factors, determining it]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.67-74. PF on p.69-70 (36 lines). PF - a single of mentioned rare species, which nested in Losinyi Ostrov during our observations. Nesting habitats. Dynamics of PF occurrence. As a rule nests were robbed. After 1969 PF in Losinyi Ostrov was sighted not annually, mainly in early spring or in late autumn. Detail review.

Samoilov, B.L. 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy v usloviyakh rekreatsionnykh lesov Moskovskoi gorodskoi aglomeratsii: Avtoref. dis.... kand. biol. nauk. M.: IEMEZh AN SSSR. [Birds of prey within recreational forests round Moscow. Abstract, Ph.D. Thesis. M., IEMEZh Ac Sc of the USSR]. 23 p. In spring 1961 PF was observed twice on the peat mines on Yauzskie bogs, where many gulls, waders and ducks were feeding. In Shchelkovskiy forestry, at 12 km from Losinyi Ostrov, PF regularly nested till 1969, until its nest was robbed.

Samoilov, B.L., Morozova, G.V. 1984. Redkie ptitsy lesoparkovogo poyasa g.Moskvy [Rare birds of the forest-park belt of the Moscow city]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 19. P.186-187. PF on p.187. PF was sighted in 1981 on Exhibition of National Economical Achievement, Moscow River floodland in region of Strogino place.

Samoilov, B.L. 1987. Sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunst.)]. // Il'ichev, V.D., But'yev, V.T., Konstantinov, V.M. Ptitsy Moskvy i Podmoskov'ya [Birds of Moscow and Podmoskov'ya]. M., "Nauka". P.217-218 [50 lines].

Earlier PF was widely-distributed everywhere in Moscow area. PF was nested in limited number in dense, few-visited tall-trunk forests, bordering with open areas of large bogs. Reasons of extinction. In the first decade of May 1968, consoiderably later normal breeding dates, PF pair occupied Raven nest in eastern part of Losinyi ostrov. At beginning of July nest was robbed and single chick was taken by local people for Zoo. In last years the solitary sightings of PF in separate regions of Moscow Region are recorded only.

Samorodov, Yu.A. 1986. Khishchnye ptitsy severo-zapadnogo Prikaspiya [Birds of prey of the North-western Prikaspiy]. // Ekol. issledovaniya na Srednem Povolzh'ye [Ecol. researches in the Middle Povolzh'ye]. Kuibyshev. P.20-58. Bibl. 65.

Sarandinaki, G. 1908. Nekotorye dannye dlya ornitologii Rostovskogo n/D okruga Donskoi oblasti [Some data for ornithology of the Rostov-on-Don district of the Don Region]. Odessa: Typ. by S.Merk. 75 p. (Collection of stud. biol. circle at Novorossiysk Univ.). PF was observed only once for 7 years in lower parts of the Don River. By V.P.Belik (1990).

Sataeva, Z.L. 1937. Smena sezonnykh aspektov avifauny po Tashkentu i ego okrestnostyam [Change of the seasonal aspects of avifauna in Tashkent and its surroundings]. //Tr. Sredne-Az. un-ta [Proc. of the Middle-Asian State Univ.], ser. VIII-a, zoology, issue 29. Tashkent. P.1-74. Bibliogr.: p.73. Engl. summ.

Satunin, K.A. 1912. Zhivotnyi mir Mugani [Wildlife of Mugan']. Tiflis. 85 p. PF lives in reedbeds on lakes and also amid bushes. PF is concentrating in wintering quarters of waterfowl.

Savchenko, A.P., Chugaev, A.V. 1986. Kolichestvennaya kharacteristika vesennego proleta ptits v Tuve [Qunatitative characteristic of the spring passage of birds in Tuva]. //Migratsii ptits v Azii [Bird migrations in Asia]. Novosibirsk. P.94-109.

Savchenko, A.P., Yemel'yanov, V.I., Babashkin, K.N. 1986. O nekotorykh redkikh i maloizuchennykh pereletnykh ptitsakh Tuvinskoi ASSR [About some rare and little-studied migratory birds of the Tuva ASSR]. // Migratsii ptits v Azii [Bird migrations in Asia]. Novosibirsk. P.204-206.

Sawitzky, W. 1899. Die Vogelwelt der Stadt Riga und Umgegend. // "Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga" 42, S.191-218. In German.

Schmidl, D. 1994. Captive propagation of the Red-naped Shahin (Russet-headed Falcon or desert Peregrine Falcon) Falco pelegrinoides / Peregrinus babylonicus. // Russ. Orn. Zhurnal [Russ. J.Ornithol.]. St.-Petersburg. Vol.3 (1). P.3-11. Bibl.32 titl. In English with Russian summary.

Sdobnikov, V.M. 1954. Stranstvuyushchiy sokol: Zametki naturalista [The wandering (travelling) falcon: Notes of naturalist]. // Vokrug sveta (Around the world). N 12. P.39.

Scientific-popular article about PF.

Sdobnikov, V.M. 1959. Materialy po faune i ekologii ptits Leno-Khatangskogo kraya (po sboram i nablyudeniyam A.A.Romanova) [Materials on fauna and ecology of birds of the Lena-Khatanga rivers territory (On collections and observations of A.A.Romanov)]. // Trudy Inst. biologii [Proceedings of Inst. of Biol.]. Issue 6. M.: Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. P.119-143. Obviously, plots, that are convenient for PF breeding in tundras are limited.

Seebohm, B.H. 1880. Siberia in Europe; a visit to the valley of the Petchora in North-East Russia. London.P.311. In Engl.

Selitskiy, Ya. (Moscow Univ.) 1991. Sokolinaya okhota i okhrana khishchnykh ptits v Pol'she [Falconry and conservation of birds of prey in Poland]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika", 1991. Part 2. Book 2. P.206-207. PF and Golden Eagle are unknown as nesting species more 20 years, though ornithologists suggest, that in Poland still up to 5 pairs of each species can be occurred. In 1990 at the first time 4 PF, reared by Polish specialists were released in the wild, and 4 other Polish PF were released in the eastern part of Germany. Main task - restoration of the "tree" PF population in Poland, as far as in other European countires pF breeds on rocks and buildings mainly.

Serebrovskiy, P.V. 1924. Znachenie khishchnykh ptits v okhotnich'yem i sel'skom khozyaistve [Significance of birds of prey in hunting industry and agriculture]. // Leningradskiy okhotnik i sportsmen [Leningr. hunter and sportsman]. N 1. P.24-26; N 2, p.29-30.

Serzhanin, I.N. 1935. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy i ikh znachenie v polevom, sel'skom i lesnom khozyaistve [Birds of prey and owls and their significance in the field farming, agriculture and forestry]. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR [Publ. House of Ac Sc of BSSR]. 29 p. with ill.

Shaparev, Yu.P. (Inst. of Forest and Timber of the Siber. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Rasprostranenie i chislennost' khishchnykh ptits v Nizhnem Priangar'ye [Distribution and numbers of birds of prey in the lower Priangar'ye]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.155-156. PF on p.156 [5 lines]. PF - regular many-year observations for 3 pairs allow surely to speak about nesting of species in Lower Angara. Nesting is attached to rovcky banks of river, distance between pairs - about 30 km. Arrival - in 2nd half of April, departure - at beginning of September.

Shaparev, Yu.P. (Central-Siberian Biosphere Nat. Res.) 1991. Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Tsentral'nosibirskogo biosfernogo zapovednika [Rare and little-studied birds of the Central-Siberian Biosphere Nature Reserve]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.287-288. PF on p.288. PF is little-numbered, it is breeding on Stolbovaya River (2 pairs).

Shaparev, Yu.P. 1991. Khishchnye ptitsy Nizhnego Priangar'ya [Birds of prey of the Lower Priangar'ye (Cis-Angara river area)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 25. P.177-178. PF on p.178 [9 lines]. PF regularly was recorded by us on breeding. Nesting territories are attached to rocky banks of Angara with rare tree vegetation. 3 nesting plots were situated under observation. Distance between nests - about 30 km. Spring arrival is early. In the 2nd half of April - mating flights above rocks and adjoining parts of river. Fledglings near nests are recording during the 2nd half of August. Departure at beginning of September.

Sharleman', M.V. 1923. Sokil mandrivnyi (Falco peregrinus Tunst.) na Kyivshchyni [The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus Tunst.) in Kievshchina (Kiev Region)]. // Ukr. zool. zhurn. [Ukr. zool. journal], N2, p.4. (or p.2. p.4-6 ??) In Ukrainian. Eggs of PF, captured in Ukraine, are described only from one clutch from Kiev Region; consisted of 4 eggs. PF appear here early - at the mid-March; so, 25.III.1914 in the Kiev vicinity (Pushcha-Voditsa place) already mating (court) display was observed in P?F's pair near to their nest.

Sharleman', M.V. 1930. Materialy do ornitofauny derzhavnogo zapovednyka Koncha-Zaspa [Materials on ornithofauna of the Koncha-Zaspa State Nature Reserve]. // Zb. prats Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. Mus. of Ac Sc of the UkrSSR], N8, 47 p. Un Ukrainian. PF was observed 21.III.1927 in Koncha-Zaspa of the Kiev Region.

Shatalova, S.P. 1962. Issledovanie pogadok khishchnykh ptits v svyazi s izucheniem raspredeleniya i chislennosti mlekopitayushchikh [Study of raptor's pellets in connection with study of distribution and numbers of mammals]. // Uchen. zapiski [Scient. notes] / Mosk. ped. in-t im. Lenina [Lenin Mosc. Ped. Inst.]. N186. P.152-168: graph.

Shcherbak, N.N. 1989. Nazemnye pozvonochnye zhivotnye iz Krasnoi knigi RSFSR na Ukraine [Terrestrial vertebrate animals from Red Data Book of the RSFSR in Ukraine]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and needed in protection animals]. M. P.20-21. Data on PF by Tille, A.A., Prokopenko, S.A. on p.20. Number of PF is not more than 8-10 pairs.

Shcherbakov, B.V., Kochnev, A.G. 1983. O chislennosti i rasprostranenii nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits na vostoke Kazakhstana [On numbers and distribution of some birds of prey in the East of Kazakhstan]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.156-158. Tabl.1. PF on p.158 in Table - Numbers of Birds of Prey in different seasons in different regions of Eastern Kazakhstan. In summer (middle of March-end of July - 2 (540 km) in Western Altai, 1 in foothills of Tarbagatai (62 km) and 9 birds in Zaisan hollow (634 km). In autumn (August-middle of October) 2 birds in Zaisan hollow (1784 km). In winter (December-February) 1 in Southern Altai (454 km), 1 bird in Kalba (873 km), 1 in Zaisan hollow (1644 km).

Shepel, A.I. 1992. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Permskogo Prikam'ya [Birds of prey and owls of the Perm Prikam'ye (area around the Kama River)]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk Univ. Press. PF on p.152-160. Photo 3. Map 1. Tabl.3. Distribution and numbers dynamics in region and neighbouring areas. Nesting habitats. Nests. Tab.85 - PF numbers in separate geobotanical districts of the Perm' Region. Tab.86 - PF numbers in different regions of Europe in 1970's and 1980's. Tab.87 - PF breeding indices in different regions of Europe in 1970-1980's. Tab.88 - PF food composition on stationary point, %. Excellent and very detailed review.

Shepel, A.I., Petrovskikh, A.I. 1981. Kharakteristika gnezdovykh territoriy khishchnykh ptits v Permskoi oblasti [Characteristic of nesting territories of birds of prey in the Perm Region]. Manuscript in VINITI. 17 p. Probably, PF are coming here, but are not breeding. In accordance with A.V.Kuznetsov (1994).

Shestoperov, E.L. 1937. Ptitsy [Birds]. Opredelitel' pozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Turkmenskoi SSR [Guide of vertebrate animals of the Turkmen SSR]. Issue 4.

Shevareva, T.P. 1965. Populyatsionnye osobennosti migratsiy ptits [The populational peculiarities of bird migrations]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 7. P.318-327. PF on p. 320. Thits group of birds of prey, existing in different parts of breeding range owing to different prey: in some places - migratory, and in other - more resident, inhabiting cultural landscape. So, Tundra PF carries out mihrations following Gulls, Ducks and Waders, and Middle-Russian PF passages in winter to feeding by Doves, Crows other birds-synanthrops and does not fly far away (Dement'yev, 1947).

Shevchenko, V.V. 1948. Ptitsy zapovednika Aksu-Dzhabagly [Birds of the Aksu-Dzhabagly State Nature Reserve]. // Trudy zapovednika Aksu-Dzhabagly [Proc. of the Aksu-Dzhabagly State Nature Reserve]. Alma-Ata. Issue 1. P.36-71. Bibl.6. PF on p.61. Shul'pin relates PF to rare passage birds of subalpine zone. We have sighted PF only once on Alsai pass 29/VIII.1944.

Shevchenko, V.L, Gavrilov, E.I., Naglov, V.A., Fedosenko, A.K., Tatarinova, O.M. 1978. K ornitofaune Volgo-Ural'skogo mezhdurech'ya (Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy) [On ornithofauna of area between Volga and Ural Rivers (Birds of prey and owls)]. // Biologiya ptits Kazakhstana [Biology of birds in Kazakhstan]. / Transac. oif the Inst. of Zool. of Kazakh Ac Sc. Vol.38. Alma-Ata, P.99-114. PF on p.111 (6 lines). Rare passage species. On spring passage in Ural River floodland (Chapaev district) PF was observed 27.04.57 and 04.04.58. On the left bank of Kushum River near Lobikov settlement PF ate wader 26.05.57. Near Furmanovo 27.08.57 PF corps was found, which struck with wires and perished.

Shnitnikov, V.N. 1913. Ptitsy Minskoi gubernii [Birds of the Minsk Province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossijskoi imperii [Materials on Study of Fauna and Flora of Russian Empire]. Otdel. zool. [Dept. zool.] Issue 12. P.1-475. At the beginning of our century PF in Southern Byelorussia was very rare breeding species and set up nests in trees.

Shnitnikov, V.N. 1949. Ptitsy Semirech'ya [Birds of Semirech'ye]. M-L. Publ. House of the USSR Ac of Sc. 665 p.: ill., maps.

Shnitnikov, V.N. 1957. Zveri i ptitsy nashei strany [Animals and birds of our country]. M., "Molodaya gvardiya". 254 p. PF on p.161-162 (69 lines). Scientific-popular sketch with well-known facts on PF.

Shtegman, B.K. 1937. Dnevnye khishchhniki [Diurnal birds of prey]. M.-L., VIII, 294 p. with ill.; 15 sheets ill. // Zool. Inst. of the USSR Ac. of Sc. Fauna SSSR [Fauna of the USSR]. New ser. No 14. Ptitsy [Birds]. Vol.1, issue 5. Bibliogr.: p.43. Summ. in German. In region of Karadag (Crimean Region) young PF with sizes of adult bird together with old birds flew in region of nest at the end of September.

Shubin, A.O. (V.I.Lenin Moscow State Pedag. Inst.) 1983. K faune zimuyushchikh khishchnykh ptits Kzyl-Agachskogo zapovednika [On fauna of wintering birds of prey of the Kzyl-Agach Nature Reserve]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.163-164. PF on p.164 (4 lines). In 1981 2 plots were discovered, and in 1982 - 4 plots with length 2,5-6 km along telegraph line; PF lived by pairs, hunted waders and ducks.

Shukurov, E.D. 1981. Ptitsy Kirgizii [Birds of Kirghizia]. Frunze, "Mektep". Part 1. 144 p., ill. PF on p.69-73. Scientific-popular sketch with well-known information.

Shul'pin, L.M. 1934. Landshaftnye zony Aksu-Dzhabaglionskogo zapovednika i ikh avifaunisticheskogo naseleniya [Landscape zones of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Nature Reserve and their avifaunistical population]. Rukopis' [Manuscript].

Shulpin, L.M. 1936. O faunisticheskikh osobennostyakh severo-zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya [On faunistical peculiarities of the north-western Tien Shan]. // Dokl. Akad. Nauk [Reports of Ac. of Sc.], v.III/XII-, N9(104) Moscow-Leningrad.

Shummer, A. 1923. Materialy po ornitofaune okrestnostei g.Kostromy [Materials on ornithofauna of the Kostroma town vicinity] // Tr. Kostrom. nauch. o-va po izucheniyu mestnogo kraya [Proc. of Kostroma Scient. Soc. on Study of Local Lore]. Kostroma. Issue 32. P.61-106. PF in Kostroma lowland is nesting unrare species.

Shurupov, I.I. 1988. Sapsan v Moskovskoi oblasti [Peregrine Falcon in the Moscow Region]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.104 [4 lines]. 23/VI 1986 in afternoon in region of Dolgoprudnaya Railway Station of Savelovskaya Railway at 4 km from Moscow border 2 PF "plaied" and flew in direction to the city.

Simkin, G.N. 1988. O proiskhozhdenii i evolyutsii kolonial'nosti u ptits [The origin and evolution of birds coloniality]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 23. P.36-51. PF on p.40.Attentive observation for hunting methods of even the most active raptors (PF, Hobby and others), as well as in the case with the most active predators-mammals, clearly speaks about that hunting methods, possibility and adpativeness of bagging methods in respect to health prey by raptor, as a rule, are considerably overstated by classical science.

Skalon, V.N. 1936. Materialy k poznaniyu fauny yuzhnykh granits Sibiri [Materials on study of fauna of southern borders of Siberia]. // Izv. Gos. protivochumnogo in-ta Sibiri i DVK [Proc. of State Anti-Plague Inst. of Siber. and Far East], v.3, p.135-209. Bibliogr.: p.175-176.

Skoptsov, V. 1987. Redkie i ischezayushchie vidy ptits Tambovskoi oblasti [Rare and endangered bird species of the Tambov Region]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 22. P.195-196. PF on p.195. One stuffed skin of PF, bagged in Tambov district, was made by Yu.A.Bykov in 1971.

Skryabin, N.G., Filonov, K.P. 1962. Materialy k faune ptits severo-vostochnogo poberezh'ya Baikala [Materials on bird fauna of the north-eastern shore of the Baikal Lake]. // Tr. Barguzinskogo gos. zapovednika [Proc. of the Barguzinskiy State Nat. Res.]. Issue 4. P.119-191. Authors relate PF to rare passage and probably breeding birds of NR.

Skryabin, N.G., Pyzh'yanov, S.V., Sadkov, V.S., Safronov, N.N., Podkovyrov, V.A., Sum'yaa, D. 1988. Redkie ptitsy Baikal'skoi riftovoi zony [Rare birds of the Baikal rift (rhyft) zone]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Mater. of Meeting. Shushenskoe, 17-21.03.1986. Novosibirsk. P.198-204. Bibl.16. PF on p.202 [16 lines]. Rare, probably, breeding species of the Baikal rhyft zone. In Cis-Khubsugul area we observed PF twice in upper Khankh River. In Baikal most of all as solitary birds as pairs on passage in spring and autumn are sighting. Sighting 23 July allows to suppose breeding. In Barguzin NR PF is recorded only on passage. In autumn on Baikal birds are since end of August till beginning of October. In 1959 in autumn for 10 days we have recorded 14 PF, in spring only 3.

Smetanin, V.N. (Sokhondinskiy Nature Reserve) 1985. Dnevnye khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Sokhondinskogo zapovednika [Diurnal birds of prey and owls of the Sokhonda Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i svoy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.79-89. PF on p.87 [6 lines]. Rare, probably nesting species. In territory of NR PF was observed several times in June-July 1980-1982 in mountain tundras of mountain Tsagan-Ula and in cedar-larch sparse forest. In Kyra village 11.04.82 solitary bird was observed, which was circling above Dove flock.

Snegirevskiy, S.I. 1941. Ptitsy Yuzhnogo Urala (severnaya chast' Bashkirii i blizhaishikh chastei Zaural'ya) [Birds of southern Urals (northern part of Bashkiria and nearest parts of Transuralia)]. // Rukopis' fondovykh materialov Bashkirskogo zapovednika [Manuscript of fond materials of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve], No 11. PF was found as the breeding species on Uzyan River and Kulgino village.

Snigirevskiy, S.I. 1947. Ornitologicheskaya ekskursiya v shirokolistvennye lesa Zapadnykh predgoriy Yuzhnogo Urala [Ornithological excursion into wide-leaves forests of western foothills of Southern Ural]. // Tr. Bashkir. zapovednika [Proc. of Bashkirian Nature Reserve]. 1947. Issue 1. P.69-86: 1 sheet maps.

Snigirevskiy, S.I. 1947. Ornitologicheskie nablyudeniya v gornoi taige Yuzhnogo Urala [Ornithological observations in the mountain taiga of Southern Ural]. // Tr. Bashkir. zapovedniksa [Proc. of the Bashkirian Nature Reserve]. 1947. Issue 1. P.87-109: ill.

Sokolov, V. 1928. Materialy k izucheniyu ornitofauny Pervogo gosudarstvennogo stepnogo zapovednika "Chapli" [Materials on study of ornithofauna of the first state steppe nature reserve "Chapli"]. // Visti stepovogo zapovidnyka "Chapli" (k.Askania-Nova) [Bull. of state steppe nature reserve "Chapli"]. v.4, p.25-68 or 27-68. Paper in Russian but title of collection of papers is in Ukrainian. During winter 1923/24 at Askania-Nova Nature Reserve number of PF was especial high, and they were killed in a huge number as well as Goshawks.

Sokolov, G.A., Petrov, S.Yu., Balagura, N.P., Stakheev, V.A., Zavatskiy, B.P. 1983. Kharakteristika faunisticheskogo sostava i ekologii nekotorykh fonovykh vidov mlekopitayushchikh i ptits [Characteristics of the faunistical composition and ecology of some main species of mammals and birds]. // Sayano-Shushenskiy gos. zapovednik [Sayano-Shushenskiy State Nature Reserve]. Krasnoyarsk. P.30-54.

Sokolov, Ye.P., Il'yashenko, V.Yu. 1987. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v kollektsii Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR [Birds of the Red Data Book of the RSFSR in collection of Zool. Institute of the USSR Ac Sc.]. // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Problems of rare animals conservation]. M. P.106-112. PF on p.109. Stuffed skins of adult birds - 345 and 6 chicks. There are 11 preparatus in spiritus of chicks and 1 other. Osteological material 1 + (10). Distribution among regions of 345 stuffed skins (see Tomkovich, Barysheva, 1987) is : 48, 73 and 113. In brackets parts of objects are given.

Solov'yova, D.V. (Ust-Lena Nat. Res.) 1991. Avifauna zapovednika Ust'-Lenskiy [Avifauna of the Ust-Lena Nature Reserve]. // Materialy 10-i Vses. Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.223. PF regularly breeds in NR.

Solomonov, N.G., Revin, Yu.V., Labutin, Yu.V. 1988. Uyazvimye vidy mlekopitayushchikh i ptits fauny Yakutii [Vulnerable species of mammals and birds of the Yakutian fauna]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.219-222. PF on p.221. In the 2nd category of the Red Data Book of the USSR and RSFSR PF is listed as species with extremely low population density.

Somov, N.N. 1897. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Khar'kovskoi gubernii [Ornithological fauna of the Khar'kov province]. Khar'kov, A.Darre typ., 680 p. It is known, that PF numbers decline is caused by competition between PF and Saker Falcon. Data, regarding PF within former Tula Province. PF was sighted 4.III.1887 in the Khar'kov Region. By V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977). Young male from unknown population, bagged 1.IX.1884 in environs of Trostyanets (Khar'kov Region), aleady could replce all feathers and had sizes of adult bird; remains of the nesting plumage were remained as small brown feathers still only amid upper wing coverts and have been across.

Sonin, V.D. 1962. Nekotorye materialy po pitaniyu i rasprostraneniyu khishchnykh ptits Irkutskoi oblasti [Some materials on feeding and distribution of birds of prey of the Irkutsk Region]. // Izv. Vost.-Sib. otd. Geogr. o-va SSSR [Proc. of the East.-Siber. Dept. of Geogr. Soc. of the USSR]. Irkutsk. V.60. P.120-125 or 138-146. PF breeding is recorded in Lena River valley in region of the Kachug settlement.

Sonin, V.D. 1978. Sezonnye migratsii dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits v Predbaikal'ye [Seasonal migrations of diurnal raptors in Front-Baikal area]. // Tezisy soobshcheniy Vtoroi Vsesoyuznoi konf. po migratsiyam ptits [Abstracts of the 2nd All-Union Conf. on Bird Migrations]. Part II. Alma-Ata. P.147-148.

Sopyev, O.S., Solokha, A.V., Bozhko, T.P., Kaidun, I.A. 1988. Vidovoi sostav, raspredelenie i gnezdovanie ptits Tsentral'nogo Kopetdaga [Species composition, distribution and nesting of birds of the Central Kopetdag]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye zhivotnye Turkmenistana [Rare and little-studied animals of Turkmenistan]. Ashkhabad. P.39-64.

Sorokin, A.G. 1986. Razvedenie dikikh ptits. Khishchnye ptitsy [Reintroduction of wild birds. Birds of prey]. // Flint, V.Ye., Gabuzov, O.S., Sorokin, A.G., Ponomareva, T.S. Razvedenie redkikh vidov ptits [Reproduction of rare bird species]. M., "Agropromizdat". P.173-195. Foreign experience of reproduction of (mainly from North-American populations) Peregrine Falcons is described.

Sorokin, A.G. 1990. ?Programm of reintroduction of rare Falcon species in the USSR. // ? Ecol. probl. of wildlife conservation. Abstracts of All-Union Conf. Moscow, 10-17.12.1990. Part 1. M. P.117-118.

Sosnovskiy, I.P. 1987. Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye. Po stranitsam Krasnoi Knigi SSSR [Rare and endangered animals. Through pages of the USSR Red Data Book]. M., "Lesnaya promyshlennost", 1987. PF on p.256-258. Popular description of information, given in scientific issue of Red Data Book of the USSSR - see Pererva, V.I., 1984.

Sotnikova, Ye.I., Krever, V.G. 1989. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v zooparkakh [Birds and mammals of the RSFSR Red Data Book in Zoos]. //Zookul'tura tsennykh i redkikh vidov ptits i zverei [Zooculture of valuable and rare species of birds and animals]. Coll. of sci. papers. M. P.131-146. PF on p.139 [4 lines]. Alma-Ata 0.2.1, Moscow 2.1, Novosibirsk 0.0.1. Total in Zoos of the USSR - 7 (2.3.2), there were not breeding occasions. Abroad in 1985 PF was breeding in one Zoo in Canada, 3 specimens of increase was received.

Spangenberg, Ye.P., Feigin, G.A. 1936. Ptitsy nizhnei Syr-Dar'i i prilegayushchikh rajonov [Birds of lower Syr Daria and adjoining areas]. // Sbornik tr. Zool. muzeya Mosk. un-ta [Proceedings of Zool. Museum of Moscow Univ.], 1936, vol.3, p.41-184. In the middle stream of Syr Daria, PF repeatedly was observed in spring 1930 and 1932 during the mass waterfowl passage. Near Dzhulek settlement bird was sighted 6.04.32.

Spangenberg, Ye.P., Leonovich, V.V. 1958. Ekologiya ptits-khishchnikov poluostrova Kanin [Ecology of birds-raptors of the Kanin peninsula]. // Uchenye zapiski of Moscow St. Univ. Vyp.197. Ornitologiya [Scientific notes of Moscow State Univ. Ornithology. Issue 197]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P. 49-60. Bibl.6. Falco peregrinus leucogenus Brehm on p.52. Peregrine and Gyr are not competitors in respect of food. In 1957 2 nests were studied. Clutched consisted of 2-3 eggs in 1957. 30/VI chicks have been already in the nest. Presence of "addled" eggs. Construction of nests of 2 layers. Food items. Neighbourhood of Geese, Ducks and Waders. Hunting areas at least at 1 km from nest. Useful information.

Spangenberg, Ye.P., Leonovich, V.V. 1960. Ptitsy severo-vostochnogo poberezh'ya Belogo morya [Birds of the north-eastern shore of the White Sea]. // Tr. Kandalakshskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Kandalaksha Nat. Res.], Murmansk. issue 2, p.213-336: ill, 1 sheet. map. Distance between PF nests in Kanin Peninsula is 5-7 km.

Spuris, Z.D. 1962. Kol'tsevanie ptits v Latvijskoi SSR v 1950-1960 gg [Bird ringing in the Latvian SSR in 1950-1960]. // Migratsii vodoplavayushchikh i pribrezhnykh ptits Latvijskoi SSR [Migrations of waterfowl and coastal birds of the Latvian SSR]. Riga: Publ. house of Ac Sc of the Latv. SSR, p.5-21. In Latvia since 1925 till 1970 82 PF were ringed.

Stackelberg, 1905. Zu "Die einfachsten Kennzeichen unserer Tagraubvogel" in Heft 5. // Neue Baltische Waidmannsblatter. Riga, Jg.1, Nr.7, S.154. In German. Feeding of PF is described.

Stalidzans, Yu. 1985. Ornitofauna gosudarstvennogo zapovednika "Teichi" [Ornithofauna of the State Nature Reserve "Teichi"]. 23 p. Manuscript. PF as irregulkar migrant is mentioned in the list of ornithofauna of Teichu NR in Latvia.

Stakheev, V.A., Irisova, N.L., Irisov, E.A., Baskakov, V.V. 1982. Kharacter prebyvaniya i razmnozheniya ptits, vnesennykh v Krasnuyu knigu SSSR, v Altaiskom zapovednike [Character of presence and distribution of birds, listed in Red Data Book of the USSR, in the Altai Nature Reserve]. //Tez. dokl. konf.: Ischezayushchie i redkie rasteniya i zhivotnye Altaiskogo kraya i problemy ikh okhrany [Abstracts of conf.: Endangered and rare plants and animals of the Altai territory and problems of their conservation]. Barnaul. P.30-33. PF was sighted during migration season on the Teletskoe Lake.

Stakheev, V.A., Irisova, N.L., Polushkin, D.M. 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy zapovednikov Altaya i Sayan [Birds of prey and owls of nature reserves of Altai and Sayany]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M., "Nauka". P.30-45. Tabl.1. PF on the p.44 [22 lines]. In 1970's breeding here was not traced but sightings took place. List of observations. 24/VIII - 9/IX 1979 3 PF hunted Willow Grouses. Other PF catched Nutcracker. One nest was found in larch in 1983 in Sayano-Shushenskiy NR. IN "Stolby" NR PF is nesting presently in valleys of bordering rivers. List of observations. 14/V1983 one living nest on rocks was found. Other nest was situated also on rocks.

Stakheev, V.A. 1988. Znachenie zapovednikov v sokhranenii redkikh zhivotnykh Altaya i Sayan [Significance of nature reserves in conservation of rare animals of Altai and Sayany]. // Redkie pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk. "Nauka". P.226-231. Bibl.14. PF on p.227. Role of Nature Reserves in conservation of PF, listed in Red Data Book of the RSFSR, is very considerable.

Stakheev, V.A., Petrov, S.Yu. 1995. Rasprostranenie i chislennost' redkikh vidov ptits poberezhiy vodokhranilishcha Sayano-Shushenskoi GES [Distribution and numbers of rare bird species of the Saynao-Shushenskaya hydro-electric power station's water reservoir shores]. // Voprosy ornitologii. Tez. dokl. k V konf. orn. Sibiri [Problems of Ornithology. Abstracts for Vth Conf. of Ornithologists of Siberia]. Barnaul. P.120-123. PF on p.122 [10 lines]. PF breeds throughout enture Sayny part of water reservoir. 4 nesting plots were discovered in 1994. Exact places. Changes in distribution and numbers during filling up of water reservoir were not recorded. Near Usa River mouth larch, on which in 1983 PF was nested, was covered by water in subsequent years.

Stanchinskiy, V.V. 1915. Spisok ptits Smolenskoi gubernii [The list of birds of the Smolensk Province]. // Tr. ob-va izucvh. Smolen. gubernii [Proc. of Society of Study of the Smolensk Province]. Issue 2. P.31-74. See lower-next issue.

Stanchinskiy, V.V. 1927. Ptitsy Smolenskoi gubernii [Birds of the Smolensk Province]. Smolensk. 217 p. For northern half of former Smolensk Province at the beginning of our century PF was considered as a quite common bird and nested on ground on moss bogs, while in southern part it was rare and set up nests in trees in insular forests.

Stegmann, B. 1934. Ueber die ostpalearktischen Formen des Wanderfalken. // J.Ornithol., Bd.82, Heft.2. S.222-236. In German. Duration of PF incubation is 28-29 days.

Stejneger, L. 1885. Results of ornithological explorations in the Commander Islands and in Kamtschatka. (Bul. U.S. Nat. Mus., N29). Washington, 382 p. In English. PF was common on Mednyi and Bering Islands.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1959. Ptitsy Terskei Alatau (Tyan'-Shan') [Birds of Terskei Ala-Tau (Tien Shan)]. // Uchen. zap. / Mosk. obl. ped. in-t im Krupskoi [Scient. notes of Moscow Regional Ped. Inst.], vol. 71. Tr. kaf. zool. [Proc. of Zool. Chair]. M. Issue 4. P.24-141: ill.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1960. O polovom dimorfizme nekotorykh khishchnykh ptits [On sexual dimorphism of some birds of prey]. // Tez. dokl. Chetvertoi Pribaltijskoi orn. konf. [Abstracts of the 4th Baltic Ornithol. Conf.] 28.07-02.08.1960. Riga. P.93-94.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1961. Zamechaniya o zimnei faune ptits primorskoi polosy raiona Sochi-Khosta [Notes on winter bird fauna of the coastal belt of the Sochi-Khosta]. // Sb. tr. Zool. muzeya /MGU [Proc. of zool. museum of the Moscow State Univ.], M. Vol.8. P.223-232. Breeding PF were observed here on rocks near Agura River. See also P.A.Til'ba, (1985).

Stepanyan, L.S. 1966. Novye dannye po ekologii ryzhegolovogo sokola (Falvco peregrinus babylonicus Sclater) [New data on ecology of the Red-headed Peregrine Falcon]. // Izv. AN TSSR. Ser. biol. nauk [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the Turkm.SSR, Dept. of biol. sc.], No2. P.89-92.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1970. Ptitsy nizhnego Shirabada: (Mezhdugor'ye Kugi-Tanga i Baisunskogo khrebta) [Birds of lower Sherabad: area between mountain ridges Kugi-Tang and Baisun)]. // Uchen. zap. / Mosk. ped. in-t im. Lenina [Scient. notes of the V.I. Lenin Moscow State Ped. Inst.]. No 394. M., P.102-150.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1971. Title is unknown. // PF was sighted 24.01.64 on Aral-Paigambar Island in Amu Daria River near Termez. By Mitropol'skiy, Fotteler, Tret'yakov (1987).

Stepanyan, L.S. 1975. Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771. // Sostav i raspredelenie ptits fauny SSSR: Nevorob'inye. [Status and distribution of birds of the USSR's fauna. Non-passerines]. M., "Nauka". P.111-114. See also Yu.V.Kostin (1983).

Stepanyan, L.S. 1983. Zamechaniya o sistematicheskom polozhenii shakhina - Falco pelegrinoides (Falconidae, Aves) [Remarks on the systematic status of Falco pelegrinoides (Falconidae, Aves)]. // Rasprostranenie i sistematika ptits [Distribution and systematics of birds]. Investigations on fauna of the Soviet Union. Achives of Zoological Museum Moscow State Univ. Vol. XXI. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.191-200. Bibl.: 64 titl. Morphological, ecological, arealogical and reproductive relationships between race complex Falco peregrinus and group peligrinoides babylonicus are analysed. There was made a conclusion about the specific independence of the latter.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1983. Falco peregrinus-Falco pelegrinoides. // Nadvidy i vidy-dvoiniki v avifaune SSSR [Superspecies and sibling species in the USSR's avifauna]. M., "Nauka". P.118-125.

Stepanyan, L.S. 1990. Konspekt ornitologicheskoi fauny SSSR [Conspectus of the Ornithological fauna of the USSR]. Editor-i-Chief V.E.Sokolov. Moscow, "Nauka". 728 p. PF on p.114-117. ??????????

Stepanyan, L.S., Bold, A., Fomin, V.Ye. 1988. Taksonomicheskiy spisok ptits Mongol'skoi Narodnoi Respubliki [Taxonomical list of birds of the Mongolian People's Republic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 23. P.26-35. Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771 is listed on p.28 as breeding species.

Stepanyan, L.S., Spangenberg, Ye.P. 1988. Materialy k ornitologicheskoi faune gornoi Armenii [Materials on the ornithofauna of the mountains of Armenia]. // Ptitsy osvaivaemykh territoriy [Birds of developing territories]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ. Vol. XXVI. Moscow, Moscow Univ. Press. P.111-125. PF on p.115.Adult bird was recorded 23/VI 1937 in Dilizhanskoe gorge near Voskresenovka settlement. Solitary specimens were observed in the same place 6 and 10/XI 1940 on the Sevan Lake.

Stishov, M.S., Maryukhnich, P.V. 1988. Sapsan na ostrove Aion [Peregrine Falcon on the Aion Is. (Western Chukotka)]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.105. Solitary bird was noticed 29 May and 14 June 1987.

Stishov, M.S., Maryukhnich, P.V. 1990. Redkie ptitsy arkticheskogo poberezh'ya Zapadnoi Chukotki [Rare birds of the arctic shore of Western Chukotka]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.46-50. PF on p.48-49 [24 lines]. 16/VI in one of spurs , at 7 km from sea coast one living nest was discovered on high (about 15m) rock in rarified colony of Glaucous Gulls (7 nests) and Herring Gulls (5 nests). Nesting biotopes of other 2 nests were at a distance of 8-9 km each from other. Description of nesting habitats of 2 nests more. Thus, PF is quite common along large river valleys.

Stishov, M.S., Pridatko, V.I., Baranyuk, V.V. 1991. Ptitsy ostrova Vrangelya [Birds of the Wrangel Island]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 254 p. Falco peregrinus Tunst. on p.61 [19 lines]. Rare, but regularly sighting on island species, those character of presence is not clear. List of observations since 1976 till 1988. It is important, that of 17 above-mentioned observations of this species on island 11 were carried out near sea bird colonies or in direct neighbourhood from it, and only twice in inner regions of island, far from sea-shore. In June 1988 PF regularly was sighted along settled by sea birds of the Gerol'd Island coasts.

Stoll, F.E. 1904. Ornithologische Notizen. // Korr.-Bl. Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga, Bd.47. S.77-107. In German. Author mentions some concrete nesting facts of PF in trees: in 1902 - near Ikshkile settlement (Ogr District) and Pope (Ventspils District).

Stoll. F.E. 1909. Die Kustenornis der Insel Osel. // "Korrespondenzblatt der Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga" 52,

S.101-130. In German.

Stoll, F.E. 1911. Ornithologie. Die biologische Station in Kielkond auf Oesel. / "Arbeiten d.Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga" 13, S.35-52. In German.

Strautman, F.I. 1954. Ptitsy Sovetskikh Karpat [Birds of the Soviet Carpathians]. Kiev, Publ. House of Ac of Sc of the Ukr. SSR. 332 p. Author observed breeding PF on plains of Rovno (to north of Uzhgorod) and Borzhav and on slopes of Pip Ivan mountain (Rakhiv mountain massiv in the south of Zakarpatskaya Region), but concrete data on observations are not given.

Strautman, F.I. 1963. Ptitsy zapadnykh oblastei USSR [Birds of western regions of the Ukrainian SSR]. Vol.1. Lvov, Lvov Univ. Press. 199 p.: ill., 5 colour plates.

Strazds, M., Strazds, A. 1985. Zimnie ptitsy goroda Rigi [Birds wintering in the town of Riga]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. komiss. po izucheniyu migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commission for the Study of Bird Migration]. Tartu. Issue 17. P.123-136. PF on p.128 [4 lines]. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Also at the beginning of 1950's in winter PF quite often was observed in Riga, where PF hunted Rock Doves.

Strazds, M. (Compiler). 1989. Jaunumu apskats [Novelties review]. // Putni Daba 2. Riga, "Zinatne", P.174-182. PF on p.178 (4 lines). In Latvian. Data on irregular sightings: 23.05 on Engure Lake and 09.06 on Mindauga Lake.

Strazds, M., Priednieks, J., Vaverins, G. 1994. Latvijas putnu skaits [Bird numbers in Latvia]. // Putni Daba 4. Riga, p. 3-18. PF on p.9 in the table. In Latvian with Engl. and Russ. summ. Tabl.1. Bibl.58. Breeding population - 0-3 pairs; wintering - 0-5 specimens. Change - gone extinct as breeder during the period.

Strigunov, V.I. 1984. Chislennost' i territorial'noe raspredelenie khishchnykh ptits v lesostepi Ukrainy [Numbers and territorial distribution of birds of prey in forest-steppe of Ukraine]. // Problemy regional'noi ekologii zhivotnykh v tsikle zoologicheskikh distsiplin pedvuza [Problems of regional ecology of animals ion cycle of zool. disciplines of ped. college]. Abtracts. Part 1. Vitebsk. 161-162. PF on p.161. Probably, PF has extincted completely.

Strogiy, A.A. 1921. Khishchnye ptitsy Amurskoi oblasti i ikh ekonomicheskoe znachenie [Birds of prey of the Amur Region and their economical significance]. Blagoveshchensk. 23 p.; 2 sheets ill. (Amur People Society of the Right hunting).

Sudilovskaya, A.M. 1936. Ptitsy Kashgarii. Preimushchestvenno po sboram M.N.Divnogorskogo [Birds of Kashgaria. Mainly on collections of Divnogorskiy M.N.]. M.-L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. 124 p. Bibliogr: p.121-124. Engl. summ.

Sudilovskaya, A.M. 1968. Zimnyaya avifauna Tarimskogo basseina i okruzhayushchikh ego gornykh khrebtov [Wintering avifauna of the Tarim(skiy) basin and surrounding its mountain ridges]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. Issue 9. P.289-294. PF on p.291 under No.64 Falco peregrinus babylonicus (Russet-headed Falcon) is listed in the list of resident birds of the Tarim basin and surrounded it mountain ridges.

Sukhanova, O.V., Mishchenko, A.L. 1990. Perspektivy vyzhivaniya redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits Podmoskov'ya [Prospects of survival of rare and endangered bird species of the Cis-Moscow area. //Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.18-22. PF on p.20 in the table - the assessments in balls of 15 main factors, which are threat or limit for further PF survival.

Sukhanova, O.V., Mishchenko, A.L. 1990. Nekotorye svedeniya o redkikh ptitsakh Novgorodskoi oblasti [Some data on rare birds of the Novgorod Region]. // Ibidem. P.98-100. PF on p.99.Solitary, obviously nomadic, PF was sighted 25.08.87 near Velikoe Lake.

Sukhinin, A.N. 1971. Ekologiya sov i khishchnykh ptits Badkhyza (Yugo-Vostochnaya Turkmeniya) [Ecology of owls and birds of prey of Badkhyz (South-Eastern Turkmenia)]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym".

Sulkava, S. 1968. A study on the food of the Peregrine, Falco p.peregrinus Tunstall in Finland. // "Aquilo. ser. Zool." 6, Oulu, p.18-31. In Engl.

Sum'yaa, D., Skryabin, N.G. 1989. Ptitsy Prikhubsugul'ya, MNR [Birds of Cis-Khubsugul Lake area, Mongolian People's Republic]. Irkutsk Univ. Press. Irkutsk. 200 p.

Sushkin, P.P. 1897. Ptitsy Ufimskoi gubernii [Birds of the Ufa province]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossijskoi imperii. Otd. zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of the Russian Empire. Dept. zool.]. Issue 4. P.1-331. In Bashkiria, at the end of XIX century in some places PF was the common raptor and was sighted everywhere.

Sushkin, P.P. 1912. Novye dannye k rasprostraneniyu ptits v Russkom Altae i po Abakanu [New data on bird distribution in the Russian Altai and in Abakan]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological bulletin], N3. During breeding time PF was recorded in the Tashtyp settlement vicinity. In mountain part of Altai Territory - on shore of the Teletskoe Lake in region of the Kamga river mouth, Koldor, near Bulandukol' Lake. During migration - along Kyzyloek river (Kurai ridge), in region of Sagrash river source and on watershed of Argut's tributaries - Bartuldag and Kair.

Sushkin, P.P. 1914. Ptitsy Minusinskogo kraya, Zapadnogo Sayana i Uryankhaiskoi zemli [Birds of the Minusinsk Territory; Western Sayany and the Uryankhaiskaya land]. // Materialy k poznaniyu flory i fauny Rossiyskoi imperii, otd. zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora of Russian Empire: Dept. zool.]. M. Issue 13. 551 p. For Minusinsk Territory PF described as common breeding species in 1902. Author sighted PF on nesting along rivers Ulug-Khem and Khemchiku and on northern slopes of Tannu-Orla. In Ubsa-Nur hollow PF is not recorded. During migration - in region of Karaalakh river source, in valley of upper reaches of Katun' river (near Belukha), on the Listvyaga ridge.

Sushkin, P.P. 1915. Poezdka v yugo-vostochnuyu i yuzhnuyu chast' Russkogo Altaya i Severo-Zapadnuyu Mongoliyu i zametki o ptitsakh etoi mestnosti [Trip to south-eastern and southern part of the Russian Altai and nearest parts of the North-Western Mongolia and notes about birds of this area]. // Ornitologicheskiy vestnik [Ornithological bulletin], N4. During breeding time PF was sighted in Kushkonur gorge.

Sushkin, P.P. 1925. Spisok i raspredelenie ptits Russkogo Altaya i blizhaishikh chastei Severo-Zapadnoi Mongolii s opisaniem novykh i maloizvestnykh form [The list and distribution of birds of the Russian Altai and adjoining areas of the north-western Mongolia with description of new or little-studied forms]. L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac. of Sc. 79 p.

Sushkin, P.P. 1938. Ptitsy Sovetskogo Altaya i prilezhashchikh chastei Severo-Zapadnoi Mongolii [Birds of Soviet Altai and adjoining parts of north-western Mongolia]. M.-L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac. of Sc. Vol.1. 320 p.; 22 sheets ill.; 1 sheet map. Bibliogr.: p.35-38. During breeding time PF was recorded in mountain part of the Altai Territory near Ongudai and Aigulak settlements, near Ishtykkel' Lake. Nests with eggs and chicks were found near Borotal, on the shore of the Teletskoe Lake, and near Noven'koe settlement. During migration - in Ongudai. In completely forestless mountains PF is not sighting.

Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Anzigitova, N.V., Kuznetsov, Ye.A., Burskiy, O.V., Sheftel, B.I. 1987. Osobennosti prileta ptits na srednetaezhnom Yenisee. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri. M., Nauka. P.181-201. Bibl.22. PF on pp.187 in the table - dates of PF arrival (on the average - 13 May), in the table on p.190 - belonging to the 2nd wave of arrival, in the table on p.198 - distribution of species by amplitude between marginal dates of arrival (in days) - 3 days for PF - this group consists of 6 species.

Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Rogacheva, E.V. 1988. Redkie ptitsy Krasnoyarskogo Kraya i printsipy sostavleniya regional'nykh knig o redkikh zhivotnykh [Rare birds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and principles of compiling of regional books on rare animals]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibisrk, "Nauka". P.237-242. PF on p.240 is mentioned as species, recommende for insertion into Red Data Book fo the Krasnoyarsk Territory as rare species jointly with other 34 species.

Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye., Rogacheva, E.V., Anzigitova, N.V. and 4 other co-authors. 1988. Redkie vidy ptits srednetaezhnogo Eniseya i Tsentral'nosibirskogo zapovednika. [Rare birds of the middle-taiga Yenisei and Central-Siberian Nature Reserve]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.242-245. PF on p.245 [11 lines]. During last 6 years PF was sighted by us on middle-taiga Enisei 7 times. It could be suggested PF's nesting in rocks near Stolbovaya river mouth, where birds were observed in 1982, in the left-side flood-bed of Enisei at 28 km to north of Mirnyi; here 1.06.82 PF hunted on Wigeon; in autumn PF was sighted here again.

Szeliga-Mierzeyewski, W.v. 1923. Die Vogel der Insel Oesel (Estland). // Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 89, Abt. A, 11. H.Berlin, p.218-237. In German.

Tagirova, V.T. 1988. Sapsan v Srednem Priamur'ye [Peregrine Falcon in the Middle Priamur'ye (Cis-Amur River area)]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Resources of rare animals of the RSFSR, their protection and reintroduction]. M. P.105 [7 lines]. Before 1983 solitary specimens were sighted in central estate of the Bolshekhekhtsirskiy NR. In the last years PF was not recorded. In June 1984 we have sighted 1 PF in Kundur village of the Arkharuinskiy district of the Amur Region at 3 km from Khingan NR's border. See B.A.Voronov (1981).

Takahashi, T. 1938. On the unrecorded birds from South Saghalien. II//Tori. Vol.10, N48. P.348-365. In English. Young bird was shot 16.VIII 1938 on Tonino-Aniv Peninsula. By V.A.Nechaev (1991).

Talve, E. 1939. Ornitoloogilisi markmeid Tapa umbrusest [Ornithological remarks from Tapa surroundings]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.4/5, p.188-190. In Eston. Some questions, connected with PF breeding are enlighted.

Talve, E. 1940. Ornitoloogilisi markmeid Tapa umbrusest 1940.a. suvel [Ornithological remarks about surroundings of Tapa during summer of 1940]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.4/5, p.211-212. In Eston. Clutch of PF is described.

Tartarashvili, R.V. 1981. Falconiformes of the Kura lowland. // Abstracts of conf. of young scientists. Tbilisi. P.248.

Tashliev, A.O. 1985. Sapsan [Peregrine Falcon]. // Khishchnye ptitsy Turkmenistana i ikh okhrana [Birds of Prey of Turkmenistan and their protection]. Ashkhabad, "Ylym". P.35-37 [66 lines]. The following headings: Status; Description; Distribution; Breeding Range; Breeding and reproduction, Reasons of number change. Scientific-popular and often emotional description of well-known data. Drawing on p.35. Status in Turkmenia - unnumerous rare bird. PF is sighting exrtemely rare, unevenly and in sites, especially in dense-populated regions is very rare.

Tashliev, A.O. 1986. (Inst. of Zool. of the Turkmenian SSR Ac Sc, Ashkhabad). Okhrana dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits Turkmenistana [Protection of diurnal birds of prey of Turkmenistan]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhjrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. Part 2. Leningrad. P.275. Red-naped Shaheen is related to category A (threatened) and Peregrine Falcon to category B (rare) of the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. General ideas and general recommendations on conservation of rare raptors of this country.

Tashliev, A.O. 1991. Sovremennye problemy okhrany khishchnykh ptits v Turkmenistane [Present problems of conservation of birds of prey in Turkmenistan]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Orn. Konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Part 2. Book 2. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". P.243. PF is mentioned in the list together with 10 other raptors, listed in Red Data Book of the USSR (Rustamov, 1985). General recommendations on conservation of all rare and threatened raptor species.

Tatarinkova, I.P. (Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve) 1985. O vstrechakh khishchnykh ptits na Ainovykh ostrovakh [On sightings of Birds of Prey on the Ainovy Islands]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.162-164. Tabl.1. PF on p.163 [1 line]. PF is rare, was sighted in spring.

Tatarinov, K.A. (Regional Nat. Cons. Soc., Lvov) 1986. Nazemnye pozvonochnye Karpatskogo zapovednika, zanesennye v Krasnye knigi i sostoyanie ikh populyatsiy [Terrestrial vertebrates of the Carpathian Nat. Res., listed in Red Data Books and status of their populations]. // Problemy okhrany genofonda i upravleniya ekosistemami v zapovednikakh lesnoi zony [Problems of genofond conservation and ecosystems management in nature reserves of forest zone]. M. Part 2. P.208-210. PF on p.210. PF inhabits the Carpathian NR and is listed in the Red Data Book of the USSR.

Taurins, E.Ya., Vilks, K.A. 1949. Spisok ornitofauny Latvijskoi SSR [The list of ornithofauna of the Latvian SSR]. // Okhrana prirody [Nature conservation], N 9, p.52-73. PF is considering as rare nesting species for Latvia. Author considers that to the south of Daugava River PF mainly breeds in trees, to the north of the same river - on the ground.

Taurinsh, E.Ya. 1961. Ornitofauna verkhovykh bolot Latvijskoi SSR [Ornithofauna of the peat bogs of the Latvian SSR]. // Ekologiya i migratsiya ptits Pribaltiki [Ecology and migrations of birds of Baltic region. Proc. of the IVth Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.], Riga. P.311-315. PF nested as a rule on the ground in Latvia. At the end of 1950's in Latvia up to 20-25 PF pairs were breeding, but by this time total numbers dropped during last 20 years at least at 2 times.

Tava, T. 1940. Rabapistrik rabakanade kaitsjana [The Peregrine Falcon as the Willow Grouse's guard]. //Eesti Mets [Estonian Forest]. Nr.7, p.283-295. Bibl. in text. Nesting habitat of PF, nest, feeding are described.

[Teino, J.] 1938. Margitud rabapistrik [Marked Peregrine Falcon]. // Eesti Mets [Estoniam Forest], nr.9, p.341. In Estonian. Recovery of ringed PF.

Telegin, V.I. 1973. Zametki o gnezdovanii khishchnykh ptits na severe Zapadnoi Sibiri [Notes on nesting of Birds of Prey in the North of West Siberia]. // Priroda taigi Zapadnoi Sibiri [Nature of taiga of Western Siberia]. Novosibirsk: Nauka. P.128-136. Author advised about robbing of PF nest by Brown Bear in Malaya Kheta River basin, but similar episodes are, undoubtedly, are an extreme rarity. PF numbers is more or less stable during last decades.

Teploukhov, S.A. 1911. Materialy po ornitofaune Permskoi gubernii (Severnaya chast Cherdynskogo uezda: verkhov'ya rr. Kolyvy i Pechory s Un'ei) [Materials on ornithofauna of the Perm province (northern part of the Cherdynskiy uyezd (district): upper parts of the Kolva, Pechora and Un'ya Rivers]. // Prilozhenie k protokolam zasedaniya obshchestva estestvoznaniya pri Kazanskom universitete [Appendix to minutes of Naturalist's Society Meeting at the Kazan University]. Kazan, N 266. 45 p. Author did not meet PF in places, where it was found by Reztsov (1904). By Shepel (1992).

Teplova, Ye.N. 1957. Ptitsy rajona Pechoro-Ilychskogo zapovednika [Birds of region of the Pechora-Ilychskiy Nat. Res.] // Tr. Pechoro-Ilychskogo zapovednika [Proc. of the Pechora-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve]. Syktyvkar. Issue 6. P.5-115. PF was observed since the end of May till the middle of October in NR.

Thomasson, K. 1947. Nagot om pilgrimsfalkens boplatsval. // "Var Fagelvarld" 6, No.2, p. 72-81, ill. Bibl.70. Summ.:On the nesrting-sites of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) in the countries around the Baltic. In Swed. with Engl. summ. Distribution and numbers are described.

Til'ba, P.A. (Caucasian State Nat. Res.) 1985. O gnezdovanii sapsana v Tsentral'noi chasti Zapadnogo Kavkaza [On nesting of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus brookei Sharpe) in the central part of Western Caucasia]. // Ptitsy Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of the North-Western Caucasia]. M. P.151-153 (62 titles). Bibl. 11 titl. Caucasian subspecies F.p.brookei Sharpe is on the edge of extinction (Red Data Book of the USSR, 1978), therefore all data on discovery of their netss are of great interest. In central part of western Caucasia (in territory of Caucasian NR and adjoining to it regions) PF is resident species, being distributed in low-mountain and middle-mountain regions. Relation of thius PF to vagrant species of region (Til'ba, Kazakov, 1983b) was erroneous. Nesting habitats - rocky precipices along valleys of mountain rivers. Phenology of breeding. Nest - former Raven's one. Frequency of feeding. Ethology. Prey - small passerine birds. Sometimes - Blackbirds. On rocks near Agura River PF nested during many years. About their presence here still L.S.Stepanyan wrote (1961). In 1983 at 50 km from the first nest, the second was discovered. Phenology of their life. PF breed on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Ridge too. Examples. Possibility of breeding in one place more. Very detailed review on very rare subspecies.

Til'ba, P.A., Kazakov, B.A. 1983a. O redkikh ptitsakh Kavkazskogo zapovednika i sopredel'nykh territoriy [About rare birds of the Caucasian Nature Reserve and adjoining territories]. // Ekologicheskie issledovaniya v Kavkazskom biosfernom zapovednike [Ecological researches in the Caucasian Nat. Res.]. Rostov: Rostov-on-Don Univ. Press. P.116-130. PF were registered here since 1975.

Til'ba, P.A., Kazakov, B.A. 1983b. Khishchnye ptitsy Kavkazskogo zapovednika i ego blizhaishikh okrestnostei [Birds of prey of the Caucasian Nature Reserve and its nearest surroundings]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey. Mater. of the I meeting on ecology and conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.145-148. PF on p.148 [5 lines]. PF-rare vagrant species. In foothills near Black-Sea shore registered 16.01.82 near Adler; in other regions: 20.06.71 - on the left bank of Belaya River near Dakhovskaya stanitsa (village) and 29.06.74 - near Guzerpil' settlement.

Til'ba, P.A., Kazakov, B.A. (Caucasian State Nat. Res., North-Caucasian Scient. centre) 1985. Struktura letnego naseleniya ptits tsentral'noi chasti Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Structure of the summer bird population of central part of Western Caucasia]. // Ptitsy Severo-Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of the North-Western Caucasia]. M. P.34-53. Tabl.4. Bibl. 19 titl. In Table 1 (birds of low-mountain belt) on p.36 PF is indicated with number of specimens per square km in coastal lowland - 0,7 or in % - 0,07.

Til'ba, P.A. 1989. Sapsan na Severnom Kavkaze [The Peregrine Falcon at the Northern Caucasia]. // Redkie i nuzhdayushchiesya v okhrane zhivotnye [Rare and protected animals]. M. P.67 [16 lines]. PF is breeding species of mountain regions. By data of 1983-1987 in Caucasian NR and on adjoining territory 7 nesting pairs were discovered. In 1988 the successful breeding was registered in Sochi city environs. Outside NR 2 pairs were discovered. List of sightings in different parts of Kuban' river area.

Til'ba, P.A. 1990. Sapsan v Krasnodarskom krae [Peregrine Falcon in Krasnodar Territory]. // Itogi izucheniya redkikh zhivotnykh [Results of study of rare animals]. M. P.93 [9 lines]. Successfull breeding registered in 1989 in Sochi environs (Khosta forestry of Caucasian NR). List of other sightings during breeding seasons and in autumn as well.

Til'ba, P.A. 1990. Zimnyaya ornitofauna nizmennostei Chernomorskogo poberezh'ya Kavkaza [Wintering ornithofauna of lowlands of the Black Sea shore of the Caucasia]. // Migratsii i zimovki ptits Severnogo Kavkaza [Migrations and winter quarters of birds of the Northern Caucasia]. A collection of scient. papers. Issue 11. Stavropol, Stavropol Publ. House. P.215-238. Fig.1. Tabl.1. Bibl.3. PF on p.222 [7 lines]. Rare and constantly does not stay on lowland. Solitary vagrant birds and pairs were recorded: 27.11.83; 30.12.82; 16.01.82 successful hunted on Stock Dove. On the Paleostomi Lake PF hunted ducks, frightened of by motor boat. By the third attempt PF hsas catched Teal or Garganey or Aythya spp.

Til'ba, P.A. 1995. Khishchnye ptitsy Tsentral'noi chasti Zapadnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey of the Central Part of Western Caucasia]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Proc. of Teberda State Nat. Res. Issue 14. Stavropol'. P.5-24. Bibl.11 titl. PF on p.20-22 (59 lines). Map of breeding on p.15 (at least 4 pairs). Rare resident raptor. Discovered on nesting on southern macroslope of Main Caucasian Ridge, and also on Peredovoi and Skalistyi ridges. Nesting in rocvks of low-mountain and middle-mountain belt. Briefly phenology, nesting habitats, efficiency of breeding fate of several nests, sightings in autumn and winter periods. Food items. Informative sketch.

Til'ba, P.A., Mnatsekanov, R.A. 1995. Vzaimootnosheniya khishchnykh ptits i vorona [Interrelations of birds of prey and Raven]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Proc. of Teberda State Nat. Res. Issue 14. Stavropol'. P.103-115. Bibl.14 titl. PF on p.107, 109. In Sochi environs PF and Raven breed annualy in one and the same gorge, placing nests at a distance of 200-300 m each from other. During conflicts in alll cases PF was dominated, doing 2-3 attacks in consequence. Many interesting ethological observations for interrelations of both adult birds and young ones.

Timofeev, A.N. 1990. Zametki o nekotorykh redkikh i maloizuchennykh ptitsakh gornoi Balkarii [Notes about some rare and little-studied birds of mountain Balkaria]. // Maloizuchennye ptitsy Severnogo Kavkaza [Little-studied birds of Northern Caucasia]. Mater. of Scient.-Pract. Conf 23-28.04.1990. Stavropol. P.234-235. PF on p.234 [2 lines]. One bird was recorded near Verkhniy Baksan settlement. 2 specimens more were sighted 30 July in the Kyrtyk River gorge.

Tischler, F. 1941. Die Vogel Ostpreussens und seiner Nachgebiete. Konigsberg; Berlin. 1-2:1-1304. In German. In 1935 in all province there were 180 nests, among which at least 30 - in territory of modern Kaliningrad Region. Nests were situated in Grey Heron colonies (Visla Bay shore), Rooks (South of Region), on the ground (peat bog Tselau). It was common on Zamland Peninsula, in central part of Region, in forests along Neman River, on Kurish Spit and very rsare on the eastern shore of Kursio Gulf, in lower Neman.

Tishechkin, A.K. (Inst. of Zool. of the Byelorussian Ac. Sc., Minsk) 1991. Chislennost' i raspredelenie khishchnykh ptits v Berezinskom zapovednike [Numbers and distribution of birds of prey in the Berezina Nature Reserve]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi orn. konf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. p.248-249. PF on p.249. At present time PF does not breed in NR, it was recorded only once during autumn migration.

Tolmachev, A.I. 1927. K avifaune ostrova Kolgueva [On avifauna of the Kolguev Island]. (Annual -1927). //Ezhegodnik Zool. muzeya AN SSSR [Year-book of Zool. Museum of Ac of Sc of the USSR]. 1928. M. Vol.28. Issue 3 (1927). P.355-365.

Tomkovich, P.S. 1988. Ptitsy yuzhnogo poberezh'ya guby Buor-Khaya [Severnaya Yakutia] [The birds of the southern coast of Buor-Khaya Gulf, Northern Yakutia]. // Ptitsy osvaivaemykh territoriy [Birds of developing territories]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ. vol. XXVI. Moscow, Moscow Univ. Press. P.3-38. PF on p.12 (17 lines). Rare nesting species. Nest was found 26/VII at 15 km from sea. Fact of cannibalism between chicks. Food items. 28/VII one PF was observed near sea-coast.

Tomkovich, P.S., Barysheva, I.K. 1987. Ptitsy Krasnoi knigi RSFSR v kollektsii zoologicheskogo muzeya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Birds of Red Data Book of the RSFSR in collection of Zool. Museum of Moscow State Univ.] // Problemy okhrany redkikh zhivotnykh [Problems of rare animals conservation]. M. P.98-105. PF on p.101. PF is represented by 257 study skins in the main fonds; 1 chick, 12 +(1) exemplares oological material and 11 exempl. of osteological material. 257 study skins are scattered by following way: 62 from European part of Russian Federation, 63 from Western and Central Siberia (up to Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tuva ASSR, inclusive) 64 from Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East. Parts of objects are given in brackets.

Tomkovich, P.S., Sorokin, A.G. 1983. Fauna ptits Vostochnoi Chukotki [The bird fauna of Eastern Chukotka]. // Rasprostranenie i sistematika ptits [Distribution and systematics of birds] / Sb. tr. Zool. muzeya MGU [Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ]. Vol.XXI. M., Moscow Univ. Press. P.77-159. PF on p.101-102 (30 lines). In N-E of Chukotka PF is rare breeding species. List of separate observations. The only nest was found in 1974 on rocky precipice of river Uusenveem at 9 km from its mouth. Detailed description of nest. Colony of Comon Eiders - neighbours of PF. In autumn 1974 one of birds in this pair was killed by poacher. Food items in the nest and PF's hunts outside the nesting area. Sufficient material.

Tomkovich, P.S., Vronski, N.V. 1988. Fauna ptits okrestnostei Diksona [The bird fauna of Dikson vicinity, Northern Taimyr]. // Ptitsy osvaivaemykh territoriy [Birds of developing territories]. Archives of Zool. Museum Moscow State Univ. vol. XXVI. Moscow, Moscow Univ. Press. P.39-77. PF on p.47. The PF female from Dikson Is. of 14/VIII 1900 of collections of Russian Polar Expedition and female from collection by A.Ya.Tugarinov of 30/VII 1916, bagged near Yefremova Stone to south of Dikson are keeping in Zool. Inst. of Ac. of Sc. of the USSR.

Transehe, N., Sinats, R. 1936. Latvijas putni [Birds of Latvia]. Riga, Mezu Dep. Izd. 361 s.; ill. Bibliogr.: s.318-320. In Latvian. During 1930's PF quite often was observed in Riga.

Troitskiy, V.N. 1928. Eshcho odna indijskaya utka [One Indian duck more]. // Okhotnik i rybak Sibiri [Hunter and fisherman of Siberia]. year 4, N 3, p.48.

Troitskiy, V.N. 1928. Mechenyi sokol [Ringed (marked) Falcon]. // Okhotnik i pushnik Sibiri [Hunter and trapper of Siberia]. year 4, N 2, p.72.

Tsybulin, S.M., Bogomolov, I.N. (Biol. Inst. of the Sib. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Chislennost' i raspredelenie khishchnykh ptits na Severnom Altae [Numbers and distribution of birds of prey in Northern Altai] // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.152-155. PF on p.154-155 [4 lines]. PF is rare during the 2nd half in stony-tundra alpine area (0,2); very rare in the 1nd half of summer in strongly rarefied birch-larch woods (0,01 - only in 1979) and during the 2nd half - in the larch sparse growth of trees (0,02).

Tsybulin, S.M. (Biol. Inst. of the Sib. Branch of the USSR Ac. of Sc.) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy lesoparka Novosibirskogo nauchnogo tsentra [Birds of prey of the forest-park of the Novosibirsk Scient. Centre]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.81-84 [3 lines]. PF on p.84 as extremely rare passage bird. During 1975-78 PF was observed twice in 1978: during the 2nd half of April in Akademgorodok and 06.09 in birch-pine forests.

Tuaev, D.G. 1989. Peregrine Falcon // Adygizalov, B.M., Alekperov, U.K., Musaev, M.A. (Edit.). Krasnaya kniga Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR [Red Data Book of the Azerbaijan SSR]. Baku, "Ishyg". 544 p. In Azerb. and Russ. languages. PF on p.92. Rare breeding and wintering species. Breeds in southern sea-shore of the Crimea and in Caucasia. In winter solitary specimens are sighting in the Kyzykl-Agach NR, on Aggel' Lake, on floods. Nests on rocks and trees. Adult birds appear near nesst at end of Febr. In brood, taken off in Zakatalskiy district, were 3 chicks: 2 males and 1 female. Shooting by poachers. Bibl.4 titl.

Turlybaev, A.A., Zhatkanbaev, A.Zh. (Alma-Ata Zoo, Inst. of Zool. of the Ac Sc of the Kazakhs SSR) 1991. Okhotnich'ye povedenie sapsana [Hunting behaviour of the Peregrine Falcon. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Orn. Konf. [ Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 2. P.255. On the foothill plain of Zailiskoe [Trasn-Ili] Alatau 7.11.1990 during 12-15 m at extension 7-8 km one solitary PF was observed. PF tried to catch Rock Dove of flock of 25-30 birds. From the height 70-80 m (before that PF flew by wave-like flight at a height of 40-60 m) PF abruptly dived from above on flock at an angle of 40-45 degrees. PF flew with speed at 40-50 km per hour.

Tuul, U. 1968. Linnud samblasoos [Birds in the Moss]. // Eesti Loodus [Estonian Nature], nr.8, lk. 468-472, ill. In Eston. with Russ. and Engl. summ. Nesting habitat of PF and cannibalism are described.

Tuule, E. 1985. Zimnie vstrechi pereletnykh ptits v Saue [Migratory birds winterting at Saue]. // Soobshch. Pribalt. Komiss. po izucheniyu migr. ptits [Communic. of the Baltic Commiss. for the Study of Bird Migration]. Tartu. Issue 17. P.118-122. PF on p.122. In Russ. with Engl. summ. Among seldon wintering species, occurred in Saue environs we can call PF - 2 observations.

Ushkov, S.L. 1927. Spisok ptits Permskogo okruga Ural'skoi oblasti [The list of birds of the Perm province of the Ural Region]. // Byull. MOIP. Novaya ser. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc. New ser. Dept. Biol.]. Vol.36, issue 1-2. P.68-116. Summary in French. PF is distributed widely along Kama River, is not rare in valleys of Us'va, Vil'va, Chusovaya Rivers (eastern tributaries), during some years PF was nested on bell-tower of cathedral in Perm' (now Art Gallery). from where in 1920 nest with chicks was taken out and adult bird was killed.

Ushkov, S.L. 1949. Materialy po izucheniyu roli pernatykh khishchnikov v usloviyakh zapovednosti (ekologiya khishchnykh ptits) [Materials on study of raptors role in conditions of reservatness (ecology of Birds of Prey)]. //Tr. Il'men. zapovednika [Proc. Ilmen. Nat. res.]. Issue 4. P.111-181. Please, see lower.

Ushkov, S.L. 1959. K ekologii sokola-sapsana v Il'menskom zapovednike [On ecology of the Peregrine Falcon in the Ilmen Nature reserve]. // Tr. Il'men. zapovednika [Proc. of the Ilmen Nat. Res.]. Issue 7. P.209-215. By other source - p.69-88. Unfortunately, we could not obtain this reprint owing to very limited circulation of these Proceedings.

Uspenskiy, S.M. 1958. Nekotorye vidy ptits na severo-vostoke Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR [Some bird species in the north-east of the European part of the USSR]. // Uchenye zapiski. vyp.197. Ornitologiya [Scient. notes of Moscow Univ. Issue 197. Ornithology]. Issue 1. P.35-47. Fig.4. Tabl.1. Bibl.27. PF on p.45 in the list of birds, breeding in Vaigach Is. and Yugor peninsula. Is mentioned as a common on nesting in S and N of Yugor peninsula and S-W and N-E of Vaigach Island.

Uspenskiy, S.M. 1959. Osobennosti avifauny kul'turnogo landshafta Arktiki i Subarktiki [Peculiarities of avifauna of the cultural landscape of Arctic and Subarctic]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press, Issue 2. P.7-15. PF on p.11. On "guriya"s the Rough-legged Buzzards and Peregrines set up their nests. Unfortunately, we don't know what does it mean "Guriya" in the local dialect.

Uspenskiy, S.M. 1960. Shirotnaya zonal'nost' avifauny Arktiki [The latitudinal zonality of the Arctic avifauna]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 3. P.55-70: maps. PF on p.58 in the table. PF is numerous on breeding in arctic tundra of Novaya Zemlya and Vaigach and moss-licheno tundras, common on breeding in shrub tundra and forest-tundra and rare on breeding or is breeding not every year in the arctic deserts of Novaya Zemlya, northern edge of forest zone.

Uspenskiy, S.M., Boehme, R.L., Priklonskiy, S.G., Vekhov, V.N. 1962. Ptitsy severo-vostoka Yakutii [Birds of North-East of Yakutia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. No.5. P.49-67. Bibl.17 titl. PF on p.56 (26 lines). F.peregrinus leucogenys Brehm - was sighted on breeding in all subzones of tundra. Nesting biotopes. Distance between nests in 1960 - 15-20 km. Phenology of migration and breeding. Fate of 1 nest. List of food items. Sufficient material.

Uspenskiy, S.M. 1965. Ptitsy vostoka Bol'shezemel'skoi tundry, Yugorskogo poluostrova i ostrova Vaigach [Birds of east of the Bolshezemel'skaya tundra, Yugor peninsula and Vaigach Island]. // Tr. In-ta biologii Ural. fil. AN SSSR [Proc. of Inst. of Biol. of the Ural branch of the USSR Ac. of Sc.]. Sverdlovsk. Issue 38. P.65-102. In 1957 in Yugor Peninsula the PF clutches consisted of 2-3 eggs.

Uspenskiy, S.M. 1982. Problemy okhrany ptits Arktiki i Subarktiki [Protection of birds in the Arctic and Subarctic zones]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 17. P.18-21. PF on p.20 is mentioned in the list of other species, inhabited Soviet Arctic and Subarctic, which require the special attention.

Uttendorfer, O. 1939. Die Ernahrung der deutschen Raubvogel und Eulen und ihre Bedeutung in der heimischen Natur. Neudamm. 412 p. In German.

Uttendorfer, O. 1952. Neue Ergebnisse uber die Ernahrung der Greifvogel und Eulen. Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg, 270 p. In German.

Valius, M., Kalindrene, E., Petraitis, A., Skuodis, V. 1976. Istoricheskie i sovremennye materialy po ornitologii Litovskoi SSR [Historical and modern materials on ornithofauna of the Lithuanian SSR]. // Ekologiya ptits Litovskoi SSR. 1. Materialy orn. issledovaniy v Litve [Ecology of birds of the Lithuanian SSR. Materials of ornithological studies in Lithuania]. Vilnius. Issue 1. P.5-32. Bibl.219. PF on p.14. Falco peregrinus Tunst. on nesting sites during last years was not recorded. However it is common on passage and nomadic movements.

Valius, M., Kyguoliene, V. 1981. Ptitsy holmistogo agrolandshafta v yugo-zapade Baltiyskoi vozvyshennosti [Birds of hilly agrolandscape in the South-Western part of the Baltic hill]. // Ekologiya ptits Litovskoi SSR. 2. Ptitsy agrolandshafta [Ecology of birds of the Lithuanian SSR. 2. Birds of agrolandscape]. Vilnius. Tabl.2. Bibl.8. P.60-91. In Russ. with Engl. and Lith. summ. PF on p.69 is listed as species, rarely recorded on spring and autumn passage.

Val'kh, B.S. 1900. Materialy dlya ornitologii Ekaterinoslavskoi gubernii [Materials for ornithology of the Yekaterinoslavl province]. // Trudy O-va estestvoispytatelei prirody Khar'k. un-ta [Proc. of Naturalist's Soc. of Khar'kov Univ.] v.34, p.1-90. V.M.Zubarovskiy (1977) considers, that mention by B.S.Val'kh in this paper about PF breeding in Likhachevskiy forest in Dnepropetrovsk Region is related more probably to Saker Falcon, about that was noted by G.A.Borovikov (1907) and that is clear from description, given by B.S.Val'kh (1900).

Vanicheva, L.K. 1995. K ornitofaune Shorskogo natsional'nogo prirodnogo parka [On ornithofauna of the Shorskiy National Park]. // Voprosy ornitologii. Tez. dokl. k V konf. orn. Sibiri [Problems of Ornithology. Abstracts for Vth Conf. of Ornithologists of Siberia]. Barnaul. P.90-93. PF on p.92 in the table as rare breeding (confirmed) species in territory of Nat. Park along Mrass River. Up to 5 sightings per season.

Varshavskiy, S.N., Shilov, M.N. 1989. Sravnitel'nye osobennosti biotopicheskogo raspredeleniya chislennosti i ekologii nekotorykh vidov khishchnykh ptits v vysokogornykh landshaftakh Bol'shogo Kavkaza [Comparative peculiarities of biotopical distribution of numbers and ecology of some raptor species in the alpine landscapes of the Great Caucasia]. // Ekol. problemy Stavropol. kraya i sopredel'nykh territoriy: Tez. dokl. kraev. nauch.-prakt. konf., [Ekologicheskie problemy Stavropol'skogo kraya i sopredel'nykh territoriy [Ecol. problems of Stavropol Terr. and adjoin. terr.: Abstracts of Regional Scient.-Pract. Conf. 4-6.10.1989]. Stavropol. P.184-186(or 196?). Observations were carried out during many years in differenmt regions of Great Caucasia. 25 raptor species were registered. 16 raptor species are not typical for alpine areas. PF is mentioned among them. It is very rare everywhere within region.

Vartapetov, L.G. (Biol. Inst. of Sib. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy taezhnykh mezhdurechiy Zapadnoi Sibiri [Birds of prey of the taiga between rivers of West Siberia]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M. P.111-115. PF on p.115 (12 lines). PF in northern taiga is sighted in August in pine-lake landscape and on the transfer (intermediate) bogs (in 0,3 specimen per square km of land). Detail preferrence of various habitats in different parts of study area is described with population density in brackets.

Vartapetov, L.G. 1984. Ptitsy taezhnykh mezhdurechiy Zapadnoi Sibiri [Birds of the taiga area between rivers of Western Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 242 p. PF on p.28.

Vasil'chenko, A.A. 1987. Ptitsy Khamar-Dabana [Birds of Khamar-Daban]. Novosibirsk, Nauka of Sib. Dept. 102 p. Falco peregrinus japonensis Gmelin is listed in Table on p.16 as very rare species on passage in spring and autumn in northern macroslope of Cis-Baikal Plain and as passage species, recorded in summer period, but breeding was not confirmed in southern macroslope in Temnik river valley.

Vasin, A.M., Zaguzov, A.V., Lykhvar', V.P. 1988. Okhranyaemye territorii Kondo-Sos'vinskogo Priob'ya i ikh rol' v sokhranenii redkikh vidov zhivotnykh [Protected territories of the Kondo-Sos'va Priob'ye and their role in conservation of rare animal species]. // Redkie nazemnye pozvonochnye Sibiri [Rare terrestrial vertebrates of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". P.45-52. Tabl.2. Bibl.17. PF on p.47 in the table. In Kondo-Sosvinskiy NR PF nested in small numbers. In "Malay Sos'va" NR PF in 1979 was disappeared on breeding, and in 1985 nesting was supposed.

Vas'kovskiy, A.P. 1966. Spisok i geograficheskoe rasprostranenie ptits Krainego Severo-Vostoka SSSR [The list and geographical distribution of birds of the extreme N-E of the USSR]. // Kraeved. zap. / Magadan. kraeved. muzei [Notes on local lore (Magadan Regional Museum of Local Lore)]. Issue 6. P.84-124.

Velikokhatko, F. 1929. Pro deyakikh ridkykh ptakhiv Bilotserkivshchyny [About different rare birds of Belaya Tserkov' region]. // Zb. prats Zool. muzeyu AN URSR [Proc. of Zool. museum of Ac. of Sc. of UkrSSR], N 7, 197 s. In Ukrainian. Near town Belaya Tserkov' (Kiev Region) 22.XI 1927 PF pair was observed, that lived on bell-tower; 10-12.XII female and male were killed.

Veroman, H., Parg, R. 1958. Vahe-Eesti edelapoolseima osa linnustikust [Bird fauna of the south-western extremity of the Estonian intermediate zone]. // Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Ornithol. collection of papers], vol.1, p.104-118, ill. In Estonian with Russ. and Engl. summ. On the vast peat bogs of the region the species observed included the PF (in 1955 2 nests were discovered in trees, though, as an inhabitant of the peatlands in the Baltic area, usually nests on the ground). Clutch is described.

Veroman, H., Orumaa, V. 1960. Lindude sugisrandest Parnu rannikul 1957. aastal [The Autumn Bird Migration on the Parnu Coast in 1957]. // Loodusuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat 1959 [Annual Report of Estonian Naturalist's Soc.], vol.52, p.189-198, ill. In Est. with Russ. and Engl. summ. PF migration is described.

Veroman, H. 1961. Ob osennei migratsii ptits na vostochnom beregu Chudskogo ozera v 1958 godu [The autumn migration on the east shore of Lake Peipsi in 1958]. // Ornitoloogiline kogumik [Ornith. collection of papers], vol.2, p.114-129, fig., tab. In Russ. with Eston. and Engl. summ. PF migration is described.

Wikman M., Salminen, P. 1978. Onnistuuko muuttohaukan elvyts. Suomen Luonto, 37, N8. In Finnish.

Vilks, K. 1931. Eigenartiger Nistplatz eines Wanderfalken. // Beitr. Fortpfl.-biol. Vogel, Jg.7, N 2, S. 65-66. In German.

Vilks, K. 1936. Olga purva avifauna. // "Daba un Zinatne" 3, p.50-53. In Latvian.

Vilks, K. 1943. Avifauna aus vier Gegenden Lettlands. // "Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica" 12, 1, Riga, p.247-265. In German.

Vilks, K.A. 1968. Rezkoe snizhenie chislennosti nekotorykh vidov ptits v Latvii [The sharp dropping in numbers of some bird species in Latvia]. // Zool. Muzeja Raksti [Proc. of Zool. Museum], Nr.2, 19.-25. lpp. At the end of 1940's in Latvia about 30 pairs were breeding.

Vilks, K. 1977. Sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon]. // Nauka i tekhnika [Science and technics]. N2, p.31-33. By visual observations, in late autumn and winter separate specimens of unknown origin repeatedly were observed in 1925-1927 in Riga, and later in Elgava. Obviously, these birds were passage specimens from more northern populations.

Vinogradov, V.V., Chernyavskaya, S.I. 1965. Materialy po ornitofaune Kyzylagachskogo zapovednika [Materials on ornithofauna of the Kyzyl-Agach NR]. // Trudy zapovednikov Azerbaidzhana [Proceedings of Nature Reserves of Azerbaijan]. Issue 1. M. P.22-79. PF is sighting in Kura-Araks lowland, on the Caspian Sea shore.

Vinokurov, A.A. 1987. Redkie ptitsy mira [Rare birds of world]. M., "Agropromizdat". 207 p. PF on pp.18, 34, 94, 146 (1/5). Situation of PF numbers, distribution, status and conservation measures in many countries and in different continents is described.

Vinokurov, V.N. 1979. Zametki po ekologii gnezdovaniya khishchnykh ptits Tsentralnoi Yakutii [Notes on nesting ecology of birds of prey of Central Yakutia]. // Migratsiya i ekologiya ptits Sibiri: Tez. dokl. ornitol. konf. [ Migration and ecology of birds of Siberia: Abstracts of Orn. Conf.]. Yakutsk. P.129-130.

Vitovich, O.A. 1986. Sapsan [The Peregrine Falcon]. //Prakticheskie rekommendatsii po okhrane redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov dnevnykh khishchnykh ptits na territorii Karachaevo-Cherkesskoi avtonomnoi oblasti [Practical recommendations on conservation of rare and endangered species of birds of prey on territory of the Karachaevo-Cherkessian Autunomous Region]. 22 p. PF on p.16 (8 lines). 3 nesting plots of PF is set up. One pair breeds

in colony of the Griffon Vulture and 2 pairs in territory of Teberda NR. They begin to breed at the end of March-beginning of April. Fledglings leave nests at the end of May-beginning of June. Detail data on ecology of this species are not gathered yet.

Vitovich, O.A., Tkachenko, I.V. 1988. Sapsan v gornoi chasti Stavropol'skogo kraya [The Peregrine Falcon in mountain part of the Stavropol Territory]. // Resursy redkikh zhivotnykh RSFSR, ikh okhrana i vosproizvodstvo [Rare animal resources in the Russian Federation, their conservation and reintroduction]. M. P.103 (15 lines). In December-March 1986-87 in Teberda NR the systematical observations for PF pair were carried out. Hunting raids at a distance of 1,5 km from rocks. 5 nesting plots were cleared up. In fact, PF is not so rare, as it is considered. Obviously, PF live in all large river valleys of mountain Stavropol' Territory and population numbers consists of several tens specimens.

Vitovich, O.A. 1989. Sapsan v Karachaevo-Cherkesii [The Peregrine Falcon in Karachaevo-Cherkesia]. // Ornitol. resursy Severnogo Kavkaza [Ornithol. resources of Northern Caucasia]. Abstracts of scient.-pract. conf. Stavropol, 21-23.04.1989. Stavropol. P.25-26 [69 lines]. Caucasian subspecies (Falco peregrinus brookei Sharpe) traditionally is considering as rare. Data on it are poor and fragmentary. In Territory of Karachaevo-Cherkesia 8 nesting plots of PF are cleared up. Distance between breeding pairs in different ridges - 4 km, 3 km and 7 km. Migratory and passage birtd form main food of PF during 7 months per year. List of birds - preys. PF are resident birds here. One plot is using during 20 years. Recommendations for further searchings. Very good paper.

Volchanetskiy, I.B. 1925. O ptitsakh srednego Prisur'ya [About birds of middle Cis-Sur' river area]. // Uchen. zap. Sarat. un-ta [Scient. notes of the Saratov Univ.], vol.III, issue 2, Saratov. P.49-76. Bibliogr.: p.52.

Volchanetskiy, I.B., Puzanov, I.I., Petrov, V.S. 1962. Materialy po ornitofaune severo-zapadnogo Kavkaza [Materials on ornithofauna of the North-Western Caucasia]. // Uchen. zap. / Khar'kov Un-t [Khar'kov Univ.]. Vol.130. Tr.NII biologii i biol. fak. [Proc. of Inst. and Biol. Dept. of the Khar'kov Univ.], vol.32. P.7-72. Brief mention about the PF breeeding in this part of the Caucasia. By P.A.Til'ba (1985).

Volkov, A.Ye. 1987. Materialy po faune i naseleniyu ptits verkhov'yev r.Anabar i okrestnostei pos. Khatanga [Materials on fauna and bird population of upper reaches of Anabar river and Khatanga settlement environs]. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna and ecology of birds and mammals of the Middle Siberia]. M., "Nauka". P.91-107. Bibl.16. PF on p.93. The only once was sighted in tundra in the Anabar basin, on the knoll's slope.

Volkov, A.Ye. 1988. O faune i naselenii ptits basseina reki Kotui i okrestnostei poselka Tura [About fauna and bird population of the Kotui river and environs of Tura settlement]. // Okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie fauny i ekosistem Yeniseiskogo Severa [Conservation and rational use of fauna and ecosystems]. M. P.97-112. PF on p.101. Detail description of one PF's nest. Sizes of nest (cup), 2 eggs. Food items. Hunt. Food items. Neighbours.

Voous, K.H. 1960. Atlas van de Europese vogels. Amsterdam-Brussel. 284 p.

Vorob'yov, K.A. 1954. Ptitsy Ussirijskogo kraya [Birds of the Ussurian Territory]. M., Publ. house of the USSR Ac Sc. 360 p.

Vorob'yov, K.A. 1963. Ptitsy Yakutii [Birds of Yakutia]. M., Publ. House of the USSR Ac Sc. 336 p.with ill., 25 colour plates, 16 sheets maps. Sometimes inhabits "baidzheraki" around lakes. During cold springs loss of eggs due to cooling is known.

Vorob'yov, K.A. 1963. Zoogeograficheskie osobennosti ornitofauny Yakutii [Zoogeographical peculiarities of ornithofauna of Yakutia]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 6. P.49-57. PF on p.51. In Yakutian tundra we meet many widely-distributed species, those majority is nesting up to shore of the Arctic Ocean.

Vorob'yov, K.A. 1967. Ornitologicheskie issledovaniya na Alazee (severo-vostochnaya Yakutia) [Ornithological researches on Alazeya (north-eastern Yakutia)]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press, issue 8. P.150-159: ill. PF on p.153 [20 lines]. Common breeding bird in Cis-Alazeya River tundra. First birds - 25 May. Total 10 nests, which contained in 4 eggs and in only 1 nests 3 took place. Sizes of 4 eggs from nest, discovered 21 June and 4 other eggs fron nest of 27 June. Beginning of hatching -6-8 July. First days after hatching chicks get foiod - small Passerine birds. List of preys. Main food here - waders, Baikal Teals and Pintails. Interesting pellet (probably of PF) with sticking out the Spotted Redshank and Middendorf's vole's skull.

Voronin, R.N. 1977. Materialy po biologii sapsana i krecheta v Bol'shezemel'skoi tundre [Materials on biology of the Peregrine Falcon and Gyrfalcon in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra]. // VII Vses. Orn. Konf. Tez. dokl. [VII All-Union Orn. Conf.: Abstracts], Kiev, p.2, p.203-204. Discoverings of PF nests are very unnumerous in northern forests of European part of the USSR. In 1976 2 PF pairs lived in small forest "island" (about 25-30 sq.km) in N-E of Bolshezemel'skaya tundra.

Voronin, R.N., Yestaf'yev, A.A., Mineev, Yu.N. (Inst. of Biol. of the Komi Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Materialy po biologii berkuta, sapsana i krecheta na Evropeiskom Severo-Vostoke SSSR [Materials on biology of the Golden Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Gyrfalcon on the European North-East of the USSR]. // Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.108-114. PF on p.110-112 (78 lines). PF is sighting everywhere in all suitable natural habitats. Phenology. The most typical nesting habitats. Neighbours. Description in detail of nests and clutches. Sizes. Damage from Long-tailed Skuas. Phenology of hatching. Breeding efficiency. Numbers in different regions. Food items. Very useful sketch with plenty of information.

Voronin, A.A., Margolin, V.A., Baranov, L.S., Ovsyannikov, G.M. 1990. Redkie gnezdyashchiesya ptitsy Kaluzhskoi oblasti [Rare nesting birds of the Kaluga Region]. // Redkie vidy ptits tsentra Nechernozem'ya [Rare bird species of the centre of Nechernozem'ye]. M. P.39-42. PF on p.40. 5.08.88 PF was sighted on the Tish Lake.

Voronin, R.N. 1984. Gnezdovanie sapsana i krecheta na yuge Bol'shezemel'skoi tundry [The breeding of the Peregrine Falcon and Gyrfalcon in the south of Bolshezemelskaya tundra]. // Otrazhenie dostizheniy ornitologicheskoi nauki v uchebnom protsesse srednikh shkol i vuzov i narodnom khozyaistve [Reflection of achievements of ornithological science in teaching process of secondary school and high schools and people industry]. Perm. P.111. During 1981-83 in upper reaches of Bol'shaya Rogovaya River observations for Peregrine and Gyrfalcon were carried out (7 lines). 2 nests in 1981 were discovered at distance 8 km each from other. 1 and 2 eggs in clutches. In 1982 in other places in clutches - 3 and 2 eggs. In 1983 breeding of 2 pairs were recorded. Both clutches with 4 and 1 wegg were perished, probably, as a result of cold snap.

Voronin, R.N. (Komi branch of the USSR Ac. of Sc.) 1988. Gnezdovanie sapsana (Falco peregrinus) v basseine r. Bol'shaya Rogovaya (yug Bol'shezemel'skoi tundry) [The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) nesting in the Bolshaya Rogovaya River basin (South of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra)]. // Ekologiya i povedenie ptits [Ecology and behaviour of birds]. M., "Nauka". P.67-70 [91 lines]. Bibl.8 titl. Material was collected in June-Kuly 1981-84 at the middle reaches of Bol'shaya Rogovaya River, where annually 2 PF pairs were bred. Detail description of nests, nesting biotopes, breeding efficiency, phenology of breeding. Sizes of clutch, eggs, duration of incubation. Phenology of hatching. Fidelity to nesting territories. Proposal to set up Game Reserve in this area. Very useful paper.

Voronin, R.N. 1989. Biologiya sapsana v tundrakh evropeiskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Biology of the Peregrine Falcon in tundras of European North-East of the USSR]. // Tr. Komi nauch. tsentra UrO AN SSSR. [Proc. of Komi scient. centre of Ural. Dept. of the USSR Ac Sc.]. N100. P.5-13. Tabl.1. Bibl.20. Data on distribution, breeding, feeding and numbers of PF are given. Its breeding was confirmed for series of sites. Arrives to breeding places at the end of April-beginning of May, clutches consist of 1-4 eggs. Annual embryo mortality (Addled eggs, embryo death, nest robbing) 30-50%. Food ration includes 25 bird species. Everywhere rare.

Voronov, B.A. 1981. Redkie ptitsy Bol'shekhikhtsirskogo zapovednika [Rare birds of the Bolshekhekhtsirskiy Nature Reserve]. // Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye sushi Dal'nego Vostoka SSSR [Rare and endangered terrestrial animals of the Soviet Far East]. Vladivostok: Far-Eastern Branch of the USSR Ac Sc. P.127-130. "In more early year species was considered as breeding one" (by Tagirova, 1988).

Voronov, B.A., Pronkevich, V.V. 1991. O nekotorykh ornitologicheskikh nakhodkakh v Khabarovskom krae [On some finds in the field of ornithology in Khabarovsk Region]. // Byull. MOIP. Otd. biol. [Bull. of Moscow Natur. Soc. Dept. biol.]. Vol.96. N5. P.23-27. PF on p.25 [3 lines]. Since 4 till 9 July 1989 repeatedly the passage PF was observed in Konin River flood-land near Dzheotyi River mouth, and 2 August 1989 - on Tugur River near sources of Amka channel.

Vorontsov, S.M. 1937. Do piznannya ornitofauny Prisivashshya i Syvashiv [On study of ornithofauna of Cis-Sivash and Sivash Lake (Sea)]. // Pratsi Nauk.-dosl. zool.-biol. in-tu Khark. un-tu [Proc. of Zool.-Biol. Inst. Kharkov State Univ.], Vol.4, s.83-125. Bibliogr.: p.123-124. In Ukrainian with Engl. summ. According to Zubarovskiy, V.M. (1977). In autumn and winter PF is sighting on islands and shore of the Black and Azov Seas; it was observed on Biryuchiy Island and in Sivash.

Vorontsov, Ye.M. 1949. Ptitsy Kamskogo Priural'ya (Molotovskoi oblasti) [Birds of the Kama Predural'ye (Front-Uralian area)]. Gorkiy: Gorkiy Univ. 114 p.: 1 sheet map., 1 sheet tabl. Author considered PF rare species, supposed its breeding everhwhere, where convenient for it places exist as niche or ledge of gorges along the Chusovaya, Sylva, Us'va rivers. Author observed and bagged PF here still in 1939. Author write about presence of PF in region - since beginning of April till beginning of December. Besides that, PF can spend a winter here.

Vorontsov, Ye.M. 1967. Ptitsy Gor'kovskoi oblasti [Birds of the Gorkiy Region]. Gorkiy. Volgo-Vyatskaya kn. izd-vo. 167 p.: 12 sheets ill. There are 2 cases of PF breeding in literature: in 1929 in Vozdvizhenskoe settlement of Voskresenskiy district and at the beginning of 1950's in Pustynskiy GR.

Vronskiy, N.V., Tomkovich, P.S. 1975. On fauna of passage birds of the coastal Kolkhida. // Mater. of the II Conf. on Bird Migr. (Moscow, 2-5 June 1975). M., part 2. P.13-15.

Vronskiy, N.V. 1986. Ptitsy v podzone arkticheskikh tundr Zapadnogo Taimyra: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. biol. nauk. [Birds in subzone of the arctic tundras of Western Taimyr: Author's abstracts of thesis]. M., 18 p. PF was found on breeding in the North-Western Taimyr.

Vronskiy, N.V. 1987. Materialy k avifaune Severo-Zapadnogo Taimyra [Materials on avifauna of the North-Western Taimyr]. //Fauna i ekologiya ptits i mlekopitayushchikh Srednei Sibiri [Fauna and ecology of birds and mammals of the Middle Siberia]. M., Nauka. P.28-38. Bibl.6. PF on p.31. 1-21.08.82 2 birds been on the plot of rocky bank of Rogozinka. We could not discover nest. In 1983 on banks of Rogozinka 2 pairs bred at 7 km each from other. Herring Gull colony situated near to one of nests. Peregrines had mainly aggressive interrelations with Gulls.

Vtorov, P.P. 1962. K landshaftnoi ornitogeografii tsentral'nogo Kavkaza [On the landscape ornithogeography of the Central Caucasia]. // Ornithology [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 4. P.218-233: ill. PF on p.231 is mentioned in group of birds inhabiting mountain meadows of northern slopes of lateral ridge with total density of about 200-400 specimens/sq.km.

Vtorov, P.P. 1963. Osenniy prolet ptits na Okhotskom poberezh'ye [Autumn bird passage on the coast of the Okhotsk Sea] // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 6. P.321-324. PF on p.324 in the table. Totally 3 PF were counted in the belt of discovery - 200 m; <1 specimen per 1 sq. lm, participation in bird population - <1 %.

Vukkert, Ye.A. 1995. Faunisticheskiy obzor sokoloobraznykh Kabardino-Balkarskogo vysokogornogo zapovednika [Faunistical review of Falconiformes of the Kabarda-Balkar Alpine Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Severnogo Kavkaza [Birds of Prey and Owls of Northern Caucasia]. Stavropol'. Proc. of Teberda State Nat. Res. Issue 14. P.94-103. PF on p.95-96. Rare, probably breeding bird. 3 sightings were registered in 1987. List of these sightings. nest with 4 fledged chicks was found 10.06.1954 at a height of 1400 m a.s.l. Obviously, PF can be sighted on breeding only in lower part of NR.

Vyatkin, P.S., Marakov, S.V. 1972. Ptitsy i zveri ostrova Verkhoturova [Birds and mammals of the Verkhoturova Island]. // Okhota-pushnina-dich': Sb. nauch.-tekhn. inf. VNIIOZ [Hunting-fur-game: collection of scient.-techn. info of VNIIOZ]. Kirov. Issue 37-39. P.42-47. 4-10.08.71 Falco peregrinus harterti were observed by authors near nest on western shore of island near Eastern shore of Kamchatka Peninsula.

Yakushkin, G.D. 1979. Chislennost' malogo lebedya, krasnozoboi kazarki i sapsana v basseine r.Verkhnei Taimyry (Tsentral'nyi Taimyr) [Numbers of the Bewick's Swan, Red-breasted Goose and Peregrine Falcon in the Verkhnyaya Taimyrka River basin (Central Taimyr)] // Migratsii i ekologiya ptits Sibiri [Migrations and ecology of birds of Siberia]. Yakutsk. Yakutian Branch of Siber. dept. of the USSR Ac. of Sc. P.111-112. Tab.1. Within limits of 500 km of coastal line 8 nests of PF were registered (1 nest was robbed). Mean distance between nests - 62,5 km. Among recorded adult birds per 100 km of coastal line index was 3,2 specimens, and together with young (21 specimens) - 7,4. Buzzard nest number was in 2 times more. One of reason of low number of above-mentioned 3 bird species - anthropogenous press and presence of fishering points on the river. In Table distribution of discovered nests and observed adult birds by 3 separate river is given.

Yakushkin, G.D., Dorogov, V.F., Borzhonov, B.B., Kuksov, V.A., Kolpashchikov, L.A. 1983. Sostoyanie populyatsii sokola-sapsana na Taimyre [Status of the Peregrine Falcon population in Taimyr]. // Ptitsy Taimyra [Birds of Taimyr]: Scient.-techn. bull. of Siber. Branch of VASHNIL. 1983. N7. P.42-45. By the beginning of 1980's total numbers of PF in Taimyr was estimated at 200-220 breeding pairs, and to flying out of young birds in August - 900 -1100 specimens.

Yanushevich, A.I. 1952. Fauna pozvonochnykh Tuvinskoi oblasti [Fauna of vertebrates of the Tuva Region]. Edited by S.U.Stroganov. Novosibirsk. Ac of Sc. of the USSR. West-Siber. Branch. Frunze. 143 p.: ill. Author bagged PF in Tuva hollow.

Yanushevich, A.I., Tyurin, P.S., Yakovleva, I.D., Kydyraliev, A., Semenova, N.I. 1959. 1960. Ptitsy Kirgizii [Birds of Kirghizia]. Vol.1-2. Frunze, Publ. House of Ac. of Sc. of the Kirghiz SSR.

Yanushevich, A.I., Yurlov, K.T. 1950. Vertikal'noe rasprostranenie mlekopitayushchikh i ptits v Zapadnom Sayane [Vertical distribution of mammals and birds in Western Sayan]. // Izv. Zap. Sib. fil. AN SSSR. Seriya biol. [Proc. of West-Siberian Branch of USSR Ac. of Sc. Ser. biol.] Novosibirsk, Vol.3, issue 2. P.3-33. PF is described for Minusinsk Territory in 1948 as common breeding species.

Yudin, K.A. 1950. Morfologicheskie adaptatsii se.Falconidae v svyazi s voprosami sistematiki [Morphological adaptations of the Falconidae family in connection with questions of systematics]. // Pamyati akademika P.P.Sushkina [In memorium of the academician Petr Petrovich Sushkin]. Collection of papers. M.-L., Publ. House of the USSR Ac. of Sc. P.135-208.

Yudin, K.A. 1952. Nablyudeniya nad rasprostraneniem i biologiei ptits Krasnoyarskogo kraya [Observations for distribution and biology of birds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory]. // Tr. Zool. in-ta AN SSSR [Proc. of Zool. Inst. of the USSR Ac Sc.]. Vol.9. Issue 4. P.1029-1060. The highest density of PF population for separate regions up to 1 pair per 1-2 km of Enisei River. Considerable influence on PF numbers dropping was caused in Cis-Enisei part by filling of Krasnoyarsk reservoir by water. This reservoir flooded the main nesting places of PF on rocks along Enisei River. On edges of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe PF was rare even in those years. In Minusinsk depression in 1950's PF was relatively common.

Yudkin, B.A., Fomin, B.N. (Biol. Inst. of the Siber. Branch of the USSR Ac Sc) 1983. Khishchnye ptitsy srednetaezhnoi doliny Irtysha [Birds of Prey of the middle-taiga Irtush River valley]. // Ekologiya khishchnykh ptits [Ecology of birds of prey]. M., "Nauka". P.159-161. PF on p.160. PF at the end of May once was recorded as flying above riverside dark-coniferous taiga.

Yumov, B.O., Radnaev, Zh.E. 1991. Rasprostranenie i kharakter prebyvaniya sokoloobraznykh v Buryatii [Distribution and character of presence of Falconiformes in Buryatia]. // Biologicheskie resursy i vedenie gosudarstvennykh kadastrov Buryatskoi SSR [Biological resources and compiling of state cadastres of the Buryatian SSR]. Mater. of sci. conf. Ulan-Ude. P.108-109. PF on p.108 - rare breeding species in Buryatia.

Zabelin, V.I. 1976. K ornitofaune vysokogoriy Sayana [Notes to avifauna of the Sayan Alpine]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 12. P.68-76. PF on p.70 in Table for subalpine meadows - rare species, observed in summer; for lakes and swamps - the same.

Zakharov, V.D. (Ilmen State Nat. Res.) 1985. Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy Il'menskogo zapovednika [Birds of prey and owls of the Ilmen Nature Reserve]. // Khishchnye ptitsy i sovy v zapovednikakh RSFSR [Birds of prey and owls in nature reserves of the RSFSR]. M. P.156-157. PF on p.157. Rare, only separate vagrant records are known.

Zakharov, V.D. (Ilmen State Nat. Res., Miass) 1986. Sovremennyi vidovoi sostav khishchnykh ptits i sov Il'menskogo zapovednika [Modern status of birds of oprey and owls of the Ilmen Nature Reserve]. // Problemy okhrany genofonda i upravleniya ekosistemami v zapovednikakh lesnoi zony [Problems of the genofond conservation and ecosystems control in nature reserves of forest zone]. Part 2. M. P.88. PF was recorded as passage species.

Zaletaev, V., Uspenskiy, S., Shaposhnikov, L. 1957. Azovo-Chernomorskie zimovki [The Azov-Black Sea wintering quarters]. // Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and Hunting Industry], v.3, N10, p.21. According to Zubarovskiy, V.M. 1977 - in autumn and winter PF is often sighting on Azov-Black Sea wintering wuarters of waterfowl.

Zanko, M.V. (Volga-Kama State Nat. Res.) 1986. Ekologicheskie osobennosti khishchnykh ptits Volzhsko-Kamskogo zapovednika [Ecological peculiarities of birds of prey of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve]. // Redkie, ischezayushchie i maloizuchennye ptitsy SSSR [Rare, endangered and little-studied birds of the USSR]. M. P.96-98. Tabl.3. PF on p.98. PF nests were not found in territory of NR, but annually in summer period PF is sighting on bank of Volga river near Nizhniy and Sredniy cordons. 18.07.1983 one specimen of this species was sighted in Raif forestry.

Zapovedniki Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana [Nature Reserves of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan]. 1990. Edited by Sokolov, V.Ye. and Syroechkovskiy, Ye.Ye. M., "Mysl'". 339 p. PF is mentioned in the list of birds, occurred in winter or migration periods in territory of many Nature Reserves.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1888. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Orenburgskogo kraya [Ornithological fauna of the Orenburg Territory]. // Zap. otd. Imp. Akad. nauk. Notes of Department of Imperial Academy of Sciences]. St.-Ptb. Vol.57. Appendix N1. See Chibilev, 1995.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1896. Ornitologicheskaya fauna Zakaspiyskogo kraya [Ornithological fauna of Transcaspian Territory (Northern Persia, Transcaspian region, Khiva oasis and the plain Bukhara)]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory Rossiyskoi imperii, otdel zool [Materials of study of fauna and flora of the Russian Empire. Dept. zool.], issue 2. M. P.1-555.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1897. Dopolneniya k "Ornitologicheskoi faune Orenburgskogo kraya" [Appendices to "Ornithological fauna of the Orenburg Territory"]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory [Materials on Study of Fauna and Flora]. M. Issue 3. P.171-312. See Chibilev, 1995.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1900. Ekskursiya po Severovostochnoi Persii i ptitsy etoi strany [Excursion to the North-Eastern Persia and birds of this country]. // Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk po fiz. mat. otd. [Notes of Empire Ac. of Sc.]. Ser.8, Phys.-Math. dept., vol.10, No1. S.-Petersburg. 262 p.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1910. Ptitsy Pskovskoi oblasti [Birds of the Pskov Region]. // Zapiski Akad. nauk po fiz.-mat. otd. [Notes of Ac. of Sc. on Phys.-Math. Dept.]. Ser.8. Vol.25. N2. P.1-181. At the beginning of our century PF was rare species, nested in trees, and just in Pskov - on buildings.

Zarudnyi, N. 1911. Verzeichnis der Vogel Persiens. // J.Ornithol., Bd. 59, No 2. S.185-241. Bibliogr.: S.186-190.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1915. Ptitsy pustyni Kyzylkum [Birds of the Kyzyl-Kum desert]. // Materialy k poznaniyu fauny i flory. Izd. Gos. imp. Mosk. ob-va ispyt. prirody. Otdel zool. [Materials on study of fauna and flora. Publishing House of Moscow Naturalist's Society. Zool. dept.], issue XIV. M. P. 1-149 with tabl.

Zarudnyi, N.A. 1916. Ptitsy Aral'skogo morya [Birds of the Aral Sea]. // Izv. Turk. otdel. RGO [Proc. of Turkestan Dept. of Empire Russian Geogr. Soc.]. Vol.12, issue 1. Tashkent. 229 p. On autumn migration 1 PF was bagged 9 October in lower Amu Daria River. During the 2nd half of October 2 birds were shot between Kazalinsk and Kyzyldzhar.

Zarudnyi, N.A., Bil'kevich, S.I. 1918. Spisok ptits Zakaspijskoi oblasti i raspredelenie ikh po zoologicheskim uchstkam etoi strany [The list of birds of the Transcaspian region and their distribution on zoological areas of this country]. // Izv. Zakasp. muzeya [Proc. of Transcaspian Museum]. Book 1. Tashkent. P.1-8; 19-48.

Zasypkin, M.Yu. 1981. Rasprostranenie ptits na Zapadnoi Chukotke i zoogeograficheskiy analiz eyo avifauny [Distribution of birds in Western Chukotka and zoogeographical analysis of its avifauna]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. No16. P.100-114. PF on p.103-104 [6 lines]. Male of this species was bagged 3/IX 1905 near Bol'shoi Baranov Cape (Zool. Museum of Moscow St. Univ.).

Zdanavichius, G. 1981. Khishchnye ptitsy yugo-zapada Litvy [Birds of prey of the South-West of Lithuania]. // Ekologiya ptits Litovskoi SSR. 2. Ptitsy agrolandshafta [Ecology of birds of the Lithuanian SSR. 2. Birds of agrolandscape]. Vilnius. P.151-159. Bibl.3. In Russ. with Engl. and Lith. summ. PF on p.152 in the list of raptors, unbreeding in region of study. They appear at the end of summer, during migration. Some were recorded in winter time: PF-0,46%. PF on p. 157: during 3 years 4 vagrant records. In spring at the end of March -beginning of April (29.III.1978, 8.IV.1976) and autumn, in August-October (23.VIII.1978; 14.X.1978). Direct rush flight is typical for PF.

Zhalakevichius, M., Petraitis, A. 1993. Species composition and numbers of diurnal bird migration in Lithuania and its periodicity within the season. // Acta Ornithologica Lituanica, Vol.7-8, Vilnius. P.36-43. Bibl.17. PF on p.38. In Ventes Ragas solitary individuals of the following species are observed: Pallid Harrier, Black Kite and Peregrine. Engl.

Zharov, V.R. 1967. Dopolneniya k spisku ptits Barguzinskogo zapovednika [Appendices to the list of birds of the Barguzinskiy Nat. Res.] // Tr. Barguzinskogo gos. zapovednika [Proc. of the Barguzinskiy State Nat. Res.] Issue 5. P.136-137. Breeding of PF on territory of NR was confirmed by author after discovery 19-24 July 1965 of 3 fledglings together with adult birds in upper part of mountain-forest belt of the Tarkulik river valley.

Zheleznyakov, D.F., Kolesnikov, I.I. 1958. Fauna pozvonochnykh Gorno-lesnogo zapovednika [Fauna of vertebrates of the mountain-forest nature reserve]. // Tr. Gorno-lesnogo zapovednika [Proc. of mountain-forest state nature reserve], issue 1. Tashkent. P.94-117.

Zhezherin, Prokopenko. 1988. See Novak, Savchuk, 1994.

Zhirnov, L.V., Vinokurov, A.A., Bychkov, V.A. 1978. Redkie i ischezayushchie zhivotnye SSSR. Ptitsy i mlekopitayushchie [Rare and endangered animals of the USSR. Mammals and birds]. M. 303 p. PF on p.202-205. Sketches on birds - only Vinokurov, A.A. Scientific-popular description of material, published in the 1st edition of Red Data Book of the USSR (1978). In tundras of Europe and Asia PF numbers is quite high, but during last years dropped, in Taimyr, for example, in 5-7 times.

Zhitkov, B.M., Buturlin, S.A. 1906. Materialy dlya ornitofauny Simbirskoi gub. [Materials for ornithofaunba of the Simbirsk province]. St.-Petersburg: Typ. by M.Stasyulevich. 11, 275 p. (Zap. RGO po obshchei geografii [Notes of Russ. Geogr. Soc. on General Geography], Vol.41, N2].

Zhordania, R.G. 1962. Ornitofauna Malogo Kavkaza (v granitsakh Gruzinskoi SSR) [Ornithofauna of the Caucasia Minor (within limits of the Georgian SSR)]. Tbilisi. 289 p.: 1 map. Breif mention about the PF breeding in this part of Caucasia. By P.A.Til'ba (1985).

Zhordania, P. 1970. Hunting birds. Peregrine Falcon. // Sakartvelos buneba, N7:22. In Georgian.

Zhordania, P. 1973. Materials on feeding of birds of prey (Falconiformes) in Georgia. // Bulletin of GMG, vol.24-25-A: 155-158.

Zhordania, P. 1978. Rare birds of Georgia. // Abstracts of conf. of biologists of high schools of the Georgian SSR. Tbilisi. P.42. In Georgian.

Zhordania, R.G. 1979. Redkie i ischezayushchie ptitsy Gruzii i problemy ikh okhrany [Rare and endangered birds of Georgia and problems of their conservation]. // Izv. AN TSSR. Ser. biol. [Proc. of Ac. of Sc. of the TSSR. Ser. biol.]. Issue 4. P.86-91. Separate pairs of PF are sighting in Caucasia.

Zhordania, R., Zhordania, L. 1992. Rare and threatened birds, listed in "Red Data Book of the Georgia" and some measures on their conservation. // Environment conservation, issue 2, Tbilisi. P.97-100.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Belyakov, V.V. 1979. Materials on fauna and ecology of the Falconidae family birds. // Nature conservation of Verkhnevolzh'ye (upper parts of the Volga River). Kalinin. P.101-114.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Mikhlin, V.Ye. 1986. Redkie ptitsy Volzhsko-Kamskogo mezhdurech'ya [Rare birds of area between the Volga and Oka Rivers]. // Ptitsy Volzhsko-Kamskogo mezhdurech'ya [Birds of area between Volga and Kama Rivers]. Vladimir. P.66-81.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Nikolaev, V.I., Kerdanov, D.A. 1986. Vliyanie antropopgennykh faktorov na avifaunu verkhovykh bolot [Influence of the anthropogenous factors on avifauna of the peat bogs]. // Izuchenie ptits SSSR, ikh okhrana i ratsional'noe ispol'zovanie [Study of birds of the USSR, their protection and rational use]. L. Part 1. P.243-244. PF on p.244. PF has disappeared - one of the most typical bird of large peat bogs.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Loginov, S.B. 1987. Nablyudeniya za khishchnymi ptitsami na Zapadnom Kaspii [Observations for birds of prey in Western Caspian Sea]. // Ispol'z. i okhrana resursov flory i fauny SSSR. Dokl. MOIP 1985; zool. i botan. [Use and conservation of resources of flora and fauna of the USSR. Reports of MOIP, 1985; zool. and botan.]. M. P.120-122. Observations in mouth of the Samur River, on Agrakhanskiy and Kizlyarskiy Bays of the Caspian Sea. Data on 16 raptor species were obtained. Only in October-November the following species are sighting: Rough-legged Buzzard, Great Spotted Eagle, PF, Hobby, Merlin, Red-footed Falcon. All sightings of PF are attached to surroundings of the Samur River mouth.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Nikolaev, V.I. 1988. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika vostochnoprinaltijskogo i vostochnoevropeiskogo tipov bolot [Comparative characteristic of avifauna of bogs of the Eastern-Baltic and Eastern-European types]. // Tezisy dokladov XII Pribaltijskoi orn. konf. [Abstracts of the XII Eastern Baltic Orn. Conf.]. Vilnius. P.82-84. PF on p.83. Occurrence of Short-toed Eagle and PF on bogs of Upper Volga river is probable.

Zinov'yev, S.A. 1990. Uyazvimost' usloviy gnezdovaniya redkikh khishchnykh ptits v nizkogor'yakh Kyzylkumov i perspektivnye puti ikh adaptatsiy [Vulnerability of nesting conditions in rare birds of prey in low mountain areas of the Kyzyl-Kum and prospect ways of their adaptations]. // Redkie i maloizuchennye ptitsy Srednei Azii [Rare and little-studied birds of Middle Asia: Mater. of 3 Rep. Orn. Conf., Bukhara, oct. 1990]. Tashkent. P.83-85. Data on breeding of Red-naped Shaheen.

Zinov'yev, V.I., Kerdanov, D.A. (Tver University) 1991. Avifauna Tverskoi oblasti za poslednie 100 let [Avifauna of the Tver Region for last 100 years]. // Materialy 10-i Vsesoyuznoi Orn. Conf. [Materials of the 10th All-Union Orn. Conf.]. Minsk, "Navuka i tekhnika". Part 2. Book 1. P.225. PF has become very rare species during last 100 years.

Zlobin, B.D. 1980. Sezonnaya ritmika redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov ptits v predelakh Vyatskogo kraya [Seasonal rythmics of rare and endangered bird species within limits of the Vyatka territory]. // Sezonnaya ritmika redkikh i ischezayushchikh vidov rasteniy i zhivotnykh [Seasonal rythmics of rare and endangered species of plants and animals]. M. P.114-116. In the Kirov Region PF is sighting extremely seldom on passage.

Zlobin, B.D., Noskova, T.S. 1988. Redkie zhivotnye i rasteniya Kirovskoi oblasti [Rare animals and plants of the Kirov Region]. Kirov. 176 p. See Yelshin, S.V., Karataev, A.B. 1990.

Zlotin, R.I. 1968. Materialy po troficheskim svyazyam ptits v syrtakh Tien-Shanya [Materials on trophical links of birds in syrts of Tien Shan]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue 9. P.158-163. PF on p.162. Besides Common Kestrel, among birds of Prey in "syrts" very seldom the ornithophages are sightings - Hobby, Merlin and PF, which hunting mainly Blue Hill Pigeons. "Syrts"-plain and slightly wavy surfaces in mountains of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan.

Zonov, G.B., Sonin, V.D., Belogolova, G.D. 1971. Raspredelenie po biotopam i chislennost' ptits v Tuvinskom ochage chumy [Distribution by biotopes and numbers of birds in the Tuva plague foci]. // Dokl. Irkutskogo protivochumnogo in-ta [Reports of Irkutsk Anti-Plague Inst.]. Issue IX. Irkutsk. P.207-209.

Zonov, G.B. 1974. Geograficheskie osobennosti zimnego obitaniya mlekopitayushchikh i ptits v nekotorykh gornykh sistemakh Vostochnoi Sibiri [Geogrrafical peculiarities of winter occurrence of mammal and birds in some mountain systems of Eastern Siberia]. // Voprosy zoogeografii Sibiri [Problems of Zoogeography of Siberia]. Irkutsk. P.21-32.

Zonov, G.B., Popov, V.V. 1987. Zimuyushchie ptitsy yugo-zapadnoi chasti Tuvinskoi ASSR [Wintering birds of south-western part of Tuva ASSR]. // Byull. MOIP [Bull. of Moscow Naturalist's Soc.]. Dept. biol. M. Vol.92. Issue 5. P.55-63. PF is mentioned as rare wintering species for South-Western Tuva.

Zubakin, V.A., Mitchenko, A.L. Abonosimova, E.V. and 8 other co-authors. 1988. Izmeneniya ornitofauny Moskovskoi oblasti za poslednie desyatiletiya [Modification of Moscow region's ornithofauna during the last decades]. // Ornitologiya [Ornithology]. M., Moscow Univ. Press. Issue No 23. P.183-187. PF on p.185 is mentioned in the list of species, which stopped to breed in Region.

Zubakin, V.A., Morozov, V.V., Kharitonov, S.P., Leonovich, V.V., Mistchenko, A.L. 1988. Ornitofauna Vinogradovskoi poimy (Moskovskaya oblast') [The birds of the Moscow-River meadowland near Vinogradovo, Moscow Region]. // Ptitsy osvaivaemykh territoriy [Birds of developing territories]. Archives of Zool. Museum. Vol. XXVI. M., Moscow State Univ. P.126-167. PF on p.135. Passed through adult female recorded by P.S.Tomkovich 29/VI 1985.

Zubarovskiy, V.M. 1977. Sapsan, sokil mandrivnyi [Peregrine Falcon]. // Fauny Ukrainy. Khyzhi Ptakhy [Birds of prey. Fauna of Ukraina]. Kyiv, "Naukova dumka". Vol.5. Issue 2. P.256-265. In Ukrainian. 12-17 June 1957 Lisetzkiy observed near Krasnoselovka 3 large chicks, which went along the nesting ledge. Adult bird [90 lines]; Young bird [14 lines]; Downy chick [3 lines]; Eggs [22 lines]; Identification in nature [21 lines]; systematics [44 lines]; Distribution [86 lines]; Year cycle [133 lines]; Food [41 lines]; Practical importance [10 lines]. One of the best and the most important species regional review. Very detailed. A lot of information!

Conservation and Research

The Saker Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Animal welfare